Thgg-.I:y., FMgrjarjr .M, 1029 1. Tire daily news - ' I'. oca and Personal News In Brief . tJ It i FISHERMEN ! DO NOT GO TO SEA WITHOUT A First Aid Kir, Complete supply of first aid articles packed in a cedar chest $3.00 Gives greatest vigour UATS to 5 minutes j . ii yfic Pioneer THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST ' Q HICK yUAKER Cooks in Zlk is RED'S Transfer Fifteen years experience In FUKNITUKB AND PIANO MOVING We sell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood In any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and -Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Dny Phone: 201. Night Phone: Red 317. Fishing Opens Soon RE PREPARED AND PROPERLY CLOTHED I We have a splendid line of yomh in MASTER MECHANIC BRAND i which wo enn sell for 25 to 80 per ((111 leB3. ALSO MEN'S UIH OVERALlij The Mogul, In black only. Regular $2.26. Spwiai, $r:ao. Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE Drutrtistx . ,. TELEPHONES ft'.?nr for busy morning hours MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing price on Vancouver Stock Exchange on out stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and .selling Mining StocJw on Vancouver Stoek Exchacge. We alio have facilities for accepting wWat order on Winnipeg Stik Exchange. Representing Miller. Court ft Cr Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston Colli 617 2nd Avwnue Frince Rupert, B.C PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Easfd by SANTAL MIDY lie sure to get the Urnulut ,nk tor t.V ford "V.H1 ' " "" GOAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY . WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Rulkley liny and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. VV ' SCALE OF CHARGES The following is the;scale of charges made for reading notices: '' Birth Notices 60c. x Cards of Thanks, 12. t Funeral'Notlces $1. Funeral Flowers 10c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. I a Taxi Phone 4. Rig 4 Taxi tf This afternoon's train, due fiom the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Cement, Lime, Plaster, Sand IT: ' , 7" Pnce and Gravelr-lowest prices. Al-:fiJito1 "if1? Slf btewar where Nf- bertAMcCaffery.Umited. Phond' Z nfianj ii7 it aoagw will cary out some work P. McLeod, Shoemaker; has moved to the Helgerson Block on' Sixth Street, opposite Bryant and; lire is. f 4 T l QhMitnn iniV ' sailed nguTbs mines I t Prince Rupert on a trip to Stew-n on oi'i'it ial duties. MisH E. M. Earle will sail tomorrow night by the "Princess Royal on a business trip to Vancouver. Rev. Father George Gallant' ,. - a iic iic v. v.i.iw. si earner inn- t,viv"fc uuu miui auu well known Roman Catholic j reR8 Norbh recently arrived on the officers artd teache s of the priest at Skagway was a pasii-the C0M( from her j,, Sunday School. The report pro-ger aboard th Princess Mary : i.ti.i.. ; , .j . , ,-aa n... pf n.r.!.t yesterday afternoon On i trip" south. At the first regular meeting of the recently elected hospital 1 Vwv.J t If fl . Ul rrr- L"' t"r k- Hi m Harrison, lady "PJ; tVTpart84')h,,t the Jr has Wii. vw-y.iull recently. Sh also ,rtjiortHi the receipt of a doien dressing, gowns from tbe Ladies' Auxiliary. -t ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Presbyterfans 1 Valentine Tea. February 14. Moose Tilst Drive and Da Bet? February 22. See "Green Stockings," I.O.D.B. play, Capitol Theatre, February 25.. Eagles Whist Drive and Dance February t8. K. P. Anniversary Ball Uircfa 1. Ol TITCI pi TinPO I' hjUl 1 Oi ajUl"l aJ ' ' . MADK TO ORDBR I Cuttinjr;, Workmanship and Style All Guarantied SUITS STEAM CLEANED ND ! PRESSED " We Deliver lo Any Part of the I City. was'that $232 had been contributed to! muanrMI , a t uays imprisonment, dv .viagis-1 trat McOlyraont in city police court this morning In a charge of Lnd showed that work to be In a driving to the common danger, very healthy. condition with an en-Sergeant J. P. M. HannrihJcon- rojrrient'of 98. ducted the prosecution JWid WsivMika It h . guests. The program was in Ling, tn2 Tt I ailOf clwrge of 6. II. Munro who presided. Mr. Jarvis McLeod sang Phone 649 " acceptable vocal solos. - -II 0. Fulton acted on, behalf, . ,o . Videck. t i ' Kev- T Iwn Joneg" P3101" of First Preabyterian Church, was the sneaker before the Rotarv Club at Ita weekly luncheon In the Commodore Cafe today. Ed - rWard. Lipfst, prominent member .1 of the VaBTOUvW Rotary Club, recently returned from a trio to Honolulu, was among the at special price of 98c Specials for Friday Saturday and Monday LADIES' SILK AND WOOL HOSE Extrn special 76c LADIES' HEALTH BRAND, PURE WOOL COMBINATIONS $2.50 URLS' UNION COMBS To clear lDrfir.Wt Gossel ??hoie Hoys' - Band meet tor practice at' 7:S0 p.m. Friday, in Eoys Band Bourns. 