! i Local and Personal News In Brief $Wfcwh-iMen Only at the End of a Telephone Wire Someone you love lies nick thn AnMn Vino nnllml antHias ordered medicine wants it right away ! He iunwi ofi.uiv6uu. iuuny experiences in the past have ftomt hm that Ormee will fill his.prescription as he tafemfe it to b"e filled (from'full strength drugs of the highest quality), and that the dispensing will be accurate and the delivery speedy. IJItING YOU PRESCRIPTIONS TO PRINCE RUPERT'S PIONEER DRUGGISTS Ormes Etd. yfte Pionimr Dructists THIRD AVE. f, SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES H'o200 y SI 1 1 LA h B SELVIG BROS, tW: ! MKATAIARKET rjl Ijaitenufi.i, . ;, jiPhonc 76a, MEAT, FISH AND VEGETABLES Specialty: -TTT riffimFreTh cTBrTdfiyr Superior Quality. CATERPILLAR" Tractors DIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred Ue for livery Size till ri a 5 Wtf 2 TUN. TWIWT1, llllini, niA.ii RIiTTHR (lUiniKIt CHEAPER LJterature and Prices on Request Ra1 iMstrlhutors for D. C LIMITED , .1 . 1 . nrantti OHIrM .rlhrrn rutin rttkl liulldmi 'TCi.iJUk rrlnee Uewif holt AACrSlMiM "ET Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating U.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock MKti.ineera, faaehlnUU. ' makers, Fou iiii-rm.Ur. Blacksmith. Pattern i'oundere, Woodworker, Etc ELKOTitlC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our plant Is equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOHK. PHONES 43 and 385 Telephone the office If your paper does not arrive 1 jr i .'.f 7 1 r .i SCALE CHARGES' V The following la the scale ; Ragles Whist Drive and Dance. January 31. Prince, .Uurt Basketball Aa-oUtiop: ,40,00 Fd&ruary-1. - 1 C,. fi,iV ftj$p?yem 6th Annu tyLk Hall all. Mooe Hal. February 8. rit'l Preftbyfiffkna February 14. Valentffte Tea. i,tf9e AV'h.tJrrve and Dance FUruary 22." C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert, iCapt Harry Nedden. arrived in FREE ! FREE ! I Aluminum Preserving Kettle with 8 Bars Pear! Naphtha Soap for si.qo 3 Roger's Silver teaspoons with 1 Pkg. Sunlight Soap. 1 Pkg. Lux, 1 Bar Lifebuoy Soap.all for ......... J1.00 1 To Pot d cups), with I H. Braid's B. L. Tea. , lb. Braid' Coffee for ........... ..SI. 45 Malkin'a Cofte-lor lb. .. Malkfn'a Tea Por lb 70c Lanka Ton 2 lbs Blue Ribbon Tea 2 1-2 Bhte Ribbon Too 4ta . . Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited RED'S Transfer Fifteen yesrs' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We mil 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So Is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phone: Ked 317. 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 TaxL tf G8G. ,11 Dr. . R, Gosse. ?hone of charges made for reading nfeWof Pythias will hold a notices: on March 1 in the Boston Birth Notices 50c. Hall to celebrate their Mth an- Cards of Thanks, $2. nlversary. Funeral Notices $1, , , Funeral Flowers 10c ner !' ., . .. .. 1 name. , vr.iri'r' urKn .anu Harding, ten m.-i a . ' Llt : r"otwwtMPiUil 'theatre, Thurs- ""'aKC u ..KaB.Wiu -)day nlbt flt 7:g0 Ladjes announcements $2. ANNOUNCEMENTS i fally invited. The meeting of the Ladies' Music- Club, scheduled for this afternoon, is postponed until Friday afternoon. Don't forget Burn's Anniversary Dance, January 25 in the I. O. D. E. Hall. Ladies 76c, Gentlemen $1.00. 18 Prince Rupert Women's Canadian-CIdtrTea at the Commodore, Saturday. January 26 at 3 p.m. m (ft i.L' , w: ' t. James, Besid- Engfner. ar, William Spiller, pro-l on this morning's train for a trip to New Haven, Connecticut. Tommy Fraser and Tiger Boul ter, at the Capitol Theatre, Thurs- Mrs. W. W. Wrathall and child sailed yesterday 'afternoon by the Catala on a visit to Vancouver. Ewirt Lyne (Pianist, Capitol Theatre)' teacher of pianoforte. Studio 10 Federal Block. Phone Ked 701. tf Boxing, Vaudeville and pictures, Capitol Theatre, Thursday evening at 7:30. Ladies especially invited. 