km reducti While Gram The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUSIBIj Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Only Two Appeals Allowed Municipal Court of Revision at Session Yesterday municipal court of revision yesterday afternoon for a blanket reduction of 45 per cent in the assessment on the company's ac- another 27 per SO per cent and, This, be consi Railway property under taxation agreement, Mr.1 Nichol stated that he had certain ! protests of a formal nature to j make, one of these was against, dry dock property valuation, 1 which had been increased from $466,000 to $1,092,600 jjManajgng Editor. t. V. f SUBSCRIPTION KATES City Delivery, by mall or carrier," yearly perlodpaTafn ad(an(.e 55.00 For lesser period, paid ir advance, ret month .V$: ....,, .50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period Transient Display Advertising per; hjcb per .Insertion AReiTper Local Read..-. Per insertion. wrwHne W,. . .... Ornsa, who acted t as CANADIAN RAG J3.00 Classified, per insertion, peT" word - Legal Notices, ach insertion per auate line 15 Or four months for $1.0l By mail to all other parts ot british Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per jtur JC.CX By mail to all other countries, per year , $7 5 Contract Rates on Application r Advertising and Circulation Telephone 99 Ed-tor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 Afember of Audit Buieau of Circulations DAILY EDITION FEW CHANGES IN TAXATION Thursday, Feb. 14, n?2! the corner oi Third Avenue and $4,500 to 55.TOO ana 53,u wnicn were the JD28 valuations. This and, that f the Grand Trunk Pactffc Development Co. were the. only ifo reductions allowed " i . i . 1 1 i i .i j,., i oy ine conn, au oiner appeaieu valuations oeiuK miuncu iu oumu. John V. Ciyne acted as counsel for N. M. McLean who asked for a reduction from J5.050 on the R. II. Nichol, assistant taxation ; waterfront property at Seal Cove commissioner for the Canadian j occupied by his boatbuilding es Nat.onal Railways, asked the ; tabl.shment. The tax of $233 on this property was exorbitant for a small man engaged in an industry which should be encouraged, Mr. Clyne contended. The IS ADVOCATED r GEORGE SCILNABEL reage in the city instead of the court felt that the assessment were found 21 per cent reduction granted by , was fair for a piece of waterfront authorities. the assessor. Mr. Nichol based, of this kind, his appeal to this effect on the j Cjharles Haecker appeared be-pro und that a 45 per cent re- for the court and asked that the ductioo had been made last year assessment ot lots on the Prince and he felt that this should-be tuqrt Boulevard .valued at 9100 done again. Mr. Nichol lAftndX8o jbe, reduced. jTle court tnat, since iazu, me cmpany , louao tmu ine assessment was had paid $53,000 in taxes on this , eautable. f ; acreage which could not be sold th revisions as decided upon, for 196,000. j - 5.. f thejeourtj ofeeviion a$ted the J. C. McLennan, assessor, 1 192 aes,;ment roll, eoosWing stated that he had eideavored its gessfon at 4 p.m. after JtfUg to make a fair reduction thiiii'rori 2:SU. The cottmUMed year. The value of one pareellrf Mabr AleMord'cmrfrjPfin,' had Aeen reduced 8Vi per ewtStuti Bwwn, Aid. TCdllart nd T MM STMT" VfcWiF.r: A vas Wdffc covered Sought by the police in connection with the death of his wife in Montreal. Mrs. Sen navel's body was found in the canal at Cornwall, Ontario, and bur-ed in the Potter's Field, unidentified. Later -the body was exhumed and traces of poison by the Montreal District News STEWART 4- Miss Helen Hal) fs htyte from Vancptfter visiting n with her .ster, 4I. E. 0. tfaAion; Johnny B'ozanjnk h;s returned irom a vacat.on trpUi VancouvscL uad othe points ip the south. ' Miss DavWt. lalocal school mthe Vhas r6m aA"ftJiW wack, where she rm t atllB oft af i count of the recent death of her , father. Dan Lindrborg who spent a few vinninac p. p.. l'as hc w-ek afUr a visit The proposal to come before the' of year to Swt0' returMd . Canadian parliament at this ses- of the here sted of property cons , u of natonal Jnterest ine uoaung ary oo wnicn ws The time is ripe for action. Fail-personal and not Ux-'1)lg property a th bM tfc bl in y c8e- Mr- N5jCanadian ensfgn-the Union Jack stated that the company was,- the f. !n sirous of coming r to an micaMffth .fly-hfculd be made official, arrangement with the city in the u pr,i0, however, that some-matter of taxation and'aaked tat(thin.j tawh can desi the court consider its decision Be-!e(i. The Canadian flag should IIURNS LAKE District visitors in to1 the past weak have i r)kduri 4tir Moen and E. Soliie of Rose Xmn. W. H. Lititcn is shipping out 1 ..imochy seed for th Central E lore oaiuraay mominii wpen ne r.ave something to make it dis-j C. Seed Grower's Asaoeiatioa. wouia oe leaving ior me easi. tinctly Canad'an and to have the aiayor Mcaioraie assurea air. union Jack as a symbol of Can- J k'uunun .nil man. KM Nichol that the city was also de-da's partnership in the IJritishland Harvey, are again residing sirous oi Bern. us me maiier r- v ommonwearn. vr.en this isi .j Burns l.sJt, monlously. jdone, Canada will have placed her-' -1 ine court laier, reacnea a ae- sen on an equality with Australia. H. J. Macdonald, manager of cision 10 reauce ine assessment iew .eaiana. south Africa and the Silver Island . Mining Cu on ine u.i.x-. development uo. me lnsn rree state. mode a business trip to Smitbrs acreage ior me year oi ueiween i me ruposai will De opposed by. last week. 26 and 27 per cent. This settle- supe -loyalists who will produce ! ment was suggesiea uy mayor mnr usual oaiuerdash about I R fi Ktearna of TintsmI was iicmoruie. io cnanKe was muue ""ua wyiuj; io sugnt mo union a business visitor in tOWtl ft in tne ary oock valuations. - m proposal contains week nothing of the sort. Canada t . i i Lots Reduced Hcsncr Bhoud have her own officja, At the suggestion of the as- and Canada some day will have her 0(.a sessor who stated that an error own official flag. Those who and ( had been jkvii hi. made, i. n.