FACE! TWO The Daily News PHINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue j II. fiUXLEilK t Maaag-ttti!ta& JkJ. Jt ' I A A ? " ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mal rdfall other parts of British Colombia, the British Em- ' pire and United States, paid in advance, per year G.00 , By mail to all other countries, per year 7.50: Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion ... 1.40 Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word .f2j Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line 15, Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.S0 Local readers, per insertion, per line ........... 25 1 City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 j For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 501 mall all of Northern and Central British ... Columbia, By , HUM to tu M parts UL ..- v,v..w- Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor nnd Reporters' Telephone ;.86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Now that the city council has received its reprimand, we suggest that the people should pass the two bylaws and relieve the next council of the work of financing them. Undoubtedly McBride Street should be completed -and the sewer also should be financed. Recriminations now are useless. We have to deal with the present situation in the best possible manner and the reasonable thing to do, it would seem just now, would oe to pass the bylaws and have these works cleaned up. NEED OF EMPLOYMENT How can we e-xpect others to think highly of us if we do not think highly of ourselves. Most people take us at our own valuation. VALUE OF MINING CENTRE . The locating of the northern headquarters of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Company at Prince Rupert is bpund to have the effect of making the city more or less of a- mining centre. The immediate neighborhood is recognized as the strategical location for a smelter that will serve both interior points and Portland Canal and other coast mines. It is the place where rail and watqr transportation meet. While at pesent the staff of Consolidated consists of less than a dozen men, the local office has been established but a short time and it Is probable it lfiav have to be considerably extended. Pr&spectora who wish their samples examined by experts bring them to Prince Rupert and await the results of the assay. By doiilg so they get quick action, much quicker than if they had to send a long Learn to do Without friends and you will get all you need or want X-Ray Motion Pictures Taken of Human Body TORONTO, Dec. 10. X-ray motion pictures or interior views of the human body! This latest Innovation of the science of radiology and the use of the "Cln-ex Camera" was explained recently by Dr. II. A. Jarre of Qrace Hospital. Detroit, Mich., before the fifteenth annual convention of the Radiological Society of North America. More than 800 scientists and physicians who specialize In the use of radium and x-ray are attending the five-day convention. Dr. Jarre said In part: "Until about a year ago we depended ud-on visual observations and th? fluoroscopic screen, but In some x-ray studies the Images obtained In this way are too faint and am otherwise not as valuable as they might be. Now we have an appar- Copyright. 1927. by E INSTALMENT XXXI. "Take off your please. Miss Brown, hat quickly, Col. Dessiter , cnj0,ned ..git dQwn thMe T want paid In advance for yearly period 3-00jtatalk to you. No, leave the letters alone until after I have finished." Misi Brown obeyed meekly. "I asked vou," he went on. "yes terday whether you would accept a posKicn hre as my secretary. lYnn nfertter1 T have heen thlnlc- - '-.j. - ing it over. I want to ask you now .whether you will consent to be Tuesday, December 10, 1929 something more than my secret- . . i ary." - - Mlas Brown's eyes had never been bluer than at that