ftVii'insday. January 28, 1929 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SEVER Man in the Moon tt- ( llanaies' are. those : pretty volutin CLASSIFIED A DVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND s you see la the b6bkcase which are read only when the THIS IS THE PAGE 3VIIICII MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. iku noveU are all finished. PeopJtoVider therhseft'es frie ii t hey' arihot see the bars of their prison. FOR RENT WANTED FOR- SALE BEAUTY OPERATOR EMBARRASSING MOMENTS t pay fmjiort tariffs br excfse FOR RENT Automobiles, nianoa' i (liiiu s to income or poll taxes'. , phonographs and sewing mach- i Ines. Walker Music Store. Wutch your st,ep, especially port TtPfciT tr i u "NT Modern wh.'n yotf-ep on the accelerator. house, near Presbyterian church. Apply A miss In the engine may not 215 Fo"rth Avenue E. tf bt wrioua; a miss at the vtheel FOR , RENT Four and Five has to be watched; a miss In the rooni, heated suites, "Summit iiiym-nta may lose you the car. i Apartments" now ready. Phone ITT J . f 2.?' H' G- HIgonf Ltd., or in.- unm.1 roau u xne uiue 345. for Information. nospuai is xne snort cut around tin- busy corner. irun school bay replied Mi'tora," Man a (IaWmI Januan- 23. 1919 "General The Swldiert AM at Harelfon mlv to the fteeotffler MTU MTiilM I titimte of ImproTemenU for the or MK.vr clalma I -------- -vaw a M u 4 V O.fc j of day. p has received many 1dUtt from men overseas aeknewledglng par-1 r that were rent at Cnrlstmas. MINERAL. ACT (form T) (Nertlun ii (d) FOR RBNT-Rooms for rent, f central location. Phone Green When asked to name the grwit-' S9- 20 est American general an Amor. . 1 1 ii i - u nnnnt - . - " - MotSiii, i t U UttI J i, roar roomed house with bath and Ipantry and woodshed Wonderful viw. Rent $16 per month. Apply-. Mr . W. B. Silnntr. &m Cove. tt VZi'u? het ,F0R f Hl Basement Z5 t 1 24x4- Second Avenue. r, ,?u lhe h"ieJfmoon, Lane at rear. Rows. Sheet J I "d Metal Works. . . . Sh- f found he had feet of piav - : . . Ten Years Ago in Pr'nce Rupert eorum LANI AC! Notlfe of Intrnllun to Aptrty to Lra Land Lot 635, IAbm 1 ,I?.k.nJ'L?ht BlllnOT Soruoe UtU. Llmtwd. of Vancouver. Brltlah CoiumbU. oeeunUoft, mMHifscturers. intend to POjT fW ! of followinc de- wisaycu fHIIQa . inTnrcOr-of U&SUW" And further take 'inclr eentlon 8a 'St of Mr a I tKU- UeraW "nit be commefiFed before tbe tuuanee llch certlfMt nt rmnmvement A eonv of thta notice and an aoollaa- tlon Dtmuam thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the offioe of the water er at Prince Rupert. B.C. OblecUpoa to tbe anllcatton mav be niefl with (he aald Water Reeorder or with tbe Conntroller of Water Rlahta. milTdlnaa. VletoHa. Sc.. davi after the tint appear- notice in a local newinaper . SPRUCE MILLS. UMITKD. Applicant. BIB E. MOROAN. Aaent. Corporation of the city or rnrsTE lUTKitT Dated thl. lit J, Of Jam,.. 18. 'ffdl'of'the Corporation of ' rsoiNEKR OOLD MINKS. tTO, INC- e cm of Prlnre Rupert Intenda to H. MeN. Fruef. lAeenl. emtnidt a pATMneftt auteen feet wide vhiM! Street, oosv nclnx at the A(rr. ----- t- viSt tfygt wk of Vananftf Street aaa K. g. C. Chapter 140 Vaare(WI Street and AUtn Avenue, v d ..... Ideal Improvement, and intend to prettily aaMefl the cuat uxn the land abut- HOME OIL DUmnirrORS, firm. tint dtStly on the work, except euth principal place of bualneaa la at portion of the coat aa u Uiourred at '7 Burrard Street. Vancouver. BrlOah Mrest UMereeottona . ,. 