-, the iuv court tuun reduced ieuw.xu fume umc against bsiiii lt-'may ii inay delay aeiay action. action, Nichol .1.. il. i i-i- ).,. but i in il in ... . ruinous jne aaneaniiii'iu assessment occup on the two lots, the end they will be swamp- jaUor )ied by ? Rcsner Rlock at'd by a.gjrowing Canadian opinion, ' Hutch Peace (sadly) This looks like the place we started from. Evening Standard, London. recommendation of the Conservative Association the Canadian Lgion, Harry has been appoliMed vendor here. Charles tchinson of Alice Arm is r mainiRg here for a while unti Mr. Nicholls familiarises himself with his work. The Burns Lake Mlody Orchestra has tiet'ii rtirganhted with Mrs. H. J. Jewell us presid t nt. II. G.Stearns has started eut. tinjr lumber with his portable ic.wmill on his ranch at Tintagel ITLU-GRSP H Cbft.k before it itartl. B Rub QD inhale vapor THE DAILY NETT3 WHIPPINGPOST BEING URGED Judge Cavenaugh of Chicago Says Whipils'MwaysiTeared by Criminal Class CHICAGO,. FebJ 14. The whipping post ns strongly advocated for gunmen of this city by Judge Cavenaugh as the best means of riddtefc the. city of law lessness. H&1ltSfflha the whip was always feared j1 members of he c iminal ckwafafd pointed to .he example at tAejr states and anada. No form of punishment as too severe, he said, for the man who totfd a gun. S. "A AIR LICENSE EUROPE STILL IN ICE GRIP Harbors nnd. Rivers Frozen and ' Navigation's Stopped and Jj Indfijftjfta Closed ONDON?elby 145 With the trmometerK:80 to 40 degrees be-liffr zero in nuiny parts of Eu ope uiday, there is much distress and many industries are shut down. igation Is swjfcusly impetlea gh tne U'eesios; Oi rivers anu bors. Sixty veslfls afj leebround In Danish water awl throughout the Baltic navigation is at a stand still. .John E. Moran, well known Atlin mining man, was a passen- NRV YORK. Feb., 11 Russell ter aboard the Princess Mary " h w, son of EvljFThaw. yestcr- ; esterday afternoon going to day secured a license as air pilot. V.u-ouver. Thursday, February 14, 1929 IiBimactilate but perspiration odour is no respecter of persons To perspire Is natural, every one does , . . one to two pints daily say the doctors . . . but perspiration need ' not be oflensive, not while there's Lifebuoy Soap for face, hands and bath. This delightful aid to a beautiful skin is more than an exquisite toilet soap; its mild, antiseptic lather cleanses and purifies the pores and keeps them sweet from bath to bath. There's no price penalty, because Lifebuoy costs no more than the toilet soap you have been using. Purifies Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP aatTCTimgraa ' mmW 24.898.380 58.97o teasure house f.fTWENTY years' mining in British Columbia have yielded nearly X BpO-million dollars. The last ten years " have increased i production -CAtiwit- . oy e.ypegcent. The value of all Canada's production Is S25.70 per citizen, British Columbia's production today, if distributed, would metui $111.96 per person annually! Our mined and treated tonnage of metalliferous ores reached a record of more than 5-mllllon tons for 1927. The value of the mining Industry to tlio Province is In the distribution of money In wages, supplies, transportation services, etc. And In this respect, 1927 was a record year!1 The 14,000 employees of the mining Industry were paid wages totalling 23 million dollars . . . or nearly $1,700 each . . . the highest average for any Canadian Province. During the year, distribution of eight million dollars was made In dividends! llritlsh Columbia mines approximately 49 million dollars worth of copper, zinc and lead, n year . . . more than the rest of Canada. In gold and silver, our production ranks second ... In coal, third; our total annual mining production today being exceeded only by Ontario. Sound legislation, good mining laws nnd low fees have encouraged this development and stimulated growth. Although the provincial mining area lias only been superficially prospected within the transportation belt, new fields arc developing, new roads and trails constantly being built. Chattering drills sink deeper nnd deeper Into the hills . . . heavy ores rumble through the concentrators . . . fortunes come tumbling from the treasure chest of Ilrltlsh Columbia! What was once only Imagined about our mining fiotentialltics, is now proven knowledge. Mining las become our third largest industry... showing over 67 million dollars revenue a year . . . proof that prosperity flourishes In ilrltlsh Columbia, Capital from Eastern Canada, tho United States, Great Drltaln, France. . .seeks Investment. Our great wealth of production, developing so steudlly during the past ten years, has established confidence and aroused keen interest in British Columbia's mining future tho world over. r Rt4,thtu anounetmtnts and umler Hand your frotimt't progress . . . (lip thtm out' and stud I hem to friends. If you desire extra copies of these annuum tments a note to Hit newspaper will Irini thtm. Advertise your Vrttinal ten u LblSl