PAGE EIGHT ICAKADIAHJ PACinc in mi m ii i iii m iaui Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 7 & 9 P. M. PHYLLIS HAVER in "CHICAGO" WITH VICTOR VARCOXI AND BRILLIANT CAST A Mingling of Tense Drama and Strong Comedy. "SPORTLIGHT" "COVERING GROUND." SEXTETTE FROM LTJCIAD1 LAMMERMOOR, WESTHOLME ORCHESTRA. 'TOPICS OF THE DAY." 35c AND 10c COMING SOON "MOTHER KNOWS BEST DEMAND "Rupert BrariC Kippers THE DAINTIEST BREAK AST KOOU Smoked Daily bf Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.,M Prince Rupert. B.C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED haUJnri irua IHnrr Kwpn tut VANCIK VKK. VICTORIA. 4wa4a Ba iMteaaJt. AtfTt tttj. t IocAii. IJ0 p.m. tor tANCOUVEK. VILTOaiA. Uot'dalr. Alert Daj. e. I'ritfajr mldMfht for ALIfT AKM. ASVOV f TLT AU'I WALK IM.AVH. K1 MWI'MlN YV. KIVIK. Sunday s p.ta. 123 Jnd Atrnur. R. M. tViTII. Atni. mm (lyrt. fi. Tbransb JH-fceU wl4 .0 Vlrtwrta Jind. ttaaWC- n..SaHCt .rfcfkMi iMMifh to iSeatlnatlor B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To KFtfltlkan, MrancHI. Juneau and ka-arat ftt . a. It; Marrh 9, SO. To YaiiMMM. Vlrtrb and Sentll I Hruar) IS. 11: alarrh IS, S4. tot ftutodalc lint IMIa IMIa. Omw I'aUa. Naiaiv. Altrrt lia), Campbell ttittt, nwuirr ana Tmww. nrrj trmy. i p.fH. AftWU tT all Straimlilp Unra. . C. OltCH AltD. (iEM UAL AGKXT tUfotv 4lh Street and Srd Avenue, I Tim Kuitert, rail titfwrinatlon from IlloM Biead& BctM Bread. PURITy Phone SI. Canadian National c7hc Largcft Railway Syilcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE HaHIni frm I'HIVrt: RI ITRT for VANt'Ot RH. Vlt.lOKIA. M3ATTI.B, and Intermediate pelnti. each HIIIMY. 9:M) a.m. I'M STCH AItT and AM OX. each VKI.Nf.M) AV. 10:A p-iu. I WWHH Mitt Wit Til H m CIIAHUfTli: lLANIS, t'ortl((it7. lAHSMlt:R TIUINM LEAVE rHINC'E Itl'rCKT Cach MOKIIAV. MUHilIAV and SATVBIIAV at U:V am. fur I'UIM'E OEOIME, EUM0.4TOK, Mlfc.MI'tO, all (mXhU Eaatern Canada, lutked Siatea. AOKKCV ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., Prince Rupert Phone 260 MUSICCLUBAT HOUSE MEETING Railway offices this morning reported some sixty ears of grain west of Jasper Park bound for the local elevator. No wheat arrived during the past twenty-four hours. WEEK AT THEATRES Friday and Saturday Westholme : "Mother Knows Best," with Harry 4 Norton and Madge Beffamy. Capitol: "The Pateut Leather Kid" wfth Richard Barthelraess. "Tarran the Mighty." 4 ? Week-End Specials MALKIN'S BEST COFFEE Mb. tin 60c 1-lb. pkg C i UFFEP WHEAT Pkg 16c GREAM OF WHEAT Pkg. 25e XEW ZEALAND BUTTER S-lb. briok $1.40 It OjMAN U EAt-Pkg 8Sc ICING SUCAIt 2-lb. pkg. . . .20c 1-lb. tin 60c NAVEL ORANGES 6 doi. ..6c LENTEN SUGGESTIONS LABRADOR HERRINGS a for 28c HOLLAND HERRINGS Per keg .....$1.40 KIPPERED HERRINGS lb. 16c SMOKED BLACK COD lb. 20c FINNAN HADDIE-H 20c STOCK FISH lb 28c BRUNSWICK SARDINES 4 tins 26c BEST FRENCH SARDINES Tin 40c SHRIMPS Always fresh. lb. , 20c CRAB. MBAT-r-lrSs, jln . , . . 46c TUNA FISH 1.2s, tin ..... .4c Any special kind of cheese you wish to tryT We have the' largest assortment in town all the time. Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Piopriclor Fifth Street Phone 20S THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, Th HOARD StS "SKS8 HEARD Sppo REPORTS VALENTINE TEA AND AND NOMINATED BOARD SALE IS HELD TODAl TfWUV FOR THE COMING SEASON. ' ' ' Members of Ladle1 Aid cf First (conHnueiffrom page 1) Presbyterian Church Hold- , . . . .... ing Function Today m Southern Music the Subject r. of an door ealertafHinf nt :s featured. Afternoon With Mrs. Mc- and I am of the opinion that had , The Ladies' Aid of First Pres- Intosh Presiding weather jgfu&fc bee.iatla fac- brUUn church is holding its an- " . . tory durft l9Z exhibition, we Ml v,entine tea and Mie of A very enjoyable and J mstruc- ujd have shown a larger bel- Km. , thJ .hurrh h.ll ,tive meeting of the Lades' Music ince. Hevrr. it is gratifying thia fr.ra,w,n Club was held yesterday afternoon to be abte ,ort that we show , M , D c Slluui president of at the home of Mrs. Richard a faV0rable balance. Indian DepartaMBt .. 