January 23, 1929 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIVE NEW LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OF QUEHEC TAKES OFFICE POWER PLANS . IN THE NORTH BIIIIIIIIII,1I Financial News Tells of Some of I semice .. .h-t..ra.h was t tken at y.'.-li.-.- w h.-n Sir l.onicr '.ouin took o;,t,b on being mad. ' r me. me lit-w iifutvnant-oover.ior is 'ir :.ion Parliaments. News of the Mines ' HO JND PRINCE RUPERT Moh. k Property Looks Promising; Eighteen i i ;:c.'iu'i Working at Stewart; Dalhousie Co. at Stewart and Alice Arm t :ii of interest is being taken locally in the Mo-Now Hazeiton, which looks very promising Under the supcrintendency of Thomas B. ; . ., the crvw has been augmented, in order to ! ittlfUtauwL work. Another carlrtarl nf hich- iWiW $2000 a month net profit fancf (.ib ; ff v-t all yHbBi the Marmot RIr, Is busy, and; mikIhj , . ' pn the south, fork of the Marmot , f .Rivr, the Marmot Engineer and ... t ;ire wfvOM Marmot Gold are working, ftVSUwart Wewftle tn the no th" fork witness sinter. Practically the activities of the Porter-Idaho th- d irict is on and Prosper ty. Just across the ; and reeults in the river from Stewart, tile Silverado peeled 10 show a is rl-ivinjr a tunnel which is now f p o? ess. Be- in 450 feet and from wiiieh inter '! could not be de- eating news Is daily expected. In . hill, the Marmot the Glacier Creak section, Natis- oerated by hand facto y developnenu .are being but an extra early carried out on the I & h. Con- made with the ma- aolidatad. A iunnei ' is being in the sprtt.g. On driven by the Duthie interests on . the Georgia Rive the Ruf u -Argenta in the Upper Ltd., and the Pedro Bear River section, and cross-. working. The Biv rutting i being carried out on rt dist:nre south oi the Terminus on American Creek. Radio "fl" Power in its highest development power that givea continuoue, hum-free reception from both local and distant stations. Economical power, too. You'll be agreeably surprised how long Eveready Layerbilt "B" batteriea will operate your aet without replacement Ak your dealer. He will tell you that his customers come In and ask for Eveready Layerbilts. Canadian Nationtl Carbon Co., Ltd. .A wKU 'PRONTO 3 Owning livtretdy Bttitry Station i cAX,rweae R21t !EVFRFAhv "' " f a vcceran of ooth Provin 0 the Dear Rive.-, u tunml har now been driven 400 iet on the. Independence to cross-cut a vetr of native silver at 600 feet. Th ; rogram of development is beinj luietly carted out on the B. C. Silver, and good remits are beinj. btained on the Sebakwe. A dli mood drilling program is beinj carried out at the Woodbine am . crew is employed at the North rn Light. The Big Missouri i receiving attention at the band of the Consolidated Wiojng t Smelsimt fM. Jis4 bu ha j iu:ing somegetatMlar fr&Bbl it a oepw onoev teet. i'rosptet of an early 'ajr? sfceuld too: boom the Stewart district Jt6 at even greater extent. Development will be resumed on the Silver Tip property ai Stew rt in February or March, ut least two months earlier than has beet :ustomary in the past. With th. operations on the Big Missour. keeping the road open, the trans o tat ion of supplier will not 1 uch a difficult problem as it ha been in the past. Oo;itra.-toiv completing their work early thi winter, left the property in an interesting position. For 111 fee they bad drifted on the contact be ween a bed of tuffs and a qua: I ter-porphy y dyke, having cross-i out to this Cyke at a point 78 feet 'from the portal of a tunnel. Thi j ultimate object is to follow the ' dy'e to where it encounters a i cross-fissure from which high values were obtained on the sur face. Highest asay values at the conclusion of last season's work Jran to 60.4 ounce silver. This was from a quatz streak crossed hi the cross-cut which probably ruis piraliel wfth the drlf-throttghout its lemrth. This wijl be determined by a crosi-rut from it he drift when .wot ia resumed. I The 8ilver Tip ii WelL financed I for the daeJpent wo-k ap lout and the management is anx-1 iftts to rasume work as soon a; possible. Very aatisfuc'ory assays are being taken from the drift which the Dalhousie M'ning Co. is running on the silrer ledge, of the Homefuard property at Alice Arm, on the Dolly Varden Railway near tbo Dolly Varden mine. One of the assays gave total value of $24.18 per ton in gold, silver and copper. Great quantities of gold-copper ore of good gmde exposed on the surface Indicate that the necessary tonnage to sustain good shipments can be quickly drvel-oped. A tramway only 1500 feet long would be required to deliver o e into bunkers on the railway. The ore on the property are dry ores with jrood gold-silver-eopner values and a gangue running high in calcit" with -ome quarts, making a self-fluxing hie . An inten sive campaign of wittiirninrjs to hn undertaken nif ifL IT g'tnrfi and the director plan In- stoning a woi contp-estor plant ill the earliest possible moment In the spring. A tramway Will be put in aa soon as development justifies It. Angus McLeod recently examined the property and Id he was highly pleased with it. The company will also follow up The Plans For Prince Rupert And Slewart '(FinancialNeWs) Far-seeing enterprise of the .Jen behind Power Corporation of Canada is amply evidenced by recent purchases of the company n Western Canada, ihere are two principal main land ports on the Pacific coast i jf Canada, viz, Vancouver and' 'rince Rupert, and one port po- entially a great rafiuy .v.,......' js, Stewart, at the head of Portland Canal. Today Power Corporation of Janada has a stake in the power .nd light utilities of each of aese centres. In Vancouver control is shared I with the