Thursday, February 14, 1929 tXdE SEfyTlA Man in ihe Moon CLASSIFIED ADVE RTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND Home in where the radio in located. THIS IS .THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ 'BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. Our own religion is the only nSust be noVely puziWd almrtioito (o luiow which of .them I rigft It's a koo3 thtnK for the house-wife thatruie hens do fiot hear how much the bricklayers ure getting for layinjr bricks. I 'have been wondering what Ihe national bureiau for the extermination of bores ha been duink' of late. They should send :i representative to Prince Rupert and tell him to get very busy. It is noticeable that most of the violators of the U.S. laws are naturalized Americans. Did you ever hear of the absent minded man who when he fell into the water sank twice before he remembered that he could swim? y U4 .evojvea l.. afr r HhV . . . i , there is '"wrojisu readv to bawl him 0t because .. . the truth that be has discovered disagrees with the religious J"" P"00"-n City lo enter into -f .l. .L..1.-:... mii iry oi me uicwiuKian. ;lta . ,j , , . . The COmmon.peOpIe are rich in friends, especially about election time. to Ten Years Ago In Prince) Rupert February 11, 1919 The (irand Truftk lW.ttfr rWil way t o. will not build Its ter mmal buildings here, including i station and freight office, until 1 it is exactly krxmn whaflrfe ErAH, quiremenia oi ine rrince nupvrv Li Dock &. EaglMerfng Co. will W, status Il.-HMrCftttliRHral jptt irtUArdwt uS the raiUfw. Antjus ajwld, principal of jrue aewar Pipe the jiuhlic scTft&r)' informed theTtuik '3flzS't .m noui ooaru iafi nivi iiiai ynv total attVrrdanee at' the ihk M-hools in tae city now stood at D4Q. 'Trie, total . attendance , at thfl pubjii kbooJi now in io ,the in ignborhood of 1,000. A committee consisting of Jurtge F. McB. Young. George J f ilt. W. E. Thompson. S. D. Msc-iiiMiuld and Major J. II. McMullIn hits tieen appointed to proceed vuli plans for the erection of a memorial to commemorate those who lout their lives in the Great Wur. a PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ThurKdayTiebruar)' M H'gh 4:28 a.m. '20.1 ft. 18.6 ft. Low i I:- a..!. 5.7 ft Hatrt p.m. 5.5 ft. Friday, February 15 High 5:12 a.m. 20.1 ft. 17.41 p.m. 17.4 ft. Low 11 iS7 a.m. 6.8 ft. 23:40 p.m. 6.8 ft. Saturday; February 1G High G:0S a.m. 10.9 ft. 18 :6C p.m. 1G.4 ft Low 12:44 jam. CO ft. 1 Sunday, February 17 High 7:09 a.m. 10.8 ff. 20:20 p.m. 16.0 ft I)W O AS a.m. 8.1 ft. 14:01 ivm. Sftd . . -! S rv, d m Z- - r1 r Slonda, February 18- i. High 8121 a,m. 19.9 ft 21:4G .tm, 1C.4 tt. Low 1:4D ft.m. 9.1 ft 15:21 p.m. 52 ft Tuesday, VruVyll$ ruaryau. High Low . . 3:12 a.m 9.4 ft. 1G!28 p.m, 4.1 ft Wrdrntulay, Fehrunry 20 H'lfh 10:40 a.m. 21.2 ft. 23:40 p.m. 18.5 ft. Low 4t2S n.m. 8.8 ft. 17:20 p.m. 3.0 ft. Thursday, February 21 i'Ki 11 iSO a.m. 21.3 ft. Lw , 631 n,m. 7.9 ft 18:17 p.m. 2.0 ft. WANTED BOOiai Written up duily, weky or monthly by experienced accountant. Phone Green 606. 