s U. r i j itSs 3E3J 111 . ; II 11 I t It n it Wednesday. Janu.o PAGE TWO THE D.iiLY news tS2? FASTEST HOCKEY GAME THE SEASON AT VICTORIA HARVARD STAR George Owen, former Harvar d football, baseball and hockey star, and rated as the greatest college ice product in the United States since the days of "Hobey" Baker, is now a member of the Boston Bruins hockey team. Sport Ghat Local fight fans are looking fprward with ah ..... -y"'Y'"--- r,.i,i,vahio irffVril j et to tomorrow nights- tin the Capitol Theatre whit ises to be the crowning event of a number of successful c&rds that have been oromoted hire h,,-. iha .t vr r hvi Matchmaker Charlie Brown. The , v.. ...mi t u OSS ee f and Alf Harding. It will bring to a head-a rather long standing dispute as to just which of 'the two i, the bett-.-disuttf wtlch , to date has not been satfsfatiOr- things, the boys 'are going1' ' fn there this time to -really battle and It would not l,e surprising ii Buine une uvea iiui eii iiib uuii before the ten stanzas are over. They say that Dido haj a good chance to fia on poists. Others say that Alf has just as good a chanee to administer a Knock-out drop. Both boys have their keen supporters and there should be plenty of enthusiasm. The semi-final between Tommy Fraser and Tiger Boulter should also be interesting. It will be Tommy's first appearand fn the rlmr for sree tfrae. Indeed; some of the newer fans hare not seen htm in action. Boulter Is a bet ter known figure And he is pretty- tough. These two ayH have lots , of friends who 5vfll be balking Ittrkr up strong, either preliminaries as well as ' the moving pictures and vaudeville should make a good entertainment of it for the local fans as" well as the visaing Western Retail Lumber-men'a Association. Magoe basketball is not expected to be resumed in Prince Rupert for another two weeks at k'.' t. The weather is a little too cold to make the Exhibition Hall very comfortable and -there is also a little re-crganiiation work to be carried out in the Senior and Ladles Leajrues. With Port Simpson out and Kincolith probably not returning, it is to be hoped that a third team can be obtained for the Native Sons of Canada and Players Club in the Senior League. Efforts Jir(s being rt!e to fill the vacancy In the Ladles' League through the withdraws:! of the Drill 'Trimr EXTINCT Inspector (examining class) Name an extinct animal. Small Boy Please sir,' Tommy. Inspector But Tommy isn't an extinct animal. Small Boy Yes, sir. He was our cat, but the dog got hold of him. School Journal. NOW WITH BRUINS GRIMES TRADE WAS EFFECTIVE I MiaM Lest .Pennant imt Year J r,t .M.Atiwi I 'inrousn -icai ana nocney 7-5 Affected NEW YORK, Jat 22. Trading ,BU ,e,?u'unm" .rnjD deaI that apparently cost the, f iant! th? ?2 pennant grieved local baseball fans.asa unit. But JSll who alto ftk their hockey may ' not eel so hurt now since Pitts- " rAtfnTWZ.Z. f th Worte"' acf" of ki big mg!?rZh ... . ry.u and proeee'dect to make a pennant threat of a club that for a time had little else to offer l win- nij?g team Now Worters has joined the New York Americans of the National Hockey League and already has helped what was cue of the weakest clubs in the league lasi year 10 me wp posi- UL ,nt,he interntion1 rouP-1 The Giants exchanged Grimes for Vic Aldridge. At the time H looked like a trade of one good pitcher for another good pitcher. ftut Aldridge proved to be a total loss ami was dropped to the minors before the season was two-third ver. Meanwhile Grimes became a ene-m'an ball club. .He won 25 garnet, tying with 'Larry Benton for, the league lead in the number of victories. With the (Hants up then- fight; ing for the pennant throughout most of the season, the difference in pitching strength reflected in the Grimes-Aldridge deal meant more than the difference between the runner-up Giants and the champiosship Cardinals. They still will be hollering about that unfortunate transac tion long after the current hoc key seaeon has closed, but if the Americans nail