I ( 9 . being as follows: N ews Ladies' doubles Miss Caroline aret Palmer. Mixed doubles Miss Caroline Mitchell and Frank Russel tt. Mrs. H. L. Shadwell and C. J. Norrington. Men's doubles J. V , Robert Bartlett vs. $helford ton and C. J. Norrington another vear aU least and Frank Russell eliminated Miss a score of 15-12, 14-15, 15-8. and Views In The World of WARMING UP FOR FIGHT W. L. "Young" Stribling boxing a few rounds at his Miami Beach camp in preparation for his world's championship elimination with Jack Sharkey at Miami on Feb. 27. FINALS COMING OTTAWA WILL IN BADMINTON KEEP SENATORS Championships to Be Decided To- Hockey Team -Will Rtjiain in Cap-night In Various Classes In ,' Hal at Least Another Year City Open Tournament ! OTTAWA. Feb. 19. The Ot- THREE STAR JOCK M'LEAN'S rink Won Over George Abbott's Rink In . Close St. Andrew's Society Contest Jock McLean's rink took the Mitchell nnd Miss Ranees Cross I fln th? heeU flf a st4teffient by (large number bf spectators. vs. Mrs. bhadwen and miss Marg Fyrank Ah earn, president of the. v, ... , . 1 Kink ,,ji. standings to date are , as club, that he had offered the club fnn,a. . ., follows: 000 phis this season's losses, es- C. Taylor ........... 1 , Unrated at $20,000 to date. He Dalgarno . 1 . said that he had had offers from. . vr.Tfe I 1 " ',- o mi jJU Cameron , Last night, in a mixed doubles - , ; Q, 3ebtH g.l.i. 1. 0 stmi-final. Miss Caroline Mitchell , Prance Crow and Atf Slocfchib byr Jt Watson f .'. i'rf : ... 0 G. Abbott 0 BRANDY " t 4H' . i I 1 0 0 1 t 0 0 0 Thla adverUaethent Is not publlsned or displayed by th Liquor Control Board or by Hie tiovernmenl of British Columbia Sport Chat ' JtB, fcandnes of Burns Lake wonifhejrpss-iountry ski run at the Retelstpke carnival last week by fotif rminutes over Nels Nel-rojj who" was the runner-up. In sne forty-jniJe cross-country run at Banff Sandne came fourth 'ii$ihi4 th same position for the eombthed championship at the liincM ilftcky Mountain resort. Jandnes Vvfll now go to Portland, Ore to compete for Pacific .oast ski thampionships. re-elected president of the Wes tern Qfinada Ski Association am TAKES BOWLING LEAD!tefSpBrlde!k' . Itawa Senators In the NationaMead in the St. Andrew's Society Finals In the I.U.D.h. city iiy Lea,jUe will be purchased! erf, -pet bowling' competition last open badminton tournament win . AuditoHum Company. Ltd.,, night by winning a close game be played tonight, the finalists 1 &M remain in Ottawa for from George Abbott's rink by a This an-i score of 11 to 10. The game was Th'fi British Columbia ski cham pionship meet will be held at piirnll 'Lalte next year It has been ! ocided while the Western Can-! -da armttiur ski championship I r.iet wfli fee at Revelstoke. Banff i "' rrobb!v get the Dominion championship meet while Van-.oki' ie me venue for th ! Pacify Coast championships. It J. Verne of Vancouver Mas oeei Following the big senior sk tournament earlier in the month the Omlneca Ski Club last weel i.l.u a number of additional ev ents for ladies and beys an girls. Miss G. Wahman won th three-mile ladies cross-countr race in 37 minutes and 40 sec-dnds; and Sylvia Brunell won thi dross-country race for girls Leonard Kerr, winning a combined event for boys between th ages of 14 and 18, won a cup presented by J. C. Brady M.P. Fran ei Trousdell won the boys' jumi and Rby Stanyer the cross-country race for young boys and girls. Jtlrs, V. Schjelderup and Walter N. Campbell presented the prizes LOOKOUT DIDO! FRED'S COMING Will Toronto Boy's Right Spoil , Show Next Wednesday Evening? Fred Parker, who is to box Dido burvlch on Wednesday of next week In a ten round bout, showed his wares Sunday and Monday to about three hundred fans at the Empress Athletic Club and his heavy hitting has