August 2G, 1929 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SEVEN Jlian ! i in i ! s the have Moon rolled away, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE, FO R RENT, LOST & FOUND i -kii-s cheering, have come causing to stay joy, THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ IJECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. ! vr.'.-eforth will annoy. ubriut weatheiy it is ,..d tl :-t about half the ilc had decided to move tinnier allnie pneo they ,1 the price. Now they are i i. t Invite their friends . to live here. young lady named Lura I to stuttyng flora, H' I meadows all over four-leaf clover a she'll bp married to- niora'. lady writes to know if I think thirteen Is an un-ii'.rmber. Under certain n i itices I should say it ! is unlucky to stop at i in connection with the : the family. t 1 l 1 1 i ioi oi peopie - reminu i Abraham Lincoln. Old: VnU 4 IVIUVIMUVI) VUIS Hp. f us have a lot of sun- Terrace 9 a.m.. Monday, Vodnes up on. I suggest '' nnd Saturday; $2 return.. mayor declare a com- holiday for everybody xpedal weekly rates. get properly satura- i E DIX, PROPRIETOR h i saui liquid suntune7; ; 1 '.ilker Henry, you were "i your slen last night. 'h. was I? ffcrry to have tivl you. home. Everything was,F,nc beach an(1 meadows for i, it - children's playgrounds. did you take an apart- Salmon and Trout Fishing. Mm sucn a tiny xucnenet, linv? . j '1. you're the flrtt man I've keep it quiet. li's so or ant get In there to help.reseryatfons, ...k .!..- .1.1... 1L. ' niico uuiiiK tiie Ten Years Ago In Prnce Rupert August 20, 1919 '( owners will vote toon a money bylaw pro-r the building of a new nt school on Acropolis Herbert S. Woods. Van iliruno, has been secur he Prince Rupert Musical ng at n recital which lotte City and Port Clements, over, given early In the fall I the "ding exhibitions will the Labor Dav celebra. Wednesday to Port Clements, mak- thc Prince Rupert Trades lng I ' r Council next week. same IWVfcllHL MOTIVK City. hr young barrKter's first'ate points In proportion. Special was bubbling over with trips made any time for three or i enthusiasm a he stood m'more fares. V,sit the beaut,ful QueB m he addmal the de-l v'.u say you came totown Charlotte Islands. Phone, writ, rk? I put H to you there or wirO. ' .ill this distance. i.osttated the defendant. "1 he barrister, triumphant- hat was Itf " Mve."- South Coast Times. Coal? Coal? Tjki Oilvnntnee of low price ,l rut In jour winter supply. l"SO a, CASHHV-Mi:.I.INO-T,,N In any quantities. Also '-nr. liny. Oraln and Teed, j Prince Rupert Feed Co I'HONES 58 AND 558 Dr Alexander FIIONE 878 HE8NER IU.OCK DENTIST hiy ewa Classified" adver ':jg brings results; Summer Resorts Where to spend an enjoyable holiday boating, bathing, fishing, mountain climbing, etc. KITSUMfi ALMIM LAKE LODGE Terrace. II. C. Spend Your Vacation at Kalum Lake . Rood fishing, boating and bath- llnsr; ma, beautiful ui-uuiuui scenery; scenery; twenty iwenij ' rvt miles (1 AO) from nrn Terrace. njs OIahIa..... 8tngleavesf tVv 1 0Tt .SALE - Fishing boat W. T, Kates, $.5 .25 per day. Wrlte,foxj Terrace, U.C. WONDERFUL TLELL Queen Charlotte Islands River and Sea Bathing- Excellent Cusine. v Partita can be met at Skidegite Port Clements. Wlrnleits for MRS. RAJOUT lelirqTXS I. SUM JIER COTTAGE --AT-nEAUTIFlHr-rRANCOIS JAKE For Rent Ry the Week or Month ' Partly Furnished Apply .Sirs. Henkel Francois ;Lake Lodge QUEEN CHARLOTTE-PORT CLEMENTS STAGE A new 8-passenger stage is now , operating - between Queen Char-i new Graham Island scenic highway Regular trlrw will be run eery connection with the S. S. Prince Charles, returning xne." day to Queen CharlotUl Fare, one way, $6.00, intermedt- K. Ii. .ICIrj..Hi 8. The Premier Hotel Queen Charlotte City, B.C I St. 'to i ! LAKELSE LODGE AND HOT i SPRINGS I the T. n trnoata. The lodire is l situated on the shore at Lakelse Lake. Gocd fly fishing for ra!n - bow trout. The hot springs ron-i tain Llthla which is fine tor rheumatism. Cottages for rent. J. Rruce Johnston, Manager. BRINGING UP FOR SALE, FOII SALE Iron and wooden pulley?, also two pieces shafting. Apply Daily News, FOR SALBr-Axmlnfo Rug,: 9x10' McrngefTiitchcn' table , heater1 Phono Hide 712.! 