Loc FISHERMEN! DO NOT GO TO SEA WITHOUT A First Aid Kit Complete supply, of first aid articles packed in a cedar chest $3.00 I WE HAVE RECEIVED AN- OTHER SHIPMENT OF j yfic Pioneer THIRD AVE. 0 SIXTH ST. 1). S. Wallace Co. Ltd n February Clearance SAI F;: to HAKGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS iT Third Ave.Xnd Eiilton St. PlldNE 9 RED'S Transfer fifteen yer' experience In FIMtMTUHE AND PIANO MOVING We- Mil 8-kind of Coal Any kind ol Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right So it ouf Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 204. Night Phone: Red 317. Fishing Opens Soon BE PREPARED AND PROPERLY CLOTHED We have a splendid line ef goods in MASTER MECHANIC BRAND iilchi jve-ean jell for?5 to 30 pr t: llt fW3. ALSO MEN'S Bill OVERALL The Mogul, In black only. Regular $2.25. SfWJal, $1.85. Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE Druooists -TELEPHONES H QOC iiiris Butterfly SKIRTS Including plaid dirna. 9M a IS years. V1lh and without bodice. Reasonably Priced Jabour Bros. Ltd. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices oh Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can givt instant service In buying and selling Mining Stocks bn Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also hate facilities for accepting Wheat order on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D.JohnstonCo.Ltd. C17 2nd Awnue Prince Rupert, RC. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Culling, Workmanship ami htyK AH Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED jiHU PRESSED We Deliver to Any Part of the City. Ling, the Tailor, 'phone 6 ID 2tl ersona. News In Brief 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi til P.?h( iirJjIjMiose '?h'ohe 168P, rvtrt m Henry. (TaHstone Windt i a gazetted as collector for the Omin-eca mining division. Pythian Sisters Benefit Tea at' the home of Mrs. P. C. Miller, 522! Eighth Ave. West, Thursday af-j tttraoon, February fotn 3 to GtfQ. .41, City accounts for the two weeks ending February 15 and totalling $15,409.40 were passed for payment by the city council last night. II. E. PawRon, commercial manager of the Power Corporation of Canada, returned to the city on the Camosun this afternoon after making the round trip to Stewart, I . f fndmnirv hvlnw rtrnviHinir for tue payment ot the iMUary .of . ' A-Vawj ti.--L. S alwW; ! and adopted at last nigHt's coun cil oietinif. Tfic'cbhdliipn of Heleii, twelve- Jy. febru4tA3?Mtfflwer in Section Metrofrite Hali. Special prize 6.00. 40 A. C. Sfcoai! of the Swift-Calvfneeded'iviere-referred to the year old dMghter of Mr, and'a.aia" r"rnea to me city on Mrs. James irmpton, who has been a patient in the Prince Rupert General Hospital for the past week suffering from serious complications following a severe eold, is reported to be considerably improved. 4-4-4 ANNOUNCEMENTS 4 Moose Whist Drive and Dance February 22. See "Green Stockjnfa," I.O.I). play. Capitol Theatre, Fel 26. J Kwleft. Whist Drive a Dane I Efibruary. 2SL i r 7V "u"'v'f- 1 the Camosuri this afternoon from a oriel oustness trip to Anyox and Stewart. Alex Clappcrton was able to leave the Prince Rupert General Hospital for his home at the Government Wharf on Saturday afternoon after having been a patient in the institution for a week. Thirty Droberty ownera concer ned,, petitioned the city conntfil last night to. reopen the street en the north side of Hays Cove Circle which has bow been cleeed lrffpif ular traf- i present route to nays Creek biteegffa about and iB-t4nvev?n$jr?t$e traffic thereon was da ore rout to dhTldTeh HlXiiLl going to" and from Booth Menyirriqi ua il' i-a. I 0n recominendation of i K- .itr rmLl . . . .w 1 Tmn oi moosenear, "Hon. Patrick's Tea. March 14, at the home of Mrs. Mussallem. Awful Pimples On Face and Neck For Four Years Mrs. Mry Rail, Eg&nvilie, Ont.. writes: "1 am writine to tell you UmI I suffered terribly with awful nimplea, all over my face aod uerk, tor Tout years. I had tried everything, but got. no relief until one day a friend told me about and advised mo to use it. I used four bottles aud my face is now completely clear of pimples." Manufactured only by The T. Mfl-bura Co., Ltd, Toonto, Ont COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Bulkley Hay and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feel Co. Dr. Alexander rilONE S7S nr.svKit 111.0CK DENTIST VI cleanliness I 7S Y h Don't call th. ploml.r I ' l I E When fh alnlr Armim I mil r: itu tt' 17. Lvi trill Hivikakl I In few mfnatea. Score f other nsr around U MRiury bomev GILLETTS PURE FLAKE LYE , , v , Ortotfe life J Whiat Drive and fert"ed tfhe Crtrd of Work for repon. lant night decided to sell loi 16, ,block 1, sectiqp 6 ip, William Put nam for S220.58 which figure covers all chrges against the property. Mr. Putnam made an original bid of $180 but the council decided that the full charges shin !d be met. His offer was arrnmnanied hv a derjosit of twenty-five per cent of the bid .vt! -h tre council deckled weuld have to be submitted with all future offers to purchase reverted properly. 