1 ''"Kinibla, hereby Jflvea notice that tt 3. The eatlmated coat of the work ! - under Bectlon f of the Uld Aot de- 7S0O 00, of which S4638 89 I. to be paid r i tea with the Mln-ter of Public Worta by the Corporation, and the J"10"" " Ottawa, and in the offieea of th a&tHitl apnlal rate per foot fnt 'Strict Realitrar of the Land BeaUtry 771. The apeeial aeaeaament la to be " -t-tct of Prince Ruprt. Brltlth Oolum- paid In 10 annual inatalmentt. Prince Rupert, afortaaM, a de- s. Ptreom dea-inc J!u l'tin of the site and the plane of aaalnat unde-Ukinc , " 1 "llfllnea an ahini, nmnnuut tj he , r M'tW the SSUl day OI fW ' "in in the harbour of Prince Rupert in ruary. IMS nil ol Lnt 1 nf WilMfmiH H look O . ' Hit Rupert AWT) TAKE KOTlCt! Utat atWr the -ntrittuii of one month from the date of he firm publication of thla notice Home J1 Distrlbutora. Limited, wlU under Sec-ion 7 of the raid Act apply to the Uln-mer if Public Work at hjl offlc,m e ' '"y "f Ottawa for appromor te aald it mid plana for leave to conetmet trie "Aid wharf aa aforesaid . Dated at Vahcjuver. BrltUh . Columbia the 18th day it January, lo. HOME OIL DISTRIBUTOrtSi. LIMITED. By It Bolicltor'i; ROBERTSON DOUOtAS Ac 8MYES. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C8 Cartage, Warehousing, and TJIstributlnjr. Tearrl or" Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano arid Furniture Moving;. E. F JOHBS. City Clerk. Dated thia Slit day of January, 1MB. U'ANTED Registered nurse. Arx .. ply Dr. Magulre's Office. tf WANTED To rent furnished or' A well known local fisherman Ux'tiSFf&V WhSoth? 6 iis finetl ?76 by Magistrate 39 dSE" 10 u ' f ,.HVM in -u.. u- ... ;r.'i i' ? "V wir mirt. menoe rrern . wnj iwiice court iniS "w"ory jouowuk low wstar mark Ttidrnine for having fWrVtt.a .fMtb .mot Materly ttles of whirtey cached in his toT nnh'ir1 im in a downtown' hftt! tunc. thuec in a northwaatcrlrUi-f-l An eiriftlOVe Of FHT1' ht. tnenoe in a nortbeaat "top was meo this morning m o.T.f . wiiw "ii c harge oT stealing a Slab of tS iaM nacon. .corner of r uouiea. wna tt-of-a' tot SMt: easement. water mark to i-oi.wm .wM: theni thence t Mterlr atoms tbe aoutlxnt bflttnbarrt of rlrht northwest IIUIWWUIR alknrtnr tM inuoeltiei of uie aaM lot to the the Dolnt point of of BILLMOK 8PKUCE M1LIJB. UUTTBO. ruti niwwhK sad partly furniibad liouse 'by first the purchase or demolition and STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS IW Vnriu Tuesdays -. Cfttale . . . . i M pm. ft'ieajw a. Prlnoe Rtwert 9 ajn. rHdry m. Priaoan Royal . . 10 ajn. FriOny a. Caidcn PTlnc Uarv . rrmoeai Manr wrSPea! Mary MtOtX tflVf ' - J I ' (VATEIt NOTICE IHtfmlon and I'm I TUH9M- rwiay-a pttfc Btttla . . B E. Uortftn. Aaent . Tk not lee that BUlmor Soruee Mil. etream. which flowe aouUierlT and dmmina into the head of Forsolee Harrxiur. halt . Uou FRACTIONAL AND WANK etream at a ut oaao. nance a v be diverted tried man thr polm point about half mile dl- rt.Ai i lOfAi. MLNKKAX. CLAIMS, alt- tant from lu mouth and wtU be um tor ii. the Atlin Mm I nK Division of rnduaUtal purvgw upon the land de- ' .u: Dutrtct Where looated: The Bob ecrlbed u Cot MM. Ranee X Ooaat XHi--tic i al Mineral Claim on Taku Arm. Rlet. 