Thursday August 8, 1929 TI1E DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Hie Secret of Coolness Is in Light, Easily Digested Foods HRED U 1 X Folding Kodaks fs m $12.26 Nr 2 f Folding Kodaks Fr m $18.60 n LA! I ill With all the bran of the whole wheat ty'ith whole milk, does not heat the blood or tax the dictation. It I" not only cooling but satisfying- saves kitchen drudgery and expense. Ready-cooked, ready to eat. KODAK TIME Crowniea from $2.25 Vest Tocket Kodak $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks 'rum $11.25 No. A. Folding Kodaks From $84.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), f . 3.5. lem $100.00 K duk Films, all sizes in stock. Developing and printing f.;r an.a'.eurs. Daily service. Quality finish. fines Kb 7fic Pioneer Drtttycists THIDD AVL f SIXTH ST. TCLEPMONF.S 8'&200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings From Prlnc Rupert fof VANCOUVER, VICTOKIA. Swannon 1UJ. HutnUle. Alert IUJ, etc.. Tuf- :30 p nt. iii-lor VIM 01 Ml. VICTORIA. Ilutedale. Alert Hay. etc.. Friday mldnlihtrt lor ALICE ARM, AXVOX, HltMAKT. Nui IHter, Vwt Simpson, MibW air 8:(MI p m. Ml ' m IDRT SlMPM) AND WALES ISLAM). Thursday, p.m. . Ui Sni Aenne R M SMI HI .Unit ITInee Rupert, II. C. Tt rough t'rketa told to lrtorla m1 ealtle ,nd baaw checked Ikraurh to destination. ......... . cakadian; PACinc V B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES RII.IM)S I ROM PHINTE R I PERT To Ketrhlkun. Wraniril. Juneau ami Skaajr AufUot ?. S. 9. It. 16. 19. !3, SB To Yinniutrr, Vl-irl and wltle AnguM S. 7, lit. II, 17. 21 ?l. t. HUMES M ARV Ocean " lall. ric . Vanroutrr and Victoria every Friday 10 p.m. Accntf for all Steamship Unea ... . ....... . ...... . a . anrvv IrJ Ate.. Prince Rupert. II. C rhonrSI Canadian National Q7jc Largcft Kailway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE ill'.nj .. .pi IMUNCE Ill I'KKT fW VAM'OI VEIl. VI.TOIII. HKATTI.K. and Intermediate point. Mondavi. Thursdays, 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 7 p.m. or AMox and STr.WAItT. Mondays, 8 p.m.; Fridays, 4 p.m. If MASSETT IM.KT POUTS. Monditts. 8 p.m. ur hOtTII tilLE.V CIIAHLOTTt; ISINDS, fortnlfhtl; r hKAutVAY. Wrdnwdaji. 4 p.m. PAHMIMItK TUAINS I.K.WE rniCL ITEUT 1HI.Y EXCtrT HIMIAY at ll:SO a m for PUIME (IIOIKii; EKMON-TUN. HIN.ME(, all x)lnU Ealrrn Canadit, I'nltrd StalM. AOEXCY ALL OOF AN MTEAM1IIP Lltr.S c"y Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2GH SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Surplus Wallpaper 33 1-3 DISCOUNT REMNANT KOOM LOTS SiMxa $2.00'' A- W. Edge Co. Wholesale and Uctail Paint Distributors S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. Itcprcsentatives for MILLEJt COUKT & CO., Limited TtirouKh our connections we can make prompt execution of buyinjr and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closjng prices from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town t clients, by wire or jotter, wlll receive our prompt atten tion. S. D. Johnston Colli 010 2nd Avenue Phone ISO Prince IluperU HC 1 have somcthinp; you' want; you have something ant' We get together through the clnssihfads. Dentist Dr. J. C86. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phine 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf R. Gosse. Phone G. P. Bennett and Ed. Joyce are visitors in the city from Geo. Rinirstad of Port Edward arrived in the city and is registered at the. Prince Rupert Hotel. W. II. Pierce is visiting in the city from Port Essington and is registered1 at the Prince Rupert Hotel. f G. A. Wyman arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Smithers and is registered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. Mrs. Theo Collart and son,' Robert, left on this morning's train for Terrace' where they will spend a couple of weeks The-Canadian National steamer! Prince Charles arrived in port this morning at 7 a.m. from Stewart, Anyox and Queen Charlotte Islands and will sail this afternoon at 4 p.m. for STOMACH PAINS? Get rid of them Permanently with "Fruit-a-tives." "Fruit-a-tlva" will rid you of gas, flit-ulroce, or pain after tating, and nuke life worth living again. Mrs. Annie Clover, Ottawa, writes: "A Him It mm Indinitwfi, roaMlpulmi. 