up the interna tional group flag Pittsburgh wontd be entitled to some grati-tWde for having "contributed" tho key man of the local team's defense. It' ttti) would be a somewhat of a contHbution even though Wer-tert cost $20,000, for hockey in the National Leagife is a big money proposition, ami men of Worters . calibre are scarce at Men more than that figure. Try a Dally News WANT-AD. It H1 bring results. PNEUMONIA ' Call a pbriictta Tbtnr bftn "mergncy" Ut tititment with VICKS O r tt Millimn Jmrt U..J ..rfr Cuts Hold Lions to Draw Last Night After Beating Them Well On Previous Evening at Hockey VICTORIA, JafY. 23. The Victoria Cubs are threatening ffie suprerfiacy in the Pacific Coast ftockey League of the Vancouver Lions. Last night, for the second time on- successive nights, they" battled into 'overtime but failed to settle the argument, even though they played 10 minutes extra according to the regulations. At the close of last night's game the score was two goals all. This game produced the fastest and most thrilling and best hodkey played here this season. The Vancouver stick handlers put up a gallant fight to stop the Victoria onslaught . So well did the Cubs play that local spectators are enthused over the possible prospect of a Victoria championship at the close of the season . ,The draw puts Victoria-in a tie with Portland for second place in the league standing. TRIPLE BILL AT CAPITOL TOMORROW Boxing to Be Feature of Big Entertainment With Vaudeville And Pictures The big triple bfll for January 21 t the Capital Theatre is completed and will be Heed up as follows: Big first run picture, featur ing Marion Davies in The i. Card- , T vaudeville Bob James, .sinking comedjan., 1 Downie1 'and McCulloch, .step dance artlits, , Al and Art. singing comedians. -l r .'m -LLS t -1 1 ' ''I'ui'-l A. Myramvy aiiipucu, , cciuaict V ' 68. Jarnes Sturgeon &. Co.Bagipe .neeSalty. ' "' . .. ' Engagement; Jean Wllson-Browne, singing artist. tut. i ' ' Boxing Program Howie Kelfh' Ti. Yotfhg fTod Morgan. " Ytinfe Itkly"'ii:! Young Scot-'atfd. " 'D. MeMfraft' Vs. Kfd BrcAra. Tomtdfti ' De 'Marto vs. Nina '' Gufvfch. Fred Bolter vs. Jack Halyroyd. Semi Final. 4 Bounds Tommy Fraser vs. Tiger Boul- (er MaIn Erent ,0 Hounds Alf Harding vs. Dido Curvlch FURTHER GAMES IN , nimmiTni? BADMINTON TOURNEl Tniinurw Three Matches Played Last Night in'Open Tournament at Cathedral Club The -following further gamer werer ayfrd last night in tht eph badminton toarnameht being held 'by-8tj Andrew's Anglican CathedrbUClub: ' 'iMenW Doubles First round j G. T. Tinker and A. G. IUx beat J. W. Nteholh and J. S. Wilson, 15-12, 15-8. Second round H. T. Cross and Lyman II in ton beat Alf Slocomb and A. C. Brand, 16-12, 15-8. Mixed Doubles First round Mies Laura Friz cell and C. J. Norrington beat Mr. ami Mra. S. Darton, 15-4, 8-15, 16-3. the' Weather , Prince Rupert Overcast, calm, temperature, 34. Terrace Cloudy, calm. 32. Rosswood dotrdy. calm, 20. Aiyansh Part cloudy, calm, 20. AHec Arm Cloudy. windV. 32. Anyox Cloudy, calm.' Stewart ftoay. calm, 2G. X'art S(n1p40ii ClQucIy. -'Mlm, 82. . .1 I Haysport Cloudy, calm. 28. Haielton Cloudy, windy, 1G. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 25. Burns Lake Clear, calm, lero. Atlln CIoHdy, E. wind. 24. WhitehorsoCloudy, calm, 21. Fort Selkirk; Snowing, calm, 12. Dawson-f-Cloudy, calm, 10. SCOTTISH WIN THEROSSCUP VICTORIA. Jan . 22. The Canadian Scottish Regiment, according to an announcement just made by the militia authorities, has been awarded the Ross cup, given for a contest in military tactics by teams from the various infantry regiments of British Columbia, ether than the North B. C. Regiment, which was the only unit unrepresented . The contestants were given a set' exe'rcH in military tactics for solution and had a sand table set out on which were show 'iatu're,' iatufe, .and and to to scale, scale, t! the fopo - ' graphical features of an area rep - presenting several square miles. The same narrative of a sittlin 1 waa rrlxtan