193 FOR SALE 18 II.P. . Standard Marino Engine at a bargain. R. L. Newcome, Seal Cove. Phoije Itetl 48L 198 FOR SALE 3 sets adjustable Iron - Tiangers for shafting. Larfee size. $10 per set. Ap: ply Box 00 Daily News Office. ... (tf) FOR SALE Six II.P. 2-cyIJnder 2-eycle Wilson marine engine In good condition. A bargain. Apply Box 212 Dally News Of-fft& . . (tf) os ieei long;, oeara, J3 ieei SO, b.p. Friseo Standard 'en gine; eight years old, In No. X zu x i l-z, 14 n. p. engine, lufiy equipped with trolling gear Snap, 1-150.00. Apply II. Mai-by, Western Rooms . (.200) FOR SALE Gasboat "Half M0011" for $050.00. Hull 3 yean old, 29 by 8 foot beam. lb n.p. raimer engine one year . old. Gear ami everything plete and in good running order. Apply George James, Boston Cafe. 198 WANTED WOMAN WANTS House -work. Plain cooking. Phone Jted B9. WMNTEPv Uerastlt.chlng,., Mrs. Thisl Edyafdim .Wallace's. jiTU-aBIass engine! neer I for night -Wilft Apply Apply Big Rig' 'Ray1 Dai Lumber Co. Ltd. 200 WANTED Cook for boarding house by September 1. Two meals daily. Apply Box 216 Dally News Office. WANTED Position as hotel manager. Fifteen years' experi ence; capable of taking full i charge; age 43; good references. I Would rent suitable place. Apply Box 220, Daily News Office. I (200) i AITT A TiV TIWATTTV CITHT For first-class hair dressing, per- manent Wftvlr,g and aI1 klnUg or ' PHONE 655 TENDERS Sealed tenders marked "Oooerete Sidewalks" wlU be received by the undersigned up to 8 p.m September 3, 1929, tor the ooest ruction of concrete . -walk oa the toUowlng streets In the 01 Vy or Prince Rupert, B.C.: 1. Second Ave. from 8th St. to 7th (north sldeh .... . 3. Third Ave. from 7th St. to 8th (north side). $ Third Ave. from Lot 38, Block 34, McDrtde at. (south aide), 4. Seventh St. from 2nd Ave. to 3rd Ave. (east side). Instructions to bidders, plans sad ape UtcaUon may be seen at the o&toe of City Engineer. Olty Hall, Prince Rupert. B.C. , "M.. lAu-Mt or idt tender j not neca ocd E. P. JONES, (aoe) erk. Dally News "Want Ads" bring, quick results. FATHER FOR RENT FOR RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. Phone 5)7. FOR 'SliHSXIWnlihed suite, : femt'ATlSBmenU. Phone gTue 345. (tf) FOR RENT Three roomed cottage. Summit Avenue. Phone Red G23. 200 FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Furnished and un-. furnished houses. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue Hast . (tf) FOR RENT Clean, well furnish- ed suftes. Painter Apartment I Phine Red 444.- at) m BOARD AND ROOM ROARD An4 oom iiUi per tnonth. Phoii ren 216. tf CHIROPRACTIC mmm -'- A n--- PROGRESS The practice of chiropractic is recognised in forty states of the union. 1010 reoMKimiun ins ueu , soutrht and irainetl by the people who have benefitted through; cniropractic. it was not unui that legal recognition was first accorded. For your health's sake consult DR. W. C. ASI'INALL 6 and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Phones Black 283 Open Evenings . , ' :..! ' . CHIROPRACTOR ..QETS REMARKABLE TRESUlTS . Neuritis, Lumbago, .ScUUca, Rheumatism, Stomah :TroUbl, Headaches and Brfrkachek. Consultation Free1 R. E. EYOLFSbN, I).C 623 Third Avenue West Office Telephone Blue 83 Residence Telephone Red S89 EDUCA FORMRY HOUSE SCHOOL FOR ROYS Ganges Harbor, R.C. Sound Modern Sdueatlon ALL GRADES TO JUNIOR MATRIC Roys taken for holidays Moderate Fees Prospectus on Application THE STIRLING TEA ROOM Next to Prince Rupert Hotel Light lunches from noon to 11 r0 p.m. Reasonable rate for dinner land supper to regular-'boarders. . Home cookingi Cakes and pies made to order. PHONE RLUE 129 PERII OF SPORTINfl LIFE The Colonel I just crept out and shot the bruto in my pajamas. 1 Poll But Colonel, how did the elephant get into your paja mas? -London Opinion. AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AI.CTION MART. We buy. sell hr ex change any kind or fu nature! pr householdi goods, muslm! tn-ptrpmqnts, machinery, .etc. General fcpalrs, crating, packing and shipping." Workmanship I guaranteed. Just phono Black 120 nn.l vfc will fall. OEniMiE DAWES, AUCTIONEER ' Federal Block ! SALVAtiE ANP TOWING I If Iff on nr under the water we ' do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped Iqj DIvtnir and General Salvage. Work Boats and Scows of all descriptions for; Charter. Row Boatn,d (2a, noes for hire. 