GREAT RACING YARN “Chance of a Lifetime” SHOWN IN PICTURE Proves DAILY NEWS. PUBLIC NOTICE N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE Ot RONALD CC, FERGUSON, DECEASED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon Oh, the rh DUANE ity Wma HUMAUENLL URL NAA SAE! iy 4 YANN — I HON HNNAUOUEDES AUDA PAESUAUESHAUUA GHA TESST ' = 2 = = ith of August, 1049, for the purchase of > Exciting Story at West- LALED TENE (s eight (8) and pine (9), Block thirty = SLALED YERS addressed to the|aine (39), Section five (5) in the City of), holme Theatre. undersigned, and endorsed Monde? ror|rinee Rupert, tn the Province of British = waert 1 care +4 will be. received Columbia = hai ’ ian 1s office unti o’clo ° Tenders must be placed 4 envelope = In “The Chance of a Lifetime’ |mesday, August 20, ete, tor tke wise inant a _biaced in an on ope DON’T NEGLE > at the Westholme I y, [struction of a wharf at Stewam, District} marked “Tender Ferguson Estate” and . CT YOUR TEE TH | = — Use Royal Crown Soap arene ast night, Dic k « Skeena, B. CG. 5 we umpanied by 4 marked cheque payable ” i ‘ » ouglas, owner of Netherby Hall,| 4,1 wecinadion and fonwe ae’ tepner ein |r the amount of the tender One Decayed or Missing Tooth | : neagce : . ad sp cation and forms of tender ol f the amount of the tender . Bk . 00 p \ RY : and Save the Coupons er engaged to Miss Di, daughter ee Be a Pepertment, at the omce The highest or any tender will not Ef - fellas = — ——__ f ar hn be : a 4 ‘ 18 c ineer at Prince Rupert, 7, ot essarily be accepted, S = jor his trainer. Dick find him- 1s, « at the Post Office, Vancouver, Bb. &., The cheques of ut unsuccessful tende: sency” = | self, through the machinations|® ‘ D e* ene Omices, Vancouver, B orf, wit be peturnes to them. = = Y- . : , and Stewart, B.C iMS—-Cash on acceptance of t er lof Captain Cinch, the head of a " re anere S not be considered unless STEPHEN i Hoskins ae a : gt — ae ian th : made on printec orms supplied by the OMeial Administrator ang of thieves, in financial difll-|pepartment and in eosordente with e 2 Smithers, B. C,, : culties. On the advice of his |@tont ntsiand therein, July 17, 1019, A4 r = ; : ach tender must be accompanied b ” > SELL trainer, Dick sells all his horses an accepted cheque on A chartered bank WATER NOTICE ° : except his mare Trixie, whom Pubtie. Works. oquat o io” a oe DIVERSION "AND USE : i orks, a ) ) € 0 1 - N 5 T O VE they hide in Dick's bedroom. mptyent of the tender. . Wer ‘Loan -Bonds eae 16 ae ae = Trixie is entered for the Askwood Sie a a tee nk Ste ? tee ho A eS ee Morning, § to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30 Saturda § 5 0 13 S : ‘ . ddress bE ipire t ’ > 7 . wry f 7 Cup, but Captain Clinch and his }"qQired to make up an old. amount Wash, Will apply for. a licence’ to. take = Evenings, Tuesda esday =. ” : e e vrints car = 4 » i ( se r (5 e : 25 — associates endeavor to steal her. this Denaremeet by depositing i apeen ed +4 re aoe OF Sas Lian. ale = : J 4, Wedn and Friday, from l lo 4 = : a i. bank cheque fer the sum of 10 payabl oh) nat ; ake 4 | ‘Now: > Gurneys commenced mak- In an effort to save the mare, Mrs.]to the order of the Minister or , Publie we sterly end artes inte kntaaels River, = Den = Iai otowes in 1843, Still inf Pasar’ is caught in a compromis-|oahng Bader ube steeulr bit” |" |¥he'waret wii be alvertea from the Brea] Bas eo : £ . an , Ger sub a regular bi he water will be diverted