'rn tne BDeeuiatlOB and raiiwana TSii nouee waa naatca on the muM tai Clalma and the Wans Fractional on the Kind dav of December. ISM. ! irtI Claim an Wann Rlee. artkklntne ' " to the north of the Jack Pine Mln-'m' Claim lawful holder: "ENQTNZER OOLD MINES UUITED. INC. Number of the holder'! free miners ificate 07090 Reeotd TAKE NOTICE that ENGINEER SOLD farlkment fTX, MINES UMITfe "iNa, Free Mlner' fjf, thirty illlrate No BT90. jmefjJl tt fee ti SSStvlM ! ixtv dava frora die rte hereof to BILfcMOri 1 . p.m. . .D.m. . .. 4 PJH For Steward ITrmlrr. Anyox and Allre MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing' prices' on Vancouver Stock Bxchange on our stock-list board dally. We can give instant ser-vice :In buying' and selling JWrrtnai Stocks on Vancouver 5tok :Hxehar.ge. i. - We aldo have facilities for .,aepiinc Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. RepreMentini; Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Colli G17 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. BRINGING UP FATflEjR,,, WRAPPING ' PAPER for sale cheap. Roll of Newsprint, good, clean paper for only a cent a pounds Daily News, tf delivery of material to Prince Runert of the Church of Enr-; FOUND English Bull land Parsasjwe at Port Easing-! ?hon Rejd 252. ton, B. Tmt to be wabraiited to C. VI Eviifl8cretary of thej Anglican Syifed of the DioceseA of CaJedonia, P. Q. Box 67G, Prince Jlupett, TLC., not later thanvtst Fetoary, The lowest tender not necessarily ' ' accept: 17. A Daily Wews want-ad brhWr remits. wHl k General. HrihdyiMan Side walks, fences repaired Grading or any other odd jobs, contract or otherwise. .Phone 101 ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods in all lines of beauty culture and hair dressing. t Lf..,. . . a. n ru- 1 1 FOR SALE-House AtlTn Av-.L-""1 y "nms of FFlffte riox 171., on Daily MflwOXnb. : : 18 SITUATIolcrtvANTED ACCOUNT AKTT and teneral store clerk, camp or ciJtmtry, 12 years Canadian exferfenee, Shearer, 60 Broadway West, Vancouver, B. C. 18 26 TENDERS will be received for ,enue, See Dave Ross or phone! 52. tt'r CHIROPRACTIC FOR n SALE cav- Lots lG and 1 17, T 1 Block 24 Section 7. Hen house rmnnnn Arrir 4ix. une nunureu wnue 1 Leghorn Hens; Quantity of feed ! and etfulprhent. Apply W. C. ' Dyer, P. 0. Box 789. 18 FOUND VIBRATORY MASSAGE INFRA-RED-RAY GET WELL I 'I By the use of these approved : drug lean and scientific methods Pup. ; you will find that this office is litted up to give you the best oil Laervice and satisfaction in 'these - branches of DRUG LESS HEALING. ;' i ; ! Consult' 1 j j DR. W. C. ASPIpfALLl j 6 and 7 Exchange Block ' Green: 241 Phones Black: 283 Open Evenings . t RESULTS COUNT We have moved our office and ; Pain in the side. Indigestion, showroom to 319 Third Avenue, Gas on stomach. Headaches, Ner-where we hafe everything in vousness, Insomnia, Catarrh and sheet metal pipe fittings and fur-. Rheumatism are completely re- naces. ( Ueved by our new form of dietet- Phone 340. Box 467. ic .d aninal treatment. - 319 Third Avenue SALVAGE AND TOWING "If Ifs on of under the water we a& it" RfelN'CE .RUPERT SALVAGE & jpTjOWING COMPANY LIMITBI- FfJliy BjuippeTi ior utviog amo .or Port MmpMn and aa ither General Salvage Work. rfBundaj -aa Oataiej, . ; fJ!j. . s p.ms Boats and Scows of dl! (feacrpf- tions for Charter. w ai Row Bofttg Bnd Canoe for hire. Arm Sunday--a. Ottala 8 pm Wed newSay Prtnee Rupert 10 pjxi rrorn Mewttif, Prrmlrr, Anyox and Allre 3n Jan. i aa. Trince Job from .4 area Jan. 24 aa Feb 7 ea ClirHn lth)n(l Saw. f-a. PuMeeaa Mary ... o -e. Frtneeea Manr . I'rom Alnka Jn IS at rrmceae Mary . Jan. JO- at Prlnctaa Mart . . : .to n.m. . .10 p.m. lno John a.m. nn a.m. . .N009 ..Neon Bargains in Gas1 Engines. AGENTS. f6r' Van Blerek. Bmthttpe. Hides ft Ballantyrie Engines. Northern B. C Dfetrtbutor Cooffdge FrofMlfers Phone, Day or Night. BCl P. O. Box I5fi4 . AUTOMOBILES USED CARS ..p.m. 1 Ford ton truck chasaia 925, 1 $100.00 .I1 VnrA T?nnrlater TloliverviaSfi $100.00 1 Ford Tudor Sedan-1927, $876.00 Terms can be arranged KAIEN GARAGE WRfcCKIrTG SERVICE DAY AND NIQHT 14 LETTEK BOX COLLECTIONS Ail. PM 'rrnhtm AUtn Ave 8 .oo tao !t AH. 8th SR ....... tM 13& Bth Are. & Fulton St, 9.10 7.40, 8th Ave', i ft Thompeon,, St. ,. BIS 7.45 tlth Ait. it 8hertrooke .... io 10 nth A Oonrad 9 to 7iS eth Ave. & naya Cove Ave... M 8.00 'eth Avet - Hays Cove Circle tM 8.08 1 8th Ate. At Oottrn St tM 7J0O Bth Ave, Qreen St. (lUptl). 8.40 8.10 Bth Ave, Sc UcBrlde St 0.43 8.11 Prov. Oort. Building 9.80 80 Pro?. Ujvt. Wharf 9M tM O.TJ. Wharf 10.00 8J0 O.T.P. Station 10.03 " " il3S 2nd Ave. and SW . 3rd Ave. A Pulton St. 3rtf Ave. it 8th St. .-. .. 10.10 8.40 .. 10.18 8.43 .. 10) 80 Read our Natferiat "Ad's," in the Liberty Magaiine every week, 'then consult DR. EYOLFSON Phone Illue io, or Red 589 : o -, JppegEvenings - CH1SINHI SWEEP if, . Zumkthr Genera Handy Man. ! Furnace and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phonq 3 Prince Rupert, B, C. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East ; Uondaye, v7cneadayi, Saturday!, mall : chw 10:30 ajp from the east ' SeuMtoy&i Tuedayf and Thursday. ; mau due ......,...S:J0 pxa'j j T iVaneooT-r , J f i Via tnatn Wednesdays and 8str 1 1 daaa 10:30 ajn Taesdin esdlfa 2.tS pja Frklaye FtUa C.P.R. Jan l and 3 i rum vanrouvcr ..8 It pxo. , ..P.m. j Snndaye 4 pjn. Wedneeday 10 JO ajn PrkUrya pun C.P.B. Jja. 13 aaB .. From fttvwrt7 Preinirr, Aii)o Arm Sunday 7 .a.m. ox and AfTee Wednesdays B: p from Mewnrt and Premier Tttevdaea 1130 ain FrMays ........;8 m tfi N Itlver mint Sundayc (7 P ftom Naae River. Polnta Tueedaye Il80 art To Quern Charlotit . Jan. ia aal t'-- From tjHeerl Charloae-'! ; ' Jan. IS and S8 From Ataka ivlnt Jan. 18 and 80 ... C.N.R.- IKAINS For the Eat Mondajn, Wedneedaya a&d BMurdaya at 11 JO us. From the Beet Sundays, Tuevlays and Thursdays at 340 pan. ( i HOPE HACGIIa I fcjJUi I I I I fir K.PLAIM WHIRSI ( VO fSSH"t 1 I I-T ME HOPE- i L I Cft -TIM TO OMfi H UMT tTKlH I ONCBEFOR6- BW Lr-rnTT J PrN J H0- I BtsU ii WOP ME? r B yh 'ir -- A'ZiJM 'r-rr -a 4 4 k ' i . c : - : -w m; isfe mm A StGt(ESTl6--rORTHAflfeXTRA .WHITE HOUSE - Baueifield in the Chicago Journal . l ULE C(?IMC , O? SHALL Cfcfrt RUtC IA. ' ,4 f PJi I "TiV S ! w . Ptff FACE TO FACE WITH THE MOST VITAL QUESTION Ireland in the Columbus Dispatch By George McManus f H HBARO i m BfciTx m mjKz g y s ' '