4rilut UMlik IMin I Im4 'Fniil !'. Stoc iImm ill Ibiaf ( tlx pmH." "Fruit-a-tivts" arts naturaHy on the system. Gently and quickly it strengthens the whole digestive tract. It awakens liver, bowels aocLkldneys, soothes th" stomach. Get a 2$Srv$Oc box at your drugsist's today. ud distitive trouble 7 1 m ame For Your Dollars WHIZ FLY FUME 16-ox. tins a-lb. tins Mb. tins Order a Supply Now I HEINZ .55c QUAKER CORN Limited quantity. 2s. 8 tins 40c NABOB TOMATOES Limited quantity. 2',S. 3 tins... 40c CHATEAU CHEESE For spreading or slicing. Is. Pkg. 48 CHATEAU CHEESE 2 Via. Per box 94e CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS Fresh stock. Fer lb. 38c j WHOLE WHEAT FIG BARS New shipment. 2 lbs 45c STRAWBERRY JAM Is. Per tin C0c Vitone Special i Vitone is the perfect food beverage. Drink it either hot or cold. i 31c ...5Cc GOLD MEDAL MAYONNAISE ! The host procurable. 8-on. jars, each 34c f CRISCO 8-lb. lins. Each ..78c -Large bottles. 28c HEINZ WORCESTER SAUCE Largo. Per bottle 45c BULK CARROTS G lbs 25c TURNIPS C lbs. 25c CHOICE BLACK FIGS Tor lb , 14c Watts' Grocery Quality Right Price Right PHONE SS PHONE fir St. Andrews' Society monthly meeting, Friday, .night. FpolbaU ioftah't" at Thjstlep vs. Regiment. Mrs. W. Camp been holidaying linson at UaMttoi . been visiting In .fw davs. tatarn xii't(rHimii6n this mraina Among the round thoae w ilsT 'C;45. who has Mrs, Tom- d who has city for a Hatton in. L returning from trip to Stewart, An yox and the Islands this morning on the Prince Charles were: Mrs. Ross and Miss Oral Ross, Miss R. Plunkett. Mrs. Silver-sides and family, Mrs, Bacon and Mrs. J. Pillsbury. The Winnipeg Kiddles, who entertained in the Capitol Theatre CHLORIDE OF LIME here for four evenings, sailed Per tin 1 yesterday afternoon aboard the COFFEE Fresh roasted and teer Prince Oeorfce for Skag- ground. Per lb 45e where they will put on a , , performance, returning Monday l'BAMJi uuur-ft otu,"c' and going east to Prince George. nrsnu. ici vu . . . .ww - ANNOUNCEMENTS Leif Erikson picnic August 11. Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 3. 153 "I was all run down, tired all the time and couU not do my housework. My eyes wen: dull, my tongue was coated unJ 1 did not want to eat. A neighbor toll mother about Lydia E Pinkham'i VcgctaUa Compound. I began taking It utjnpw 1 am hungry all the time. 1 iIctp-wjJL my nervwwe good anVl'I hive Vi lot! of friends how the Vegetable Compound has helped me. I have also used Lydiu E. Pinkham'i Sanative Wash and I feel lots better. I will be glad to answer any letters." Mn. H. E. W'mtrr., Ha S. Willow St, Fartbault, Mmnoot.i. PICNIC TODAY OF RETAILERS Local Merchants ' and Employees I At Digby Island This Afternoon I). McD. Hunter left on this The Retail Merchant's Associa- mornlng's train for a business tion are holding their picnic this trip to the interior. afternoon to Digby Island and a Mr. and Mrs. Bergman of An- line, program of games and yox arrived in the city on the sports have been arranged for, Prince Charles this morning. with good pnzes for the winners. The Salvage Princess left the Mrs. Clardnce Campbell left on boat house at 2 0,'clock with a this morning's train for a short large crowd of members as well holiday trip to the canneries. las employees and their families. C. Harrison" if a passenger aboard the Prince" Charles this morning disembarking here from Massett. 