been the chief tonic of conver help offering them. Already he has mussed a couple of them up rather badly. They say that Dido will Mre to be very elusive to keep awajf from Parkers powerful trlght which is liable to spoil a- nice evehlng's entertainment If It lands. The boys are working out eVer? night. GRAND TERMINALS HAVE BIG VICTORY OYER YETS Won FltM Division Billiard League Fixture by Aggregate Score of 1210 to 1069 Last Evening the Grand Terminals displaced the Canadian Legion from first place in the first division billiard league standing and themselves went Into second place not far behind the leading Grotto as a result of the playing last night of the week before last's deferred fixture which resulted in an aggregate score of 1210 to 1069 in fdW of the Terminals over the returned men. 'Individual scores were as -follows: W. II. Long (Grand Terminals), 250: F. G. Pyle (Canadian Leg-Ion), 148. C. P. Balagno, 250; J. Andrews. 202. W. J. Nelson, 214; A. Murray, 250. Frank Williams, 246; M. Andrews, 250. Will Mitchell, 250; 0. P. Tinker, 219. ANYOX BEAT PORT SIMPSON BASKETBALL' ANYOX, Feb. 19. Anyox defeated Port Simpson 22 to 21 in one of the fastest and cleanest basket .ball games ever played in Anyox. Simpson scored two baskets at the end of half .time due to the Anyox players not get- .ing on the floor in time. The lineup whs: Anyox McLeod 1, McDdugal 13, Evans 2, McLaughlin 4, D. Dean 2. Port Simpson A. Wesley 4, Robert Shankey 8, Robert Knott 0. Paul Brentzen 8, II. Bryant 1. NEWEMPRESS STILLLEADING lave Four-Point Margin Over C. N. R. Operators in Crib League Sport WILLIAMS IS DEFEATED NEW YORK, Feb. 19. Percy Williams of Vancouver was beaten last night in n CO-yard dash by Jack Elders of Notre Dame University at the New York Athletic Cluo's indoor track and field match. Williams was slow In getting away and could not overtake Elder, finishing half a yard In (he rear. His time was six and two-fifths seconds. Johnny 1'itzpatrick of Hamilton, Out., was third. COUNCIL SYMPATHIZES WiiH FlSHERftlEN VIEWS Fisheries Committee Authorized iu itftsiat in i'roienting to Ottawa Againt Proposed New Regulations . ... PLAYERS RUED IV j-Van&iiur Win, From l'rii , vacouvi:i:, I , Vancouver Linn ., I'ttrLland fiuckan,., OfjHst Hookfe.v i,,., ,., lust night c to -j Although ilc!', v matgin. ihe l:u .. . , ' ,pky throughout. ,,; the 1o - 1 guali... i,.v a, I time. , 1. e Lion- ti;., ir, . , toek advantage m them. I Two mujor pi ii led o-Mtln th,. thin! .. , ,,i ., linings and l r t t . fined $10 '.'at!,. Thi ubiuA-luJmr Inli-ruiiiPRa Vl'CTOKIA, by Aid. Mcdonaj3?!Wlty coun-f'4 la! t nirh' IL in a Wlwrt lihy -diacua- ""u"e "u" ;1' smn ion I latf u mt nfitkt nlt'ht tinrawd luiin ml h ivn v rr: llle 1,011 Uu'' ' ' rnnce nupen v.i.ooage league ;.u 'mY. v.iued at 5n.. esults last night were as!folIows: T' , Km i fbr :'.0,0M( -Th. Mi, ! ' ' ifit kwt tfct CLDBEOSEAT C0LW00D3IK c" N Mechanics 12, Ofotto 16. ," flKa,i Propowd change. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBAU Knights Of Columbus 10, C, N.:in in fKu.uou, ucn )peratlhg IV. as compelling fish to b manufac- Cold Storage 10, New Empress' n the same seining area( . C. 17. n which it was caught, which Ragles U, Nhtlre Sons of Can- had been proposed to the flh- j ida IS. I eries oPrtmnt ly the cannery Moose K. Orange Ledge 11. i interests. I league table M W New Empress .... 7 U0 C. N. 0peraWng,7 106 Moose 1 101 Canadian Legioh 7 98 Cold Storage 7 9( P. R. Hotel 7 6 C. N. Mechanics ? 