fsday, December 10, 1029 Christmas Gifts Yardley's Lavender Sets Manicure Polls J,1 Chocolates: PurdyV Orit-Inal ami Molr", ' ',' Kodiiks-t-From the Brownies to the Cine Kodak. recall's Novelties In Chocolate. Fountain Tens and Pencils. CANADIAN MCIFICJ Dalcrosc Toilet Soap and Toilet Sets from' England; "i . Men.;.; ! FJIIed. Tolletnass '! Cliristnias 'Cards, Taper Tags, Seals, Dressings for parcels and, Christmas trees. Baby Toilet Sets, Fancy Stationery, Military Brush Sets. ALL MERCHANDISE OF BEST QUALITY AND AT A REASONABLE PRICE vm wmL FI yfu! Pioneer Drttaeists THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST TELEPHONFS 8?,200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Salllnti from Prince Kuptrt lur VANCOl'VEK. VICTORIA. .snon bay. IlulrdJle. Alert IU. etc.. Tur- dii). 1:30 p.m. far VAM'OUVKIt. VICroilU. Itulrdalc. Alrl Hay. fir . Friday inldn!(bl lor ALICE ARM. A.NVO.V, STEWART, No. Uhrr, fort Hliupnuu. bun-da;. S:oo p.m. US Snd Atrque It I SMITH Airnt Iflne Ruptrt. n.C. Tlrouth tlrketi .old to Ylcfurl and beattls jnd baggage cheeked Ihroufb to destination. B. C. Coast Steamshtp Services SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway Dec. 14, 28. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle Dec. 18, Jan. 1. Princess Mary- -Ocean Falls, etc.. Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents For AH Steamship Lines W, C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National QTjc Largcft TKailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailinrs from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. SEATTLE, in4rmediaiApoinU, each Thursda" and Sunday, lQ,:06w'prpun; wi lor ANYOX, each VYedheuiay at 1 p.m. For STEWART each Wednesday, 4 p.m.. and Saturday. 8 p.m. For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnight!?. , ".. :,m- MMEMIKR TKA.INH I.IMVK I'KINri: IllTEKT MOMMY. HT.DNKKDAY and S ATI HI) W at 11:3011 in. tor PUISCI: OK(K(.tM)MyTO-,...WIMrt). all MjliiU Haitrrii Canada, I'nltrd Mate. . , jull .1 A()F.l'V l pt EK STEA,)tMr USES City Ticket OfIv tte'fMti, Ave, P.rlnce Ruperl Phone 260 CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OI'KUATlNti (. T, 1'. 20.000 TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineer. Machinists, Boilermakers, Rbcksmlths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our IMant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 38? Don't Sacrifice your Model T Ford Protect your investment by running your Model T Ford as long as possible. Expenditure of a few dollars may enable you to get thousands of miles of additional service. Uring the car toYus and c us tell you how much it will costto Wjitlii A-Lshapp;; Wc use only genuine Ford parts. Atl labor charged at standard flat rate. S. E. Parker, Ltd. FORD DEALERS Third Avenue Phono 83 If you lose anything, .advertise for it. Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist, Dr. ORG. J. II. Gossc, Phone Local noise is' minimised in the Brunswick Radio. Hear it before you buy. MacLaren's Music House (tfi Resolutions were passed at last night's meeting of the city council providing for the turning over to the Northern B. C. Power Co. in stead of to the Power Corporation of Canada property at Cow Bay which is occupied by the old elec tric light system storehouse. A petition was read at last night's meeting of the city council irom II. Blake and three otner persons asking for the installation of a street light at the corner of Dunsmulr Street and the lane to the rear of the Auditorium. The matter was referred to the utilities committee for report. j Questions from the Rupert East; Ratepayers' Association with regard to the authority on which the roadwav on McBrlde Street through McClymont Park was torn up. the cost of preparing the site ; for the rock crusher on Dunsmulr Street and the borrowing of money by the city from the bank were referred to the board of works and finance committee for report on being read at last night's council meeting. A letter from Wright & Hinton