If a i . i j M DAILY NEWS THE PAGE TWO News and Views In The World GYMNASIUM i IS PROPOSED Gyro Club Decide to Make Effort This Year; to Obtain Establishment Initiation of efforts towards establishing a community gymnasium in Prince Rupert was chosen by the Gyro Club, at its regular business luncheon yesterday, as its objective in public service for the year 1929. The Gyro Club executive is taking the matter in hand and will call together representatives of other organizations of the city with a view to obtaining concerted efforts in bringing the project to fruition. ' The minimum estimated cost of building and equipping a gymnasium ia 000 and, inclusiv minir tank. 125.0O0. Failing sue cessful carrying throu&BAf tba gymnasium project, the estab- i ;.""r TFNNK f filIRT llllUlIU lAUlli Creek statins? rink were sBtfges-' ted as objectives. In the matter of the Morse Creek skating rink, a formal opening rs' to be ar-i ranged to take place shortly. . It was announced that pro- Proposal Again Made at Hospital ceeds for the Gyro playgroup Hoard Meeting and Referred fund as a result of the rcent To Committee presentation by the Players' Club of the play "The Staving Another effort is being made to Grace." amounted to $129.89. secure the building of a tennis It was decided that the next I for h u of ? nurses ol e nospKai i ne matter came boedown dance for the par. before the hospital ground iund would be held on formally '"' board last night and was referred April 6 19 ' to round committee for report. 0e uw 01 of helaasing W"K ieaiure features Y HarTison, lady superinten-of the luncheon was presentation i j . . . ' . .vT ... that the girls l ver' ous W.den of a handsome mantel clock to ; , . shal have a court for recreation t i i .j M. Watts in v.ew of his recent iand hea,th ner at the luncheon. S35S5s5sJ3a53ps5353Sp 6 AND 3) This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of.British u " Columbia' Something elsetobe TTiaiMil for 2ml Shoelblisli m c i n. utrRS Trtitrvtt Shot HOCKEY TEAMS GERMAN HEAVYWEIGHT WINS BY TECHNICAL KAYO! Ko n H i u cr .Tnhnnv Rift ko i-anvas-kissinir three times in the seventh, eighth aVI ninth rotfnde, at estimated imated at Jl.2.- jrndlwn Square Garden, Max Schmelintr, German heavyweight, scored a decisive technical knockout e of a afnvj 9r yfa rivhL The rt,feree stopped the battle in the ninth round. The photo -how Risko taking ur)f nine in the ninth as Referee Donovan motion Sehmenng to a neutral corner. J 5 - , ,, -i . FORMS " r,,r r, ' , , r"r , l,OIA ! It is suggested that a site might nue oy iurws -.urai . -nwi K, h.rhnr side of L. W. Waugh was raffle win .pourth Avemie northerly from the Nurses' Home on C.N.R. land. The place is already partly cleared and a court could be built there without any great cost TO VISIT WEST New York Rangers and Lea Cana-diens Will Play Series in Lfw Angeles and San Francisco LOS ANGELES, Feb. 14. The New York Rangers and the C.ma-diens of Montreal have accepted an invitation to play hockey at the ice palaee here and also at San Francisco in April. They will go to each city. While it is not yet knowr. whether these will be the winners ot their respective league sections in the National Hockey League, they are outstanding teams and will make the visit in any case. Around The World I With Sport Fans (Hy Th Tramp) Quite a problem for Canada and the United States is presented by the Davis Cup draw. Canada and the United States are due to meet in the first round. Sport Chat i A mil imviiris njrawjawvu. second-round ties must be com-j W. II. vrfnan 1C6, Joe Bert pleted on or before May 8. In I ley 200. order that this latter condition ! C. L. Youngman 