'Bajruajna jn Gas Ejaglney. , -.. AGvSNTS FOR EASTII OPE ENGINES ' Mo rf hern ' 'ii. C. IiBiribuMi foolidge I'rnpnllew Sand and Gravel. In any auan- tity, delivered anywhere by water. Ph.... Ii,., ... Vlt,t r.r.A p. o. Rox 1 rs 1 Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES. RROS. Wallpapers, Paints, Glass and Art Supplies P. O. BOX 120 PHONE 22 WEEK-END EXTRA SPECIAL i 10 Only, Bed Couches, complete with mattress, coil springs. Makes full size jbed. Simmons goods guaranteed. While they last, each $16.00 MacKENZIE FURNITURE ! PHONE 775 LtNIl ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to l.rate Land In The StUtlne Mud Iteoordlng District of Brtttsii Columbia, and situate about one half tatte Bastrrly from the mouth of the TuUeqwah River, which Into the Taku River about six miles up-stream from the Alaska Boundary rvwtlo that I. James B. Btap'er of Los Angeles, oocupatlon, mining en-gtneer. intend to apply for permission to purchase the Mlerwlitg described tat! , Commencing at a post planted one half mil Bastetly from the mouth ot the Tutoequah River, thence Bast 30 chains: thence North 30 Chains; thence West 20 chains: thence South 20 Chains and containing 40 sores, more or less. JA1.IES B. STAPLER, Dated June 10th. 1999 . 220 . T - . NOTICE is t hereby given that the time tor tb reception of teodees for FUher- nieue nwn, rnuot numv, o,u., in rjsted MIT 11th. ' ' 1829. ktended to Wednesday, September U,juwq isw. uy oraer, 8. S. O'BRIEN, seoreury. DeMrtment of Public Works, MUM, August 9, 1929. " iTi i II U-TME SAME 1 I rB3S3 it I 1 WEU.,t'UU dO f MACfilR, AftSOUUTEuV WOT- UNDER "i -L ' OLD STORM fri&y IP. I KIM CP KO COMSDGRATOr4 CAM " 27 (C.i ' LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Quetn Charlotte Land District. Laitd' lleobrdlrtK District o( Prince Rup-J lane uuiico ui cuKcne " ninipnun aniani aDOUI IB cncinl! Trotn tfle M.vwett, B.C. occupation, cannery- east ctrner; thence N.65'E. to the IntmirfH ti onnlr fnp n. li(uu nf th 1 Hunflnn Brai.h.i, nf Vumi.h foilowlnr described lands: Foreshore. ,nC?aV!!!!iJtl.ti!bt corner of lot Mo. 2741. Oralium Island: thenre west 10 chains; ' thence north i chains to low water; thence east 10 chains; the-ice south 5 chains to point ot commencement, and containing 6 nerea, more or less. Dated May 11th. 1D29. EUGENE HUMPHRY SIMPSON. ilenry White. A?ent. LAND ACT Notice of Intention (o Apply to lnse land . . . In the Queen Charlotte Land DUttlct. ,ina uecoraing uhuki oi rrince ttup- en. and situate near the mouth of Na- den Harbor, on Mamrredo 'Wand. Take notice that I. Author Robertson l or Maasett. u.c, occupation, nvuoraham Island: thence westerly 10. owner. apolyfor a lease of the followlag described lands: thraineoTLltrarorlf'J1" contlnln 4 SSttVFZSP kSrlrSSJ; LANOABA' n3mm tfceooe foUowlng low water southerly 10 Henry White Agent' chains: thence westerly to point of com- ntud u"ra Ma T 14th "ln 1029 meecenient. and containing four acres. mart ot less. Annum hobertson. by Henry White. Agent. Dated May 12th. 1929. KKIXXA LAM) ItKCOHWMl DISTRICT TAKE NOTICE that the British Co-luiubia Fishing Si Packing Company, uo.. or vancourer, .c., ooeupauen, fishing and packing. Intends to apply for a lease ot the foUowIng described foreshore, situate fronting on Lot 10. Range 5, Coast DIatrlct: Commencing at a post plsmed at the southwest cor- her ot Lot 10, Range , Cotut District: thence outh 8 chains; thence In Aaouth- easterly aireetlon 15 chain; thence In a south-eosterty direction 23 chalSs, more or lead, to high water mark at Tpolnt distant 10 chains, more, ci less, westerly the southeast cornef of Ixrt 10i' thence northwesterly, following hifh water mark, to the txrint of commence ment, and eon taming 18 acres, more of leu. BRITISH COLUMBIA nSHINO & PACKINO CO.. LTD. J. H. Busnnell, Agent. Dated 20th June. 1929. LAND ACT. Notice of