4. . 4: 4-4- I SCALE OF CHARGES j 4 The following fs the scale r- l' t x of 'hiirVes made for reading llotlTS: . I ti rth Notlcea 50e. , I ('nl.s of Thanks. t V'mipti! Notice $1. Fmral Viewers' 10c ner name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. Dry, Hacking Cough Was Caused By A Bronchial Cold Mrs. A. Primeau, 30 Ingram! St.. Chatham, Ont., writes: "I am jluted vo uiMi iuw npponuniiy ui iciuuffiyou of my experience with I 1 db i. Dr. Wood's Norway1 Pine ' Syrup I 'Early Ut winter I suffered from a severe bronchial fold Uiftt left meitb a provoking, dry, liarking eongh. Aftet being liotliered with it, both day and night, fur fonio time I had a profomional 1 nurse recommend the above ccvieh cyrup whii'b X took with wonderiai reeufu, and. now. it is the only remedy I ever use for eelds." Prioe 35c. a bottle; large family six 00o. at all druggist or dealers. Put up milv by The T. Milburn Co, Ltd,, Toronto, Out. I.O.D.E, City Opea Badminton Finals, I.O.D.E. Hall at 8 o'clock (-j.unignw ? on FCamosun, Capt, JMV.S "St. . . . - jamea .r-inauty, returned to port; vL Spili S f " 6 JCanadian National Rail- yox . Stewart an othernorthern ways and now general superinten- po nts of call and will sail at dent a Winnipeg, and Mrs. Wal- adO pvm, for Vancouver and way- ton will be in the city tomorrow P?mt8- j'" the course of a holiday trip to I':tinernpJoye41DHnSr to be heldi!, VJ and, doub.tle?s- Hin,.lHi' Graft Handler 1 Union Han, at 8 o'clock. It will be to the advantage of all idle men to attend. All .parties interested are welcome. Signed, A. Morrison. mil LL'uiT: Capt. Harry Nedden, which has been tied up all winter at Vancouver, is comfng north tomorrow in place of the steamer Prince Rupert whieh has now been withdrawn at Vancouver for her-anrmaj. .overhauls - - kU'lE TJ.ft. Hi)- iUdUUl rW'til?6 'for 4h'd-CbHnuation of were opened at fast night1 en meeting ana, in viewf p. fact-that-the -pipe rtwlll soon be Beard tof "Works with power , to 'act Albert & McCaffery quoted u iulhi price oi fiu,ow.oi unu o. C, Ketchum, ?12,372.85, a third tender from Phllpott 4 Evitt not !r totalled. The Ketchum bid was the only one that was accompanied by the required certified check so, on motion of Aid. Prudhomme, seconded by Aid. Brown, it was decided to notify the other two tenderers that their hide weuld not be conaidered unless their checks were forth- iiting immediately. NO SALE YET OF CENTRAL BLOCK Government Not -Inclined to Di- City Little hope of the provincial government disposing of Block 21, Section 1 the old Court House square was offered the city council in a communication from Hon. F. P. Burden, minister of ianda, which ws read at last night's meeting. The council decided unanimously, hewever, to continue its efforts te have the property placet) oh the market or at least, being revenue-bearing, become subject to payment of municipal taxes, The letter from the minister of lands acknowledged the reso- lution which had been received from the council on the matter. The minister pointed ' out that the bjgck hadjtper 2SMfeulT been tredifPLlrenT'tbat semeMhe PuliinSsJf! now rented. As lor thebuilding which had formerly been occupied by the St. Andrew's So- ... . iciety, otner organiiatioas jvere 4-; negotiating to obtain Ju I be i block had never been subdivided and buildings had been erected without regard to lot lines. There had?beenriQ rj&a) demand for the properflndft might ba difficult to dispose of it. Under more favorable conditions, however, the government might consider putting it on the market. The minister asked for further i; .. leetuons in connection with the matter. j Mayor McMerdie pointed out that, although efforts had been I made annually by the council, a ! sale was, apparently, no closer. Aid. Brown pointed out that one ' bu tiding had already been sold ..