from the stream | 5 : = . ‘ ing situation with Dick This By order ' : i Ph 10 ppoi = ‘ bape ee . ; ) ° F at a point about 300 feet from the moutl one 9 for a a ee ae oan ov: Wee causes Di to break off her en- nS ee ‘Gecreters ne Clearwater Lake and will be used for = —_ = ‘ ; : 5 ; cre mining purpose upon th ‘Las ; = 5 undreds in use in lgagement to him. Captain Clinch, Depermiens of Fupiie works, mine desctibed ae — ‘ ee = = Prince Rupert. lunable to make Dick's jockey ride F a ee rns “lee as pane on the ground li HUONOUUONAANAOUAGANGGAUU ASSAD EHNA UUURDUALELUND AS) UAUAENAAA LH iH = ee crooked, succeeds in stealing the No. 742, 1919. m the 27th day of June, 1919 A copy LAUNCH 0 - " , IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH] >f this notice and an application pursuant ; NgSALE AT )Cup. COLUMBIA hereto and to the “Water Act, 1914.” é ae | oT vag ; ie will be filed in the “e ‘ vate Fred St 9 rt = unrave ling of the mystery IN THE MATTER OF T. A. Ké).LEY 106 Recorder at Prince Rupert, b. ce” — POPOCD POCO ty a 5 ar’a silence —_ HNC ND BER COMPANY LIM Objections » 4 . ay | ork $ fief Mrs. Edgar's silence, the ere-/perwren: ITED. | vied with the seid Water’ Recorder or with hdsard Lipset, President Harry Li t, M jcovery of the Askwood Cup, and] PETER RANKINE DUNCAN, as Trustee, | ‘he Comptroller of Water Rights Pas a Kdéward Cunt h: Vv 7 aipsetl, Manag ' Hardware the ultimate happy union of the on Plainud —_, i oe ga D. Cy within — “e w0- Presiden! ! } ) — y days after the first ne Ec SECOND AVENUE lovers are too thrilling to explain}? A apake * areee sc AND LUMBER] this notice in a local ne Tepaper ats . . aie re . at ce »Al . frED and JOHN KEN W. BR TONKIN, A ra Phone Black 114 | he re. It is suffieient to say that NETH MACRAB, nolger in trust of the jcbn Padetten, hon nt * lthe interest and excitement are debenture steck of the Defendant Com rhe date of the first publication of ths = | eults , , a , pany, notice f& July 1 1919 + | y sustained unti re climax Defendants z een : = | — / claainetntiasee jof the last reel rO BE SOLD by p LAND ACT ——————__ rant saat . { ; rivate Tende P rg 80 r = 4 | The play is repeated tonight suant ~ Order of the Honourebie. Mr Noti fi to A FISHING & CANNER one nae ‘| . r ustice orrison, made the 8th da f oe of intention to Appi ease - “ - - enteatippetreiditbesindsinmanmenitpisinss ou eat en the — action, the Seep IN UEE - oer tbe — . — - anne HARDWARE i erty and effects of the above company, QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND 5 a ‘DANCE-HALL GIRL including donkey engines, logging equip RE ORDING DISTRICT OF ip DIB TRICT, Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories F i ient, supplies and materials, cold storage| *!tuate in the vicinity of District Lot 792 Fish Netti nes aes plant. tug, gasoline launch. smal! boats | 9 Massett Inlet, e eriotte lslende 8 ng, Twi Lines, Rop . | CENTRE OF STORY etc.. situated at Queen Charlotte Isha ids, ; ‘ae NOTICE that ‘the Wattace Fisher. cs es and Cordage s C, ies, Limited, of Vanco rT ritis oh RUPERT r ieee ot on be cent. to We & 1b oe - : nec aver, Briti h Colum PRINCE ‘ 8. Cc. I anning company, intends m — Hodges, the Receiver appointed in the said| ‘© apply for permission to lease the fol- i sy “Tongues of Flame" proved to] Stee, st Bie oliece sur Bem of ouewe lowing deseribed lands :— Registered Office: Prince R 1 oe Building. Hastings St., West, Vancouver. Cotmmencin > _ — J : moved to . & , », Van : & at a post planted at the ; } be an exciting story at the Em- oe noon on the 20th day comangene corner of the northwest quar- 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 9: a . na Tp a . —p ‘ mu st, . er oO ot 792, yuee : a 2 - € Yo fe 721 Third A press Theatre last night. Theré FULL particulars and conditions of sale | Mistftet, thence woe "eo “a —- Vancouver, B. C; P.O { ae ve. is plenty of action, the melodra- and form of Tender may be obtained on| “orth 27 chains; thence east 2.50 chains a 1008 ns Opposite mati wild west b feat i Pe Abbote Mt = ome oS: E. Hodges, orj™ore or less to the high water mark of| ® atic ( as yeing eaturec 0 »bott, acrae & Co., his Solicitors,| Massett Inlet, oriy ” b The E throughout Marie Wal vas 509 Bank of Ottawa Bidg., Hastings St., | following the sid high water smart ‘i= 5 eff e mpress Hotel i r : ~ aicamp IS] West, Vancouver, B.C 87 | chains more or dess to the poin® of oom. ee seen as Teresa, a dance-hall girl, 3 c mencement and containing twenty (20) | f¢* oo % ok ho, having knifed her lover, is NOTICE~ Mr CHE WALLACE FISHERIES I ve ~ te CIGARS SODA |being carried through the woods] | iv THE MATTEA of an application for| Marea ard -F roa, Nash B.C" 1 8, Agent Theo Collart oR N t P f Two per cent Beer to prison, tied to the back of a = oe fresh Certificate of Title} — , une, {818 0 ary u Ic ff } + ty) e s, prec se (8% . 3 he horse, by the sheriff and his - and petroicum) ier lee nine tess MINERAL ACT FOR SALE..5-room house and lot Sth a w f . ¥), “Engine No. 1,” sam ty ‘ lions wT of 5t Avenue W., sewer : : * Sade hetiad deputy. With utmost daring she s rinern all. Og Dt cles eee CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS Electric light Several view lots in Gibilis tert OH catches the officers off their | 44 and cighteen (918), “Northern Part <—meunens , b & $85 d wieiaiie h nership No. 1,” one hundred and six (1 0¢ NOTICE. = Lot _'6, Block Si, Section 8 —~ 00 ONLY. u guard, kills the deputy, wounds = rihern Partnership No. 3,” two hun Beaver, Sundog Fraction, Clark, Jimm 4 ee fi ie see okee pafuge in a (ered and mine (209), “Northern Partoer- Fraction, Rob Roy, @ Ne Practio MARINE NCE “1 the sheriff and takes refuge in 4}snip No. 4 Fractional,” nine hundred re Mineral Claims, siidate tn tbe Nees Minin ona ow! an REAL ESTATE i lhuge hollow tree in the redwood | S¢’ety;two (972), “Northern Partnership Division of Cassiar District. ; eo Westhetne © Goon P. 0. Bor 1 L i No. 5; nine hundred . seven Where loc ‘ . ‘ aoa . and siniy B aied:—-On the west side of] @ rest. 963 a Th hundred anda ern Bay, near Anyor i She fi 6 Ghnnhcee tate siniy-elgh 68), * lato,’ “ TAKE NOTICE —~— - Ls i . 0. | he finds her sanctuary } @ls0l nundred and seventy oT ip rhe tates ine city of Ly Age} 2 * 0 Cage of = _ maT ithe home of L'Eau Dormant, an| Mineral “jaime” ei in Group vue (1), or the Granby Cumsolidaied Mining, Smelt ' : ; ee - ; : , Cassiar Distric he and Power C ed, § oa PHONE 58 jedueated half-breed, who is living Notice is hereby given that it is my Miner's Corsincate Mo beisenc eae Phone 524 4 oF ad las a hermit. ~ eg "he atts the expiration of oh ors from the date hereof o. Seen Cor. Fulton and Sixth ai | LE one yonth rom, the first publication | the Mining Reeorder for a ‘Certite y Eau Dormant gives her his|hereof, a fresh certificate of Utle t » | Of Improvements, | f p pose > ® | sylvan home, and