Intention to Apply - ' to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District. Land Recorllng District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Arnlston Point. North Duadas Island. Tske notice that Langara Fishing 4t Packing Company. Limited, of Massett. B. C occupation, ca liners, intends! to apply for a lease of the following described landa: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted at the extremity of land on Arnlston Point., thence westerly 20 chains; thence norm- erly 8 chains to low water; thence east- 1 erlr 20 cnalns; thence southerly to! point of commencement, and containing , 20 acres, more or less. LANOARA riSIIINO PACKINO CO.. LTD. By Its Agent. John William Mnorehouse. Dated June 7th. 1929. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply . to Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District ot Prince Rup- i crt. mini Biuftbv im( wiv uivu.u v. .www- sett Inlet. Graham Island. Take notice that Langara FUhlng ! Packing Company. Limited, of Massett, :b.c. oocuDatton. salmon canners. In- I tends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Foreshore. Commencing at a post planted near ; the southern end ot Hidden Island; thence northerly 10 chains; thence east- 'erly 8 chains: thence southerly 10 ! chains, following low water; thence westerly to point of commencement, and LAnt.lnln. II t-Afl nfTM flf 1M . I LANOARA FISHINO & PACKINO CO., LTD. Henri White. Agent. Try a Dally News want-ad. It will bring results. SKIXNA LAND RF.CORDINQ DISTRICT Take notice that Eugene H. 81m peon and Author Robertson of Massett, B.C.. occupation, cannerymen. Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Foreshore Commencing at a post planted 300 feat south of high water at the eitramlty of the aboTe-mentloned unnamed point: thence east 20 chains: thence north 8 chains to low water; thence westerly 20 chains: thenre south to point ot com-from mencement. and containing 20 acres. TAKE NOTICE that the Brttlh Co-rujnbla Pluhlng & Packing Company. Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation, fishing and (mcklaf Intend to apply for a lease ot the following described lurcAhQre, situate fronting on Lot 3, Range 5; Const District: Conunenclng at a Unit Dlanted at a nolnt on tha .of Lot 2; thence northerly to mean hlgli water marc: tnence uresteny and aoutn- er"r- n high water mark. to the point of commencement, and con taining ten acres, more or less. BUITISH COLUMBIA FISHLNO tl PACKINO CO.. LTD. J. H. Busnnell, Agent. Dated 24th June 1829. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to i.eae Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, ! Land Recording District of Prince Rup. , crt, and situate near the mouth of Uas i sett Inlet at Seven Mile Point. Take notice that Langara Pishing St .Packing Con Many. Limited, of Masaett, 'u.C. occuptVlon, salmon canners, In- tends to apply for a lease of the follow. ,n Ascribed lands: i coramenelng at a post planted near ; the northeast corner of Lot 4259, chatas: thence northerly 5 chains; thence easterly 10 chains following low water: 1 thaMAS Allkta ft Akalna A Mini aI LAND ACT S'otroe of Intention to Apply to Lease Land In the Queen Charlotte Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at an unnamed point on the northeast of Zsyet Island, north ot the eastern extremity oi the unnamed lake on Zayes Island. EUGENE HUitPHKM 8IUPSOM. AUTHOR ROBERTON. B7 the Agent. John William Uoorehouas). Dated June 7th. 1929. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. Telephone 657. S.D.Johnston Co.Ltd. Representatives for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited Through our connections we can make prompt execution of buying and selling orders on the Vancouver, Calgary and Toronto stock exchanges. Closing price! from these exchanges posted on our stock board twice daily. Orders from out-of-town clients, by wire or letter, will receive our prompt attention. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 610 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert B.C. By George McManus lAU. RIGHT- 1 VJA6 OUST COlMd ' DOVJN TO BAIL, MDUR. BROTHER