- d moved out. The idea of the government seemed to be to hold on to the property Until enough eeuld be obtained from it to pay for the Court House building which was this city's due. He moved that the government be again asked to sell the buildings and put the property on the market. This motion was seconded by Aid. Orme. At the suggestion of Aid. Collart, an alternative was Incorporated in the motion that, failing the sale of the property, the government consider its duty to pay taxes upon it since it was bearing revenue. Harry Robinson Frost ef Mas - sett has been appointed a Justice,' ;or tne;reaee . . TV . . in. a. wairnrK Trttrnprrtr niii.i ' .. ... : tant general superintendent here' ZXl W.m om ?y "on;, iw-ai iuaiuj, nicy win ue making the round trip north from Vancouver to Prince Rupert, Stewart and Anyox on the steam- er Prince George. I r.an-n T C A.l r M. WllH.m Anderson, Taylor Street, who was lately transferred from the local branch of the Bank of Montreal to head office in Vancouver, has now been promoted to the position of accountant of the Granville and Nefson Street branch' Th" the" -outvern city. at,eJIer here, With tooal; pafrbrfs id's otthe bahltf lherrrin,mlT.rL' appT CANON RUSHBROOK i FIRFS1HF SPF4KFR IinLJlliL i)l I -.ABA Spoke Interestingly last Night on Aborigine Life; Other Items on Program Rev. Canon W. gave the Fireaide ni' Club u of , w First Baptist Chureh, at lift r6Ktil&r weekly meeting last iright, a very ' All) Pfil! APT II CITY APPOINTEE FOR BOYS BAND Ad. C3alt wa appointe(, bv j,itfor MeMbrdie at last night's meeting at the city council as representative of the city on the new Boys' Band Committee. The appointment followed an Aw- Collart of ,!iepsne naa laKen as acting mayor during the mayor's absence to !feep the band giing after the bandmaster and former committee had resigned. The mayor approved the action that VinA knan 1... (U -1 art and urged the deiirability of keeping the band in operation. - yn f HUMPH CAD .tOAu tUUFlUL rliu REMISSION OF TAX - Canqn RuslibrQflk Explains Diffi- lIJteeiiCttrAWra.ook petitioned the city council last , nisht to rmjt for & .year or term of years the. taxes' on lots 16 and 17 block"4, section 7, and lot 64, b,ock g whjch hfi ow71gi and tQ bear some Dart of the expense in- cured in tbe construction of an approach to Overlook Street. uanon Kush brook s letter ex- plained that, in order to have ac- ees8 to hi feaWence on Overlook eri. ppt tt i.aa hpn np(.ASaarv fnr him mtrvr)fla a f tvinntlia arrn iot fl4 fnr ulph hp h,A naiA ainn of own overlooking the har- bar and this year, lhe petitioner stated, he intended putting in stats and conveniences in order to encourage the use l so pleasant fthd safe a reso-t. ; The petition was deferred to the bo;rrd of works for 5c port. Heart Palpitated Nerves Bothered Her Sleep Was Broken Mrs. Fred A. Pugsley, East South-araplut;, N' S . writes: "1 was bothered try touch wi'h mv nerves and palpi ta-mw of tbe heart' and my sleep was ;--olfcil lit l.lil. I decided t" t and after I had taken sji boxes I found that thev bad done menu much good 1 wil gladly recommend them to all those who are troubled with sleeplesiieaa riuscd by their heart and nerve. " Price 50r. per boK at all drugitists and dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milbwn Co Ltd., Toronto, Ont. irrU. eating addreae on early tfle gaid jot being now a8gegsed at bri?ine hfe fa twrtfaern British $175- lt waa als0 nece8ary for Columbia, illwtratiBg his re trim'to' pay a 'yearly rental to the ttnarks with a number of curie. Canadian National Railways for The ;ioram also included senpr rigl,tf-wliy across the reserve, ture reading by James Walton and A '500-foot piece of walk had also vocal solo by Miss Beeaie Derry, ,0pt Wm $i00 for lumber and it accompanied by Mrs. Rolf W alker. was. he third wclfe hfe had put in Mum 4nnie CoMinson occupied ee-Wl .e lumber on onehav-the chair and there was a good. lng bpen stolen outright. The att5?ce- , , '.walk... Aiaa.ji -popular, one for At the conclusion of -n; the meet- mothl .. aBd chi!dren desiring to served by Misses Nancy and Ellen Armstrong and F. Burdette. UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE HWE MEETING Gathered Laet Night at American Consulate, Where Duncan Miller Gave Paper on China The Young Peeple's Society of First United Church nit l-.t night at the horie of Xru. !I. M. ' Harper at the America joneulate, whi e the second- of a aeries of papers on China was read by Duncan Miller, wl:c3e subject was A Great Vmlfr in a J3rat Land aifd modern, and described of the difficulties in the changing over. He "ef erred to the bene ficial iii'iMiiiii Influence " of the ChristUn '.The mdilnjffwas pre sided over by the prfstdelt, Geerge II. Stocks, and there was a good attendance. After the paper, games we.e played, one nt the prise ' wlfcner being Miss Lucy Gain. Delightful refreshments were served by "the host aes, Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert i DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating U.T.F. 20,000 Ton Float In Dry Ihirt Enjiineera. Machinists. Boilermakers. BlackKniiths. Paltn makera. Founders. Woodworker. l'c ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant fs equipped (0 handle ail kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 44 and SS5 ,