Aid. Prudhpmme Asks Questions Makes Number of Queries in Connection With Sewer Construction Aid, Prudhomme presented the following questions at last night's meeting of the city council: l Is main sewer No. 1 completed" 2, What has been the total cost to date? 3 Has the work been carried out as per plans accepted by the city council? 4. Has any portion or portions of tame shown any deficits and, if so, pf what nature were same? 5 It not finished, has the city engineer brought in an estimate of wtiat it will cost to complete ,as per puns0 6. Was the sewerplpejued on this sewer of the sametJ5&s that ovrr which the recemy jfrbltration was held? The questions were referred, without comment, to the board of wurks and city engineer for report Inqu Rupert iryFrom Islands Regard Peace Outlet An Inquiry has been received from Queen Charlotte City by A. H. Carton, manager of the Prince Rupert branch of the Bank of Montreal, exiting Information In Hnrarrl to the SPAIN WILL MADRID. Dec. 10: Spain Is planning to recuperate some of hnr lost prestige of other cen-1 .urirs on the seas by pursuing a naval construction policy, which 1 etlir.ials of the Ministry of Marine j u? will rank her sixth among the crcat world powers. The vessels, i some of which were begun about. wo years ago, are to be duiu in Spanish shipyards at Cartagena, Cad!2 and Ferrol and will all be under construction by June. 1932. Completion of the program Is expected within three years. A' present the Spanish navy is madr up of 63 ships of all classes. mo?tlv smaller craft. The largest rre the Alfonso XIII. and the Jaime I., each of 15,700 tons displacement. MAY BORE AT ISLANDS Oil Exprrli Complete Commenced Word has been received in the) who were exploring Queen Char iot.te Islands list season with a ylew to boring for pll are to return in the spring In their own aunch when the work commenced lasf season will be comnleted. acquitted if I am given a a r I can but watt and id hoP hope best. COLD SNAP Gordon Northcott, Convicted of Murder, Writes Provincial Police Complimenting Them On Their Work Says He Has Fresh Defense Evidence and If He Secures Right of Appeal Will Be Sure To Get Off On Second Trial Gordon Northcott, the man who was recently convicted of murder of young boys near Riverside, California, and who was arrested in British Columbia and sent south for trial where he is now awaiting execution, has written the following letter to Constable Green of the provincial police force at Vernon, B.C. San Quentin, Condemned Row Dear Sir, You will no doubt be very surprised to receive this letter from me, but it is a letter I should have written lone ago. I wish you to Know I appreciate greatly tne Kind ana numane way in which you treated me during the time I was In your custody, but you movement to make Prince Rupert UP up and and there there was was a a slight sngni moder- moaer- rie outlet of the line from Prince They express a wish to Join in she movemen 11. Chairman Collart was much pleased to get this Inquiry, as he tavs it indicates that the whole district is becoming interested. At 11:30 this morning, the of- Anthritis May us u a 11; wmh STILL HEREii water pipes which had been stop-; iA . DV tne iron. ttttttttttttt received ju oe- nwntrig stotetfin i , ( il j ' that three inches of snow had fal- rflmOntOll ilfillS'o' Be Prevented But Not Cured TORONTO, Dec. 10. Attacking both man and beast, prince and peasant, rich and poor, indifferently throughout the ages, arthritis, an ailment disabling half again as many people as tuberculosis, was described by Dr. Laurence H. Mayers of Chicago at the 15th annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America as easier to prevent than to cure. "Where tuberculosis Is responsible for suffering of six out of every one hundred people who suffer total disability," Dr. Mayers said, "chronic anthritis is responsible for nine. "Chronic Infective arthritis," he laid. "Is but another name for chronic rheumatism. Whether it is the deforming type or the type characterized by swelling, the disease is just the same, differing only in the tissues involved. The skeler tons of man and animals, dead for,! unknown wn centuries, centuries, bear Dear mute mute evi- aence amonz evi-j T. ' 1 n A ffiaJi88 Thousand Russians Are dom. if ever, kills, yet. as a cause of endless pain and disability, it