800.00 City of Prince Rupert 1.200.00 Membership feet 2.010.00 Donations 2.043.50 Advt. in Prise List ... Admission Racuinaa . . Concessions ami booths rintry Fees . . ;. Empire Day drawohsgs . Rents of BuHdta Eahibtt sale pfeiisbj . Somdry Teceipta j.....' i Aftw wuftAis&u tUKHAWis-. Bringing in ex Waits rK- General expense . N. W. FAMILY SODA BIS- Light, phone k water CUITS 2 pkgs 46c I Fire insurance.... PULLETS FRESH EGGS Membership drfth) ax, . 8 dot Expfndl'ture Advertising. . . . . . : Repairs, bldgs. & frada. NABOB ORANGE MARMALADE Printing 440.80 ; 28.26 1 18.85 2000 14.60 6t0 8f.781.10 $ 88035 LS21.12 880.46 1788 . 186.12 88.87 60.00 Jl.lOiPrites L27S.86 . 644.09 Portage f 29.24 Sport aad attiajfjaiis . 147.86 Rodeo expenses 1,697.98 Wages & salhrfaa .... 1,859.92 $9,B9p.:W February Clearance SALE BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Third Ave. and Fulton St. PHONE 9 H. . S. Wallace Co. LtdH 1 a i, i j the Ladies' Aid. is receiving the Moore, Fourth Avenue Boat, withl v. found the Dusiness people .. mnA Mrf ..R' h' McIntosh P MldlD;aB(l cititens generally genroot. ..narge of the tea room. Mrs. and Miss Lennox acttng as secre-; uH. la. city donated Sl20Q-,B. M. Simpson and Mrs. W. L. tary in the absence of Mrs. An-i al0 - HW fcjyi, proceeds SBdison are in charge of the hjrae derson The subjeet for the dayj Ml Tfc ttck.ta for the lo&okia, Ubl and Mrs. Joseph 'Southern and Mrs. Music v,as Mag very aat sfactary. Greer and M i. J. W. McWnk-y Moore read an interesting nape. -rou W1, that tfee amount wtn nnpmaible for the on the life and work of Stephen 3pent OB and .rounda. ions and program. Foster, the composer of many g one of fc t expend;tures Mra. J. Watson and Mr.. J. W. Tu' "S Ha W McKinley are pou ing in the tea nn v n Old Folks at Hon." and "My Old, Mrs' Kodeo: After 4hd j. 0. Tr.ifoi v.. A ireful conatderauon your 128 aahier. Aaairting In sen ing are; Eauon as a new member of the. wwIng tne fgct tfaat th- Mrs j j Mrj Js. C1U0. . . . . . . .. .1 ii u i l. i. .-. .j r ri w i- i The prog. am was as follows: I Program Southern Music I Song, "Old Black Joe." Mrs. iJarvis McLeod; violin soio. "Carry Me Back to Old Virginie," Mrs. Wiiliam Millar: none "Mah Lindv sum oj npyroxim ili ti.nn iuu uuui uu mrs. iui'diu n.nrcMu, ! ...u tptr.t by tne ;.rsvious board w :ile M . P. W. Anderson. Mr. on fences, etc., f r this kind of R. W. dmeron and Mrs. R. J. n ehterUimnent and thought it D- Smith are in charge of the attvisapie to muxe use of that kitrhen. .nveatment by putting the .bow The musical progr&m follows: Louj M:." S. Johnston; piano otner yea solo, "Swanee River." Mrs. E. Marentette; paper, ''Stephen Collins Foster," Mrs. R. E. Moore; song, "A Little Coon's Prayer," Mrs. J; J. MuWoen; song, selected, . "Sweet Miss Mary," M.