he pitehes ec: above mentioned mineral ‘clauns in the taining 8 Crown ‘Grant of Ee tnove ‘at ~ i " F ( | 8) e, and he pitches Camp | name of James Alexander, which certiti« \nd further take notice that action “un a 10na rocer a , ain, i jnearby. Under his influence Ter- >. oo ra. srd July, 1918, and is - section 85, must be comimenced before ® - wumbered 778-R. the issuance of such certificate of esa be . p : neovemnn s ims ie oa gins to reform. ui F. MACLEOD : a : VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Pv an r Then affairs reach a evclonic], aud Registry Tae” gots ie - Sgn ee a *OLAG ny, 4 D. 2009 1ze ) L existe) ¢, Prince Rupert, B. C.,} — Saat UE. : sai climax when the half-breed falls riis 22nd day of July, 1919. rev Motor Delivery Prompt Attention in love with a n ster’s ds er ; : LAND ACT ie CHICKEN FEED a linister s daught P| STIKINE DIVISION CASSIAR LAND Di3- ee - S 3 {when the sheriff, also in love wit! PRICT—DISTRICT OF CASSIAR PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT—pDIS ther . , — . 4 > _ =a rhicT OF 7 . ep pe - - a Specialty her, starts to kill Dormant. Dor-] | TAKE NOTICE that 1, Robert Hyland, of| |. TAKE notin tant ALOT ISLANDS. | Mail Orders promptly attended t jmant discovers the sheriff is his tptcaa be ‘epply’ foots oecupation trader,| Charlotte City, occupation ‘escnee, tabente ae p ed to ; . or permission to i 1 » f , wy the man who ruined the} '« sane os jana: folowing ‘described’ lands oe . ife of his Indian mother. ‘Then]s. Ww. corne post planted on the Commencing at a post planted Y V1 P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave ‘an all-enveloping forest fire start cr ‘ek oad tien camer tres Tee ar fect wast of the tc Isai, about wo ° - . o 7 start? | Crcek, fronting the Stikine River; then : : 5.E. corner post P. R. No Oa : : 3 Wan a” $ rence | 1254, thence north C : o ‘ sweeping in on Dormant and Ter- —e 7M shale: thence east 20 chains; |20 chains, thence eee te be aati dieniaieidiangighidedemudtian Tene. tne. Bee eome to warn ie alee ou n 7% Chains; thence west 20] West 20 chins to point of commencement P ran er rorrrrre, Ihealf breed. : conieninien art point of commencement, and BDITH MAUD LAUDER : ihalf-breed,. and the sheritl. ( ‘ een 546), gees, more of less. Date June 14, 1919 A. 80 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION PLAND Fe —_—— Ph 3 a Date, May 29, 1919. E one 586 ‘| Sa aEEEEIPROSENS — REME COUR BY $I — a ~ |1N THE SUPREME COURT OF NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN Ph 548 . BRITIS ERE SVEN that the one reen 4 ‘ ’ ‘| FULLER'S GROCERY LAND ACT IN THE COLUMBIA. an sabceve ontating over cortain Crown lands Pp i . . re | o N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- am the Rens River, Cassier District, notice -O, Box 102 Office, Fraser ot ; EMPLOYEES PICNIC SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT OF wher ee’ Gacette on the #5th February, 1900 Bik — 7 N CT ; ei — D . y, : 1 SBSH ST Do an nee Ea ete, on vt We : Sell : Coal sal ie ee - LIAM € [ EAS c G. R. ! : : 216 6th Ave. Ww | AT INDIAN VILLAGE Ocean Palin Boe 7. Mass Smaby, of TATE, : RARE, OUCBASED, INTe: Deputy Minister of Lands | e ” e ' eooeet . tends to apply aot as pation logger, in TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Lands Department, 1 oooeneete 3 | sig following described’ lands: te lease the . —_ 7 a Young, made the 18th day Victoria, B. C., - | Yesterday afternoon the em- Commencing at & post planted at the} rte tan Resets or Wee eee i eee ee 4 ‘ —— a west @ . 