It IT peech From General Scope of New .timber of Laws to Be Amended; P. G. E. to Receive Attention and Marketing liranch to He Organized U TORIA, Jan. 22. The speech from the throne, ft ft to the legislature yesterdav afternoon hv T Jpntprtnnr. c nor Bruce, said the legislature would be asked to con- ini' V legislation intended: To give assistance to the it l industry in the province. To extend exemptions under the Succession Duties To amend the Minimum Wage Act, the Companies Act, Mineral Survey and Development Act, the Puhlic r ools Act. No particulars were given :tu r progress toward the restoration of the railway ' or Peace River block. The speech mentioned that the future of the P.G.E. receiving attention . Tl ,. ... t t ' At a- ii liina settlement ana nas appointed a commissioner ot migration and colonization. The government contemplates the immediate organiza : of a marketing branch of the department of agricul An audit of the public accounts is beitig made . i n view of the growing importance of the public utili 'jiiestion, the advisability ; victer control is receiving Provision will be made to needs in connection with highway facilities Arrangements .are rioiy, Tiada and United States for -frvfltinn of salmon. The government is carrying out n i rovisions of taxation to the ctjd thac) incldeawfcof , n n should be modified . I), I'ATTt l.LO fjfm KPaasH 'aaSaSSSaSSivuSii ssl f the OpnoMtinn and fit ic of the Government. ACCOUNTSFOR THE PROVINCE AREPRESENTED of M' 'TORIA. Jan. 28. Public '"unt for the last fiscal year "inig March 31 1928, were pre: d to the leiriilature yesterday Jiv the Hon W C. Rh u nnfl t'-w a deficit Qf $728,228. The sr. I' vi ntK' was S 20.13rAlR. Avnndi. 2 1,859,570. Thr accounts contained a review f1" ..' v laKt 11 ye&tn' The totnl l it over that period, according t the report, totalled Jin.aiS R79. Thf revenue in that time totalled M 8l.779,:i02 . Expenditures!!, Amounted to $208,080,181. Throne Outlines i Legislation Coming Up At Present Session establishment of an iron and in the speech recording of providing some measure, consideration . I meet the province's immedi- ,ejpg jmverw. w&?!X2trmi a confer tmemng -r i . HERRING RUN HAS BEGUN The herring run in waters contiguous to Prince Rupert is rather earlier than usual in commencing this year. This morning. Capt Ole Skog with the seineboat Zanardi took 100 tons in Port Simpson Harbor the first catch of the season. There are reported to be plenty of the fish, though they are swimming deep. Capt Skog has contracted to fish for the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage, and, now he has made hU f irt catch, the packers. W. It. Lord and (Jrler Starrett. are going out ionight to start bringing his fih in to the local plant, where they will be stored for bait purples. On the run starting, the Dominion fisheries is also send-Ing out a patrol boat. TESSBRIDGE REPORTED LOST NEW YORK. Jan. 23:r.ritish freighter Tessbridge with iev thirty believed to be Ist. Rescue vessels could find no trace of er three hun'lred miles east of Cape Race, Newfoundland, and have abandoned the search. Bound fom Fowey. England, for PhHadeiyMfe Ahe vessel sent out SOSatofeaf. ,reprtlnK two hatches tofe In and stokehold flooded. The United States liner. America, reported this afternoon she was heading for the crippled freighter Florida, expecting to reach her this afternoon. The distressed freighter Dunnedaike. renorted nrnreedimr to Ber imuda. HON. II. Hi POOLEY ... Attorr.fv ire ''il. s-.ri'l i-'iK-f reniu-r loinr.e. March on London of Unemployed Starts From Scotland and hl to be Recruited horn Number of Points 1 GLASGOW, Jan. 28. The march of unemployed onndon.Ijran today, whn ICO Scots!shtn- yard workers and mine joft-here. Similar narties . 