PAGE EIGIIT TIIE DAILY NEWS Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme DEMAND Theatre MONDAY AND TUESDAY 7 AND 9P.M. Rod La Roque in 'Stand and Deliver' Lupc Velez, Warner Oland and Strong Cast. ' COMEDY "COME TO PAPA." " Orchestral Selection "CARMEN." FOX NEWS 35c AND 10c. COMING SOON-"FOUIt SONS." "Rupert Bran THK DAINTIEST BKJSAKHSr I'lHin Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. Prince Rupert. U.t UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED.. Sailings irom I'rlnie Huirl. lor VANCOUVER. VlCrouU, Swaavon Unj. liutctiale. Alert m Tumclav, 3.30 p.m. I'or VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, liattdale, Alert taj, etc., Friday midnight lor ALICE ARM.' ANVOX. STBWARl. WALKH IM.AND. t-KI sIIII.mi.v NAAh RIVER, Sunday 8 p.m. 123 2nd Avenue. O. M. SMITH. Agem. Prlm-e Ituerl. IJ.I . Through ticket! tola .0 Vletvrla and ntttle. an baggage fherk'a through U deitlnatlor Icanadian! B.C. Coasl Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketrhlluin. Nrnngrll. Juneau and skagwat Feb. , 23: March 9, 10. To aii(outr. VUtorU and. Seattle Feliruar) 13, Ti; Martli IS, U. PRINCESS It OVAL t'01 Itutedale. Katt liella Hella. (Irran falls. Namu. Alrrt Hay. Campbell Klvrr. Vancouver and Victoria, eiery Inday. in p.m. AgtflU (or all tjlranuhln Line. . C. OltCIIAIII). I1ENERAL AC1ENT C rnrr 4th ltreet aiil 3rd Avenue. I'rlnc Rupert. U.V. lull Information from hone 31. Canadian National CTlit Largeft Railway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE i Halllitc from IMtl.NCE HITERT (or VANI'OI ER, VICTOItlA. KKATTLIi. and Intrrinrdlatr Klnt, eaeli Htll'AV. :W I'or NTKWAIIT and A.N VOX. oath HKI,r,MAY. 10. (H p.m. lor MHUIl A Nit Mil Til tlfcHN ITIAKLOTlE ISLAM,, iortulglitly. I'AMSHMItR TRAI.NH LKAVE 1'RIX'K IttirtKT LaHl MONIlAY. Hl:iNKlAV and SATURDAY at 11:30 a.m. for I'RINCK (IKOIK1E. CI)M(WTUN. WINNII'Ed. atl polnlr Baatrrn Canada. Inlted States. AOD.NCV ALL OCEAN .HTI'.AMSIIir LINKS Cily Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Kupert Phone 260 j pacinian W Sold everywhere l I NOBLESHONOR RALPH LEPINE 1928 Class of Shrine Candidates Express Appreciation For Efforts on Their Rehalf iTffr. t i p i r 'jfiintBr i .1 ti nn foh his Untiring efforts land lun-' ! stinted work in connection with " their trip to the Victoria ceremonial last fall, the 1928 class of candidates from northern Bjltishft I Columbia who were initiated into?. Oizph Tpmnlff nf iha M vatic Shrine presentation was made on behalf of the new nobles by S. E. Parke;-, ! president of the Shrine Club, and was accompanied by an appropriate letter. Mr. LePine replied suitably. 1 Those signing the lettet were, E. R. Johnson, Peter Lorenzen, David Taylor, E. R. Checkley, Austin Goodenougb, II. F. Noel. YV. J. Sweenoy. W. J. Crawford, R. E. Allen, Arthur Qrookbank, G. J. Dawes, G. A. Lackey, J. A. Swanson. C. E. S. Gow, E. T. Kenney and J. W. Thone. ESTIMATES OF SCHOOL BOARD Educational Hudgct Includes $84,055 for Ordinary Expenditure and $5900 for Extraordinary Estimates of the school board WEEK AT THEATRES v f ., Monday and Tuesday Capitol: VRevenge" with Dolores Del Rio. Westholme: Rod La Roquo in "Stand ,and Deliver." Wednesday and Thursday" Qapitol: "Abie's Irish Rose", with Buddy Rogers. Westholme: Eddie Qulllan and Carol Lombard in "Show Folks." Friday and Saturday Capitol: "Oh Kay" with 1 . J- . 