surveyors, read at ' last ni',hr meeting of the city council, stated that It would cost between $250 to $300 to make surveys of the right-of-way of the power transmission line between the city and Shawatlans Lake. It will be necessary to have these surveys made before the transmission line cn be turned over formally to the CLARK'S MINCEMEAT 5-lb. palls CLARK'S MINCEMEAT Jars, 21-oz IMPRESS MINCKMEAT 4-lb. tins ALMONDS Per lb. CALIFORNIA MONDS 3 lbs 81.00 50c 75c 35c!: SOFT SHELL Aim MANCHURIAN WALNUTS 3 lbs. for FRESH ROASTSD PKA-NUTS 3 lbi for ga.oo SOFT SHELL WALNUTS rngl 2 lbs. for 50c 50c SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Wnrkmanwhin and Style All Gunrnntced SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part of thr City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE HIRER wmmmm "I wa in very poor health before my baby wa born and had to lie down two hour every day. The doctor said I would never carry my baby as 1 wan too weak. My mother per-tuaded me to try Lydia . Tinlcham't Vegetable Compound. It has helped me wonderfully. My baby is not very big but he is strong and healthy. I recommend the Compound to every woman I hear complaining and when I feci weak I take it again myself. Everybody says they never saw me looking better. I will be glad to answer letters if I can help other women to be strong and healthy again." Mr. William Hardy, 70 Queen Street, Lindsay, Utaaria Oddlellows whist drive and dance Metropole Hall December 10. Admission 50c. (237) Northern B. C. Power Co. under I .. ,. t, ,,- . ;h-ew sees jv-WfitlSr SAtt city. The matter was referred to,mornln8 10 on tlme-the board of work . . for report. I MWlloar Whoa?M At the Elks' 0ine tlnorrow night for the bit. ine report, oi a ooara oi arDi-i dance. Let's go with a bang at 9. tration which sat last week to 287i settle a dispute between the cltyi and Albert St Mr.Caffery over a city accounts for he two weeks consignment of sewer pipe was : ending December 6 totalling $52,-rwesented to the city council last ! 517.33 were passed for payment at night, the council endorsing the ! la.t: ninhf council m'eetlne. lucuon oi itoayor sMCAtorate in nav-TVig named, City. JtBglncer F. M. ' fin the board. The mayor explained that thp report of , tbe board's findings ha. . been given to the press lor publication In advance! of the council meeting since It I was frlt that the ratepayers were l entitled to have that Information.. Sugg simas estioos Moose vhlst drive and ance ir aid' of Xmas tree Vina, Friday . ue- cember 13 aVi:30. On recommendation ance committee the. last nlcht deeded, 4 wear, at 130 Def,.HWtf iMacdonali thought - ANNOUNCEMENTS Oddlellows Whist Danoe December 10. the fin council for, a Norman house Avenue, wesiview. recently occu-Died bv James Weir. Aid. S. D Macdonald thouarh bte house should be advertised for rent so that soldiers, might hare the first refusal. It was nouitca oui mar, this policy appMed to selling but not renting somiers' nouses, ine house Is being given up by Mr. Weir who had an agreement of sale on it. TELEPHONE SURPLUS During the month of October the city telephone cteoartraent showd a surplus of $1,293.69 ac-.nrdinc; to a report ffom Sam Massey. superintendent of the department, which was read at last night s council meeting., The es timated revenue of the depart ment for the month was $3,891.90 m..t. .trvpm.T nA while expenditure amounted to rer lb ZMC I CALIFORNIA SOFT SHELL O Drive and Flks Christma3 Cheer Fund dance Wednesday December 11 Smnile's Orchestra. Pythian Sister's teu- t Mrs MTvirn nrrs i shcnlon's. 530 Eighth Avenue Perlb. ...Z. isDCtWe4- Thursday, December 12. ' Headquarters for Xmas Toys and Xmas Stockings FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ARRIVING EVERY BOAT Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-123 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 81 P. O. Box 575 Moose whist drive and dancfl Friday, December 13. i fee the Christmas Parent -uringers of oirts" Anglican oato- curat Hau, oeeemDer is ai. s pjn Baptist Christmas Ttm, December 20. Canadian Legion B.EB.L. Christ mas Tree i?eoemter ai. Moose Christmas Tree. Decejn- Der ti. - , Ladles' Auxiliary St, Andrew's society Hogmanay danoe. Decern ber 31, Moose Hall. . Moose Charity Ball January 10, ,iit u I- '" ''"I" The following is the scalo of charges made for reading notices: Uirth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, 2. Funeral Notices SI. Funeral Flowers 10c ner name. . . Marriage and Engagement announcement $2. 