200. George it complied with. It will be nee- H owe 173i . essary for the Canada-United! John Bulger 200, M,.J.ugh. States matches to take place dur- erty I62-' ing the month of April. The vag- No ame hate et been played aries of the April weather of the ,n Ml week8 eluled fixture Ipast few years make outdoor Un- "'lwn uran !nis a very difficult matter to .Canadian Legion In the first tllvV s0'1' Orand Terminals and Grot- 'arrange in advance on this con- tinent during the showery month. "rf "B"?,e;, meet lonignt airs' " thls Weekfl f,rBt divUion fix' Time when the April ncic umutj uuii 'i sate: cr i n Klivy have been most chilly. Cuba and Mexico are to battle for the right to meet the winner of the United Spates-Canada tie and should have no difficulty as to j weather. Canada, as a result of being drawn against the United LABOR STILL HOLDS NORTHUMBERLAND SEAT ENGLISH PARLIAMENT States, faces almost certain el- WANSBECK, Northumberland, iml nation in the firt round. The Eng., Ffb. 14: The Labor pflrty class of tennis played in this retained their hold on the seat country, although steadily Im-jhere In the by-election, G. W. proving, dpes not measure up to I Shield being elected over the that in th country to the south j Conservative and Liberal candl-if us. j dates. SEMI-FINALS Mechanics won the first half of ' the Senior League basketball Number of schedule at Anyox by winning 24- I.O.D.E to 16 over the Beach last Mon AT BADMINTON rete sjaanei, winner oiw JnJaHng herself Games Played at Hall Last Night in Tournament day. The Mine Ladies are at the j the Ladies' League. The! , . top in , 11 u..i,.uii 4.- hJ A large number of badminton and Public Schools At the High ,he I0eD.E. , ,n lhe smeuer town are p.,... tournament which is In progress! games ler Pre iy p i w thefe , M continued until I nanson v,uP in me : """" the Hst 4t scores: Lake ski tournament, has left for Banff tfnd Retelstoke where he Ladies' Double will compete in variousjAi jum- u m ping events and oroM-countrj ,fuw . ... Tr sW races. Md will the . : present NorrlBgton. and Ominec Ski C ub. Mr. Sindnes M 15-8.16-7. was winner 'of the-King a. Cup for I - ski jumping in Norway and is a, Mwd j first class man. both in ski, Ffr9t ronndMM. y. Ldng and raeing and jumping. s Darton M,M BJIett and N. Nelson, world s chamlaii Second round Mlis F. Cross ski jumper, who was defeated in flBi Alf Slbcum beat Mr. and Mrs. the Burns' Lake ski carnival by j v QyM 16.14 15,lfJ Pete Sandnei was tery eulogistic Umm Mrfw. rm, ,H .. about the work of the committee CroM MiM patMt an1 Rogt.r that laid out the 12-mile cross- wrignt, 15-0. 15-7. country run. He claims that it Semi-finate Mrs. Shadwell and is the best laid out course he has c. J. Norrington beat Miss Molly seen and far superior to those of Cross and Allan Cross, fe-13, 15-7. many of the large points where he has competed. He also stated Gents' Doubles that the ski runway and landing Second round nj. V. Clyne and was planned better than any of R. Ilsrtlett beat R. Stuirt and C. the eastern ones where he had Yoangman, 16-14. 16-4. competed. Alf Slocum an9 Cart Stand beat iMorris Bffttt and Prink Allen, GROTTO LEADING OYER GRAND TERMINALS IN BILLIARD TOURNAMENT niuii uiuiniu iiAiuc unvn-ru Grand Terminals and Grotto as n result of which the tobacconists are in the lead by a score of 785 to 698 to date. Frank Williams, Grand Terminals, and W. E. Wll- liscroft. Grotto, are expected to meet tonight In the final game. Scores of last night's games i were as fallows: E. Fen0n7 Grand Ternrfnalsd 133; M. Ml .McLachlan, Grotto, ;iS-2, 15-2. Semi-finals J. V. Ciyne and R. Ba:tlett beat A. Sibetnn and Carl Brand, 15-14, 