moment. nkr-c nvt a wo 1 Abb 111 LA b iRh grinped the sides of her chair. Thp ifie rifv city milneil council ha? nas deciderl ueciuea to vo suuimi submit to the uie nfcODie peupie at at she re,t her heart almost stop bemUnji Bml xhm away the time of the civic election the two bylaws which were de- unui she become actually breath- feated earlier in th yeah They are to provide sums s of JMt jt h money lor sewer extension work and for completing Mc- softening in the hard lines about Bride Street where the road is now torn up opposite Mc- " face. Plvmnnt Park "A secretary," he explained, "is l.yiymoni rarK. neither one thing nor the other A great many people voted against those, bylaws when You know now more than any one they were submitted. They thought the : city ' authorities .VllkVd Should be taught a lesson not to begin Woi'K until they Were i my work. There are times when given authority Also, it was thought that in the present i-ed help, iantto gjnto iiiictuuiai cuhuiliuii it was iiuu him; iu jjiutetu nmi puumiwny I thinK It worth while to fle works. vote my life to my lob. and 1 want to ask you whether you arr willing to take your share now and then of the risks to be something more than a mere typing secretary, to be actually one of my organization? "What you would in fact become Is a secret-service agent of the XYO Derartmnt of the Home Office, with an affiliation across the way at Scotland Yard." . Miss Brown swayed a little in her chair- She felt an insane de-ire to laugh. What a fool she had TaMhir, fi&lit cs is a ill riirht but not duriner biisW-iJtmMWbie. Dessi'er. how- neSS hoursi bin b' , . , ,(r ;ev contawww ..j hti yon to feel in vour own iiiinu mai me wurK s worm wnue. he said impressively. "Patriotism's rather at a discount since the While passing the bylaws will not meet the citv's need";? one worked themselves x . j mii i II i II u i h vi r ri pn ann nnnro- for employment after the new year, It will help. The days there's a perfectly natural bridge work on McBride has to be firiished and connected r.Uon t0 'e whole Jl? n n..f .uu. ...:n i t Ive got the Home Office 4 to uunjiiwciuiv vmci uii nm jiavc iu uc cuiiiuiciiLcu listen to me. hence this depart - and.if tHe-Jiext'trfy council is relieved of the uavments on !"?nt otanine with a suff of over than half a dozen these bylaws they will bein a position to undertake sucKkf 200. not H2nwS more public relief as may be necessary without serioiisly injur- ' rnt tnnt, ing the-finaTtces of the city. : my I've m'JES.H flfafn got nas great will probably ever UD to the neck, and pull. The Muff of Been entirely sue It is seriously suggested, then, that the ratepayers They wre afraid o? should vote for the bylaws when resubmitted and get rid jfft T?hn oiydl c"e a oi tnese lanamarKs. men tuture councils should take a lesson from the past and refuse absolutely to proceed with new work until the bylaws have been sanctioned by the ratepayers. Des- damn "Now. are you golne to work with me. Miss Brown, body and soul? listen befor vou answer. You will draw your S300 a year and there will be grants, liberal aUowances. a pension afterward, even if we are disbanded in six month, but there will never be any honors, mind. Yot' '1 r"ver be me.de a Dame of the Empire, even If von save the country No ou will ever rwvfl heard of your name or know what your work Is." She smiled. "As though ! should care about uch things." she said. "Besides, don't I know? I looked everjwhere for your obituary notices." "A woof of our powr ovelrUhe press.' Tie remarked jrhc "Home Office is Mill a little difficult, but nothlnsr like what It ed to be. and Scotland Yard hAsn entirely new code." ' "Do you think." Miss Brown ventured, nat there wtil ever be serious trouble?" Desur shrugged his shoulders. "I don't see a bloody revolution, but a revolution of some sort is what we're out to fight against. Are you with me. Miss Brown?" She was her usual composed self now. She looked up at him and smiled. "Absolutely' she assured him. "I'll do all 1 . an. I'm not very clever, but I can be trusted." He came and sat upon the edge Could Not Sleep HEADACHES Were So Bad Sletar? film Jrftr? ,T5 1 AberoW P&i2fcWl.M.l.'