Tuesday, December IB,. 1629 "uriniBer, mo. JAMES MARTIN, m - a k - Twenty Years Ago In Prince ilupcrt December 10, 190S tn order to eliminate jthe pos jinintv oi "craft." nt. Rev. F.' H, f,uverriet, Bishop of Caledfjjfia, urrea tne rignt to initiative ;and referendum wun me acrompany-tns right of recall In ahy form of civic government that may be tie clried upon following the Incorporation of the city of Prince Ru-pe'-' The barge Quatslno. which Was wwked off Oreen island a few weeks ago and subsequently purchased by local parties, was conv. pictely broken up by a gale this wcok. Man in the Moon Some women like a man with a past, others with a future but Maria says a man with a present pits her .every time. nu. swtcmcaii. x uiu iiuv uu uiai little bit about the germs and the hnrrs Tt hnnrlprt In hi it inrtu I md something about Dunning unu au uiu nc nuuupeg rrci p i'ss and 111 give you his bit. Now. Mr. Dunning Has got finance. ,. The tax defaulters VU1 do a-fiance, s. Won't It be stunning, When he gets cunning To see them running, From Mr. Dunning? And now the question Has raised a fuss,' Will Mr. Dunning Come dunning us? If we've been shunning our tax'retu'ning. Will he come gunning, This Mr. Dunning? Prince Rupert Is sure doing her self proud In the way of weather. Ekatlng is good and there's still some coal in the bunkers. The mayor of Seal Cove savs it's cold even In that wonderful sec-lion of the city. If 1t hadn't been old they would have asked the' Kupert nasi citizen's Association t'i tiiuiiiiuuun. intervene and ask jyhy ffhjr m the dls AITTION- BALE Tlmhrr KlU XI1SCJ rttltertlwrarnt ' There win be offr) Mr sal at r mil' Auction., it. noon of) toe Itth iji January,. f930piri xitnmto ot B.C Uit Lltenee X1M8S to tut vrn ooo T Bit of .VokL Hemlock .'"J Cedar oil in asfsft9etl oh the I- Arm of Tmoo - rUrtjor. Weat i ' of Qun Charlotte Islands. fcit-u chartt taiaia Land bu- iwo i at wars will be allowed for nmnval of timber. 'Provided anr one Unable to a' lend the auction In person mar may Mtbmlt tender to be opened ' the hour of auction and treated iw of bid." ftiuhe partieulkra .of the Calet Greater. VMtetta. B.O.. ot .Dutrtet f r rster Print Rupert, B.C. AICTIOV H.tLB Timber ftJIr Xtl7 Mtrrtlsemetit Tir will be bfld for sale, at r 'Ulir Auction, at noon on the lHh ("V ot January. 1BS0. in the olfk Ct " DUtrlet Fbrester at frlnce Rai I'f th tUe XMB67. to citt -Jt.fW) r.h.M. of Spruce. Uetnleek 1 1 Odar on an area situated on the "ii Arm. Tmoo Hirbor. Weai of Queen Charlotte UUiidl. W "n cuatiwtte Islands land Dutrlot. To (3) years win be allSwed fof n.'n ".u of timber- Provided fty Ofw UnSble t i' leim the auotton In person may lusv tubmlt tender to Ve. opened " t! hout of auction and treat J us one bid." farther particular of the Cole! ixtei Victoria.' B.C. or District I rc8trr Prince Ruprt. B.C. A('t"wix feAii; Tlmlirr Hale XI 184 Advertisement There will offered h sale St r ihi.r Auction, at noon on the 18th ii" nf January, '1030, in , office ot ' District Forester. Prthc Rupert. Dl toe licence XI 1864 to out 'Unboo KBM. of Spruce, llenilock. -hj Oedar on an rea situated on the ' 11 Arm, Tasoo Ilarbor. V?e -s: or Queen Chatldtte Winds. "1 Charlotte Islands Land Dlatrlot (I) years will be allowed for -ii 'vai or timber 'Provided any one unable tt ctend the auction In person mat uly tubmlt Under to be opened the hour of auction and treat it as on bW." Further iwmimiUm nf tu rtlilj.. F'jrenter Victoria, B.di W DUrtrtet urwier. Prince Rupert. B.C. I.ANII APT Notice of Intention to Apply to !. Land Tjke Notice that 1. Jamas Martin of