18 M. F. Nickerson returned to the city on the Prince Bupert this morning from two weeks' business trip to Vancouver and Se attle. Big triple bill Thursday even ing at Capitol Theatre at 7:30 Largest bill ever presented in Prjnce Rupert invited. Mfcollce. returned to the "Salvor" arrived with fullxar- city oa the Prince Rupert this igo NanaJmo Wellington Lumpeoal niorning from a brief 'Irfp: ; to-"Th Coal that Lasts." Order Vancouver and Victoria. Mrs. Lillian Keffer of Hyder,! Alaska, who arrived in the city port at 11 o'colck this morning fro . the north V from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight for Stewart and Anyox. returning here at 6 o'clock' Friday morning and sailing south at K a.m.. one hour earlier than regular schedule. Iriow. Albert & McCaffery Ltd IPhone 116 & 117. tf Harry Selfe of Anyox, who has been on a month's vacation trip South, is a passenger aboard the PrlnpA Tllirwrt InHnv retiirnlntr .. Pioneer Association f meets; 'Jtq? morrow night in City Hall, .business to arrange for banquet tbbe held March 8. 17 A. Blchmond returned to the city on the. Prince Rupert this morning from a brief business trip to Vancouver on Which Jie was accompanied by Jiis little daughter. Ex.-Ald. George B. Casey, who has been on a montn's holiday visit to his former home in Chatham, Ont.. returned home on the Prince Rupert this morning,'1 having travelled west by way of Vancouver. Miss Alice DuVernet returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after a three, week Ladies especially I"1 y,""rf Dr. J. R. Goste -local dentist, returned to thejjy qn yesterday afternoon's traniTirom a brief trip to Terrice'loii professional business. O I , I . i . . T. . xi nit . i.. msmw io xiev. j. u. uiuson, rector of "St. Andrew's cglican Cathedral. , :' 3 t - ' n W. G. Norrfe, formerly well known minffig engifiler in the central Interior, arrived In the Il TJ . " ,1 "Z ' i Vancouver iu me smeuer .own. Beacon Hard Coal is Soot- night at 7:30, enUrtaining West- rroa the interior on yesterday! cm Canada Retail Lumbermen's afternoon's train for a brief! Association. Ladiei especially business visit and returned to invited. 18 e interior this morning. ( vilUam fyadswood, well known Mike Cranley, well known of-loeol tnu.rcian. and Mrs. Hack-,kial of the Gra'nby Co. at An-wopd left on this morning's 0Xt ja a passenger aboard the Uiu for Bdmonton en route to prince Rupert today returning the Poace .Hivor country. They U the smelter town following a oxpect to return to the city in holiday trip soutm May. Motorship Bellltigham, Capt J. Uwood Bard, who was commit- E. Anderson, arrived 'ted for trial in city police court from Ketchikan- this jrrnierua un a caarKe 01 urean- w th two car dildft of frozen fiah inir and entering the Sunrise fnr tranaahfntviKnf xa mt Avar 4ka .$126 Grocery ou Fulton Streot, is ap- Canadian Nattbhal Railways. . .?1.76;porig before Judge F. McB. ' ..$:J.40'Voub in County Court this af- Kenneth McLeod of Stewart Is ternooo for election. a passenger abdfird the Prince I Rupert today returning north af- M. lan national Hallways is complet- and 'other points" In the south city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver and proceeded to Sraithers, Hazeltott and other Interior points on professional business. W. B. Dornberg, head of the Duke Mining Co., and Mrs. Dornberg arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from .south to be commissioned In car- Vancouver city police force is Ketchikan ill iillljini ihj i r in Krain frora Fort Mann to a passenger aboard the Prince .tjwrav ,vnh.rm tho new eieVator at Victoria. , Rupert today going through to Stewart where .he will take ffropKtr at, 'th Prirtte Rupert nvU .Tin vs, .Ohfis Walks and proceeded by (train to New Hazelton where they will be present at the opening of Al m n. . on y-i f rfv nW fr l Hi,.,i,i,:fcM. u . .H .tA i . .v.- """ we ouver uup mine. championship of Northern B.C. ' best seller of . Alberta Coals. Al- cTftt) V lV eirrv Udies epecially iAVited. 18ibert & McCaffery. Limited, Ag- olUKl Uf bMNA ' itsta, Phone 116 and 117. tf i Four t hours of entertainment at . 