39 WANTED - VVill give furnished' flat feat free in exchange for board. Box 170 Daily Newa 32 NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that an application will be made to the Legislative Assembly ol the Provknoe of British Columbia at Use-present aeesiori by the Corporation of the City of Prince Rupert I hereinafter called the City) for an Act empower! nK the City to sell, free fitom an encumbrances upon such terms aa It may deem lit. to ihe Power Corporation of Canada. Umitcd. Hereinafter called the Company i. the entire as-aeU of lis electric light and power de-pairtaMfit aa a going concern, and to grant to. the Company the sole and exclusive right, power, licence and privilege to -can y on in Uie City of- Pkic Rupert the bualneas of a light, beat and power company, and for a urn purposes surface and underground wires cables " otbT siutpmeni and appliances tor me transmission, aiatriDUUOn and sale of electric Dower lor Ilifht. heat and ana empowering the an an r merit with the tompan ny for supplying to the City and cklaena ejectrlc light. heat and power enwu sucn lercne and oonaiuona as un City may deem fit. and further eflkpow rtiMt the Ctt? to hereafter purchase or take over the whole or anv part of the CbApanr'i electric light heat sad power sysaeni upon such terms aa may be agreed apou. ano to validate a bylaw (if as- Talte notice that BUlmor BDrurw Mula W to by the elector., to whom It la UmtSt. 'VMu&ttAwJrtM be submitted i em powering the City to ocinpatloa. manufactureM. intends to ntr into aa agreement with the oean- apply for a lease of the following oe-Oaay authortalng the City to enr into aealhed'Knds : the same and to validate the aald agree-'- clwftenclnc at the northeast corner ot aeat and t grant and confirm to the Lot ABS6, Range 6. CO., thenae aoutn-CoMpany all the powers, prlvlleaws and Mr dgiees 10 minute east 600 ftet. ngnts thereby com erred DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C., this 6th day of February. AD. 193B. E. P. JONES. aaycitot tor fnetOorparamn-iOf the i t CBty of Mao Rupert 7.w TKNUtKM .WANTED d Section Mo. S be received up to neon of Pebruary 11 lor supplying aavd delivery of aAOfOalaaatefV t. l AOS LinHl rw 11- doubu think ViMKKsd Tile .BfMjt Ptoei .l.Il Usjaal. Em 10" double thick Vitrified Tile Sewer Ul n.aaS.tlHtal wn f mmrts thfaut Vitrlfiesl TUa Bewer Pine: 38.000 Ufieal - P( 9Ou0le 'XMeV Vltiin6r iHT' JanctioBa doabfe ! Mactwoa ctoabia tiutr vimnea Tue: 8 Ob! j. 10" Junctions dduble thick VitrUletf Tile: M or doable thick Vitrified tntek vitrified flte; u onBrT?0ke-duoera dwubte ihlek Vlrrfl TUe-. - it enly 6x8" Reducers double thick Vitrified Tils. 4. 380 only. " long Bends double thick Vitrified Tile: 260 only. 8" abort Bends, double thick Vitrified Tile. 6 3t0 only. 8 Traps, double thick Tiiruia TWe. 8 IJOO lbs Jute for double thick Vitrified TUe. Instructions to bidders and the specifications may be seen at the office of the City Engineer Cttv Hall. Prince Rupert, B.C. The lowest or any tender not necesaarllv accepted (Prise FOB Prince Rupert and earnest date of delivery to be stated i . D. J. MATHHKON. Purchaetng Agent. Prince Rupert. B.C. "N.W10AIHX WATKRS PKOTLCTION' 1 ACT" R. H. C. thaptrr 140 i J : Ml i J H0M E OIL D1SXIBUTOR0. IJUAITfjr) . BfTttcrnel il pUo of baalaew la if , ay. Hrrar to. Taw T-,.,.. Columbia, lierbby jfrves n - -- vadet Section I oi tae lha saal,Kt JUtr , posited with the Minister or ranue wor.ia Ottawa, and in the oftleea of the tMatrlet ltofikrttar of the Land RagJatry ' OtatrK-t of Prluce Ruprt, BrfUah Oojum- Ma, at Prraoe ftupert. aforeeald. a 1 acriptlon of the si le and the plana, of Duncjiiias ana wnarTn uruwmu w itv k.ii in tttm h.rhour af Prince Runart an 2 ... . . S.Iirf. winS rt . PMnea Robert. AMD TARE NOTICE that after the eg-itattoa of one month from the date of Use first publication of this notice Home Oil Distributors. Limited, win unaer oec-Waa of the said Act apply to the Minister of Public Works at his offloe in the ty of Ottawa for approval of the aald alto and plans tor leave to construct the siM Wharf aa aforesaid . DATED at Vancouver. British Oolum-ut ik. tath iimv nf Jsnuarv. 