1 The committees in charge are: Mrs. H. Hampton arrived In Transportation committee, Geo. the City thta morning on the Bryant, C. G. Minns- and I). Prince Charles from Port Cle- Stuart; refreshments committee, ments. Bert Morgan, Bill Watt and N. Mussallem; sports and enter- A. A. Burnett was an arrival tainment committee, Geo. Munro, in the city yesterday and is reg- D. McRae and H. Macey. istered at the Prince Rupert Hotel. RASPBERRIES ARE SCARCE Mrs. John E. Davie and two! Preserving Cherries Are Coming children left on this morning's Prom Terrate and Some train for a holiday visit to From South Woodcock. t "4." The Terrjicef raspberries have W. Vauehan Davies. of Linzeyt started to come in now although and Davies .will sail this after- they are a little scarce as yet, noon on the Prince Charles on I but it is elieved that the rains a holiday trip to Vancouver. pf the early part of the week t will improve both quality and John Barclay" oiAnytw arrived quantity of the berries. in the city on the Prince Charles Terrace preserving cherries this morning and left on this are also starting to come in now morning's train far Toronto. . in fair quantities and are selling vri.-. t ! lbs. for 36e. but the season! Miss Ruth mUHnson returned for Terrace strawberries is to the city on yesterday after- over. noon s train irom tiazeiton wner m the vegetable line, green she has been spending a few -orn is arriving now and is weeks visiting with Mrs. Tom- wllintr at 70c a dozen, and also linson. vegetable marrow which is tailing at 15c. USUAL POOR SALE 4 re i HULIBUT THURSDAY" AaUual for Thursday there was! a poor sate oi naiiout on tne ex change this morning, there being only one American and one Canadian boat offering. They were: Viola, 8000, to Booth Fisheries, ' IE. 3c and 8c. Drott, 3500, to Cold Storage. 13.9c and 8c. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert E. W. Lumsden, P. F. Belga, H. Gray. II. Walker, G. A. Wilson, Vancouver; A. Earl Smith, New York City; C. A. Thomson, Montreal; Geo. Ringstad, Port Edward, W. II. Pierce. Port El-s'ngton; A. A. Burnett, Hazel-ton; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Nan-cock, Port Hope; Elsie Hamilton, Fairbanks; Mrs. J. A. Hamilton, Alaska; Geo. p. Keyes, Vancouver; II. T. Allen, Terrace; L. G. McKee, Bellingham; G. A. Wyman, I). Bannerman, Smithers. Savoy G. P. Bennett, Ed Joyce, Anyox; Carl Thynls, W. T. Brown, Peter Uute, Petersburg; John . t r i n T . , r 1 sen. ! Royal R. Mclvor, J. Morrison, Vancouver; K. Morrison, Fort Lang- : lev ; J. H. Majeau, S. Whisby and id wilV. C.N.R.; O. Olsen, city Central M Benke, C.N.R.; T. Dupi astonguay, Jas. Hunter, 0. An derson, city. CET THIS ! "Seriously, Dill. I've never hart more comlortbi or serviceable suit than thla ft, .one. It wm made in D. O. - and I bMt It really oa apecuiation-tut believe me my next ault wUl be the same mr.lte. They mating wondertul progresa lit the rlo.hliig Industry here- " why. do you know l-it year th) value ul the men's arid wry awn's ooeu and dreanee MaUe in B. C. waa well over The industry aPliTtd a pyrall of three-i.rrs of a million on ..:kcin' w.xgrt alone." PCFCODUCTS CtRtAU The dellcleus flavour oE SALAD A lias no equal. Do not be tempted by the price oS cheap teas lift IT lH A to onM ....TUH.N Fresh Srom the gardens1 hCi.H; i MtniLto mscoruMO in MAN to M AN irs best bij Long uaas nigeiDiSTMoasi IHTMC WOtLO.. tiUJiihedmi REAL OLD SCOTCH aVSBBBBBBBBBBl WHISKY ,,-This, advertisement is not publislieo or displayed by 'Liquor Control Board or by the Government of ' 1 British Columbia iff . t Mrs. D. E. Murphy and daughter, Marie, returned on yesterday afternoon's train from! Antigonish, N.S., where they have been visiting Mr. Murphy's mother. Just Arrived UNIVERSAL SILK AND WOOL SWEATER COATS ..$8.00 nansen, city; v,. narnson, aw JANTZEN PURE WOOL SWEAT- ER COATS ?8.00 "The Coats to Wear Anywhere" Established in 1908 SIXTH ST., PRINCE RUPERT the How To Make A Diamond Grow We have a proposition by which you. can start with a small stone and through time you will have a stone any sice your deal ro. Simply get on of the size you can afford now, say $26, and wear it til! you have aay another $25. Then the first stone can be returned at the original prlee on a 50 stone, continuing the operation as desired. l &y J J. A. Kirkpatricki I John guiGER? a. (Jewellers TtlC STORE WITH THE aOCN UfaM Bieacl& Bcttm1 Bwad. mm FLOUR