PAGE FOUR The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue ,, 11. J, PULLEN - -Managing-EdprtJ DAILY EDITION SUBSCRIPTION .RATES City delivery, by maii or canrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month ... .,fc. 60 Canadian National Report Detail of ilnrvcsptini; Opera tions and Threshing .'." " Results .if. '.50 s others have finished with and are beginning o th-esh- ""- i'wr weekly crop report of the Canadian better g-ade of grain than was ex' pire and United States, paid in advance, per year 6.00 pected, and while rust conditions are found between Neepawa and Pusscll subdivision? only in Mani- lne big braf Zeppelin has made the first successful others threshing will be in full non-stop crossing of the Pacific ocean by the air route, a sw'ng. historic event, which doubtless will be followed by the A,on? the Carmen subdivision establishment in the comparatively near future of rega-" SSfi lar air services. , 'about 25 to 30 bushels, oats from Germany is leading the way in air travel as she, Is 20 to so bushels, and rye 20 to. so also doing in many other lines 01 progress. Had she be.en bushels. The Swan R'vr valley satisfied with industrial and commercial progress . in reports that wheat yields will vary nlnpp nf militnw nrnrrrocc aha ,vnnM hnrr from 12 to 25 bushels, with oaU IG .to 35 bushels and barjey 18 to 25 frt .1tA1 !, :.'.tMM V.,; Xi a l ' n. 1.. trolled the world by how, As it is, other nations Will fels. ;. have to look to their 'aurels if they aret to keep ahead of i Hot dry weather ha been, pro .. this enterprising nation. valent throughout Saskatchewan end g-ain cutting is now general. ; DANGER OF JERUSALEM SPARK The northern territory expect T . . , . , , wheat yields of from 15 to 20 Jerusalem is a danger point. It was there that a bushels on summer fallow and spark was kindled two thousand years ago that ignited a from 10 to ir. bushels on stubbied 7 fire which has burned and spread ever since. iin ,and- Southern Saskatchewan Today the danger is from Moslem activity, which is IT nof fortunatte, 88 antral, but 'La C.ravelbourg and Bengough subdi-. o1 , ,,Wa 0,0,1 it u w loijmijr ii. ib uuwkbis uuuex vay. visJons are only expocting ore-- A city not seems a simple matter, but Britain seems to Um of from five to seven bushel have recognized in it something more important than that, nf whent. Rye h. withst ood the-, Moslem activities are liable to spread and evei the' liCac.e-, rbughi very wh and violds vw ful Labor Government of Britain'is taking, steps tphead ' bushels are now,,, nff nnv fiirtPr mithrnoV .. ? 1 ' , .ne'n, the, grain being of u. .v - nilj " '-' 1 good quality. v. , . "1 ''Mh' ' ; Melrose and. White Bear subdlvi-r PEN PICTURE Of gOWnEN Isions expect wheat yields of from The pen. picture of Rt. Horn. .Phillip fenowden pub-'? to 20 bushels. The minimum lished in the Daily News Saturday bonded a better Idea fSSSteXCdl of the man than has yet been sent out. Small m stature, whpng f,ore w,u but largo m intelligence and importance, the. British b from summer fallow a,nd wet chancellor seems to be upholding.the prestige of the court- stover and Brome grass sods. try and is undoubtedly receiving the, backing of the gov- 'peace Crop-fiood ' ornmpnt vlilpli V10 rpntpaicnltcJ "l Tt:Htfl1' ha i'nthvoctJtiy tn . ' note what u-ill be the tilti his stanJ at Jjrii. The Hague. week. Weather conditions for the '' . past seven days have been cool HON. R. B. BENNETT'S TOUR iwith light showers and ripening Discussing the recent tour of British Columbia by Hon. hXTe'lonUnuepIo' . II. B. Bennett the Vancouver Province says: previous expectations and so, "The tariff, or some phase of it, was almost constantly bushel wheat yields will not be . on Mr. Bennett lips. He denied that he and his party uncommon. vunrn fnr n ViirrVi tnriff Vint Vip nttnpknrl Hip Kino- finvnrii. I" Alberta heavy rains were ox- meht on the ground that its tariffs were not adequate, and en cmaIonR vthr- yias'J, P6" especially because, in a post-war world of rising tariffs, 0nJo subdivTsTon afThe Vg?' it had sponsored a falling tariff in Canada. He was par- ning of last week and harvesting ticularly severe with a policy which, he asserted, was was delayed for from two to three making Canada an exporter of raw materials and an im- d"8; stubbied crops in these ter-porter 1 of manufactured . .f goods. He laid great emphasis wheat ' wnw,u on not, !? hmv,y- and ,,uf .1 i i l' r v summe-fallow sweet upon the need of protection, protection of Canadian life lover Ml wil , MVeral dl((trfcl; and property, protection of labor and industry, protection exceed 