'the Capitol Thoatre, Thursday Jaek MeNeil arrived in th eitv" INDIANS REVIEWED IN MAGAZINELET "The Canadian Nation.' official organ of the Association of Cans dian Clubs, with which the Women's Canadian Club of Prince Rupert is affiliated; has in the current number a picture of the totems at Kitwanga taken from a iketch by George Pepper and a review of the new book published by Marius Barbeau telling of the In" dian races of the Skeena River. It is announced that "The Can in port rfian Nation" is to be enlarged and mornuiK developed into a real magazine. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Mrs. J. J. Dale, Alice Arm; M. O'Brten. Vancouver: W. H. It will be a few days before ter havfnir sDenl the nast six Manuel. C.N.R.: A. E. Klncald. the big car barge for the Canad- weeks holidaying at Vancouver Revelstoke; A. Johnston, Van- .couver; J. Mcl'ell. Te 'twa: C. P. ed at the local dry dock. On com-, . Porde. Victoria: T. E. Brooks. 017-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 pletion. the craft will be towed Inspector C. F. Tulev of the Terrace; Gyro Club members. Royal Mrs. Bard .Stewart; Mrs. LIN tHslieries ExpeHmental Sfet!on;' beWuTufrted lib date to b! Mr. and Mrs. William Hock left on this morning's train for nxed. Owing to indisposition of wo c,y: Vorp. Charles 0. Bar Uegma where she will be mar- Judge F. MeB. Young, it is ex- or, iiasouon; A. Jonanson, Lewi iried. Miss Wood, who has been peeted that Judge Jlobertson of Island. jthe raisou uetre for a number Prince George "Will be brought iof delightful, social functions of hew to hear theVaetlon. late, will reside op a prairie ' .r,. ' ifarm aftfi- her marriage. j Corp. C. G. Bdrber, provincial j police, who ha4 been transferred I'TRIHCE RUPERT' Sluma?SBfft!f fft ;EARLT ON JANUARY 25 Zm.'l ! Chinaman who will be sent to ! Canadian National Steamships okalla for infraction of the announce that account special llquor r-gUiatlons. sailing the S. S. "Prince Rupert" will leav. Prince Rupert at 8:00 jM inxei Cunningham R. N. o'clo -k nsiead of 9:00 o'clock F:i- of tne nur8ing staff of the Bulk-day morni tig. January 25th. Full ey Valley District Hospital at particular-, from City Ticket Of- smlthers arrived In the city from fice. Plmiii' 2G0. 18 the jnterior on yesterday after- noon's train and Is the guest of H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. January Special Clearance Prices SEE OUR WINDOWS PHONE 9 3RD AVE. & FULTON STREET. has' Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mitchell. Ninth Avenue East, until Friday morning when she will leave for Victoria on a holiday trip. 1 S. P. Fitzgerald, well known Stewart mining man, who is at present In charge of operations on the Independence mine for the Revenue Mining Co, is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returnliv sorth after a brief business trip to Vancouver ,and Victoria. vu Central Mrs. M. C .de KergommeaUX, m. . i r, xr n 'Dr. Alexander - rilONE S7S HESNEIt HLOCK DENTIST Bring Your FURS to Gpldbloom He pays the highest prices. APPLES Hxtra Special Wrapped Stock Grimes Golden Per box $1.T5 A REAL BARGAIN Heinz Cream Tomato Soup Large family size can. Special thin week only, 2 for 59e JUST ARRIVED NEW LINE OF BISCUITS Vegetited Wafers Per pkg. 30c Get Your Kisses Here All wrapped Per lb 36c Chocolate- Coated Peanuts . Per lb 30c Chef MoIasseH 5-1 b. tins. Special 40c No. 1 Jap Rice 3 lbs 22c Gold Reef Grape Fruit Per tin SOe Singapore Pineapple 2 tins 25c Nabob Assorted Jelly Powders 6 for 43c Nabob Coffee Has advanced laat week at, lb. . . 65c National Dog Biscuits fPef pkg 40c We Crry Paynes Tea lb. . . .76e Kavul Oranges Family site. 4 dot 86c (all L: W! en You Want Real Frc !i Snoked Fish Flllot Eastern HaddU Per lb. 26c Kippers Rupert cured. Per lb. 15c tjjack Cod Rupert cured. Per Hj zoc ' Accompanied by her mother. harge, pt a prisoner for the "an Kef f or. Ujrder ; C. IL Under, ged White Salmon Misa Jua WWL formerly of. thvouth- v. V ' vvood Q.B.; 0. M. Pederson, Per lb ' $purt Mmv nu iuviv lewiuijr sienu-. The in IJOuntV County. UOUtt ease ease OI of - ' .. . " TT 5 - .T rf' I 1 .26c ; Watts' Grocery Quality PHONE 55 -Prices Right PHONE 5G JUST ARRIVED An assortment of Girls' and Ladies' Sunburst Pleated Skirts in all colors, tafit from 6 to 20, PRICES RANGING FROM $2.05 TO $0.75. PHONE C43 JAB0UR BROS. LTD. 3RD AVE., 7TH ST.