'iisfc C, Frater ha received! Henderson of C'hilliwack,-;ip(ej 1UU.1 HI. A General Meeting of the Prince Rupert Radio Association, Friday,. Feb. 15 in the City Hall. All interested please attend. 37 "S.S. Salvor" has arrived again With a full cargo of Nanaimo-Wellington Lump coal. Albert & MeCaffery, Limited. PhoB 116 and 117. tf .. ... . 1 r ,i r ti 1 1.. 1- . it . . . mm wjmcuy as a; macninisi. ; - . ... Norman L. Freeman, local rep - ; rweAialk e-vfi -yra International ' PMerfeh fcin, returned , th cfty'on tne' Princess jMarj? pepwrpiy 'aernoon Trom a' brief tt on oUieM Merely routine business was taken up at the regular monthly meeting ' of the Canadian Legion last nigt. President M. M. 1 Lamb was in the chair and there was a fair attendance of bers. I I AI(Vfl trill Pflllitltf ot friia nAirt i in the course of the coming mer. Those present at a meeting of 'the th Hal Hoapitui t Hoard Isiat niM Vere Chjtrman J. II. Thompn, G. P. Tinker. J. V. WHklLsoW. M(!X M-JL K w n.rri- ILadu .Superintendent Miss Har- rison and uie secretary. Father Leuhey O. M. I. of Los Angeles, who is conducting spec-1 ial Roman Catholic missions at various points in southern Alaska, arrived in the city frem Juneau on the Princess Mary1 yesterday afternoon and will proceed to Ketchikan. As a result of an automobile collision late Saturday night at the corner of Fulton Street and Fifth tmJlM. Videfk fined 110, with option of seven i 14 GIRLS' FELT HATSTo clear u. .75c 18 LADIES' FELT HATSTo dear at special price of $i?tt GOOD QUALITY WHITE FLANNELETTE Special, 7 yards for $1.00 GOOD QUALITY WHITE GOTTON SC inches wide. Special, G yards $1.00 After stock-taking we find we have a large assortment of remnants consisting Silk, Flette.. Flannel and all kinds of dross goods which we have marked down at half price. We are also offering numerous other bargains for which see our windows. Jabour Bros. Ltd. ' PHONE 615 7th ST AND ;IR1) AVENUE BAPTISTS HEAR OF ACTIVITIES CHURCH WORK Annual Meeting of Congregation and Social Held Last Night The annual social meeting of the congregation of the First Baptist Church was held last evening and was characterized by much cordiality and optimism. The pastor, Rev. W. F. Price, presided, and conducted devo- tions. Reports of. the va ioun branches of the church's activi- tie were presented, all sfeowin? .. . . . ... - . , in" ra"CD ' "umu' na ealous service halbeen -rendered to the eause of Christ during the past yea. , ,,. . , . T T o f 1 t 1 .1. . it. smiin reau me report oi 'the deawnJJtorjijsMclL While lamenting that additions to the membership had not been litnitir. - expressed the conviction tht TbjiucJi good had been accomplhhefl. rne report went onr to xiwibt! " "1" taP"-- '9es during the year. Purchase of ;new pews, installation of new heating system, provision of a new " an together with the renova- ;t,on of the auditorium. Hearty were tendered to the Ladies' Aid for its help in raising flinHa in f Ho nVfranlot f fv ttia af. Church is indeed fortunate fn a pastor of the ability and leadership of Rev. W. F. P ice. to He is a man who adheres close to line of the old gospel truths. reaching, Jesus Christ as the Saviour of tbe world, and, in ad-r"tion, is. b oadminded and energetic . Assisted by his- equally en-rrgc ic wife they can always be found using: their energy and talents in the work of the church and in the service of the Master. Veur Idiaconate wishes to convey to our 'pastor and Mrs. Price their heart felt thanks for their' untiring efforts on behalf of the church during; the past year." The financial report, p evented by Mrs. J. D. Thurber, showed that the-total amount raised by the church from all sources during the year was $27G1 . Mrs. Price gave the report of tho rrrlaninnnrv nffprinira hmvinir Tha rannr nt tv, i,tr,jw ,-wi wa raA hv p ii t in.ov presented a re- r - - -1 - r- - ry port fromtthejFireside Club, which was toom ienrou raging 4 -n An account acunt of of the the work work of of the ! Mission Rand received from M a. S. Dawson, and a financial sta state- ment by Mrs. R. Walker showed that successful work" had been 1 done, in particular a