Ma'iett. B.C., Intend to apply for a im of the tollowlug described lands: '" atev mart, and at the shore m Main otreet, ana ine corner r Block 30 town of M.wtt. D.C: Smith Westerly about three 1 ndwd feet to low water mark; thence North Westerly direction to New iiLsu wharf! thenoe along the Wharf " u' three hundred feet more or Ms .""Sh water matk: thenoa along high ' ' ' mark to the point of commenee- 0ttf t Mawett, B.C. this 6th flay CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND THIS iS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS. AND OLD. INTERESTgp YOgG ELITE BEAUTY PARLOR Mrs. Sutherland water waving. Face massace and Phone 499 MASSAGE A Sure Cure For Rheumatism Lumbago, Sprains, Etc. C. K. HAYAKAWA Phone Red 399 P.O. Box Sis PHOTO FINISHING For Fine Photo Work Quick Returns Careful Finishing WKATUALL'S PHOTO FINISHINGS 332 ThlrB Avenue WE FRAME PICTURES SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers Paints Window Glass j Picture Frame Mouldings third ,Ayenut Phone 22 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange tiny kind ot furniture or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. THE ELECTRIC BAKERY n "The Btore That Quality Built!" EAT k ELECTRIC BREAD The Best There 1st P. O. BOX 416 PHONE 6G7 HUNT'S FURNITURE & ! . UPHOLSTERY F. THE btOre of QUALITY. 4 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Chesterlield Suites , ,f , Odd Chairs; Floor Lamps Walnut Dining Suites ' Barrymore Wilton Rugs Lino St Congoleum Rugs Restmore Beds, Springs it Mat t relies Down Comforters; Curtains Draperies; Smoker Sets Other Useful Articles Most Suitable For Gifts. ITS THE QUALITY THAT COUNTS Shop Early G. M. HUNT UNn ACT Nollre of IhtfiUiou to Apply to .lnrthae tand In the Oasalar Dlstrtot Land Recording Dlrtrlat . at- stlklne nd situate ori the Taku River about three quarten of a mue up stream from the confluence of the. Talu and Tuleequah Rlv- era. Take notlfe that Horace uorxaugnion Fraser of VaneMiver, B.C., booupnUon Olrtl Xhttntcr, InWtids to apply for ttermlMlon to purchase the following deaerlbtd lsd: CWnmencing al a posi piameo on the Taku River about three quarters of a mile up stream from the mouth of . - t.i . u III w r th.nn. Nortri 30 enalftt: then Et 20 ebalna; thence South 90 chains: tneace wes m chains more or Urn to botnt ot eom-nveuoement and containing forty scree, more or lees. HORACE MCNAUUiivurt rKAoan. Dated October SSth. 1838. Dally News "Want Ads" bring quick, results. BRINGING UP AW COME OJ j I JOGT OME f7 rr1& WRLV- I I WANTED WANTED Hemstitching. Mrs. Chas. Edwards, at Wallace's. WANTED Work In store or office by experienced young woman. Phone 427. Wanted Experienced orderly-handyman for Prince Rupert General Hospital. Apply Immediately. (287) MEN WANTED To take up plas ana nricic me tering . . laying, n n I Jt ! 1 t- I ocvuiig ttiiu ccaieiiL iiiiisuiug. j These $9.00 to $12.00 a dayi trades oiler unlimited oppor tunity. Canada' building boom requires thousands of these tradesmen. Starting wages after a few weeks' training $5.00 to $7.00 per day. Earn while you learn. Mall this ad and your name and address for further Information. The United Building Trades Training School, 480 Hastings Street East. Vancouver. B.C. AGENTS WANTED U5E OUR Millions to get morcd money; Rawleigh's giant industries now expanding; must have more good men for cities and towns; immense resources, over $17,000,000; established 40 years; 4 big factories and 7 branches; Australia, Canada and America; annual sales over 36.000.000; no similar industry as big: hustlers earning $150 to $400" every month; big