1839. HOME OIL DlbnUBJg,Bro By ita Solicitor!, ROBERTSON DOUGLAS ft EMVE8. BRINGING UP OH'. I'M 0 SUA.0 tOl) droppco iM'. i'OUKSTO HAVE YOU FOR RENT FOIt KENT I'Urnlshed house- keeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf. FOR lUTAutonobiles, pianos' phonograph and. sewing mach iftea, VatkerMusic Store. FOR RENT-Modern house, near Presbyterian church. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue E. tf HOUSES For rent. F. W. Hart. 04in(. : OR RENT Furnished flat and fni'iinhed shack. Apply Slus-allum Grocery. tf OR RENT Five roomed Bun- Kalow. Apply J. G. Johns, 818 Sixth Avenue East. SO lToom'arid Board! Apply Summit Ite . R. B.,l 3G Try a Dajly News- WANT-AD, It will bring result. L.VMI AC1 Nutlce of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In PSpf Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, sad Mtuate at toe south end of Kalen Island, adjacent K more or leas, tn saw wtmt mar, f ha ... southwesterly following low water mark to a point due east on the moat eaaterly point of an unnamed Island: thence northerlr fotlowinc toe stauoiities of the island to the most north Msterly point of same: thence In a northwesterly direction to the Dorthaaater! Mat of an unnamed island: thrice nirth westerly to man wawr mars; inenee m a nortneaat. eriy direction aMM Blahnvater mark toi the Q T P Railway rt: rlhl-of-wy: iheoce easterly along the southern bouadary ot ine aaid narbt-of-way to. the norfhwew-corner ot Lot 86S6. thend following tbe atnuoaltles of the aald kt,to thi poTol of eonameneeasent eommeneement a JJttLMOR SPRUCE Ml US LIUITrD. B E. Marian Aiten; T' TtombT Had. 1 H'ATER NOTICE , , , I I ' Iilreralon and tae I , rJL"'0 Blilmer Bnruce UUls. Uauied. whose address It Til Rmrn guuoina,, j to oranviue St Vanaouver. o.v.. win appiy iqc a licence to take i i and .000 of water eu t of an uanamed which flowa southerly sad dtai ns into thai head of PrjrBolfc ItirhmiV Harbour, hal "fmiU aHa4st of Lot 88SK Ranee 5. CD ice watri win oe diverted f: the wt a point abouttjial: te aiS' tfttti from tu mouth and (till be Used for IbttuStrtar 'purpose upon ftp land described aa Lot MM. Rwniti S. Coast D.-trlct. vf This notice waa posted n the emend on the 23nd dav of DrcefAer. 1938. A oodv of thla notice and an SDDllca-tloa pursuant thereto and to the -Water Act" will be filed la the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Ob lections to the anUeatlon mav be filed with the aaid Water Recorder or jUh the Comptroller of Water Rights. nriiuami nauainia. Victoria, a . t . within thirty days after the first appear ance of thla notice In a local newspaper. BILLVOR SPRUCE MILLS, LIMITED. , Applicant. BY B E MOROAN. Agent. The date of the first publication of this notice la January Sth. 1929. 