has no peer among the diseases affecting the human body. "Chronic arthritis is far more easUy prevented than cured. It is always preceded by an Infection usually a focus of infection. This rocuus is usually accessible for sur gical removal and in most cases may be lo:ated by radiographs, as in the teeth and accessory sinuses. If it is not allowed to remain, with its constant feeding of poisons into the system, arthritis does not develop. f preceding cu tnis J joint conditions, .i. peratures, and again one might say a general, break In? .health. From those syrauema. we jnay know that i.a.supuetppion being con- 'Unauea, ,ta .tne Doay ana n Is moving on. in ohaeure wav. until the taint and le pains develop to clarify the Thermometer Descended to Ten Above Last Evening; r treatment of the Jointe, as Snow AM Arounfl -, . COncllUoti. is not a logical procedure. The hope of relief must In all directions from Prince i t in ldenUflcation and removal of Rupert at Vancouver, on Van-!' the focus tit lntoetlon, discovery by cower Island, on the Queen Cinir&roiotlc rrhqda cjf. the definite jottiea. in Alaska and In the 'ln-.,enri causihg the ' 'disease, since terlor there was a whiteiThantlelther are many tyrie"s of bacteria of trch fallen snow thi&'mernlnfti Which may be responsible, and but. ud to this afternoon, non'hadi finally the administration of such len in Victoria up ito that lime i and it was still snowing. . If CIl.. D-. Native Fined For Having Skins of For being in possession of four beaver skins out of season, Philip Auckland. Port Simpson native, was fined $10, with option of seven days Imprisonment, by Magistrate Mc-Clymont in city police court this morning, the furs, valued at about $60. being also confiscated. The charge attalnst Auckland was laid by Qame Warden E. Martin as o fiit nf sn encounter with the metric native at Cow Bay Saturday eve ning. $20 REALIZED The sum ol $20 was realised yesterday as the result of the ten and sale of home cooking at the home of Mrs. Robert Blahce, Seal Cove. The money goes to the Christmas Tree fund of St. Peter's Crnitch . :-Tt L . a a .a. .a. A SALVi A telephone au.. . . . a- HAma UfaH t mm " is is not not sure sure whether wnetner oonng oorms message a local was lady y tnat tne calllornta oil experw y rA- .toMnii. that she t iiiuiii uWv...0 -.- mis I ... wished IT,- tn to Hnnate donate two two dollars dollars to the Salvation Army fund. Thla is "tart and t is honed that others win iuhuw good example. Money may be Sent to the Salvation Army or a vu innnvnpnt mnv may may be be be left left left at , WJU commence in 1030, but Judg- Linconvfnient "'B irom the nature of the mes- me EDMONTON. Dec. 10. Sale of Edmonton city debentures totalling I $483,627. at a price oi saa.ii, or u l,lrl nf nrnrt.frnllv 5 32 ner cent. Beaver Out Season , K spSihT.efdyaycoaS Robert Bygdnes Snow at Vancouver and Other Cities inSouth Is Followed by Gold Weather; Sub-zero Prairies VANQOUVER, Dec. 10. Four inches of snow fell last night here and the fall is continuing today. Snow, and rain have been general on the Pacific coast, followed by colder weather. The forecast is for mortj fe'now and colder. On the prairies they are haying one of the periodic winter cold ' isnaps. The thernjometer is well below zero. The precipitation is welcomed by all the coast cities as tending to help solve trie power situation which had become acute. Whenthe tjiaw comes there should be considerable flow -added -to the streams. Employed On Manchurian Line feAnd Sixteen Thousand Chinese HARBIN; Manchuria, Dec. 10.Nine thousand Russian employees of the Chinese Eastern Railway are to be retained in the jobs they held for years prior to the break between China and the Soviet Union over the control of the line. "So long as these employees attend to their own i . . business and do not auempi 10 spreaa coisnevuu propa-civen which . the v the i uu,-urca" u uu i t of new fr trial the dsase. dominate known as arthritis, picture there is i ganda they will be kept on the payroll, said Liu, , v.;., Yuan iy a luswry m Iaugue. loss oi Kwan 38-year-oia president oi tne roao. " V P . . t, frequently low grade tern- tVf 4 ....,. nm n 10 aUUIUUll LU Lite ivuaaiauo, uic luajviiwjf Eastern, fallen here attnougn ciouay sjuwrweaimenv 'ns .viu.iieutraiize me $ian fluently, out no cngusn. "Pnhmptlv vie had