ii .in-., m-i-T-rm rrm i tiiiutmKIinnMXBSSMnWMKWiTlm m wm ill mini 11 i mt ti f nVi'I'fJl " " - 1 Week of August 28 ' Y. SUEHIRO I10AT( BUILDER, COW BAY For sale, 35 x 94 trolling boat, now building P. 0. Uo 314, Prince Rupert It. E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR C23 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Office Phone Itlue 85 Residence Phone lied 589' FOR BEST LEATHER AND WORKMANSHIP LOUIS SCIIIBIG ; SHOEMAKER & REPAIRER S33 2nd Ave., Prince Ruperj, II. C " KfY BOAT SIIO bpeeu and pleasure boats) any size, built to order , . IJhone Jled,115-i;;jttox.749 it , . Dentist ',ia bR.J. R. GOSSE SMITH HLOCK PHONE 68h 'Hours; 9to1JHJiiud by Appointment. FOR QUALITY FOOTWEAR McARTIIUR'S SHOE STORE THIRD AVENUE RepnlrH While You Wait 32 TAXI AND CIGAR STORE . Courteous Treatment D. GURVICH, PROP. Shamrock Rooms 1, 2 and 3-Roomed Flats to Rent 136 TAXI Eighth Street and Second Avenue The Elite Beauty Parlor Mr. Sutherland 207 Second St Expert marceling, finger and water waving Phone 199 For Appointment Smith & Mallett Limited SANITARY AND HEATING j't ri J'iKNMNKEIlg ! : We- carry n complete" line 'of Pipes, Valves and Fittings FOR MODERN HATHROOM FIXTURES SEE OUR SHOWROOM Phone 171, P.O. Hox 274 259 Third Ave., Prince Rupert ti .... Mir ;- 'tt DOES More than that, you who attend Fair Week will have all the fun that can be assembled and much of it free. You'll sec races, ', ball samcs, you'll ride with the children, you'll try to hit the can Dodger you'll have a big day every day you come in. The merchants of the city will co-operate in this constructive good time work. They wish to make you comfortable and to supply your wants, so that you jjrlll return. -mjr .w m m Z Valentin Dairy Dealers in High-Grade MILK 'CREAM BUTTER ICE CREAM Phone 657 Prince Rupert LET PRINCE RUPERT FLOURISH . Support the ELECTRIC BAKERY Phone 607 P. 0. Bax 416 THE DAILY NEWS Prince Ruperis Annual Exhibition ... - .( nature summon her vast and colorful and bewitch the eye and mind of .mani ?;.'! Fair Week is the annual event in Prince Rupert that shows to the pebple of the city and the surrounding districts the glory of the soil, the product of the hand and pationce of man and machinery the triumph of man over the elements. ? m ATLAS BOILER WORKS J. HARRIS, PRESIDENT BOILERS of all descriptions built and repaired to cover requirements of B. C. Holler Acts. Complete Heating Installations Sole Agents For LACO AUTOMATIC OIL BURNER Electric Welding Thone Green 100, P. O. Hox 491 Prince Rupert, II. C. 17th m ; . vi 'MP' resources M $ ? i r Si D. McLEOD Pioneer Shoemaker ROOTS, SHOES, RUHHERS Expert Shoe Repairing Special atention to out-of-town Orders The Florsheim Shoe "For the Man Who Cares" 218 Sixth St., Prince Rupert, H.C. Attention, Loggers, Sportsmen, Surveyor and .Others If you want to keep dry In wetveather "PIONEER iiltAND DRY-DAK WATERPROOF CLOTHING" will keep you dry longer than any other similar garment. Stock carried in Prince Rupert at Jones & Son Tent & Awning Co., Ltd. Manufacturers of genuine Yukon Eiderdown Sleeping Robes and Canvas Goods of all descriptions. Monday, August 2f,, if,,, RAIN or SHINE Phone 51 .fi. M-Hj Q-Uox 1G99 "THE PLACi? HOME rAftjP GenlSlMotel L. Martin, Manager European or American Plan Free llu Meet All Trains and I'oots PRINCE RUPERT, R. C. The Old Reliable! WM. GOLDBLOOM The Fur Specialist !i Inspect Our Showfoom.. in. i Opposite Cnpitol Theatre ;;lillH,I,ET0UI?INEAU ,i6HIET MtrrAL )VORKS plumbing and Heating SIXTH AVE. & FULTON ST Phone-313-T. O. Rox 18 '.,! J 1 J. i.niuri I, I h i ABaWIITE LUNCH V "VWA.tPrlh'ce iiup H.C r: i Jl fiVr our' waffles ! I Tommy's Taxi PHONE G71 Day and Night Service Opposite Library Dybhavn & Hanson Fire Insurance and Sleamnhip Agents Notaries Public , Fair Special MENTION THIS ADVERTISEMENT AND RECEIVE 10 PER CUNT DISCOUNT Steve King Gentle mens Outfitter Third Avenue, Prince Rupert SPECIAL SUIT J1AROAINS Philpott, Evitt & Co. Ltd. WHOLESALED N HEAVY .HARDWARE, WIRE ROPES MANILA ROPES ROOFING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS C. N. D. Dock Phone 618