1- Do you read the classified advertisements? on September 9 I PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY NEWS Mondav. Aii...i . Strength for the Sultry Days WO C AH With all the hran of the whole wheat Mental buoyancy and physical alertness come from eating the t ... crisp flavory shreds of whole wheat with milk. Delicious for i luncheon with berries. IThe The Gin Gin of of Quality Quality f&$Sw that tat has has enjoyed enjoyed fsT" finest To i jjKgr a world world wide wide ItgNDON DRYgj ! Wf Popularityfor popuIarityfor I80f I80f" fclSsSWXiE I r ..J. aol.' II -tOmaMMM" years:,. JOSEPH JOHV VlCKERS V CO. Lii iovdo 17S0 CUKB 4 Jam Vtnii This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government o' British ColnroMa DEMAND "Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD' Smoked Daily by Canadian Fisli & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. QUom Biead& MM1 Bimd. Qltatosur Goodecim defter i TOURIST RUN PULP Mill FOR - ! NEARLY OVER PRINCE GEORGE Canadian National Coast Steamers Frank P. Jones Still Active Will Revert to. Tall Schedule , Connection With Project, BROADCASTING IMPROVEMENTS ARE PREDICTED Canadian National to Do IU Part i:trndlnic IV of Canadian 1 Slat Ion that hu. tver Uken plae alnee ootmnencraicnt of the art a few Um o." U ttM prediction of W. D. Ilotob. vlo-prldnt, Caxutdton National Railways, In whoM department radio la included. "Two major faotor wUI torlng this about," continued Mr. Root). "The extcnalon of regular weekly ohedule of network broa4Mtln( on a national aeale, and a marked improvement In programa generally, and especially talent from their own country. ' "I oan only apeak tor the Canadian National Railway, but a the nation' greatest broadcaater. now operating 13 itationa and owning the only ayatem of wire adapted for broadcMtrnf under one direction atretchinf from ooatt to coast, we are planning to tn-atltute marked improvement ouraetvea and to cooperate in every way pos sible to assist other broadoartert In doing similarly. Commencing In October, we are planning to extend our national networks three times weekly from the Martttmea to the Rooky Mountains, and once or twice from Atlantic to Pacific. "These regular weekly national broadcast should go far to create a better jreiier mutual mutual understanding uaaerssanauig among amonaj Eastern Reports State in ! With the tou ist season now ap- Frank P. Jones, until .recently proaching its close, Canadian Na- head of the Beauharnois Power tional Coast Steamship in abotit Co., is reported to be behind an-two weeks' time will revert to fall j other move to establish a pulp and ; schedule. paper plant at 0 near the city of PRINCE GEORGE MILL BUSINESS Fnlling Off Expected Balance of Year Owing to Prairie Market Situation Owing to a number of mill.' curtailing operations in view of the condition of the lumber market on the'praires, a decrease in tVtA rir aWnlo in P"inrp ftenrorp (lift. ON FALL SCHEDULE trict during the remainder of the year is anticipated. There was u!te ' off In he "th With the tourist season now f sm"nted to practically over, sailings of Cana- Ju y0"i,he, but dian Pacific steamers on the Skag- W' VSSVm" way route are about to be reduced '"ru " 7' ",c " ' to fall schedule. The voyages of fef J0 first of tne the Princess Louise, which was in port this morning northbound, and that of the Princess Charlotte, which will be here next Monday northbound, will be the last ones on summer schedule. Ariving here on Saturday morning of next week northbound, the Princess Louise will operate on a ten-day schedule until early in October, when she will