about 13.000 I 1 :,AAlla, tn ,h rf.MH.Jkllrtn r.f n.1 I - I " 1 . . . . . . ooae u. v" " " Russian trnwovees, dui alter tnei IJtBl niBUL HI O UCIUUk, bc uvni- uuik aKmw Mt weather here so far thia win-i ter was recorded when the ther mometer descended to ten dereesi , ? above zero, or 22 degrees of frost. During the night, skies clouded WIRES STILL DOWN t xms nntunuun st inn in tpmnemture ah the frteid nnrthpnut wind, which has Deen A Daa swrm Detween nwin- t blnwinn for three days, ameliora-1 itaa and Terrace blew the tivi slishtlv. whites" the Chinese which is the oldest concession rail way in China, also employs 16.000 Chinese in operation of Its 1100 miles of track. Its western terminus is Manchull, on Uie Man-churlan-Itusslan IronUer, where connections were formerly made with the trans-31betan ttatlwayr Mr. Lieu has been credited by some of the officials in Nanking and Mukden with acting without their consent when he ousted the Russian railroad officers and brought a Siberian army to various points along Manchuria's boundary. He has been an execuUve of the road for six years, ne speaics kus pecis are either for snow or tj tney went down again m and ana feasterri fcasterri takes, takes, kreat kreat pride pride in in the; continuation of the cow anap. tne result is ratner a Plumbers have been busy since' of late telegraphic news ews' the end of the week repairing i toaay s paper HAVE NAVYiSErS or Durst Plans to Recuperate Lost Trestlfc and Secure Sixth Rankinr severance of diplomatic relations by Moscow, some 400 'red' Russians , were either recalled by the Soviet j government, or .werp lorcea w &lvc: up their places because of evidence ; in our possession that they had been i spreading anti-Chinese government propaganda under the leadership of ; trained hands from Moscow." Mr. i prrinhaslzed. telegraph wires down early Wf, tnnk pharee all yesterday morning. T.bi8 muvpr knnwn to flelal barometer at Dm by Island mornine they were connectea 1 1 missed." Naturally, wneni the trouble- us were dls- tnorf steadv at around 29.70. Pros- again for a brief period but tl The., nresldent of the Chinese L0SELIVES . NEVYQRK Ten Persons Lost Lives, fen or More Injured When Films , Catpfo t ' Fire,vj ...iLn" .. NEWYORkibec'riO-TniDDed in a blazing 'mo tion picture studio used jbifltly by the Manhattan Silldios and the Pathe Mo-tioh Pictures Exchanges today, ten persons lost their lives and ten or more were seriously injured, jumping from third storey windows. tne;- f in 1 paucity I it that the railway has been oper- j I lpfpp fpfl Kvla VVS In fated successfully since the Russian LClCatCU WJiaivo noon, ine price, uiicicu u Canadian Bank of Commerce, was reported by the city commissioners to be very favorable. The sale will allow completion of financing the city's capital requirements for the year. Is Laid To Rest Funeral of Well Known Orderly of Princ Uuwrt Genera' Hos pital This Afternoon The funeral of the late Robert Bygdnes. orderly for many years at the Prince Rupert General Hos-nltal. who died -suddenly Satur day night, took place this after noon at i OCIOCK. fUUUWlUK u service in the chapel of the' B. C. Undertakers, interment was made in Falrvlew Cemetery. Rev. John H. Hanson, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, officiated and Peter Lien presided at the organ. "Nearer My Ood to Thee" was sung as a hymn by the congregation present. Pallbearers were H. W. Birch, U. Wicks, O. Anderson, M, Johnson, J. Olson ana Jonn wick . A number of floral tributes tes tified rto the esteem and popularity " 18 tho"Bht thls wl11 ln wlllch deceased was held. done 4- general manager and the several thousana Russian employees wcic succeeded by Chinese. "Moscow thought the road would quickly go to rack and ruin," Mr. Liu said, "but both our freight and passenger service has been running i on time, with few exceptions due to sabotage or the shelling or uomD itonH nf nnp n formerly " To Be Submitted Again To Voters The cltv council decided last night, on? recommendation of the ine of the yards at frontier points, nnrrt nf wnrks to resubmit to the ever since the controversy came to j ratepayers the money bylaws for a head in. July. iMcBrlde Street extension and over- "At present when the fall crops expenditure on main sewer which are moving we have started to de- were rejected at the polls some