20 bushels. The Athabas., ' of the producer, protection of the consumer, but he re- ".a subdivision ' win visited by a f rained from going into details as to how he cou'd bring ,'iitorm which did damage wry-these various types of protection into being without hav- ,n froI? .1,v ",,hI ,fot 100 w ing them conflict with one another. He discussed Empire hit" tT SSShdwib! trade but didn't go very deeply into it. . division expect bubble wheat to "After Mr. Bennett's visit, British Columbia-need no v'eid from four to six busheiajoer longer have any doubt as to the Conservative leader's cour- "c 7 wher-l(rirttfMUlKvMi0a nre. It takes courage to go into a place like Britannia v ''.d from V0 hmh Mines and denounce the shipment of raw materials, or to tTin" J" f fc Powell River and Vancouver and speak against trade con- r.t, WHr others will run from cessions which have greatly" increased the exports of this 20 to 36 busheU. province to Australia and New Zealand. Mr. Bennett's, references to our agreements with the southern dominions card of thanks do not appear to have given rise to any enthusiasm in - British Co umbia. At the same time, being evidence ot Mrs. Kenneth Kennedy and his sincerity and courage, they probably do not dp his fmi,y ('eire to convey their came any harm." Zl !hna,nkB Jf ,th?,r Ty friends, ami particularly t to the ' , 1 t 1 t ' "That hat suits you wonder "ully." "Yes, but what happens when my ear yet tiled?" From Sondagsnisse Rtrix, Stockholm. members of the St. Andrew's So clfty for the .kind exprewioniiAer sympathy receivetl in their sad bereavement. SRNATOR 1)1 HS PRI2SCOTT, Aug. 20: Sen vw, w wiih ii. twin, ii yvim Ol Hge, died today following ai stroke last thursday. He wnsli minister nf railways in the Union I cabinets and appointed to the Senate in 1D21. , Harold Shaw, who identified with the haa been , provincial collector's office here for several i yearn, will sail Thursday after-jnoon on the Prince Pharles for ! Vancouver en l o ite to Penticton to which jioint hi- has been trans-fen-Hd. Frank Fnidlay arrived I some time ago from Vernon to relieve Mr li TIIE DAILY NEWS Monday, August 2fi. i923 CROPYIELDS EDDIE HELD NOT SO BAD GOLF WINNER Cti JASPER. Auk. 2C Eddie Held of Npw York, wort1 the Canadian j amateur golf tifje Saturday, de- feating Gardiner White of New ! York, three and two, after one of WINNIPEG, Aug. 2G. Har- the most exciting contesls on rcc ir nnnrnMnrw tlirrtiiilinilfc nril TfpliVa flnnl'apnrn fnr the Or four months for -- r ...... '"Hvesllr'n Canada are in all stages second eighteen holes was the By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British ColvcvW a, of progress, as some districts have same as that of the morning paid in advance for yearly period i. . . WJ jiifi , tjiicely .commenced " cutting, round. i Transient display advertising, per inch, per Insertion ;.;Vyf3 Transient advertising on front page, per inch XV... Local readers, per Insertion, per line ..v. Jwij.v. Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Bv mail to all other countries, ner year ... Bj mail to all other parts' of British Columbia, the British Era- A. B, Darling. tof Montreal cap- . J iu I... .! T7T IT ORTIIOPIIONIC VICTitOLAS AND RECORDS title fvnm II nvr' ViVini.. IM et hrlmnn. .iuhi liui.J kJim.Y M . Ul liumvii the ton, terminating the match on l" National Railways. Numerous dis- ,v. . l i . u - zvin noie, w in par lour 10 onaw s par five, after being (wo up on Sshaw in the morning round to win nine and seven. Monday. August 20, 1920 the wMe of the wegt ig ex 0ur classified "section may be : . .... ;j - ceptionally free from any damage, of special, interest to you today. (Some districts in Manitoba report ' , FORMER CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER IN CANADA Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill and hi.s party who are now in Canada. Churchill, the former Chancellor's son; Mr. Churchill; John Churchill Spencer Churchill, D.S.O., brother. Left to right: (nephew), und 1 w-vjtT NAjiy, Full OrtfwjJwmic Horn "if - f ! s - 1! The final masterpiece in the history o musical instruments. Hejre the lilting notes o avoi?ite melodies come to you so real they startle. Full, natural, companiable tone luaJBty. thousands o5 selections to choose roan in the Victox record library. Never need your heart be without music at any time o the day. Instruments from $95. up. Records stop automatically when through playing. Victor dealers will show you. Ternns convenioKit. "Victor Talking Machine Company o., Of Canada.i.?tn5fr.T M - - .tt : Montreal m cR AE BROS. He' Major VICTOR RADIO REQEIYEKS