11 mini: rtAL fPiirm 7Fl, I (KeetMn 37 NUTICI OP APPLICATION 3R CJVB Mia. Bwatrrii iwai. SAND js WANN Zfli KWAL MtrTBHALf LICLAIMS. alt- uttc - ln the Atlln MlniS Division Of Caaatar District Where totaled The Bob PraMlonsl Mineral Claim hi. 7 Taku Arm. .betweui the Soeculatten.and Chawana WtlCtfMlm and the Winn FY actional neral Claim on Winn River, adlolnliw sjrtf tg'tM north of the Jack Pine Uln- tTV laim. ."WJ.. nojoar-. ewuimr OOLD MINES I.IHITBD. INC Number of the holder's free miner's certificate- 97030. , TAKE NOTICE that ENOINEER OOLD MINKS LIMITED INC.. Free Miner's Ortilirate No I70M. intend at the end 1 of sixty dava from the date hereof to apply to the Mlnlac Recorder for a uertiiicate ot improvement! tor the pur-nose of obtaining Crown Ortnts of the above claims. And further take notice that action under fee tlon 85 of the "Mineral Act" must be commenced before the Issuance of such certificate of Improvements. Dated this 1st day of January. 1929. EiraiMtER OOLD MINES, LTD.. INC. H. Mcn. rrsser. Agent. FATHER I'O UOVE 11 TO- I'VE. HEARD K3 MUCH ABOOTi Him'. ill v- ' . 1 S C lt, Inl1 Pitlun FOR SALE FOR SALE Brick lined heater, good as new. Apply Uhzey & ! .Davis. , 36 FOP. SAI,B !Univeral Marine Engine, 45 JI.P., complete with reduction gear. Practically new. Apply Dr. Large, P- Simpson, B.C. 47 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE : Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Din- Prirtm Rllttfs Trl rrvnm QniAt Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, Furniture df all kinds. We will now take your old furniture in trade for nw as we are now opening a used furniture depart ments A. MACKENZIE Phone 775 SALVAGE AND TOWING . II f ' ' M "If it's on or under the waler we do it." PRINCE Rlh'ERT RALVAfiE & TOWING CO.MPANY LIJI1TED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrpi-t'ons for Charter. ; Row Boats and Can for hire. Bargains In (tas Engine. ! AGRfvTS FOR 1 Van Blerck. Bust hop. Hicks & Ballantyne Engines. Northern B. C. Distributors Cool id ge Propellers Phone, Day or Night, SCI P. O. Box 15C1 CII1.MNE SWEEP II. J Zumkthr General Handr Man. FUrriaces and Stotes Cleaned and ReHaired 'Phone 3' Prtnce- ltupert, Q. C. SHELL FISH Crabs, Shrimps, Clams or any kind of shell fish supplied in ,.ii ..iui f-iaiKO or email iUBRmiQi, District Orders a Specialty HANSON & WALLACE Prince nupert Phone: Hit ?3Q P.O. Box 82 '' 55 IX I KOIltTE In the supreme Court of Brttath Co lumbia in the matter or the Atfmuuatra-, tlon Act and In the matter of the Batata Of Aaron Will lama TIKI NOTirr IkJt turn mMt or Hla Kwiour Judge P. MtB. Young dated the xstn aay oi January, tesa.. Edward n. ' Mortimer and LeoaaM M. De Oex were awpointed almlniitaore of the EsUtel ol A Aaron iron W w Edge, Edge, dsjceaaed. dweeaaed. and and aU aU par- ties having elaUns afainet the aald Estate are .hereby required to furnish same pOppriy verified to roe on or before the 7th !U1 oiy W of MB March, A D. 199a. sa4 ftU LpsAlaa tattobtai indebted tq the '--Wnwm It l realifa W obt the atflount or sjMr I4ebtedaeaa to n me forthwith, a - EDWARD H MORTIMER, Saaputar. SJ4 Secorut Av , Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 7th dy of Feb . A,.D , 1988. Dr. Alexander rilONE 373 nr.SNTR RLOCK DENTIST J.' V ' OH'OARUMG! HOrO&V OEAR.'. DERE.,T,. IWIT rfTsr: . tmkt, M, Crest BritaM rights menta. X ri! :. r-fe ' kS f I at S N IK I 'El D JIU-S1 BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, moderfl methods in all lines' of beauty culture and hair dressing. Make appointment by phoning ciiinopRAtrnc RELIEVE HEADACHES? , CERTAINLY This distressing malady is prevalent at this time of th year, and as a rule is a symptom of a deeper trouble, such as affections of the eyes, liver, kidneys, stomach, etc. It may be also due to the after effects of influenza. Consult the Chiropractor in all cases. Relief guaranteed. Consult DR. W. a ASPINALt 6 and 7 Exehairge Block- Green! 