pay every day; no experience or capital required; everything supplied; world's biggest market; retail nearly 200 products: need dally every home; steady repeaters; big profits; lowest prices; best values; food, soap, toilet preparations., stock, poultry supplies; 4 tbits. lines, vbu can't beat Raw- 1cih'4Jp reposition; investigate- then decide. Rawieigh company, ueptrtCN-iw-l, Winnipeg, Man. (297) HELP NVANTED, WANTED A steady and ambitious young man to learn the plaster- Tnr trnrta tVi-lto Ttnv 910 rtnlW ' News Office. (tf) 2 MENWahCf3 tir learn auto re- pairing. Must be willing workers! andffcDtrjtaryJi years 01 aBe-l Statr aaTi(rrst employment! in first latter. Apply Box 238 DallJTJiewTjgffp. (tf ) LOST LOST New sweater in parcel on Third Avenue. Finder please re-. turn tj Hyde. Transfer. (288) LOST On Sunday, small purse. contents $5 bill Finder please j return to Dally News Office. Re ward. JrtlUND FOUND Rosary. Apply Dally News oriiee. FOUND SUver -Maltese crois'Maue and repaired for any kind ot brooch with letters W. A. Apply Auto or Truck. Dally News Office. , 'Prompt Service. Satisfaction guar- ianteed. " Star Welding and Repair Works RADIO BICYCLES f O. Box 764-Prlnce Rupert. B.C. FURNITURE REPAIRS, PACKING AND CRATING r1 TOM BALLINGER Sth Street, Phone Blue 625 CLEARING & GRADING Concrete Foundations Tunnels and shafts In difficult ground a specialty. NELS ROKKJAR, CENTRAL HOTEL Advertise In the Dally News, FATHER NOPt l'M COMK1A I I SOME Sl-CEP VOOfRt A NllGHT I FOR RENT FOR RENT 'Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 547. tf. FOR RENT 'Double or single housekeeping rooms. Phone1 427: tf) FOR RENT Nicely furnished flat In Clapp Block, Apply Westen-haver Bros. (tf) FOR RENT Furnished apart- mpnfc n?,rl R rAnrrift AtmW . . ' ' r .1 Mussanem urocery. ttij 7 ' ' HOUSEKEEPING Rooms for rent. Newly decorated. Richmond Rooms under new management. (303) FOR RENT Clean, well furnished modern two and three roomed suites. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. (tf) FOR SALE PIANO For sale. Phone Oreen 405. FOR SALE Carpenter's tools and box. Phone C6 after 6 o'clock, tf. FOR SALE Extension oak dining table. Phone Green 405. FOR SALE Six roomed house at 323 Fourth Avenue West. Phone Black C98. (287) FOR SALE Brass bed with sprlhR, also single white iron bed with spring and mattress. Phone 585. 1 (292) FOR SALE Fishing boat "Emblem No. 1." Engine Just overhauled; with complete fishing gear. For particulars apply Llpsett's Store. (tf) FOR SALE 1929 Chevrolet. Sedan in excellent condition. Can arrange terms, price $750. Walker Motor Co. Ltd. '; (tf) FOP SAt.t! Thesterfleld suite, oak dining joom suite, china cabinet, piano, bed complete, oak dressing table, oak chest of; drawers, sealers. Perfection oil heater. Phone Oreen 405. SEVEN-ROOMED1 MODERJT HOUSE. TWO FULL LOTS Rest Residential District $1000.00, Terms M. M. STEPHEN &i CO LTD. Rentals LoanS-Real Estate FOR RALE Launch, cabin cruiser. 38x9 ftJ 78 knots. Sleeps 4. Fully equipped gaiiev, locRers, modern conveniences, electric lights. 