4 wonns of praise FOR PRINCE 'RUPERT MEMBER AT VICTORIA (Vancouver Province) Here in Vancouver we j have had many a passage j with Mr. PatUjllo, and many ) causes of difference. No 1 I doubt, unless all the joy of i combat is utterly to depart from polit'cs is. the Seven- teentn Parliament, we shall ei.ioy such passages again. ' " t unlesH w" ari- irrently r :.-ti.'en in Mr. 1'ati.uilo. h i.os the ability to brinjr the new Howte tye benefit ' :f his losjr exr fence at a ' minuter of the ;$rjwn. - tet- f' h ;: he would earep conceive i'i le his duty as leader "I the opposition to i'.ssist 1: new governraent in cer- t ii w.iys. Anyhow, the new e rt nment, stronger in ;ow- . : than in experience, will i.iv;it y need the Influence of m i p. formed and experienced i rit i-im in the Legislature, . " 1 Mr. Pattullo. if he has t h- will, has cert-tinly the ability to supply that crlt- lcism. H 4 M HANCE LOGAN IS NFVVFST SFNATOR OTTAWA. Jan. 2-i. Hsnce J. Logan, former Liberal member for f jwrl;. NovK h" been appointed to the senate, flll- . the kv th death u!' Senator W D. Ross. W. PECK, V. C plan to start from other par of Scotland and South Wales, converging on London with the hope of influencing the government te increase the assistance, to those without work. The Trades Union Congress is officially discouraging the march . It instated that the journey in bad weather entails great hardship on the men already suffering from the effects of long unemployment and is likely to achieve no useful object. 'NINETEEN KILLED IN 1 CRUSH WITH ELECTRIC BELLE VUE, Ohio, Jan. 23. The death toll of yesterday's crash between a bus and a lakho e . , elettric mterurbaji car mounted to 19 today . LIEIT -COL. C. Former Prince Rupert resident, now member fr the Islands is new chairman of the Conservative caucus. CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill E?crron read tb Claaalfled Ada. LARGE CAIMRET I loe, advertise for It. If 70U Special Dinner Thursday! and . I if find. locate tK "nr. Saturcteya i- Dancing every Saturday nlfht Wbatcver you need A 'or It from 9 to 12. Dance HaU (or Hire (1F.T THE CIAfiSltlEi. PRINCE RUPERT Accommodations (or Private 1 . Northern and. Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone Parties 457 XX,, No. 17. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1929 PRICE FIVE CENTS ! HON. SIMON FRASER TOLMIE Leader of the Government, which met the Legislature for the first time yesterday HANSON NOT 1 SUPPORTING CANNERYMEN Dcn'.es Report That He Would Co To Ottawa With Delegation VANCOUVER. Jan 2S Yesterday a news item appeared In tbe Vancouver Province stating that Olof Hanson. Liberal candidate for H keen a electoral dUtrict, was accompanying a delegatjen to Ottawa to atwlst the canners' In opposing the building nf more canneries. Mr. Hanon denies that he is accompanying the Delegation and says that he is opposed to any move in this diectien. lie says he is not supporting the cannery interests anj is issuing a strong denial to yesterday's report. SAUION IS SOLI) The report of the Royal Bank on business conditions states that all the sockeye salmon packed last! yer have been sold and only ties are still m the hands of the packers. j NORTHCOTTIS TEARFUL AND VERY LONELY Accused Hoy Murderer Aske For Attorney to Reenter Case RIVERSIDE. Cal.. Jan. 23. Apparently suffering an attack of melancholia, in addition to his physical ills, Gordon Stewart No thcott, accused slayer of small boys, spent a restless night in the detention ward of the Riverside county jail. Northcott spent a large part of the night in tears, his guard reported, which appeared to increase the Inflammation of his airendy badly swollen eyes. Between sobs he indicated that he despaired of his own ability to fight the case to its conclusion He complained that he was lonely and that he wanted help. David Sakol, Los Angeles attorney, p -eviously associated with the defence, visited Northcott I last