-s. W. Cruiskshank. Tbi. part of wart Lyne, eiaaf ,rfto; J. dt the proomn was a financial Jauaaeraad; violin SMO; WUaeti failure on , amount of weather Bryant, accompaured bjr JiBimifi condition. :Brynt. vialia eeia; Mi. J. j; "In view of the uaeeiteln Muldoon. vtfal fclo; lfr. H. C. weather conditions, I would like .sr, piano solo; Mra. Karl to (Highest t incoming board Uvbhavn, veoJa(j i 1&$ an. that ttey trj to have the fair! ' J- held a little earlier, possibly the VULL MEASURE latter part of August, and also Ptr (ed five, in sweet.bep) endeavor to brig in features for How many of those candles de entertaining iaside the building. I St for a penny, mister? We went into the Question of Assistant Six or seven. getting here aa aeroplane to per- "Vli have seven, please!' form stunts in t ie air, but owing B weekly. to accidents occurring, we were unable to carry this out, and would like to suggest that something in the way of a parachute drop be entertained by future boards, as great development is Wednesday? and "ThundayPj taking place alor Westholme: Phyllis Phyllis Haver Haver ' n n the the outside outside wr world ng these lines today. in "Chjcago." . ...! "Outside points were visited. Canitof: Greta Garfcio in t'lumalv KaaxiVm i aiw... The Mysterious Lady." j with an endeavor to interest out- 7 j ride people to tome here for tbe iair, but we were not successful. appears to be a very difficult task, and it Will be op to the new Doaro to eevise some way SaasaaagareMBK WEEK-END I SPECIALS ORANGES Sunkist. 60 for fl .00 CRAPE FRUIT-SunkiK. 3 for Jfe APPLES Delicious. Per hex IS. 15 APPLES Yellow Newton, i. P. fn t nnnl 4iMm timr -nUm . 1 " ' f.a t ' i ; r r- APPLES Yej ow Newtoa, fancy, interested to (Tome here daring 1kj the faiiand make this the centre FLORIDA GRAPE FltUrT- we expect it t" be Financial Statement The financial statement eluded the following hems revenue and expenditure: Revenue Provincial Government S 228JM i fr 2Sc CAUUPLOWER Goad white. I At SeAMDSJc ia- RHUHMaB-fcr Ib.Tf. .....H of SPlNAdfPer Iki. .......... Ue i I.FTTtirE Fin. UmmAm P. 0. Box 675. Intelligent Battery Service Me CELEBY 2 for Me PHOMIT SEHV1CE Mussallem Groceiy Co. MM Limited 2.4M.00 617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 1884 Lt us take c.ire of your battery problems this winter and you'll find an end of cussing" at the car that won't start when the weather is cold. We repair and ervice old Imttcriew, and can nell you the finest new one made. S. E. Parker LIMITED Ford Dealers DOMINION TIRES Srd AvenuePhone 83. CLASS! COLOR! COMFORT! WARMTH: APITOL TONIGHT AND THURSDAY GRETA GARBO in "The Mysterious Lady" WITH CONRAD NAGEL. . VAUDEVILLE i MYFANWY CAMPBELL Popular Local Daneue, in "DANCE OF THE Two De Lu.e Shows 7 and 9p.m. jo. NOTICE Free pass to the Capilol for one montr .,, given to person attending theatre this week who gi -to number of feet of film used in the big Frday-S:tur ;n ture, "THE PATENT LEATHER KID." BEAUTY TREAJRiENT tJiat zeeis iouy stove noiuiq ! Keep your stcn'c looking as it cooks! Learn this new ar; I easier way to keep stoves gloss i ; bladC through years of servu o. Apply aUttle ZEBRA, in its pew liquid polish form, Let it dry Polish . , . that's all I Clean quick- STOVE POUSrKiaIN BOTTLES for tho who pnttt ii. Zebra Pitta i c-' '' obtainable. In both Patta and LiuiJ I Zabta ia tha ai(n of a ood ttora polnh v a "CATERPILLAR" Tractors 3IGGER THAN THE WEATHER I A Size for Every Use A Hundred Used for Every Size 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY r0 HLTTEU QUICKER CHEAPER Literature and Prices on Request Sole Distributors for B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CC LIMITED llranrh Offlif" Northern l'iric I'rrUbt Uulldlai Nrlson Krlownn , W Matluii Strwt Norman C. Crulrkntiank. T" l' V.NCOl'Vt:il. IL C DM. Manacrr HOLT LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C8 Cart.igc, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialise in Piano and Furniture Moving. BEST MILK MB Fresh Pasteurized Milk " Cream Dnily-EARLY DELIVxKV Throughout tiic City VAIMINDAIEV Telephone 6-7.