15 HP. seralOlesel engine. First class con dltlon. Suitable for patrol, hunting or pleasure. A real hone on the water. Sound, seaworthy and Irpllflhlp In rvpnr wnv Will Rpll fnr $2,100 or trade for Irrift-oved city propeny. Terms u required, ask us for demonstration. I' H. G. IIELGERSON, LTD. iThone 96 21G SUth St. ; SrRlNOS QUEEN CHARLOTTE- 1 PflRT UKI L-LillMililNia&lAUli.! PT PMPMTCJ QTAnP i Meets nil boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City to convey passeneera to Port Clements, and meets southbound boats at Port'8?. Clements to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00, and in proportion to Intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITV, li.C. KIY BOATBUlLDERS, COW BAY P. 0. Box 749 Phone Red 411S T. Buehlro, CoW Bay Boaibullder, V. O. Box 314 SALVAGE ANH TOWING "If it's on or under the water We da It." PACIFIC SALVAQE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and General Salvage Work. Boats and Bcows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoeg for hire. Bargains in GaS Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel, In any quantity, delivered anywhere-by water. , XFhofte. Day or Nigtit 564 V l.fi o. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC SUNSHINE AND ULTRA VIOLET RAY TREATMENTS R. E. ETOLFSON, D.C. ANALYTE ADJUSTMENT INDICATOR SERVICE 623 Third Avenue West Blue 85 Phones Red 589 DR. V. C. ASPlNALL Chiropractic Health Service Ultra-Vlolet Ray Ultra-Red Ray All Diseases treated successfully Oreen 241 Phones Black 283 COME TO MacKenzie's Furniture We have a splendid assortment of furniture at our usual Christmas prices. rr WILL PAY YOU iTOjCALto. HERE BEFORE y i MacKcnzic's ft- 1'liONl LA PAIUSIENNE Fourth istreet ' Latest City Styles Hair Treatment and Beauty Culture Experienced Service by Miss Loiilse Krlkevsky of Edmonton, Alberta. Hours 9. to 6: Phone 301. Mineral Act Hrrtlon Z8 Notice to Co-rartners "Mineral claims'- Star, ainfl-' Utile, Aurora, aftufeted at Loekrptirt. Queen Charlotte Islands. Owntrn Roas Morrison rM.C. S71883 C. R. Dunlop and H. H. McCbll. To ail concerned, take notice that I. Ross Mcrrlson F.M.C B71S93 O;. hav- done all the work and o&ld all dues on the above Mineral Claims for the year ending Oct S7th, 1019, without any work done or moneys paid by co-owners, R. Dunlop and K. II. HoColl, intend to Apply within a period ot 120 oaya aner first appearance or tnis no tloe, to the Mining Recorder, to have the Interests of aald co-owners vested solely In myself. ROSS MORftlSOTt. 361 PerW, ti. Barge Agent, I 1 WSouDnTT LET. II Tf I f r-rsMtrllt I II 1 WAN-rtC TO fli-r . S'jf VW ZZZO magCICS BROTHER HOMEToavEiM -JiasL W vA9 esEM itvj here. TO feOeSlE CORMEO -Sxvl" 1J KflH L J BEEf M' CABBAGE , f T I? fT lilP X i C ittt, l11TtiiwSrTte, Ik Cm I Britain i.(hu rtwrv BOATBUlLDERS i - J it COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered,per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per toh 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD MILL ENDS Per load $4.50 BOX CUTTINGS Per load 3.50 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 lM ACT N'btlrp of Intrntlon to Apply to rurrhae I Ami In Stlklne Land Recording District and Mtuate on th north bank of the ' In thbJttlkine Land Recording Dlvl-Taku Hirer at a .point about three ion: Ufa Recording District of Tele-sullen north of the function of th iph Oretk and alttiate on extreme jTuteequah River with the Toku River, Take notice that the Alaska Juneau 1 Gold Mining Company of Juneau. Al- aaka, oeotipaUon a mining aampany. Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: commencing at a pust planted oear the southwest corner of the Jack M C. the nee South 40 chains; thence weit 30 chains; thence North 40 chains; thence East 20 chains more or I lees to point ot commencement and ' containing eighty acrea, more or less. ) ALASKA JUNEAU GOLD MINING COMPANY By Patil A. DecTccr, agent. Dated 28th day of October, 1929. G. J.. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block WtTEU NOTICE IHwkIoii and Ve jerzwnaw. aaress is Hotel ouuDea tOunt Alaska. wTU aptOy tor a lice no do take and use 200 cum second. 