n all ilia ttof A tif a v i.v.ikwulu0 i An on thali their arrival arrival at nt t the Vi a sonrl sand taKta table. me sx iorce prouiem avvnav advancing in hbjiCfte territory cov - ereo or aavancea and iianic J guards, a"nd tKe Special problem offered' wa with reference to the' Hon df the flank guard in clear- ing the enemy from a group of buildings on a hill overlooking the line of advance of the force, bringing into action the co-operation of the various arms of the service usually allotted to a flank guard. SECOND HALF OF BILLIARDS Schedules Q.ni fof tvirat First and ,i c Second a Division Activities Are Issued SPECTACULAR HOCKEY GAME New York Kangers Won When Only 74 Set'6ncs' to Go TORONTO, Jan. 23. Toronto played the New York, Hangers to it standstill until with only 74 seconds ttf go and with New York regulars on the bench resting for an overtime period, Murray Murdock, spare wing man from W'irini-peg, sped past the Toronto defence to give the Rangers victory. mtroH won art" Overtime contest from MorltreaT when flcbrge Hay broke the dead, lock. Boston and the Caiadfen pfayed a1 scorele dV$ rrV a slow defensive game. szr.. The taif-enders, Chicago ancf Ottawa, pfaye'd a one"all dVav? irr the third succession' for' "the" Senators1. The" following were Hie" Scores: . Montreal 0, DetroltM. Chicago f, Oftawa A . Toronto 0, N.Y. Ranger 1. Cariadlen's 0, Boston 0. Around The World With Sport Fans (liy Th Trmp) There appears tff.be a laek of j any definite ruling as to the use j of rubber mouthpieces by boxersT !B1taaiprritetidrtitfstkyie Hps and : feeth. Charley Betanger and ixj LeWj8 both started thir boutf '-here usirtg .moilth giiatdi.vand ordered" to remhvfc thrt. 'As 'i ij.ift- tnat ruling aiiecieti win iuvii . i -t. j i 1 Mn mere was no aaraspip wurwsu w eitner boxer. Some years ago ltherg was quite a scene when, boxing in old Madison fequare a0rdert( jart flrlffon refused to xvith tht, -, ntll his nt the Mme Ted is. removed 8 rnouthpfete. basfPri- day night in New York Jimmy McLarnin was perihlttef "trWe1 a mouth guard throughout, nisi txtot with Joe OBcki ?6hf V" " Kiernan in the New Yotk Timeif Eight. Local gripped by the teeth, ts as a s for the MCftiKUuMC tlt$t& jfaibt&Mm&ing the of the first and second effwt of pUnehes-t6 th jaw. Schedules the season division billiard leagues have'been Issued by V. It. Longsecretary df the Prinze 'RbfMlrt BS'Iafd' Association, and' are as fojfows: i , First. Division. ' . January aWGrotto k. Grand Twnal8. JantKry 31 Canadian figTo'i vs. Grotto. February 7 Grand Terminal vs. Canadian Leglc-n. vfites: ''M6LarnIn wlfefi a white meuthpiece to- pretett fare teeth. file boxes with a grin on hi coun tenance, and looks like an advertisement for seme klnu of dental cream. The . ordinary red mouthpieces are not ilVt so ou pretty. ath.j The boxeVs look a thowfh they . . were Dranaisninir iooiniis xumi. The objection made to the use of mouthpieces is that the rubber, . a.'. - F6r the pait JlfKyeiTrsi the Unl- ted States liatnnfl tennis cham - pionsnips naveoten jjqemeu oni tht courts "of" thr Pjrt Hill Club, the Unit Lawn jTennia Assocjatron hftvjng eon- fmtM Avith the flirest Hnis Club Co hofd the tournament ttfeY for that period. With the expiration of the contract last season there Olub, . mortgaged I " -,...j isfadfnrn to maintain, harm tn again secure (he tournameht as did In igatM Assoeiatloir. 11 hn rfAh (termnrtfnwH Crfeiet Club of Phllao'elphte, the scene of many fmportnnf tennia battle In the" pait. WflEOB HE (iCirf THE' fDEA "Wonder who Invented those vl- I orating exercises?" I "Sorr-e fellow who Owned a fllv Iver, I'll bet." Molorfhg. tefcruary 14 Grand Terminal, f considerable rivalry among vs. Canadian Legion. (he dfifferent sectronaf bodies of February 21 Grotto vs. Oan (fie U.