7 ve | ‘recor to the Estate of Willi lark, de a = - mpennine We want your business and | ployees of Fuller's Grocery stores tie — oF 2 nol oe, 2. Led soul - aod, am all parties ~-hy oe. F , - . ; on & re s . f eetiy north) 4 is i » ahy re solicit a trial order. Buy held an outing to Metlakatla. In eee Seats; Coemee pant 40 chaing; |‘ furnish an eee sonia nee } OR SALE from a reliable store; take | spite of the rather dull weather }cheins; thence north 40 ‘chains to eon oF Rt cant % = oa ten a 33 evince | 3 ‘ conur reme . ’ + Meee ore » i d - : " , } th 1 no ¢hanees on cheap junk. he the afterneon the affair was a commnenaemseat, and containing 160 acry o August, A. D. 1910, pow oP onre lay | - Seven-roomed ist oe eae ee aed ee Ot steed mie eesants dob te ) the estate are required to pay ath and finis! semen GET VALUE FoR YouR j : Date, July 24th, 1919 be mount of their indebtedness tw ime j W who went along returned very |-—-—— pi 041 (rte, mew painted. © on ere : 4 i ee ee ners THOMAS McROSTIE MONEY AT = h satisfied with the day. The WATER NOTICE Dated this 23rd day of July, 1010 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION 2875 00 . ? suting ineluded the families of DIVERSION AND USE IN THE : me r p ; J JSE. I HE MATTER of : : . an applicati ‘ ; Linze 7 s Grocery {those employed at the stdére on], YAKE NOTICE that M. R. Liltico, of ete, of Lr Certt een le for salorea aha, weaeeY liven that the Very Easy l'erms J : : . = ttawa, Ont, whose addres . bay ine East Mp %) of Lot 932 hentieas | ° certain Crown lands — H Cove Avenue ; , Whose address is care Wm. ’ as : » Range/on Porcher I 5 ager ; ays Cove Avenue and on Third B. Hood, “Atlin, B. C., will apply tor S| OTIC 1s HEREBY GIVE notice of which ‘appeared’ in the “DOUGLAS THERLAND venue. About twenty-five made Se tears ake and use four cubie feet|intention to issue oy SEN an it ts my | Columbia Gazette on thes@6th March, 1908 ¥ ” G_geraigggee : v p ; Crea S . : exp anratia, f . 8 a j ade le tee nlonie alt tensther. which Tews ese er Out of Spruce Creek,|one (1) month from the date poration Of | 's cancelled. : 623 Th . 2s Pine Creek, ab to west and drains into} publication hereof, a fresh C nee a G. R. NADEN t ) On landing permission was aa Lane sae two and one half miles} lite to the above mentioned ‘ees le the i is I See Cane ef tases nea Be : Ga notes : ; 1 : name of Albert F. ar 9 J Ands Department, -_——_——_—-_- a | sranted to the joy seekers for th. sire J ‘8 Some MSbous nee from thejof Tithe is dated en dr ee te Vietorss, 3. C.. woceret (5 ar BS use of the verandah of one of the|Cassidy Group on Jas Be 19'1, and is aemabores 619-1. uly, 15th July, 1919 coe and will be used for pla ? "MACLEOD, x j|big buildings over there, A big|poses upon the Calde? Bench, Lease ’ds Lat District Registrar of Titles mas ‘table was set up and chairs placed partes Hydraulic Placer Mining Lease = te Geet ES c ° thur 0 — ~~ | No, 3 . ’ ” io laround in the very comfortable This notice was posted on the Zene_19m,_ 1010 ' ‘ \ the 27th day of y rene spot. A big stove was in one]” ” y of May, 1019. oT \ : - copy of this notice and an ™ j ! SI MakesButter jcorner and this was a very cheer- purengne thereto and to the Wcer het ORGAN ‘ iful feature as it began to rain ¥ cote oie or An 7 ga 3 & SMITH & PIANIST y » > = . ; Perera | ear supper time, when the ladies |ped with the sald Water Rernoner ay, be : er eco OT . She calls it Economy Butter, /*t#rted the preparation of the je tetnes, Vision Rights, ‘Parlin. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION SF ' ; i : = , , ngs, Victoria, B. C., w E and it is well named, consider. |°Y¢™ins meal. This is the first} Urty days after the tote ibestvenie a PLUMBING AND HEATING 3) reserve cuistng GAREY. GIVEN that the Studio: First Aven” ing the quantity she gets and “Uting of the nature here and it > te me ILLICO” Aepiien ENGIKEERS on Graham island, Queen ‘Charlotte | lands 7t5, - bi D0, AD > » . . 1 . Oren oe 5 {too} the low cost of the extra butter.|'® "0t very likely to be the last. Guay ant, E ‘ : Br trict, notice of which appeared So Phone 15 Hours#'”! al a butter. | | By Wm, B. Hood, Atin, Bc. Age sstimates furnished. pitish Colutubia Gagette on the 30th Jul ” fo half a pound of butter Such events will very likely be The date-of the first bsilentaen’ amet. 1908, and the 3rd Juy, 1912 J« om tut, ages add aM haat a ' notice is June 23 to1b. P coer Gone - = —— d one SMALL tin of Pacific }2°"4"8* annually. . : Address, 3rd Avenue, head Deputy Ministe o: | ’ eoeosette 5 Milk, in which has been dis.| .!be arrangements were in the , ites avictoren Be ee " ; Ale. ents 2 IN PROBATE. of Second Street Vietoria, B. C., solved a small pinch of baking "#948 of L. M. Fuller, Edwin IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ; (eae! STRY | soda. ‘Smart and Howard Steen, and it a hanes, 408 . 0. Box 974 ; oe ae a r ’ . ‘ : N THE MATTE ; ; . ' — = Whip ‘till the butter has all was not until well on in the even rION eas eee OF THE ADMINISTRA). aS ° - _ OFFICE HOUR been taken up and allow to set|!"# that it was decided that 4), rup warren OF Tie m ——?” oe! gradually in a cool place. start should be made for home. FREDERICK Ki GIERTSEN, hechasea FOR ELECTRIi a ED, ORK own It makes almost a pound of | !H¢ Dixie Rupert was chartered ee Go 4S atm butter—good butter, too for the occasion, x TAKE NOTICE that in order of His pel a 4 Aven® Pt apa ag By mT wee pe ponons fp. Mee. Young, made the 201) Office: -_m Bioch, 7 1 y : . ppointe hone eet 1 for her kindhess, as we do | It is just as cheap tu get your|,2snistator to the estate of | bo e0 a t NOTICE OF CANCELLATION a einggnonnscrcorirrn , . plse deceased, and all ‘thes NOTIC 4 - Da — jprinting done wel’ and done at poring ee see we said estete are . fesorve enistia veter ter ey ah that the ooreret anne } as : . 7 Tne eb) urnish same, proper in Range oy certain Crow ls) eeweneorre i. Pacific Milk Co | ome as it is to #6 nd it away. Try|verined, to me, on or before the | 336 2nd Ave. tiles on eek thas Bptriet, lying thee ” le Yhe News’ Print Shop of August, A.D. 1048. and all parties in Phones River, notice ore of the Kitsumeallum “ {| nd Boarding f Li ted ) ro “ led to the estate are required to pay British Columpbi quulch appeared in the e at d en mi —— ” amount of thelr indebtedness to w BLACK 367 — GREE 1908. ie cane a eeetle Of the 2nd Jul e : N 304 » Is cancelle uy, oe st FACTORY AY LADW Never par nenen : P om, &e - | Never forget to look through JOHN H, MeMULLIN Save Money in Lamp G. BR, NADEN 416 Bixth Aver eens | ¢!ssifed list on Page > “ " OfMelal Administratos . Lands Deparunent” MiMister of Lands Near Dryer sonal ated this Sist day of July, 1019 26 Victoria, B, ¢.; Board by Month or Week. FD 16th July, i919. | peooooorenerorrrrrr*