1 of water out of East Fork Tulsecuan River, which flows Souther stand crain late Tsku ri u ltes! a bore the mouth. stream W". 1 ! fJTto T''rT "fXlZ'B & assSMw ThU. rtl waa run K. Tstound MW be 2lst day of Ostober. A copyrof this notice and an application pursuant thereto sad to the Water Aot. 1914." wiu be fUed in th office of the Water Rooortler at Atlln November 16th. 1929. Objections to the application may be with the Cctnptrouer ot Water RlghU. Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C.. wtthln thirty days after the first appearance bt this notice in a local newspaper. The dal of the lint publication of 'this notice la December 2nd, 1929. JAMES B. STAPLER. Applicant. By H. McN. FRASEtt.'Atlhi: B.C.. Agent. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Leute Land District of B(ltUh Oalumbla, and situ ate on the Booth Bank of Ekeena River, opposite Mile 88.78 on Canadian National Railways, East of Prince Ru-J1. B.C. . Take notloa that Northern British Columbia Power Oommnv. Limited of Frlnce Rupert, B.p occupation Power Corooratlon Intends llv fenolt, for & a! th fMlowlng describee I lands: .... , .om.m5ncln l P0" P'nted about 11ZP chains distant and In a Southerly direction from centre line of Canadian National Railways, opposite mile 28.7S East of Prince Rupert, on the south I bank ot the 8keena River, thence1 North 8 chains more or lest to Low I Water Mark; thence Westerly along! L.W.M. S chains; thence South 8 chains, more or less to H W.M I j thence Easterly along H.W.M. to point! ?. nimncement and containing two a r Iras. WUKTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LIMITED Per: Thomas D. MtLean, Agent. Dated September 21st, 1029. By George McManus WELL 1 KIM PORCIVE MAfXiE1! WcrrviEK FOH BORROWIKJf MOMENT AKl OAVM '"r eCK AM' -TEA.L.r4' My CLCrrvB AM CHCXriKJ ATCARO ttOT A.CUV VJMO NaOUUO ftfetAL. CORKJEO BlBf lijk 1 Ml LANlt ACT Not Iff, of Intention to Apply to : l'urrh:ue tand tip of peninsula on North bank of 'i-uisequan ana west oanx of Taku Riven, approximately one mile south of Maple Bloush. Take notice that E. J. Norman and R. McCombe of Juneau, Alaska, occupation miners, intend to apply for perm Listen te) purchase the following described lands: Oemnkenclhg at a post planted one mile south of Maple Slough: thence North 40 chain: thence West 20 chains; thence South 40 chains: thence san hi enaina and containing so acres. more or less. EDMUND JEAN NORMAN ROBERT SALE McCOMBE. Dated 19th day of October, 1929. lami Act Notice of Intention to Apply tn Leaxe Land n The QttteB Charlotte Land Dls. Land Retrdltx District al Prince Mxrt. and situate near Block 20. Mauett Townalte. "lTu mJZ xT? t Euif.." 8JmPn.0f MTett: - - . . , chains running parallel to dor. Wharf to Ijow water Mark: thence Easterly 10 enalhs; thence Northerly 4 chains, aad containing 7 acres, more Or leas. ARTHUR ROBERTSON EUGENE HUMPHREY SIMPSON Dated-NoV. 13th. I62fl. Dally News "classified advertisements" bring quick results. S. D. Johnston Co., Ltd. Correspondents For MILLER, COURT & CO., LIMITED For the benefit of the Investing public, Miller, Court If Co., Ltd., publish a semimonthly marfcet report, deal-ins with "raining, oils and industrial stocks, which is available at our office on the 1st and 15th of every month. We offer prompt and reliable Service in the execution of orders to buy or sell all stocks on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto Exchanges. S.D. Johns ton Co. Ltd. 610 2n3 Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert RC. AM tA.tSBAifc. TW1 COMNA HAVE HIM ROM OOT OF TOWM