&L.f.A. In the ffght for the dlan Lion. fv.entfe of this year's teUrnament. Febroary 2o-todfarf Lgrorr Kasterfl LAwff Tennis Assoc-Legion vs. Grand Terminal. ffadon wlfl rrfAke AfrenooM ef- March 0 Grbtto Grand, fort8 to nave the tournament Terminals. Awarded to the West da Tennis March I3-tOanadian Legltfn vs. Cfub, New York, while. delegates Grotto. ffrbm other associations will at March 20ra'hd Terminal W annual meeting of tfie U.S.L. vs. Canadian Lfglori. TA. next month, fight hard in , - M6t of clubjf in their own dis January w urowo vs. urana.wfh win Terminals. January 3 Colcf Storage vs Grotto. February t,nsi,. & f- (tifinA Grand 'tfmUiiVt:- Termlnals'ipj,,,- art i i meeting hm ifs us oongauoni obligations, .... vs. told storage. m I l'",e.aY' HV""t ?"'""arum- the famous yb. uroiw,v f . . i February 20-Gr0tt6 vs. Cold Storage. Febrary 27-Cold Storagfe vs. Grand Termmafj. Mareh 7 tffdtfo V. GfaiSI Terminals. March 14CoId Storage vs. Grotto. , March 21 Grand Terminals vs. Cold Storage. Ik Acme Importers' Fifth TEMPTAT Ends This Week SUITS FOR MEft MEN'S NAVY BLUE SERGE SDITS-Genuino blue, single or double-breasted. Get one of th -. m before this great sale ends. The very low sellin. ;;n of this tot will not permit of any alterations. Tffmntation Sale Price $25.00 OVERCOATS FOR MEN MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS Ten only in thi All offered "at Special Temptation Sale Price iQ.0fl MEN'S BOOTS MEN.'S OXFORDS Blacltiand brown, Good1 year welted. Sizes 6 to 10. Temptation Sale rc $3.95 MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS MEN'S HEMSTITCHED WHITE HANDKER CHIEFS Temptation Sale Price, per -95c The Acme Third Avenue Terms, Strictly Cash. NADEN HARBOR HUNTING TRIPt NimriHt tiff Trt tlraham lsland at Mirfnighl Tcnight Prince Rupert Salvage 4 Towing Co.'s power tug Salvage Princess, Capt. Frank Tyler, will leave at midnight . toniirht for Ndn -j" " ' B ' "row. -mmbi island, having on board e utht local rnn Bnt ,,,1, . quest o. game, ueturn wn f? to 0e made ,,uuy n,"1 or f'onaay morning . P10"' J in thf win Cpt- aultArm,ourJ M Hon Gon" : ". v IUCnOllS.il. 1.. BtrDD. J . K lUwl - ... ' i die, Normnn Watt and Douglas ! aiorK. , WHO. KOMO. KOW K(,n KU -'C.N.R.PROGRAM FOR THE FANS Wedncttday CNRV, Vancouver, 10.00: Studio prigram. Thursday CNRC, Calgsrry, 9J0: Studio program by 'the Artists Quartet. CNRV, Vancouver, 10.00: studio program by male quartet. Friday CNRV, Vancouver, 7.30: Chil- dren's Hour. 8.30: Addresses. 0.00: CNRV Concert Trio 11.00: Dance music by the .National Melodians. CNItE, Edmonton, 10.80: Stu- dio program. ' Sunday CNRV,' Vancouver. 1).00: Don-cert program by the Capitoliana. SCOTTISH CUP R12PLAYS GLASGOW, Jan. 28: ln the li rat round or the Scottish Cup' rep ays toaay t Stirling d.KOW, KGO. foated Alloa two to OR nnrl !). l IftVA. , cl,itf. do ellmfnatwl King's Park five VU VIIVi Annual ON SALE JIEN'S SOC Ks MEN'S SOCKS s fiefd's, heaw, wool Temptation Sale Price, per pair MEN'S SOCKS - y. Margaret's Brand run-wool ribbed D - . overlook these . Tempta- tton aaic I'nce, wr . Palr , 55c importers RADIO PROGAM FOR THE WEEK N.B.C. Wednesday, January 'It 6M&: PafowHve Hour, ffffft, RfJTlV. KGO. KI'O i.M $M: "Roads to K Him. JfOMO. KC.W. K; KFI 8.W): The Hill Billy Bv KUy. KOMO. ' wreet Time, KIlQ K' HOMO, KOW, KPO. The Trocaderan K-AV. HC0- KPI- Thursday, January Z . .... . an. n v tli) wtv. oenmrirnr i-roran.: r"'f M6lff R(TW nhft KPt KFI M: standard Symph ..n MO: Correct time. KIIU K' KOSIO, KOW, KPO. i JKKf ' Memory Lane, KoW, KOO. 10.00: The Trocaderan KFI. n.OO: The Trocaderan- KF0. Friday, January '. .0O: Wrigley Review, KHQ, ROW, KOO. KPO. 6.30: Phileo Program, KHQ, KGW, KGO, KP'i. I. 7.00: Hudson-Essex in gers, KHQ, KOMO. KtiW K ". KPO, KFI. aOOROA Haur, KHQ, K"M0, K(ftV. GO. KPO. KFI. 9.00: Correct Time. KHQ K' HOMO, KOW, KPO. 90: Moon Magic. h'M0, KGO. 10.00: The Trocaderans. KM') 10.00 (o 11.80. KFI 1""" Ul.60, KGO, 'KPO 11.00 to i '0 Saturday, January 26 $M National Orchetni. KHQi Kogp. KGW. KGO, KPO, KFf 7.TOflAfeky Strike Hour. KHQ. K"MO, KGW, KGO, KPO, K' ' 8.00: The Carnival: KPO M 8.16 to 9.00. M)0: Gorreet Time. KHQ. KG". nujjiu, KGW, KPO. 0.00: Oolden . Wnds. KIW- KlIQ, KOW, KGO; KPO-'w90 I to 12.00. J