.T0 i Period I hal regular rpffiilor mot mnllnn on ttlntiir. Picture' camera .an...n . ' kv J takes IB shots per'Sec&hd. '' 1 The four bodily organs we have! studied most with our camera are. 1 Bronchial tubes. In this study we discovered that there Is a peculiar rythmic motion phenomena1 In the tubes during breathing so that In a normal human lung foreign materials and excretions as I well as air are expelled by these movements alone. 2) Kidneys and' Ureters. In, this 6tudy we found that these organs too had an In-1 teresling cyclic motion. (3 Heart-and lame blood vessels In the I chest wetr studied as well as the thymus gland. (4) Stomach and, Intestines. i After ticking tV mi. I wu cbmj.li tuly rtllrv a. .1.1 . M, Nt-.Miuiin4 it to be a perfect medicine. " Put up only by The T. Milbura Co-limited, Toronto, Ont. Tuey. December T 10 ..l??.. IB 1929 h Lmuws Phillips oppehhelm Qppatfaim herself studvins h;m. He was wearing country clothes of gray tweed, inclined to be 6habby. but veil put and becoming to his long, 'ithe figure. The lines of his face eemed to her to have become a little deeper even during the lfut few days, but hjs eyes were bright and there was a certain indefinable vigor, mental as well as physical, which seemed to radiate from him. "Miss Brown," he said. "I never flatter. You have the gifts I need. You have no nerves: In your quiet wav you- are shrewd: you are not easily led away from a course of Ttlon upon which yqu have decided, and there is a great deal of "orce behind that sedate life of vours. I know. I'm a Judge of men ind women. I've had to be. for there " are times ' you ' have to trust pomlnaUy I am one of the Undersecretaries at the Home Office. Actually I am the chief of XYO. and you will be my trusted helper HI tt'fl mv CMretnrv Now let me explain your first Job. it isni pieasant, dui meres no risk." "Here In London?" "No; down at Camberley. By the bye. you will have to, catch the 10:46 train from Waterloo." Miss Brown glanced at the clock. "I must leave here In twenty minutes." He nodded and took up some ispers from his desk. "Here are your Instructions. You lll book to Camberlev. take a cab nd drive to this address: 'Lady Hannerton, The Nook, Merton Road. Camberlf-7.' Lady Hanner-on has applied to the principal agency in the West End for a secretary. By arrangement with the manaeeress vou nrt tn nttr mur. .self for the post. Here are your I- 114... , , . I . iutr a uiue ounaie oi ieuers secured with a rubber band. "Unquestionable, I think you will find i.itui. lmuj nuiineriun m very rond of mohey, so we will make vour selection a rertalnlv h oir' j ng a very moderate salary let us . niy 2 a week. Live in, the house h you can. txacuy opposite Is a grocer's shop with a telephone. Make friends with the woman who runs It. You may have to use the lephone frequently. Take down thes two numbers, one for me. 1C00 Whitehall, which you can use at any time, night or day. and tn case of emergency 'or certain other contingencies which I will explain to you here Is a local number-too O Alrlershnt luhlcH v.in ..t ou in touch with a staff officer! wno u acting lor us. 1 "How long am I to stay with' I fl flu If a nnorfnM aA MiWkt a. I i v ivfsf aiiu WllHb 13 Ujy work to be?" MUs Brown inquired ! ou may oe mere a wk, perhaps a fortnight." Uesslter an-' nounced. "If you. have exrptioniii good luck perhaps only three or four days. From the moHnt of your arrival I want the names of 'very one who visits the house both otftclally -and for any other purpose," I "Is It ladv Hannerton who is the ! suspect?" Miss Brown Inquired. "It