be replaced by the Princess Alice. In November the schedule will be reduced to twice a month for the winter, the service to be car-ied out by the new steamer Princess Norah . The Princess Mary will be operated throughout the winter on the usual weekly service between here and Vancouver via Ocean Falls and other ports. sevetif months year however, the district scale is stilt head of that for the corresponding peHod in 1923, the totals for 1929 and 192R to date being, respectively, 6fi.084.8G9 and. 59.5 10, G95 board ftet . The large preponderance of, timber production in the P- ince .George district if spruce, which so far this year ! amounts to 57,526,667 board feet. Fir, balsam. p;ne and cedar came ;in smaller iuanti!ies in the order mentioned. SCHOOL BOARD HOLDS MEETING KITSUMKALUM Number of Terrace Ratepayers Present and Take Part in Discussion TERRACE. Aug. 24. There was a fair attendance of ratepay-rs a! a meeting of the Kitsum-kalum school boa-d. held on Wed nesday afternoon in the municipal In hall. - , The aerreUrylrepojfted 'flavin received thl reatonatien 'of Mlfcs Montreal, Au. ag: Tht tbejHeeter Wriifjht teacher of Grades nxt is month wm w the gTtrt 1 1 II and lV. gnd the pr)lnt- idvnce in broadeMting in ow4i'mn 0f U0, Msrirris Monro of Vlctnrin o fill the vacanacy at a salary of $1100. Correspondence showed that the C.N.R. were contributing to the school taxes of the dletriet, a matter which had been under question hv some of th ratenayers. At the t-equett of the fair bonrd, permission wm ffiven for Miss Gwyer and M'tS Munrn. the new teachers on the school staff, to itidiro b ("cnrml work at the fair, nrnvided if did not interfere with the'r regular classes. O-ders wr Issued fw the re-lir.trn of bdtb h nilbHc schol hd hr. bitfh ncbool heater. Tenders for the supnl.vlng of twenty rords of fnur-fot wod ba'f lack nine and hU hemloeV were opened and the contract was warded to the Terraee Transfer P . n n Ttat. of 6.75 ri"' Tt-d. Other tender Were received frnn .T. noVo-cirrimeaux and A. Wil- th. nrnvlnrm. unit, mar Alu.lv. thai .. HSma ftf . S7 an' . 1 l !(''" ' many many .elfmenU,. efment. and1 n UUeresU tfauwaW within within The' "tndW Wrif tbw Terrspo our country and remove trie feeling 6x isolation felt In not a few Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors When travelling between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, hire cars and trucxs from YOUNG BROTHERS Skidegnte, n.C. Trsn-f-T1 for'fhe attrtnlvlnc t ('""! nr.. of P..mbna coal at $t3.r0 pe- ton was accepted, there being no other bid'. The rn.ners nr"ept were sVed to inin In a discussion of the requested ra'se In Ihe secre-tarvN snlnw and a heated orgu-min' intci-npred with some fireworks, reunited, but In the end th(i matler was left with the tr'istees to settle among themselves . WEEK AT THEATRE Mon. & Tues. Double Dill, "The Conquest" and t "Modern Love." Wed J VriyAiitorilo Mo- reno in- "Nameless Mtn.'' Thur., Fri. and Sat, The mlraclo of the screen "Uncle Tom's Cabin." 'The last sailing from here for Prince George. Through the newly rill T7 niipirn PTiXjn I v the south on summer schedule will formed Fraser River Pulp & Pa- L. W. fULlL DUiULU 0 J11U.II be that of the steamer Prince per Co., Mr. Jones and associates. , George on the afternoon of Monday, September '9. This will also mark the completion of the final iSkagway voyage of the season. I After September 9 the Prince Rupert will arrive from the south Wednesday mornings and the Prince Geonre Saturday morning' at 10:80. The Wednesday boat will sail at 4 p.m. fo Anyox and Pfewart. returning here at 8 p.m. Thursday