94 iSagles 7 93 Grotto 7 91 79 110 B 101 81 101 91 98 m OS 95 96 98 Orange Lodge 7 85 104 K. of Columbus 7 84 105 N. Sons of Canada 7 80 99 94 93 91 86 84 80 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Foster Willan returned to the city on the Camosun this afternoon from a brief business trip .o Anyox and Stewart. Mrs. Ernest Blue of Hyder is a visitor in the city, having arrived from the north on the sation. He showed himself to beiCanwu" this afternoon about the hardest hittfer and all I " around strong boy who has shown! E. D. Haddon, manager of the here. The only trouble Is he may : yoer Dank, is a passenger have to stop training for lack of'aWnrd the Catnotuh this after-sparring partners wha tfon't like "n ffo'hg through to Vancouver. to take the Chances P?ker can't Miles Donald, well known bl- onjer. AJice Arm mining man, is mWfjyL p.orth on JiCpuaun AHIperhoon. . . W. ShoitBh.'l fnspeetor of mines, fetu Jamosun this,. aTtfTfiooh from trip to'Stewtfttf fih feffHial out j . t&M cMf on the ibe Green, well known' Stewart mimng man, is a passenger ibdard the Camosun this after noon going through to Vancou ver Sir. and Mrs. George Rodger, whb have beeh spending the past week at Stewart, returned to the city from the north on the Camo sun this afternoon. Ernest Love, formerly superintendent of utilities here aninow owner of the Stewart telephone system, is a passenger aboard the Camosun this afterpoon going through to Vancouver' on The funeral of the late Harry Hawkins, whose death occured Suhday night, will be held Frl-tla: affcyno"on from the chapel orthe B. C. Undertakers. It Is requested that no floral offerings be made. FLU-GRIP Check before Jt turt. Rub on Inhale vapors VICKS T.Vapo rub r Ml MUlimn Jmr, VJ yrfc Pending receipt of a resolution 'from the salmon fisheries com mittee of which Aid. Rudderham took a prominent part, that the co-operation of the Board of Trade and Trades and Labor OREDISCOVERY IN;TW0 MINES; Gcorgie River Jumps Ten Points and Noble Five Goeti up Five Points VANCOUVER, Feb. 19: A huge ore discover? has been made at Georgie River Gold mines near Stewart with the result that the stock jumped nearly ten points this morning touching a high of 05 He during the morning session. A tremendously important ore body Is also reported to have been found at Noble Five mines in the Slocan and the stock jumped five points. Today's quotations follow: Big Missouri, 1.90, 1.92. Cork Protrfnce, 20, 21. Cotton BelVil. 52. punwelL 16f NI1. Duthfe MiitN. 69. George Copper, 9.60. 1 6.00. Georgie River, 01' ., (. Gladstone, 13, 16,, Golconda, 1.85, 1.36. Grandvfew, C7V. 68. Independence, 104, 11. Indian Mines, Nil. 7. Intern. Coal & Coke. S8. Kootenay Florence, 20. 22. Kootenay King. 87, 38'... L. & L., 4a. 5. Lakeview, l'j, 1. Lucky Jim. 18, 19. Mohawk, 6, 6'2. Morton Woolsey, 4. 4:1i. Marmot River Gold, 6'i., 7. Marmot Metals, 6, 64. Nat. Sll. G. Nil. 20'4. Noble Five. 74, 75. Oregon Copper, 76, 80 Pend Oreille. 14.00, 14.20. Premier. 1.97, 1.99. Porter-Idaho, 60, 68. Reeves Macdonald, 4.05, 4.10. Rufus-Argenta, 38. 39. Ruth-Hope, 48, 49. Silver Crest, 10. 11. Silverado Cons., 1.10, 1.16. Silversmith, 16, 17. Slocan King. 9, W. Snowflake, 35, 40. Sunloch', 3.75, 3.90. Terminus, 6, 10. Topley Richfield. 45, 47. Toric Mines, 2.10, 2.20. Whitewater, Nil, 1.15. . Woodbine, n 3'i. Bluebird, 20, 21. Eastern Slocks 1 Sherrltt-Gordon selling at 8.75. Noranda selling at 62.25. ScottUh Leaeuc, DuUiobi Cowdenbeath 1 i M ., ; Celtic 3. Han,. a ,., ELKS' WHIST Tn the weekly u f the Elks' la-A. E. Alexander prize with a sen the hij'hest yet n Wl Council be obtained in any pro- llw mef).t prb(. w J C. G. S. fish.Ti. - , er Malaapina. M. r port Macie .Tt-Nt.ni. O O CIOCK Ull t' ! coap, having n AMottfru. il. , of fpieries. it . i Yu In the last thlrtylln years over two hundrd million pounds ! 'SALAD A" Tea hat ben consumed, but It tosl only the last seven wetkt to tell the next ti million pounds. ERHA!' This advertisemei;,'rr't Hshed or diM'' ,d ; Llduor Corrtr-.i V'"'r''rllJ the Gotfernm n r Culniiii"8