15-10. S. Darton and . J-ritftrrington beat II. Cross and Lrrfairi Ilinton .Fv.Ur, gfum". .fe pUy'1 The serai-finals will' be playeri ..r. lmik-j -... l... . net Monday evening ana tnr finals on Tuesday. : BRAVE RESCUE 35 JAPANESE - j - OFF ALEUTIANS Crew Taken From Melyo Maru Pounding on Small Island in North M" SEATTLE, '-Feb. 14:-Pulle9f through a pounding surf that ACTIVITIES OF was starting to break up theirtltemperature, ihip, on a smal Aleutian Iiland, the 'crew of 35 were taken from the Japanese freighter Meiya Maru late last night. Contradictory and broken messages received her reported both the S.S. Illinois and the freighter Nank-Ho Maru both of which have been standing by made the rescue. It is assumed that the Japanese sailors were taken off without mishap. A Lylo gun was brought into action when the eas continued to be too mountainous to permit the launching of lifeboats. Breeches Buoys dipped Into the surging sea the men who had battled the Alaska storm for" two days without LEGISLATURE Radio Telephone Bill up For ond Rending and Proposal to Allow Sale of Game I VICTORIA, Feb, ,14: The com Danles act recelved.a second read ing in the Legislature yesterday. Minister of Public Works Loug- iheed explained the Ferry Act In j !its second reading to extend thej itime of the contract from five to i 'ten years.. The second reading was also moved to ratify the agreement between the P.G.E. rail-!way and West Vancouver. The second reading of a private bill to incorporate the Northwest . Telephone Company came up. This private bill gives the D. C. I Telephone Co. the right trf lx-ItenJ its system throughout the province vy wireiess,rc A proposed amendment to the Gafne Act would allothe selling in the public market of game birds and a bill to ajaejtuthe Civil Service act were "pajMfed through the cftmrmtte;. A third reading of the. Ml! .aaitfif In-oiriilnrllloi tn onnrtlnf- i ments said to have been made in ; the past in that an applicant for the appointment had not been made to pass an examination. STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy of S. D. Johnson Co., Ltd.) .awwnd midnight. Two games wers I Miiowing quoiatiom were ellmlftated owing to Mrs. Long , Wd and asked: j Following is Bay view, 4Vi, $. Big Missouri. 2.00, 20Q. Cork Proylnce, 18. 19. ii Cotton Belt. 40, 60. I i Dunwell. Nil. 1V Duthle Mines, Nil, 55. George Copper, $-07 9.50. Georgie River, 59V. NIL Gladstone, 14, 15, Golconda, 1.48, 1.50. Grandview, 7t, 74. 33. 24 18 hdependence, 11, lli. ndlan Mines, 7, 7Vi. ntern. Coal L Coke, 38. 804. ttootenap Florente 21'i. 22. Kootenay King, 38, 40. L. & L, 4 V, 5. ' Lakeview, Hi, 2. Lucky Jim, Nil, 10. Mohawk, 7, 74. Morton Woolsey, Nil, 4. Marmot River Gold, G4, 7. Marmot Metals, 64; 74. Nat. SI) G. S., 19, 21. Noble Five, 68. 60. )regon Copper, 80, 81. 'end Oreille, 14.00, 15.00. Vernier. 2.10. 2.11. 'orter-Idaho, Nil, CG. teeves- Macdomtld,J4, 45. . tQfus-Argenta, 3Gfc, 37 ' j. tuth-IIope, 54, -55f Sliver Crest, Ols. A. llverudo iftJim Nil. Uversrhlth. AM. Qrt. locan King, 9, lO.f nowflake, 37, 39- J unloch. 4.00, 4.0.1 'erminus. Nil. 10"4. - r - Tepley Richfield, Nil. 50. Toric Mines. 2.00, 2.25. Whitewater, 1.11, 1.14. MWlbine, 3, Nil. tlluebird, 20'a, Nil. oils byon Pete, 8. 84. Eastern Stocks Sberritt-Gordon selling at 8.80. Nornnda selling at CI. 60. WEATHER REPORT Prigce Rupert Overcast, calm; Haysport Cloudy, calm. 32. Port Simpson Cloudy, calm, Terrace Fog, calm, 28. Rosswood Foggy, calm, 24. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 25. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 3.1. Ahyox Cloudy, calm, 32. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 27. Haielton Foggy, calm, 18. Smlthers Foggy, calm, 20. Burns Uke Foggy, calm, 10. Atlln Part cloudy, east wind. Whltehorse Cloudy, calm, 15. Big Salmon Snowing, calm, 31. Stewnrt River Cloudy, calm, Dawson Snowing, calm, 22. Mayo- Overcast, cnlm, 23. of Sport MORE DETAILS 3"!. February 4 ;. CRUELMURDERjs-1 RdvInsKy Says Man Named Ilrowh Was Instrumental in Killing of Kates f-s - - ' " . IHJRIRI) illI ALIVE Clothing; Salesman Hit on Heed WRhTShovel Wlien He Showed : gtgns of - Life t the slayer of Dave Kates of Pic ton, Ont., in Saskatchewan last June in the confession of Herman Kavlnsky, who surrendered himself here last Saturday according to the police. Ravinsky states in his story that he, Kates and Brown were driving in an automobile between Gull Lake and Tumpkins at the time of the crime and Kates' body was bur-fed in the sand dunes about ten with KaHes ami failed, the polio Kates was a insky w.i HALIBUT PRICES ARE mlW front tfc highway. (Lovift-kaira and poxsil sky said that he got out to lootrl IT BBS 1 A delist to tKe connoisseur a revelation to tKe 3 sceptic I DISTILLED I BLENDED If;' fl mm M I ; BOTTLED M"12 1 Ml HI IN SCOTLAND -? MS I 1 t n..-u a r Wt. : I I 26 Hotbom, London. E.CJ. This advertisement is not published or displayed by tit Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia m I1IVI IIVVIill Kl llifl ' VSW W W w a- v - KETCHIKAN. K aahefl about the ft halibut at the .'earon. a local ti'.i "None of un Ki; if we did We pn t u (give our quotatu. 'patter. llower VANCOUVER. Feb. 14: A :?Bter into the pr.. man named Brown" was named as ,(. qUOt-d at a flat tire and, when he got back to the automobile, Kates was semi-conscious. Later he was stripped of money, jewelry and papers and his body buried. When Kates showed signs of life as he was being buried he was struck over the head repeatedly with a shovel, Ravinsky said. Ravinsky is being held here pending arrival of officers from Swift Current, Seek., where a charge of complicity In the murder was laid against him yesterday. All efforts to find any. trace of the "man named Brown" or evidence that he travelled Weak and Run Down Didn't Want to Eat Could Not Sleep c Mrs. D. Lon, fault fte. Msria, Ont, writ: "I u sk nd run dawn: did not want to rat, and could not Wp. I felt tired of living and often lonrr-d for dosth to free me from my ternbls tnnnty ss I felt I would never Strang sgsia, I thought I would try and rraDy 1 soon fait Uls eating and Urine, and new life saetned to come to B . f Uanufaetorad eejjr hy Ths T. MO-hwra Co, Ltd, Torouia, Ont. (Continued n will the condition i the time, wvuthr: whether a lt ii ped on the marki ' time, and a iw which only fish i miss. As oft-n lme the halibut he returns with i a gamble, ami '' on the game ul! " chances of a thim' lill Miss Bagln ; . himself. He iui'l hang himself, but ( with. He then himself, but hadn't : S) rrrn inn said tii it him thAt he had !".c J .0 fr's: i v. .'. Ban- 0 - 8 ill . 9 A PERTINENT Ql ESTW A farmer visit : v college was e.-" in tae experimt ii'-leal class. "We deavorlng to hs a universal solvi i : "What's that ' "A liquid that anything." "That's a gr.-;it I the farmer; thn, -head, he added. find it. Avhat arc keep It inT" K S E ' r Jit' . .IS ' r.ti. " i r.-r DKA-Il PLOT I1ETWEEJLB AND WOMAN KEbtLjJJ MURDER OF MISS li.MlMI by a Dr. Cranch time punctuating hn em reference to the "CJnd hud mari i"! ' w " the girl and from i wan tocome a nerniiu had been married b "..r j(sW Thursday, he told nv " son . .. Other wltneses i'"'1'"'' & , Lebell. connected w.th ' v " lute Science Cult, in ! clay and Miss Bagl" uto,l Miss Chai-i"'"' . iiili . v. . ... , niM. lormer room na--and others.