iivpr rtntiv annroximatelv 16.000 months aeo. The bylaws will be tons of soya beans and other Man- presented at the annual municipal churlan products to the South Man- election next month, it is planned, churlan Railway at Changchun. To , Speaking to the recommenda-accomplish this we have nearly tlons, Aid. Brown, chairman of the doubled the tonnage of our freight i Board of Works stated that the mine nsinff two locomotives in- committee had discussed the ques tion oi me oytaws ana nau Th miiwnv mav be ODerated In the view tnat it wouia not De iair thSuturemWdoUMbtt to saddle next year's council with formerly worked on a fixed gold. them. Expenditures amounted to rouble-yer Tbasls but when Russia $6600 and 19-000. for which the broke off diplomatic relations with money had not yet been ProvWed. China effort were made to get t Train Derailed1 At Namur Today; Seventeen Killed BRUSSELS. Dec. 10. Seventeen persons were killed and 48 Injured today when a workmen's train was derailed at the entrance to Namur station today. This included the gold rouble, , out out of of Dl! general generai rune fund. myor Mayor jmcmpf- tmoniiu intarmu arc vitanv in- uc wuiauicu. wUu.u ...v.. t--rt in thp fixintr of the ex- additional live or six mius on next change rate owlna to the fact that year's tax rate. Aid. Collart added. io.uuu tons oi irciBui, approximately A -r.mor -are Richmond E. Mortimer after turned over by the Chinese Eastern to the Japanese owned paying a visit to his sister in South Manchurian Railway every California has returned and has day at Changchun. They desire , resumed his duties with the Cana-that exchange be placed .on a yen dlan Bank of Commerce as teUer. basis, but the Chinese say that Is, at the Nakusp. B.C. branch. out of the questions t ASKED NAMES OF REAL ESTATE MEN OF PRINCE RUPERT EM Yesterday we had Inquiries for local real estate agents who were advertising with us. We sent away the names of H. G. Helgerson Ltd.. S. D. Johnston and M. M. Stephens 4 as being the only ones and STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtety 8. D. Johmton Co.) Bayview, 2, 2&. Big Missouri. 67. Nil. Cork Province, 5, 5Vj. Cotton Belt. Nil, 30. Dunwell, 5. Nil. Oeorge Copper. 2.80. 2.85. Georgia River, 15, 16. Oolconda, 76, 84. Gra.ndview. 16, 16V. Independence, 3, 5. Indian. Nil, 5. Infer. Coal Si Coie. 25. Nil. Ko'iteriay Florence. 8V. 8. Kootenay King. 8, 8VV L, L.. 1, NU. Lurky Jim. Nil, 8. Mohawk. 2. 3. jQb'e Five. 44 V,. 45 25. Ptnd Oreille. 2.6S,;2.75, Premier 1.68, 1.70. . Porter-Idaho. 27. 30 Reeves aiaJnaldli2.1M.25. Rnfus-Argenta. 9!4, 10. Ruth-Hope. 20. 25. Sl'ver Crest. 5Vi, 6. Silverado. 35, 40. Bunloch. Nil. 1.10. Topiey Richfield. 5. Whitewater. 15. 20. Wooflblne. Nil. 3. Bluebird, 5i 5Vi. Amulet t.75 1.78. Dome, 755, 7.35. Falconbridge, 5.B5, 6.00. Hudson Bay. 9.80. 9.95. International Nickel; 3225, 32.40. Imperial Oil. 28.50. 29.00. Noranda. 35.00, 3523. Sherritt Oordon. 325. 327. Sudbury Basin. 3.80. 3.90. Teck Hughes, 5.10, 5.15. Oils A. P. Con.. 1.96. 1.98. Calmont. 1.05. 1.06. Da'housie. 1,70. 1.75 Fabyan Pete, flf 7. Home. 9.65. 95. Freehold. 63, 70 Mercury. 72, 71 Hargal, 1.01. 1.02. it-- United. 70. Nil. Sterling Pacific, 120, 123. Local Hosoital Tenth Largest Columbian. New Westminster, 210: St. Joseph's. Victoria, 165; Royal Inland. Kamloops. 130: St. Eugene's, Cranbrook. 100; Nanalmo General. Nanalmo. 75. Cold Weather Is Cause Mill Close Small Water Pipes Around Saws Frecie Un: Resuming Operations at Once Owlne to the cold weather freezing up some of the small pipes around the saws, the Big uay Lumoer uo.s sawmiu ai sear Cove has been idle the past two, suggested that any of them tdays. The planer Is starting up would give good service. again this afternoon and the j whole plant will be in full opera- 4- 4' tlon within a day or so. employers 1 TOMORROW'S TIDES t Boston Grill to LAEGE CABARET a. Wednesday, December 11 i 'IS- BjwciiJ Pinner Thuridirt and BttunUyi High 9:30 a.m. 19 J) ft."' Ar. Dancing txrrj Saturday - Night, " 9 to It Dux HtU r 22:04 p.m. 16.8 ft. U,-,'::J. Low 2:67 a.m. 8J2 ft. Aooommodstlona tut PrlvU Parttoa 16:03 pm. 7.9 ft. rUONE 437 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S .NEWSPAPER Vol. XX., No. 287. PRINCE RUPERT, B.0., TUESDAY, DEC. 10, 1929 PRICE FIVE. CENTS weie only living up to the standard oi the Canadian