2-1! Phone BJark: 2R1 Open Evenings RESULTS COUNT Pain in the side, Indigestion, Gas on stomach, Headaches, Ner-ivoasness, Insecnala, Catarrh and Rheumatism are completely re-(lieved by our new form of dietet- it- and spinal treatment. i Read oor National "Ad's," in the Liberty Magazine every week, then ennsutt DR. EYOLF'SOK Phone Blue 86, or Red 589 Open Evenings LtiTTtK IHIX CUIXCCTlONit am. pm Orabam Atlin Ave. 9 0O-- M1 tat Ave. St Stfa St. .. M 7JVi tn Ave ft rattan 8t. 8.10 , ?.4 . St. 9.15 1.W Ultn A a. SberBtoots .... illtt At- Oxtrad ., Q2i 7 AS Sth avw. ft Hay 3ov Ave., tO 81 eta Ave. ft Mays Oote Otrsld 885 80S Sth Ave. ft Cottra St 8th' Are. a Glrera St. (Hsptl). S.40 8.10 5th Are. ft McBride St b:4j- 8.1 3 Prov. ) taMinz Prov. Uit. Wbarf 95 8Ji ' 0.J Wharf iojuo O.TJ" cVauon ,10.05 " v r AM Jf sad Ave. ft 94 Si. t.10.10 trd At-e. ft Pulton st I 10.16 B at a. I Srf Ave. ft 8th at. 0.20 MAIL SCHEDULE For the Cant Mondays, Wajoeadiys, Sarordaya. mall elaae f0:3O aja ""n Sundays. Tueedaya aa4 Tbursdays, " P lie Vantoutrr- Via trata Wednesdays and Satar days ..M:S0 a jn. Tueedi ya J.I8 pm. i51J:!r.::: 4.8-.1J tirLji . ii rm o p B.-m. u sji rt ..'..t.9. lfM VanMMv .-- !J , , i U)daya iV ... ... 4 pjA M'wXrMadsy . ..: . . . 4J. lu St j Stttajt il pm C.P.H. Pad -m mat as A .a.m. lrs alewart. Prem1, Any: and Alice Arm I Sundays I . . t p jm Weetrjeadaya ............ , .8:15 pA lruiu Mewart and I'remler ' Ttiaaihv i 1180 aja Prldaye 8 am to Naas River t1nt- Sunaaya 7 pjot lYem SJaaa River Piwa.s Tuesdays 11 JO ajn. To Queen ChaHofi Peb. I and 88 s ITWI1 (a rem Clsarlallee 1 Feb. 7 and 11 ..a.m. To Alaska Itotnts Peb. 8 and 38 . . . . .a.m. In Aleaka Polata Bab. 18 cad It ... .p.m. I'm oo oftr! i TMOOCHT H& VaA 1 N MB MUT HASa GONIfeTO THK 4 s , ' V W&UU'. lOME OTHErt TIMS,'. GOOD" EMBARRASSING MOMENTS ea - ' tia i nc. a mum u srr-vi 14 M il Iff .flTftS iV ' zn' I V ff T-HERE were two children. wa c a. i --j r m .f . .W.f.ifVI K .. r rv-F " II" l t 1-1 r TT .. . i in ii !, ' BE PR0UDT0 BUYRODUCTS Early Ad. Copy is appreciated i - saa fa Sift COW COWNOt' Ae l O healthv and strone, who were climbing tie ladder fearnsng learning that life holds forth a promise to taitntui student, rewarding them with oprtiiniticaand sometimes fame. Now these two children dreamed dreamt and made wishes at they Kivi UiC QKl Ul BUlwavaya anv. into the years ahead. incir counuy waa (iwiv. because the products of the land and factory were the tint choice of all the people. All the land and its industries prospered and abounded with oppcrtunities for tie ehfldrefl of the peeple. Each child began the battle of Kfe with tiiecaxupation of his choice, and few there were who failed n after yetri. There's a moral to this story The children of today are the aMon of ttinorrow. Every dollar I mi spend fee a B.Q Product helps certify the ndustrial pro- ilMtt mi pro8rity of BnAh Columbia. Your dollar spent for BjC Product helps pravaJe opportunities and careers for your daldren fa the industries of British Cokuabia. After all. that is where "life" begins. By George McManus iaA.U NfMj AK- K- I Sv'MV OtDhfT -TOO r AC?3 CALLED 7 T . 1 .