41 ' , ' '". '' 4 tti Billiards tonight, Orotto vs. Elks. J On account of cold weather there will be no basketball games! tonight. j H. Evans of the Prince Rupert Hotel staff returned to the city on the Catala this afternoon from a trip to Anyox. Dr. R. tfeddes Large of' Port Simpson arrived In the city oh the Catala this afternoon for a brief visit to town. A. J. Richmond returned to the 1 city on the Catala this afternoon irom a oriel ousiness trip to An- yox and Stewart. James Calvin, well known Alice Arm prospector, was an arrival in the city on the Catala this afternoon from the north. J. B. Robertson arrived In the city on the Catala this afternoon from Alice Arm, where he is engaged in the hotel and cigar store business. W. B. Bower, who U interested In mining at Alice Arm. Is a passenger aboard the Catala this afternoon going through to Van- rntivpr '.sm vu m biua unci uuyu hum a tllf to Anyox and Alice Arm on official duties. Mi. and Mrs. E. D. Haddon of Hydor arc passengers aboard the r,aa'a thi." atrnnon bound for a nn to Seattle. . Mr. Haddon is manager of the Hyder Bank. Stephen K. Raymer. Jugo-Slav consul at Vancouver, arrived In ho cltv on the Catala this afternoon from Anyox wh?re he has tven snenciing a few days on official duties. A. D. Hallett of Masaett returned to the city on the Catala this afternoon from Port Simpson where; he gave a performance as a mag-Man last night. It was so cold at Simpson last evening that half an 'rich of Ice formed on the stage o'atform. The Seasons Big Smash in -Radio RADiOlA 60 $100 1929 MODEL $ ljJ We consider these sets to be the most marvelous ever offered at this remarkable price. A nine-tube Super-Heterodyne Circuit employing seven UY 227 tubes, one 171 and one 280. These sets have no equal as to distance, volume or tone. Only a limited number at this price. TOM BALLINGER 3 1 8 5th St RADIO AND BICYCLE SHOP Mail Schedule ;ror me r-asi T. J. Shenton, Inspector ofl Mons., Weds., & Sats mines, returned to the city on the'.- r... Suns., Tues, is Thurs. 10:30 am. 3:30 p.m. For Vancouver-Sundays 9 pjn From Stewart and Premier was used in the City Hall heatln otant aceording to report of the From Anyox and Alice Arm anltor J. W. Exlev. presented at Tuesdays 11:30 am. 'ast night's city council meeting. Thursdays 8 p.m. The average daily coqsumptlon L !'' - as 62 gallons at a cost;f ,S3.4l. ,?o waas uiver ana rori Simpson , . ,, t, i, Sundays ..U 7 p.m. ,r" h ntritw nSV'rom Naas River, rort Simpson- ld a', last night's meetlna of. th ; , - ity had "3, "vih regard to ornamental 'tshtlne. A full rpnort nn th mat. r-i wuuiu ue maae taier 10 ine xo Aiasxa roinis xuncll after consideration had Dc. 14 and 28 '" eiven further information Fpom A,.k. pinn rolnts--uperintendent which was being awaited from the "A A,ska of the telephone i'. lepartment and the city ienglneertm ,,,, -, r-.'u ; i 11:30 ajn, rounr'l that his ooramlttee To Oueen Charlotte Islands- had a conference with the Dec. 7 and 21 9 pjn, ower Corporation of Canada r. t.-f-..- 1 street a4 4vva Dec. 5 and 19 ajn From Stewart and Premier .:.ajn. ,.p.m, On recommendation fliAhsttt-ltCilU''i,' Mntfements 'ties committee and thefre, Qhtef.jffi",1?: -ovemems Fl fU nAIIMnll t.kl .1.1.. 11.1 1 1 ! ' ' ' 1 -uuiv,u last H'lHv Bve, Its approval to the new automatic 're alarm system which is being 'mtallfd at the cnr wh nrvM Vre. in connection with which a wire win be run to the Fire Hall vhere an indicator will be placed -howlng where in the railway waterfront DroDertv fire mav break out. It was pointed out that the system was similar to what were being Installed in other cities. mere would be no cost to the city. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY or SALE Pair of shoes with skates on them both good as new, size 72 or 8. Price $5. Ap- yny u-uy rsewa ornce. For Vancouver Sundays ss. P. Charles 10 pjn. Tuesdays 4s. Catala .1:30 p.m. Tnursaays s. p. uuperc mpm Fridays ss. Prin. Mary. 10 p.m. Fridays ss. Venture . ...Midnight Dec. 18 ss. Prln. Norah .5 pm From Vancouver-Sundays ss. Catala p.m Weds. ss. P. Rupert 10.30 ajn Fridays ss. Venture p.m. Fridays ss. Prin. Mary ... 4 pjn. sats. ss. p. cnanes iu:3U am i Dec. 14 ss. Prin. Norah ...ajn Dec. 28 ss. Prln. Norah .. ..am For Naas R. and Port Simpson- Sundays SS. Catala a pjn From Naas R. and Port Simnson Tuesdays ss. Catala 11:30 a.m. "or Stewart and Premier f ndays ss. Catala 8 pjn Weds. ss. Pr. Rupert ...4 p.m Pats.--ss. Pr. Charles- 4 pjn. Sundays ss. Pr. George 8 pjn Tuesdays ss. Catala .11:30 a.m Thurs. ss. P. Charles .. .8 pjn. KEEP BRANDY r HANDY RAW VEGETABLES MAY TAKE PLACE OF INSULIN SOON WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 10: Raw starches, In the form of uncooked vegetables, are foreseen as Tuesdays 12:30 pjn.'a possible substitute for Insulin in Thursdays 9 pjn. Fridays 11 pjn. CJil., Dec. 18 4 pjn. From Vancouver Sundays 4 p.m. Wednesdays 10:30 am. Fridays pjn. Saturdays 10:30 &sa. Dec. 14 and 28 .....a.m. For Stewart and Premier- Sundays 1 pm. Wednesdays ..3 pjn. Saturdays 3 pjn. the treatment of mild diabetes. After two years of research. Dr. S. M. Rosenthal, pharmacologist of the hygienic laboratory, U. S. pubMc health service, has found that rav; starches may be eaten without an appreciable rise in blood sugar. The effect of insulin, which Is injected, Is to keep the quantity wt, wusM ,vS r v'VliW -3 blood after a meal. Further tests are being carried out to determine whether raw vegetables, taken as a part of the meal, will not be as effective as Insulin. Tuesdays 11:30 ajn.Kaw starches, fed both to normal Thursdays 8 nm uuu DUDeuc puuenia in me iorm tot uncooked carrots, turnips, on- simriav sunaays 8 8 nm pjn-iions. tomatoes, radishes and some CAa. A m A A I 1m m A . nilt Xirora fn?inH tn nravant f Via During th month of Nove-nber a sUnriav 7 njn. rise In blood suear. total Of 1855 gallons of fuel OU Wednesdays - 3 - njn.. mh 1 ,,rnarAin n termlne whether the use of insulin can be avoided In cases 'where It has been Injected once or twice a day. promising results have rewarded the work. Dr. Roz- enthal said, but nft definite conclusion has been reached. Dr.. Rozenthal's discovery came as a by-jiroduct ofJiaOytddy:43fr diges tion. He cauuoneo inip ine raw siarcnes wm not act as a cure, no more than Insulin, but will be valuable.' in the treatment. Union steamer Catala. CaDt. A. & Dickson, having been delayed by ri a vinn aw lie rn ra n irn rv inu Naas River, armed -.uv.ndrt at 2 o'clocfe this attprnppn,, from Anyox, .Stevart 'arid other "northern points, -sailing aboilff an 'hour later or me soum. , , rj. , Hi For Anyox and Alice Arm- Sundays 8 pjn. Wednesdays 4 pjn. From Anyox and Alice Arm- Tuesdays 11:30 am. Thursdays 8 pjn. For Queen Charlotte Islands- Dec. 7 ss. prince Jonn 10 pjn. Dec. 21 ss. Prince John 10 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands-Dec. 5 ss. Prince JoHn ....ajn. Dec. 19 ss. Prince John ....ajn. '"or Alaska-Dec. 14 ss. Princess Norah a.m. Dec. 28 ss. Princess Norah a.m. 7rom Alaska Dec. 18 ss. Princess Norah pjn. 7rom Ocean Falls-Weds. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 am Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 4 pm. Fridays ss. Venture p.m. Bats. ss. P. Charles 10:30 am. For Ocean Falls-Sundays is. P. Charles 10 pm. Thursdays ss. P. Rupert 10 pm. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 10 pm. f.. '' In p TITLED AT COGNAC, FRANCE ins This ndvcrtisment Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia