Monday, August 26, 1929 Week of August 28 Perfected through 30 years t research 9 Marconi discovered llic principle of Ilmw tnins mission ,10 yours iiK. nn today Marconi receiver! des'iRiietl by Miirfoni en fiineers oircr yWrtlADK rcccplion al its li'est. SIX MARCONI MODELS to choose froni j Combination Deluxe $890,00 Standard Combination 365.00 Battery Console 160.00 (Without Tubn) Balteryless Console 268.00 BatterylessTableModell75.'00 Battery Table Model 89.50 I (Without Tuhoi) phone TfciUci P--Box 3234 -T' 1030 w PRINCE RUPERT, H.C RUPEBT FORGE Equipped to handle all k!ndat)f smithing and forKinR. ldOO-lb. power hammer. Phone 075 Murine RlacksmithinR a Specialty j. Jl. WALKER. PROP. LAPARIS1ENNE HK.UTY FAULOK Vrrjf lJtrt Stjlo IjhIKV IHIrdrfMln ivriiiunriit Waving l'lioiwi 301 Mm lliuliin GET "DOLLED" FOR THE FAIR Have your suits and flannels clenned and pressed. Pioneer Laundry ltd. ' ?! ' ' 'Service Guaranteed Modern equipment. S$cte at tcntion irlven to country orders. Phone llfU-We Call and Deliver 'It1 i , VISIT THE FURNITURE vi, Barries Home Furnishings "FURNITURE OF DISTINCTION", , , Tliird Avenue and First Street, Prinze. Rupert, JLC. Phone 123, P. O. Box SOS YOUR HOME SHOULD COME FIRST! Geo. D. Tite Limited Complete Home Furniihimt lieds, Springs and itiiUroWek Linoleums, Carpet Squtr Draperies, Hlind Fancy China and Crockery . I'HOXE 20 THIRD AVENUE Hunt's Furniture-Store Special Trices for Fair eek on Ilarrymore Rugs, Ijno and Con. jfoleum Rugs, Odd Chairs, Dining Suites, Reds, Springs and Mnt-tresses. Our Chesterfield Suites arc Guaranteed $1.10 Value for 59c. One regular 60c bottle of Pa Preain Perfume and your aelebtlon of y Ko Day Dnni toilet article. 8uggetton. Rouge. Face Powder, Oold Cream. Vanishing Cream. Llp-stlk, Almond Cream, brllllantlne. Inland's Ire Crrain Itert In the Wmt McCUTGHEONS Second Ave. if Sixth St. Phone 79 R. W. CAMERON WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER Special attention given to- outside orders THE DAILY NEWS Visitors to The Fair Visitors to the Fair This is a good shopping place and a good shopping time. Wc urge all to look over the advertisements in this paper hoth on this page and others and call on as many of the merchants as possible. Prince Rupert merchants compete favorably, with business hotise anywhere on (he cnupent. jOfou !ce wtiat'y ou 'get when youiniy from thenti Why4 Ooya, pigf nvh pbkfc'ivncn you can get the best of service and goodsjn .the Prince Rupert stores. Give them a trial. They will alt tie glad to meet you. Daily News Shopper disposal "f our out -of-tn'vn n?iirs. If nvt what you wish in your ewo district, write, to the Daily News Shnppr. Tf it's requests will he supplied by Return. SERVICE IS FREE TO YOU SHOW AT The Is at the you cannoi Just in town, your THIS BACON FISHERIES For Fresh, Smoked and Salt ; Fish Fret)h Cwkedt Crabs and Shrimp. Store, hotels nnu camps supplied. If WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE 1. O. Rqx 317. I;:ione 18 WE SPECIALIZE IN FILLETED FISH PRINCE RUPERT. II. C. STOCKS t Oils and Mines PHILIP M. RAY Representative SOLLOWAY, MILI & CO., Ltd. 2nd Ave. anil 2nd St., Phone 174 SHOE SALE OF ODD LINES Family Shoe Store Ltd. THIRD AVENUE H. G. Kelgerson Limited N Real Estate t Insurance ) 'Houses to Rent 216 Sixth Street PHONE 96 MRS. STEPHEN'S BEAUTY PARLOR Th)rii Ktrcet. iimir lleMirr HEiM-k t Beauty culture In all tta branches Bcctrolyals. tht only permanent cure fir superlluus hair, warta and moles. Pirmauout Waving, Frederic Vltv Tojilc methed. conceded by auttaorltkea to give the bet resulu obtainable. Prtooa nun as acutl). TELEPHONE BLUE 561 JOE BROWN'S Headquarters for Palm Ice Cream, Neilson's Chocolates and SO Taxi Next Cnpitol Theatre PAGE THREE Ross & Moore limited peale in; McLAUqilUN - BUICK OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET GOODYEAR TIRES RAYBEST05 LININGS RcfoptliUoncd, aid Certified tt.i n j i W-9-u var JI . "'"jiechqnical D.epartrnent OH. ?Cion,( None : 'Reliable Wrecking THIRD AVE. PHONE 52 SERVICE AND SATISFACTION at Sunrise Grocery Co. 3S?mih fruit. VeKe- tabes and Produce Phones 521 and 769 Corner Sixth Avenue and Fulton P.Q. Bqx 129, Prin.ce Rupert, B.C. WE CAN FIX IT STAR YELIHNG AND REPAJH WORKS It. . . tiles. Proprietor OXYAQEWLENE NVELD- m A SPECIALTY, Machine Work, etc. Automobile Snrinira tnnnfnptnrort ilodern Equipment PHONE 313 CQW BAY Prince Rupert, P. O. Rox 761 Burns & Company Limited Manufacturers Famous Shamrock Iams Bacon, Lard and E.-CD. Butter PRING RUPERT, B, C. TiR Top Tailors KJet the represeUTe of the world's largest One-IT ice Tailors I'rlilay and snturiluy. Aug 30-31 30a Fourth Street Phone 756