ponce oincers. it is thla bravery, humaneness and honorableness that makes the provincial Dolice force one that Can ada might well be proud of. Other countries suiter by comparison Although I have been cohvic by the flimsiest circumstantial evi dence, the newspapers have convinced mostly everyone of my guilt by their sensational and false writeups. However, my attorneys and advising counsel assure me I a)n almost certain of winning my appeal. With new defence evidence we have discovered. I am am sure sure of of belni being Storm in Britain is Cause of Destruction Great Loss of Life LONDON, Dec. 10. One hundred and sixty-three persons are dead, rrtjstly at sea as a result of a storm which has been battering Great Britain and continental Europe for the past week. The number of vessels wrecked or badly damaged has reached a total of 69 around the British Isles alone. Floods have threatened in England, a number of rivers having risen from the heavy rains which acc: m-panied the wind, but so far have done no damage of importance. The storm moderated today but later threatened to become worse. Middle-Aged Man Is Extolled by Secretary Davis W A ClTTMriTnV Ta 1 n Th value of the middle-aged man in the nation's Industrial fabric was extolled today by Secretary Davis of the Labor Department. Advancement has been made, he Said, in disproving the "false philosophy" that men are through when they reuch the age of 40 or 50. "On the other hand." he declared In his annual report to Congress, tnp9 an ffTOJta it is becoming the jtuflr molt enlightened u men of the ace of 40 or50 year or over are often better qualified by experience, ability and settled habits to render more valu able sev vice than those of a younger age." The age question was said by the secretary to be one of the grave economic problems that deserved the nation's particular consideration and during Uravrrting years he expected to seY great lessening in the practice oretlring from "It has been adequately proved," he said, "that efficiency is not served by the enforced ret!-ement of our mlddle--ge- arllsuns in industry; nor is humanity made happier by the bringing about of sudden work or (adjustments which these displaced men are frequently called upon to meet." MANY CASES ARE NEEDY Christmas Hampers Necessary To Enable Number of Poor People To Enjoy Season The Salvation Army, is finding a good mafjy cases wheje Chiistmas hampers should be ("ntr Both money and groceries are needed to enable them to do tW ind the response this year has been slow. No . 'casn nas d i conuiDuiea as yet, In British Columbia. According to although . th e have been several Directory Issued By Federal generous offe.s of goods. Government The local irmy officials are anx- ious to do what they can to make The Prince Rupert General Hos- Christmas happy for those who oltal. with a total of seventv beds. have ndt the means to provide for is the tenth largest hospital in 'nemseives. Tney una tnat some British Columbia according to a, of the cases brought to their notice directory of Canadian hospitals are possibly the fault of the destl-which han lust been issued by the tute persons themselve but other Department of Pensions ana Na- cases are more oeservmg. in any tional Health. Ottawa, having event, it is the Christmas season been compiled by the Department and it is the desire to make every-of Hospital Service. Canadian one happy. It is hoped that read-Medical Association. The Vancou- ers of the Dally News wUl help the ver General Hospital, with 1050 Army in their good work, beds, is by far the largest hospital Adjutant Kerr announces that no in this province. Other hospitals Christmas dinner will be given this larger than the local one are: St. year unless the (money l forthcom-Paul's. Vancouver. 302; Royal ng and that the fUt. effort will-be Jubilee Victoria. 288; Tranqullle provide Christmas hampers for Sanitarium. Tranqullle. 245; Royal: the needy. BIRTH A son was born at Seattle on December 1 to Mr. and Mrs. Benny McDanlels,, nee Florence Hardy, lormer or tw cyty Scottish Humor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory I ll'l THE DARWINIAN THEORY When an Aberdeen boy asked Ms mother the other day: "Is it true, mlther. that we sprung fae monkiest she replied, "I dlnna ken. laddie. I wisha very well ac-quent wi yer falther's fowk." ,., If