1 , r 1 ttm presented Noble R. V. G. Lepine j aueen iuoore, anu larzan, With a handsome suit case at the' Chapter 6, ; , regular monthly dinner of the! Westholme Karnes Hall Prince Rupert Shrine Club in the; and June Collyer in "Four Commodore Cafe last eveninir. The Sons." iBGWEK BRASS BAND MET BISHOP ATMASSSETT AT CAPITOL Great Program of Picture Ar-' ranged For Entire Week fThis week's pictures at the Capital are dmong the finest productions of recent months and pre-bent an assortment of comedy and drama that would be difficult to surpass. Tonight Dolores Del Rio "Revenge" won a big reception last night. Dolores Del Rio in the leading role of a gypsy girl, in & colorful and romantic story of-gjrpsy life, gave a performance that is probably her best since her ontry into the silent drama three yea;n ago. "Revenge" will be given its 'final showing tonight. "Abie's Irish Rose," Wed.-Thur. "Abie's Irish Rose," the motion picture supreme, Broadway's biggest sensation for five years, seen 011 the stage by ovej eighteen million people, acknowledged one of the greatest stories' ever told, comes to the Capitol for two days, Wednesday and Thursday. Special Matinee Thur., 3:30 p.m. In order to accomodate all who Class .'of Seventy Confirmed at wish to 8ee thia gtest stage play vne lime unu viiuir ui v Thirty Sang-. case, owing toMhe unexpected in-, at 11 o'clock and a confirmation! CLAMS 15 tins 50c PILCHARDS 3 tins 60c PINK SALMON Talis. 3 tins 50c LOBSTER Small tins. 8 tins 86c HERRINGS in tomato sauce. Per tin 25c BRUNSWICK SARDINES 7 tins 60c CROWN BRAND NOR. SAP. DINES C Una .51-00 HOLLAND HERRINGS 1-gal. keg $1-35 KISH PASTES St. Ivel's. tt bottles 50c MUSHROOMS French. Per tin 46c F. esh Crabs, , Shrimps, Clam, Herrings, Smoked Black Cod, Finnan Huddles, Salted Alaskan uoa, ' Fresh Stock Always oniHand. SEE OUR WINDOWS Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 617-123 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&81 P. O. Rox 575. of all time, a big special matinee will be (riven on Thursday ufter- MSSETffeb. I9i-.t)dthe Vri.dF U "()h Kn last trip of the S.S. Prince John jFor tnosp who ,ik,, a ,iot of fun tov Ui. QunphiMrl.Jila KRy"1lhKaiHi finds petite It arrlvefl arMassett beffJre USf- Rolleen lliri. nit ah nnrnarlnuai light and the passengers were j rce comedy in wfcich her ever 1 awakened by sounds of good , delightful 8icyBrplity- domi-music. On risinjr to investigate, 1 nates the humorous action .they discovered the dock crowded ith mighout. "01; Kay" is a great J with residents of the village who week-end feature and will con-iwere accompanied by their brass elude a wonderful week's bill at 1 1 i They were there to welcome the for the year 1029 pl&sented to the Bishop on his first Episcopal city council at last night's meet-'visit. A procession was formed ing include a sum of $54,056 for! which led the way to the church ordinary expenditures and $5900 where formal addresses were read for extraordinary. An increase I and a presentation made, over last year is shown in each! A communion service was held the Capitol. COW BAY AW IN IN!lPMrHT crease in school rmnulation. In service nt 2:80 n.m.. when a' A letter from G. R. Naden. 11928 the ordinary estimates were" class of candidates was presented, deputy ministu:- of lands, which1 $77,080 and the extlaordinary numbering seventy-seven. Per- was read at last night's council j $1400. haps, neVW Jn" Northern B. C. meeting, requested the city to take The council has no option but! was there' a larger number of , &e necessary steps toward giving; lo pass-the ordinary estimates, but young people admitted to the assent to the Tilling in of Cow 1 may. if :it fit, pare the - church at one time, nor could Bay for permission to carry outl traordinary appropriations. The there be a more interesting class which wtf the Canadian National . estimates yv4re referred to the finance committee. BAD EYES Are your eyes peculiar a little different? Harder to test than many? That is the kind we take a special interest in and usually . satisfy pur zup-torWrsyi. M ; ? inlaetMf the 'ey-e5 is not , dueaHeL . and glares are riyjnati-Tieede3, we are sure we cari sult you. lenses ground specially for each vvhen neeessdry. Many pleased customers in Prince Rupert John Bulger, Ltd. LINDSAY'S ' Cartage and Storage Phone 68 . Cart-jge, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or ! Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel 1 j We Special ire in Piano ana I Furniture Moving. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTINDAIRY Telephone 657. both as to appearance and intelligence. The evening' congregation filled the church to overflowing. At all the services there was a choir of about thirty which rendered several anthems in a most acceptable manner. The wr day will be remembered at Mas-sett as one of the red letter days of its experience. The "Twenty Years Ago" column of the Vancouver Province last Friday told how, on February 16, 1909, a thousand people gathered on the hills at Prince Rupert to watch a huge blast which was successfully fired on the Grand Trunk Pacific right-of-way. Some 80.000 yards of rock were moved, nearly forty tons of dvnamite and black powder, costing $15,000, being used. . LENTEN SPECIALS ; IT WILL PAY YOU TO STOCK j UP ON THESE PRICES 1 Hallways were now applying to the railway commission. The letter drew attention to a previous arrangement in which the provincial government had aij ed to accept waterf rentage outside of Cow Bay in exchange for that inside in order that the railway company might proceed with th- filling in. This, however, was subject to the city giv-:ng its consent. Mayor McMordie refd red to the fact, that the city had agreed to give it consent providing fishermen's floats were provided. The question was refq red to the finance committee for Intelligent Batteiy Service S30 Let us take c.ire of your battery problems this winter and you'll find an end of "cussing" at the car that won't start when the weather Is cold. We repair and service old batteries, and can cell you the finest new ones made. S. E. Parker LIMITED Ford Dealers DOMINION TIRES 3rd Avenue Phone 83. Tuesday, Februarv ) CLASS! COLOIt! COMFORT! WARMTH! APITO TONIGHT "REVENGE" STARRING DOLORES DEL RIO Whose Magnificent Performance In "RAMONA" Won Her International Fame. ' A story of gypsy life, romantic, colorful, dynamic, wiih filmdom's greatest stur in the stellar role. I'fic and 6c. COMEDY NEWS !i5i ami Wed.-Thur "AIRE'S IRISH ROSE." Mntinee, Thur . z. ;',0 You sec our used cars on the road everywhere. And they are always running, and .running strong. Our used car bargains arc real bargains for the rca that they arc thoroughly checked, and, insjMJcted before they arc sold. , , , ,. THE FOLLOWING USED CAR BARGAINS NOW AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION : . ;wi.'. -j , J 1927 Dodge Sedan,, leather uphplgtp $G."'i." 192G Essex Coach ., Stuulhavy feed. Sl never v.rLt L.t for y.ri. .i..iWU.W...-.v.. 'iM,-(M 1928 Model A Tudor Demonstrator ...... 1927 Ford Tudor, good equipment 4...-. 4ro.t 1927 Ford Covered Light Delivery t; . . 3i mm" 1923 Dodge Covered Delivery 31)"."" S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone HYDE TRANSFER rhonc5S0 NEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Pembina Peerless Egg $12.0" Alberta Sootloss Large Egg $12.50 Mine Head Sootless Egg f,- .Sl- ' Alberta Lump L $l: Also all other classes of coal. DRY BIRCH, JACKPINE ANl)foEDAR Single load , $ $3.50 Doublo load , $0.3" Large sack r0 Box wood cuttings, large load . . . Piano and Furnituro Moving. Express and Bagg.R': Day and Night Service 139 Second Avenue SiMONDS Inserted Point Saws Made from (pedal letl, and tempered in our own crucible iteel mill. f MONO. CUU.IWHll. "- IM. tat, Mort ''' f.ctory tat U ytar Mwing. Economic! (or port" 1 bl-miu 1 owner.