is. Suspect is th4 .word. What I We need is rlpflnltp Inrnrmnlinn 1 .... V, 11IH , i By some means or other an enor-l mous quantity or literature of the worst type is being distributed amonc thf nlHlir in AtH...k Camberley and the whole of that uisujci. a great aeai of it is In the shapj of placards stuck up on Walls And trf linrinir th nVi but a large quantity of pamphlets koui no me nanas oi tne soldiers themselves, and we believe by mean of thMr wiv "Lady Hannerton is the widow of very aisunguisnea general who was killed during the last week of the war. Rh hrtlf runH Viair her time on the Continent where uur reports tell us that she gambles very high. She has no money exceDt her iwmlnn in that h has without a doubt means of supplementing her income. All these things we want to discover." "MaV I KiictrMt KnrrtpthlnirV Miss Brown ventured. or course." "YOU have nnvri whlrh umiIj - " ' - - ...w.. nuum enable von tn xamlnn Tartu unn- nerton's banking account. Couldn't you trace any 'Sums that were paid In apart from her pension?" Muer noaaea approvingly. "Quite rlflht. Miss Brown" V.. said, "but you may be sure that we've tried that. There are very considerable sums paid in at odd times, but these are all by cheque on a foreign bank over which we have no jurisdiction, and which refuses information regarding its clients. Even that has stopped lately, but we believe that Lady Hannerton li.n mnim nalrl tn h account at a bank somewhere on ' tne Kiviera whom I want you to look out for a man named Thornton." "A Jriend of Lady Hannertoh?" "Not that we know of, Thornton has been lecturing In Hyda Park for the last two years, but he Is lying doggo Just now. He Is. as a mattcY of fact, rather one of the tragic figures on the other side. He wfrs a magnificent sold'.r, did splendidly in the war. got a V.c. and everv possible medal. When he came back he found his wife trt"anv ayin oi siarvauon. He had a larare family and she'd worked herself to dMth. His two elder sons were killed, and Unfortunately their lives were rather thrown away by a foolish commander. "Thornton ought to have been fmmrt n frvVi nf itAn font Hfr wash't. He took to drink at odd paying wUh hta T igaretie case! S ! "Hmrnr? ffibiS hSnMn the mohiMitaw hum she fourtdl?d a'tcr him and then he got in- tn ntht-r hanrli. ITp wan mivpri tin in a brawl and ent to prison not- wirn tanning n's record, mat finished" him. Todav he's one of other "Ide I had a talk with him once lie snowea me tne ohom-uraphf of hi dead wife and the account of his own conviction et Bow street. He'd had it framed. He'll go on to the end now. and I'm afraid it wl'l be a bad end." Miss Brown glanced once more at the clock. Dessiter nodded. "WhPt have you tr do " he sum- but yot may find it not quite so easy as It seems I want the names of everv one who visits ladv Hannerton T want to know l particularly if Kure of Lady Hannerton' activities wrnonc mong the tne soldiers' soldiers' wives, wives, and and :i.ri, ZniA Z: voTyoT,?emea -to.keirS a?d frtm 1 wnt der-theUnywe wort together?" ll'IS "I shall be very proud." she as- JjSSgh Aer dl'trlbuted SU"Nom&ly. Brown lnc,tned her hwd of 'course." he con- 5r Z room, "von in Z mv ?"au?T.V! tvnlt int on 'T think t undersund." she NU "You wil' probably get the Job all fight." he said "but if there's any trouble about It come straight back and report." (To Be Continued Tomorrow) Birth Controlls Reing Promulgated Among Japanese Poor TOKYO. Dec. 10: The capital of Tfcpan is making official prenarat fans to furnish, birth control Information to Its poor In tn effort to relieve the suffering that comes from large families , In poverty trleken homes: This pooiolotelcal -xotlt fmvnt especially startiWfe ''tri Orient where ancestor worship has placed a premium on large families, is hailed by proponents of birth -r-ntrol as opening the way for ap-n'icatlon of this remedy on a