and sailing -ouMi at 10 ti.m. that day. The Saturday boat will sail at 4 p.m. for Stewart and KetcMkan, returning Vnr" at 8 p.m. Sunday and sailing south at 10 the same evening. The Queen Charlotte Island evice will be mnintiined on a fortnightly basis between her and Vancouver bv the Prince Charles or rince John. The fall schedule w'll be in force until November fjrvwlMeh there will be but a weekly boaj lio tween here and Vancouver for th: winter. C.ANDIN.Prinr ALSKA BOATS SOON are closely investigating me ijCv. whole proposition particularly with regard to markets, it is said in the east, and it is probable, before the enterprise is proceeded with, that jkhe British market will be canvassed so that guarantees may be obtained of a steady overseas market. Three engineers are now taking the field one a pulp-wood expert, the second investigating power possibilities, and the third in general charge. On their reports the ayndicate will complete its plans. 4 . Wilson Officiated nt Chapel Yesterday and Oddfellows' Lodge at Graveside Many members of the Oddfel' lows' and Rebekah Lodges gathered yesterday afternoon to attend the funeral of the late C. W. Fultx. Rev. Alfred Wilson of First United Church officiated at the serv'ce in the chaoel of the II. C Undertakers and Mrs. J. W. Mc-Kinley presided at the organ. Hymns were "Neare- My God to TfW ,ml Led R'tnd'y Light." The burial service at the" grave-M w"i onduct-d by he Oddfe'-'ow' Lodge with Murdo Mc-Arthur. ""ble grand, and J. Blackball, chaplain, taking charge of tb-rites.' PallbfUirerH ware J. T,. MeTn- DurinRjtosh, Albe-t Wood, W. S. Ham jmond, Murdo McLod. J. W. .Mr jKlnley and James Haddon. There were many floral Cant. !nd M A. Prince, who have been visiting for the past year in Newfoundland, returned to the citv on Saturday afternoon's train. mm. Git Ik Habit ! Call at Cash & Carry THE PLACE WHERE YOU CAN SAVE MONEY AND GET(VALUE $5 Order or Over Delivered Free HERE ARE OUR SPECIALS RED ARROW BISCUITS $1.00 box for B9c RED ARROW lar 26c pkg. BISCUITS Regu- for SAANICII CLAMS Per tin MINCED CLAMS Per tin PUMPKIN 21-2-lb. tin .., 19e ,16c ,15c .15c ASPARAGUS TIPS Is 82c ASPARAGUS TIPS Small ...19c SHAKER SALT Windsor. Pkg 10c MALKIN'S BEST SPINACH 2 1-2-lb. tin 21c MALKIN'S CUSTARD POWDER Is. Per tin 81c FIELD TOMATOES Per basket SOc CUCUMUERS-3 for 26c CORN ON COB Per doi. . . .45c GREEN BEANS OR.WAX-8 lbs. for .26c STROH'S MALT EXTRACT Hop flavored. Per tin $1.00 PHONE 3G0 Cash & Carry 319 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G8 Cartige, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gruvel We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. MON. AND TUES. Two stiuwk 7 and J p m, GREAT DOUBLE BILL MONTY BLUE in "CONQUEST" and "MODERN LOVE" PATIIE NEWS Admission, 15c and 50c Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' J. A. Kirkpatrick SIXTH STREET, PRINCE RUPERT UNION SUiTS at SALE PRICES MEN 'Hare's Value e For warmth and satisfactory service, you'll find BALimiGGAN COMWNATIONS will suit you to a "T." Lon sleeve, ankle !encth. Color, ecru. Regular 51.C0 Value. CLEARING PRICE 95c ' IHNtSiqamQNADE PANTS Regular $2.25 value. Clearing price S1.35 FURNACE or STOVE WOOD Inside Spruce and Hemlock, Cut 11 and 16-Inch $1.50 PER DOUBLE LOAD RbX CUTTINGS, $3.50 PER LOAD HYDE TRANSFER 171 3rd Avenue East PHONE 580 Heated Storage HAGGAGE COAL CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TQ FLOATING W' Engineers, Machinists, Boilermaker lllacksmlths, l'attc w Makern, Founders, Woodworkers, iac ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 4.1 AND 385 Try a Daily News Want A