night and at the conclusion of it long Interview he announced that he would petition Judge Freeman on Thursday to reenter the case as Northeott's At torney. Sakol indicated that if he is successful in reentering the cane, he will base the defence on tbe alleged mental incompetence i of Northcott. . Trial was adjourned to Thursday when Northcott pleaded illness yesterday. , Guns Boom and Soldiers Parade as Legislature Opens At Victoria VICTORIA, Jan. 23. The legislature of British Columbia was opened yesterday by Lieutenant-Governor Bruce with the traditional ceremony, thus commencing the first legislative labors of the new Conservative regime. Spectators tilled every corner of the legislative chamber and crowded the steps of the parliament buildings when the lieutenant-governor started the session on its way. His Honor, dressed in 'Windsor uniform, drove to the buildings at 3 o'clock attended' by his secretary, aide de cilia? juid personal guard of naval and military officers. He was greeted as he alighted with the met at the steps by a guard of booming of eighteen Dounder honor from the Sixteenth Canad - ian Scottish in scarlet tunics. kilts and feather bonnets and ac- companied by a pipe band of 24 and a brass band of 36 pieces, . TM T I a. A " ELECTED SPEAKER J. W. Jones, M.L.A. for South Okanagan. who. presides over De- bates of Legislature. U.S. MARINES MANAGUA. Nicaragua. Jan. 28. The latest advices from northern Nicaragua says that three of the United States marines Kennedy was appointed chief whip of a patrol of seven which clashed ! of the government forces, with J. with outlaws of northeast YaU, in!V. Cornett as deputy whip, at a the department ef Jinolega, on, Monday were killed . G. A. McMillan, superintendent of the local ury do?k. returned to the city on the Prince Rupert thi morning from a brief trip to Vancouver, . .. . A. M. MANSON. M. L. A. Otir - p.- loominiiii members .f tin l ' ' i;itu.-i supporting Mr I'nttiih ... !guns from the 68th field batterv. A salute of flftwn round a was fired. Brlght 8Un8hine prevailed j throughout the afternoon, this large crowds to attend Special invitations had been is i sued . to privileged guests who A 1. A- J i. t T fS a ' I iimjk scats in me legislative I chamber while others, so far as possible were accomodated in the galleries. Even the press 'gallery was filled with members of the fourth estate both from the city and outside points. After His Honor had entered the chamber and declared the Legislature open for business, he ; asked the House to elect a speaker and retired while this was being done. J. W. Jones, immber for South Okanagan, was chosen on motion of Premier Tolmte, onded by T. D. Pattullo. The Lieutenaht-XJovernor Xbrp returned and read the speech from the throne, the public accounts report for the past ytar was , presented, a bill was formally Introduced to give a sembjance of , business and then thhe House ad- journed. , The opening was followed by the-usual state dinner and other festivities. COLONEL PECK IS CHAIRMAN GOVT. CAUCUS VICTORIA. Jan. 2S. W. F. meeting of the Conservative cau- cus. Colonel C. W. Peck, V.O., was chosen as chairaan of tM caucus. , s The Liberal selected H; F. Kergin as. chief wMp awi A. Wells Gray as deputy whip. EARTH ROLLED WEST ALASKA Inhabitants of Fairbanks Tcr-I rorized as Trembling Continued Four Hours FAIRBANKS. Alaelfe, Jnn, ail -Slight quakes yesterday at hr-i rcasing Intervals apparently signified the final plaHnj; of some gigantic subte ranean fault which ;iused the earth to literally roll tor hour hours here on Monday. Practically no damage was done by the tremblors, which half-tenoriied the residents of Fairbanks and other central Alaskan owns. PROGRESS OF KING- BEING MAINTAINED j LONDON, Jan. St. It, was l stated at Buckingham Palace this morning that the King's progress lis being maintained.