national scale to Japan's overpopulation . problem. Yuilchl Shlrakami. deputy mayor of Tokyo, said it was the pur-tvwe to eive information only to couples that already tiave Tfbar children andjean 4bAhatthev are too poor I fefe'bf Aire; In formation wlHtfidfeinkfi tofybung, newly marrletl Tcliple and to per--ons of wealth. Mr. Shlrakami said that tho municipality hoped birth -ntrol would help to lower the high Infant mortality rate and eventually reduce the number of families depending on official charity. NEW YORK HOCKEY TEAM MANAGER "Nip" Dwan of Toronto, who Is Dusincss manager of the New York American Hockey Club. Dr.W.T.Kennn Returns Today Well Known Tloneer Sttrtron Has necn Taking Up Three Months' Post-firaduate Work in East After an absence of over two months taking up post-graduate work in Rochester Nam Vn.i. nnj - - " '. AW. Ik U1JI1 Chicago, Dr. W. T. Kergln. well unuwn pioneer local surgeon, Is returning to the city on this afternoon's train from th Chicago In October. Dr. Kergln at- rnueci me ourgeons congress of Mrs. Keraln is t-pmainino in Toronto until after Christmas with her sons. Will and Fred, who are comnletlncr their n,Hii,ki - r titvuibtll ntudlos at Toronto University, and her daughter. Miss Margaret Ker- Ktii, wno is training lor a nurse in Toronto Oeneral Hospital. CNJt. TRAINS For the East Mnm l. DAt ll.nn . . Vb UUM, ii.ou ji.m . "-. Aiiic uglier iwiii mc ijasw- person down there, Miss Brown, J Suns , Tues. it Thurs. 3:30 p.m. Sport Chat Line-ups for tonight's Billiard League fixture: WL J. Nelson; G,rot,te. vs.rC. ,P, tMtligno (Elks).' Otorge WaugH vs. A. A. EassOh'. Don Brown vs. P. H. .Stephen - . . m . 'm tannic jamca Anarews vs. w. a. wuus croft. J. Hillman vs. W. Mitchell. Plnvprn' Club and Three Two Taxi will renew thplr nreument tor Senior League baskei&au honors this evening when they meet at th? Exhibition Hall in a turn out to be one of thfe liveliest -ncounxers so iar tnis season. With five wins and two losses to get in a commanding position at me iop ii mey win tnis maicn. The Taxi Men so fat have three wins ana two aeieats ana tne ce will b lntere6tlnaly tightened up if they are able to come out on too. In the Intermediate League, the leading Big Four liilntette will trv conclusions with m eenar awemng c.n.k. while High School will meet Naval Re-. erve in the second Intermediate1 fixture. Taken on the whole, it elves nromlse of being a rather 'nfrestlng evening with the hoop I iters. Th. Hunr. 111 9n lain n t .u. rra.M,nM i - ....... n- ui.. u...!..!! i there t want to fathom th 'na-iht the Robin are looking for a GROTTO LEAD STILL LARGE Operators and Cold Storar. For Second Wace l crfbh..1.1 ?Slf ?uPe." CriUbui'. uoia storage Moose I. O. O. P Eagles P. R. llote C. N. R. A. K. of Columbus New Zmpress Oiange Lodge Seal Cove Hi! !4t 14. 14. t mi IX; lie, -.... w.v. -saicrs Tisuea me ..fc in is Lj.,.,,. CjN.R A 15 Netl110 Moose Eagles 12; Cold stor, v, ! 5 ' u 14: rirntfn i-j Seal Cove Sawmill i. x ,,, .. Operators u; Lo o p ii 11 League,Stahdlnr. urotto Operators til I;4 (Si '.lil i i.J SKATING ENJOYED Urge Crowd Visited Ice On Uk Out Kalen Island Hk-hsV Lait Evertlar some Bevemy-rivp Blushers is only one less than the the first skating of the , ., I mbr.f ,?llluthf other .'f- ThecP w" reported t., tn-1., There are 19 hurlers on the list smooth and of substau'i-i - four catchers, eight lnflelders and ness. "" uuiuuiucis. wu,r wik new oome ci tne SKatcr- u nmes appear on the list this sea- private cars, while tnrr. u. , n. The rest are Brooklyn regu- a number of taxi partus- . a(-. liajrcts WHO 11UVC DCrn Up before and were farmed out. Three newcomers are pitchers. Jim Faulkner, big left-hander drafted from the Buffalo Internationals: HoIIIr Thurston, who throws with nis ngni nana, araitea irom San Francisco, and John Krlder, young right-hander purchased from Ma con. The fourth player Is Joe' THE PA8 Man Dr Vance, an outfielder, purchased slighUy altered m exn Carolina League. jits annual dog dcrh . " 1 lng classic to the Fh. i MS BEAT ' VETERANS DOG DERBY : AT THE PAS ;turn, next March : ;here. The famous m : lance test, most grur! racing event will a the north manv of "musBeri" from th the favorite' rnu; northern. Manitoba in thd wftosc 01 Th , ,. . WIIB . rt i fct 4 WU1 114 V CLJ. lilt W I .LaU Week Cotnoleted With from here on March Playing of Outstanding Imushers, including i flame l uurtt as-Emlle 8 . 'times winner of tin! A. A. Easson Elki) defeated A. Brydges, bosomthum Murray (Canadian Legion t by a Canadian youth; ana ? core of 250 to 218 In a billiard sick.; "wth ' rfii fr r: ame postponed from last TUes- throUliltranberrv P dav. This makes the flnaLajgre- Flon 4ttf. axceDi. w tttte score for this fixture 1218 to pasStnWKfDSanbti: ,rM for the Elks over the Cana- and wind-swept tmi:.i dtan Legion. are bpen to their rii In one of two postponed games Dr- p- C. Rober -frnm lnit Thtt-fcriiv, fitnn nresldent of th ra- Biiauian lCRion vs. U rot to, J. ucccwiing Hillman (OrottO) kon 250 'uiuv t v null &U to IU ua ltt irom Red eu Young Young (Canadian (Canadian Le -Oil'. Lesion "" - Le- i !w,'.b &nMr.?.d,$! Electric Shock . w . . u . u .. . . ,uivwr Still t mt IH analhir "me of this flkture. the score to ate stanas at to 870 In favor, the tobacconists. ! OrOtto flnrl Vrm ara ti mut In1 ------ ; ' vv tnvt k lit tonight's league future. IBKinir intn aiwiiint lha fnm Had Good Hunting A 1 1 11 sldP Of the ririMiiF at welcome narbor pKr tnto tlie water alon IMrtv On Trnllinv Basted One Drtr Each and Also a (loose Kills Big Fish When Hooked landing now a, follow,: gg -gj ft O. Ttl. Av It is altogether a H ft' Orotto in tiToi 1 i-n At least' tuna fish : Wks .10 11 177 1118 coast W Mexico feii "anodlan Legion 10 10.602 1060 tne assistance of t engineers, they h;.v. scheme of electror once they are flrmJv Some of the boai.-' Vlth UO-yolt direct The other side of the Ideal ricd to the steel h smau insulated wire l' is hooked a switch it Skipper Nels Rudd, Harry Stiles, The same equlpn.-rv .. ilellman and Aid. Oeorge Rud-' tried out on swonJ:1 derham returned to port late Sun- from 100 to 1000 pound day night after a successful hunting ally require seven or i trip to Welcome Harbor aboard the land. . By using eiectn. tmlllnff hndl. THfvat T'Vi an . rmA . V, k ir 1 1 jM w - - v.... ..ivj uukKcu a L 1 1 1 .tUiUCU 111 ! (1itfl ntA n trX .a . (wit i . i . -v. iHvcaim atau uuc Kuuse. incyi'ive minutes. wcic uwuy iwo uays ana a naif. British People Are Using Many . Cteareltpx TnHnv.O. Waush fO ,.. J ""'man (Q) twelve months 38,293,999,660 cigar-'D. Brown (Oi ettes irern In lha TTni. t iti t r- . Kingdom. This means that If ev- O. p. Tinker (CL ery man, woman and child had an A. A. Easson (E equal share they would have had M. M. McLachlan 912 cigarettes each. This is more IF. Stephens (El per capita than In the United W. Lamble E) 8tates where the ratio Is 856 periW. E. Wllllscroft P"n- . Wk, Mitchell (E -.v ;vttto ugu, ttw;uiun VO a j. OCOII Lj' ore regarded as accurate, the BrU M. Andrews CL tish average was a little more A. Murray (CD than 800, Worne are responsible R. Young (CD for the Increase. "Among my wo-ij. H. rillsbury (CL -- -..,..., v... iiwiii.il u i, uonaia (hi One Who rotrillnrlv tmnlrea .n itlfffir. tn n n..i. inti tt. r.r ' v w vj .iv - " u. nowe (ui year 5Z,i5H,aa,30 was spent for cigarettes In the United Kintrdom. Tnurnrri liU wmki. turc the woman smoker contributed $30,000,000 and she consumed 3,4l7.333,9T0 cigarettes. 1 n fi 3 7 i i Billiard Averages ,8 V u4 r(J ,,) "'I fi r'J 3 SRO J'J 4 T:,3 Jg 8l0G2 1 lit j 118 BOWLINO POSTPONED Last htehrtinnilrojjrfy carpet bowling fixture b" v- , Prcw and J. McLean cMt postponed. The next Tt will be on 0rt.J"H Thursday B n'SSUgod A D,llv Ne. wanted A bring results. rinks.