Holt, Grundy interests j .me in Prince Rupert and Stew-.rt it is or will be entirely in .he possession of Ppwer Corpor-' i - i anon. il. C. Pawson, who has been at I m coufit fqr (WHTie; tinie negotiat ing the 'northern acquisationj .or me rower uorpo ration, in an aterview with The Financial Xews this week made known the .'act that between $2,500,000 and J8.000.000 will be spent by his! jompany in Princ Rupert and! ltewart,.on construction work be-finnin'g in 1929,- See Prince Rupert's Future Taking over the municipal ower plant at Prince Rupert, ' fith iU developed 3000 h.p., 'ower Corporation will at once tart increasing that amount to bout 25,000 h.p. in anticipation ( expansion of Prince Rupert's ower requirements with deveiop-tent of its hinterland and es- blishment of new industries' ' , lere. -.y- .SvW-' "Prini! RfjfpJtt is the outlet i or ,a territory mtherto awrej or ; eae unexplored innorth a,nd .st of tt m&'md Mr. Paw-. TH futura'fbr the &rt Arill lao be nf fVleff' by Hhe nettling f the Pf:WrJtWj3r ,id he terrjtprv generanyj jyj known known :t lime icpri as k cbuntrw itlsfdfus tfjtWJ mllei 'if nwfrafe pewer, sttes oh .5 Khattia. a, OxtaM uxtan sad aed Brown lirowrra lending themselves to copofBieJH flfswopment. Mean New Financing American Creek, some 12 miles tp the Bear Valley from Stewart kill be developed to about 4,000 r 6,000 h.p., that amount being efficient to take care of the fm-cdiate requirements of the area t.'wcrt is regarded only as a ining centre, in the plans of die Kiipany. said Mr. 1'awson any tvre t mry hare as a railway outlet to the country ovor the Naas slope and beyond, being part from present reuortng. The company has reserves on other power sites beside that on American Creek. It takes over the assets of International Hydro Electric Company, serving Stewart and Hytter will carry on under the same, name. E. R. Workman 'wa 'the Veidon'in the deal. It is understsrf thaihew financing will shorUy be announced wheii Prince lWprt 'cHRians ratify the sale of their (Utility in a pending by-la Afore. The name on the new company and details of financing have yet to be NO CONFIRMATION OF i INDIANS STARVING OTTAWA. Jan. 23. hennrU that 600 Indians were facing, starvation near NeInon House in) northern Manitoba a: a result of j the competition by white trappdrs and the shortage of game are with-1 out confirmation, Duncan Camp-! ten &cott. deputy superintendent general of Indian affairs, stated esterday. Jevelopmon on the Dalhousie group of clr.'ms., Bear River, Port- A -. ! ft' ( in- :i oon as uiow. is am- rff- . AOT" thffe XesAhisffie- iverbpmedtlat the clef(Jast season was at its most interesting point, ore of a better grade than any previously developed having been opened ap at that time. Good possibilities of opening up high grade ore In quantities are indicated. This year these new discoveries will be thoroughly ex- itlnriul indns&y Faklasibs Scales For almost a century Fairbanks Scales have been known for their enduring accuracy, and each one of the many,. typ3 has been perfected in design and build, to weigh not only accurately but also to register clearly at the utmost speed. From tiny delicate balance up to huge track scale, the Fairbanks line includes scales for practically every weighing purpose. Steam Equipment The phrase "for quality steam equipment Fairbanks-Morse", can only suggest the large and varied assortment of steam goods stocked by our twelve branches. Fairbanks and Pratt & Cady Valves Foster Regulators Burt Exhaqst .Heads and Oil Filters Strong-Traps, Durabla and Palmetto Packing are lines that have won a high recognition. And each of the hundred and one articles b our steam equipment department, be It pipe or pump,' gauge or gasket, wrench or vise, torch or fire. pot, has been selected for its dependable service. Norton Grinding Wheels For quickly removing metal, for cutting off, for producing a high finish on any material, for any service where grinding wheels can be used,, you will find a Norton Wheel that will cut quicker, or produce a higher finish, or turn out more pieces at a lower cost. Norton Wheels are carried in stock at all branches and at your service are men who have made a study of removing metal by grinding. They will tell you the right wheel to produce the most work at the lowest cost. Transmission Equipment To ensure the steady and economical flow of power from drive to machine, proper shafting, hangers, bear-ings, pulleys and belts are essential, and here you will find Graton & Knight Leather and Dick's Balata Belting. Fairbanks Wood Pulleys, Barry Steel Split Pulleys, Hyatt Roller Bearings, as well as all the numerous appliances necessary for the transmission of power, Fairbanks-Morse pumps and motors "A pump for every purpose" for water, steam, sand, air, sewage or stock, we can supply the special type of pump best suited for the service required. Fairbanks-Morse Pumps, either separate drive, or direct-connected to Fairbanks-Morse Ball Bearing Motors, have made unusual records for efficiency and dependability. ' X In onr twelve Branches you will find stocks of mechanical equipment and shop supplies that for variety ana quantity are unequaiea in lanaaa. Aae trom tfce many lines made by us, we have been selected to represent many of the world's outstanding makers of machine tools, machinery, equipment and supplies. Our general catalogue shows clearly how wide a service we provide for Canadian industry. A copy will be mailed without charge. PLAIN not loo Killer, not loo Sweet - .v. Qhe CANADIAN FaMianlcs Moxse COMPANY-imiec 1. JOHN QUEBEC MONTREAL OTTAWA TORONTO WINDSOR WINNIPEq REGINA CALGARY EDMONTON VANCOUVER VICTORIA ROWNTREE'S YORK