substantial ; parcel 1 of - t goods I made J. by L..1L.. the ladies .JU. of the Mission Circle and girls of the Mission Band had been sent to the missionaries in India. M s. J. D. Thurber, secretary of the Ladies' Aid, gave a report of the work of that organization, proving null Kirni Mini tit; uau uttu uio- playeil, and the t "easurer's statement given by Mrs. F. Morris recorded that the sum of $936 had been raised during the year. P. II . Limey gave a brief historical sketch of the's progress since its formation, in which he mentioned the encouraging fact that though there was 10 years ago a debt of over $10,000 on the church property, this had been re duced to about $2000. During the evening musical numbers werei contributed by Miss B. Derry and! V. Houston, W. V. Davies being accompaniest. At the close refreshments were sjefjl .andl ijry , enjoyable time was There were thirty-nine passengers aboard the steamer Princess Mary which called In port yesterday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. The following four disembarked here: Demetrl Teteff, Vancouver laborer; Mrs. Leola May Anderson. Sjmkane; N. L. Freeman. Prince Rupert, and Rev. Father A. Lea-hey, Los Angeles. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central 4. A. Farmer. Vancouver ; H. J. Bradbury, Prince Rupert. ' Snvi Mildred Rupert, Ketchikan; W. O. Lapointe, Spilfer River; Mr. and Mrs. A. Patto'n, Pitt Island. Royal ' Harry Scott, Lang Inlet; R. G. Lipton, city; Colin A. Manlbve, and J. M. O'Hara, Edmonton. Prince Rupert j C. M. Firby. Colin A. Manlove, S. Macdonald and C. C. Pierre, Vancouver; R. R. Nichol, Winnipeg. NOT THE SAME I-PERSON AT ALL t'Fruitrtives'' Stopped ; Pain and Terrible Dizziness i ,-JrV-, hwafj i Mm.. COOIN It acems alm-wt a mirerle the way "Ffurt-ft-tivua" benefits women suffering at the chaosc ei life. ' I u obliged go to bed bceciae of tbe terrible JuctBesa, and weakness," writes Miae Orfnw '.jdin of raquetville, N.B. ' Duniii; tbia trying time 'Fruit--tives' proveri godsend, to toe-, aud bow I am in prrfert heiltL tyry wiaac tbouU follow my ex-hmpfc and take Kruit--tivee, and they wduM surei' get the wonderful sfthtldid.' Try it. YwrrrfJflFo mt teat Hroiiueniii inut xeeaici inc. and 60c. a 'kjx. Week-End Specials AT THE RK.'GEST LITTLE STORE IN TOWN BULK DATES F03 COOKING 3,b- 30c SWIFT'S DIAMOND RHl&D- 1 la WW VI ll-fe'll M Jl I IV Special, lb 45C WHY PLAY YOURSELF OUT waah-day when Swift's QflicJc Napihc Soap Chips a.e selling this week at 2 pkgs QTf V M W ntTAtT nriTTTir5 matt Ann WHITE VINEGAR Special at 20c, McCORMICK'S LARGE PAILS CRISP SODAS 50c VATmn ASSORTED JELLY POWDER I for 25 c MAXINE ELLIOTT TQJLKT SOAP 2 cakes 25c SWEET JUICY ORANGES Family aise. 4 doz. 78C Bush's Grocerteria PHONES 211 AND 212 Bring Your FURS - to Goldbloom He pays the highext prices. Flashing Eyes Laughing Eyes Downcast Eyes Eyes tell Your Character The prettiest of dimples or lisp or a silk, Ne'er can compete with the charm o) the eye Brown eyei for itrength -Blua for generosity Gray eyt for jealousy Sparkling eyei indicate beauty, yei, and good health, toot Do your eye parltlef Are the whites clear or are they tinged with yellow indicating an out -of -sorts condition due to constipation? If to, you need roan tor m short pnod. Your ers will sooa tell th. A YtttutU story ol improved Product health. Ktid ttout Chtncter him fir Eyn kt futurt Beecktm inrttisrimts B T A Hill NABOB, 4-lb. tins; RASPBERRY, PEACH. APRICOT, per tin 57c TOMATO SOUP Campbell's. Per tin 12c RICE KR1SPIF.S Kellogg's New Breakfast Food, 2 pkgs 25c PORK AND HEAXS Del Monte. 9.-'tttiwMftt. t 15c Broken Slices, j;siin 22c SHOE POLISIfer-2 in 1 Black Liquid, .Per bottle 10c iJONEUBSR &ALT COD in 2-1 b. bpxe.VM -Is 45c cjuicK ssfrrriA CHIPS Per pkg. 15c MACARONI Canadian Brand. Per pkg 12c CHEESE Finest Ontario. Per lb 32e LIBBY'S MEATWICH SPREAD Per tin 10c J3LLIED VEAL Clark's, Is. Per tin 40c fOLVENE SHREDDED SOAP For war!.ing machines. 2 25c - INGEft 4U: Buckingham if-:!.. fcj brfUle 10c Watts' Grocery Quality Right-Prices Right PHONE 55 PHONE 56 BAD EYES Are your eyes peculiai" a little different! Hnrder to test than many? That is the kind we take a special interest in and usually satisfy our customers. In fact, if the eye Is not diseased, and glasses are really what is needed, we are sure we can suit you. Lenses ground specially for each eye when necessary. Many pleased customers in Prince Rupert John Bulger, Ltd. U4 if j