Me. P.VGB SIX The Double Top "A check? Dale exclaimed in amazement. "Yea. he said my own personal check will do. Then he laugh Thrilling Mystery Story In 30 chapters V V:J:" (trHimkW LAN DON INSTALMENT XXX. cjarry a ch)v fpr ?1QQ,000. B tl) way vh,it kind of car do you. drlvQ?" 1 "A Waynefleet 8 sedan." "He looked a little envious. "That's a regular speed demon, isn't it?" ed and added that the Castle iyiBf , "Father, has been thinking of Dale regarded her in stupefao . , .. ' T . haven't as much money as tha . vvord(sr,he gazed at her in U-e bank. Anyway, payment . , ,.jf ,f , couM be stopped. . , , , .. V j, ... ' a spin p it before dinner? balance las. "I overdrew my wnth." she confessed. i ''V. Jer were- ful1 Dale frowned perplexedly :of Ty8.tif ,- ,tion- .f coura-e ' Thai's too deep for me. Didnt ; ""0,,I 1 mind. I'll give you an think Dr. Moi.elt was such j u the jwrage.' She step-trusting soul. What else did hp.""0'1 to lhfl wdtlna desk, wrcle gay?" i something, then handed him a ?'He said I am to bring thr, ,f MP"- , check to him in person and-" ! Thank- Dale,, nutting "Oh!" Dale interrupted, and1 nnP',r x-1 his socket. "Now re-suddenly his face turned grave ""HJibcr this. Whatever happens "Not so trustful after all. Hp "nlirht, I shan't be far away. I'll gave you elaborate instructions I closer than you imagine. You I suppose?" ' w"' be watched, of course, by "I am to take the car out and pn o nr- Moffett's hirelings drive along Broadway, between who wil1 keen his eyes Pen for Herald Squire and Fiftieth SU-n'r 8ln f trickery. You will about 11 tonight." ' tlrive carefully and avoid '"The after-theatre rush "" Ml VfibM put. ."So'mtosMe,; "Avoid-wbat?" nlppg the route, I take itsnm ' A'Bumps. You don't want lo be ooqy win arop a ,note.:in.?p tft i.jcfr'f seat tolling, you hoy proeeea. He warned you," o ij&Urse, that you must be alon ...jjlje. car, .that you, mustn't ha -mustn't diseussthe' arrangement " TRnfs what te "vbul b'in y- till you. What'-'li idwl"' r "I. dou,'t .uadrstnd.' 1 Dale ' iWarded her "H'aflP.7 frowning kmc, I. iftf! Jid you' If 1 all, shaken up before you arrive That s Important. She w a long breath of stupefaction. "Very well. I'll avoid bumps. Anything else?" any one follow you, and that yoi I "That's all. I'll now go for my spin In the Waynefleet 8. Thai will give me an annetite for dinner. Believe I shall dine at Flayer's. The chef there knows natural how to " il devcHsb"" paused. For a moment he j stood and inspected the ceiling. j "The hef there knows how to with'. appease a long-suffering palate." "I'emem ihe went on. and as hp snnVp h ber what he told you that tho. sprang lightly to the door, flung Catle name U always good'' it open; and in a moment had Ohl she started suddenly. the snuirmine and nrotestlne IIT ,1. , j , I ne. wiinjui miner win maxe me check. aod. Yes, perhaps he would if he could." "Dr. loffett thinks he can " "Jlut a chieck exacted by ;. t'lTtat" ld intimidation woultf Mt have any legal validity." , "Xft, hut " pale hwiUtfd. His expression was a uraus bland of grinwiea anii geotlehess. "You might wall understand the fiendisb plan. Dr. Muffett specified that you are to deliver the check m person. He means to keep jdii as a hjtge luitil it has been paid. From now on ha Intends to exeri doub.le .jPraMure on your fathei Ha alraady haa tha Forrester (IPCUmenta, now he will have you beaidea. That givea him a double barreled weapon. If you are In his power, he feels that your father will make the check good somehoweven if he has to rob a safe or two to do it" "Yea, and he would, too." Dale suddenly brightened a Httl. "Duck up I Don't you see the silver lining? Dr. Moffett is weakening. He is on the run." ''Weakening?" "He is no longer relying on blaeljmHjl Jalape.. His original scheme hasn't proved as sue-ceaaul as he expected, and so he tifis changed his method. That la a sign of weakness. It's also ourjeue to strike." :"Vhcn?" Again her drooping splfl( caught the contagion of "flight, . if you are In the irfoKr"1i-bltiof adventure." "You don't mean- " "Yes, I would advise you to do exactly as Dr. Sloffett says. Are you willing?" Her hesitation was brief. A g)eatn of audacity entered her eyes. "Oh,'" yea, since you advise It I" W -ibley by the neck, "Quiet, Wambley," he advised. "Miss Castle,, we must put him some place for the next few hours. I don't want him to get In touch with anybody." Adele, quickly recovering from her urirfe, though for a moment. "There's a room-in the at-tic-r " "Lead us to it. please. Better step along quietly. Wambely, or a hard working spy will come to rif." Wambley decided to step alonp quietly. They left him in thr room, hands and feet securelv bound and a gag covering the lower portion of his face. Dale locked the door with care. Fifteen1 minutes later he was gliding gently un Broadway in the Waynefleet sedan. He crossed the Harlem River and pursued a twisting course for a while. At length he stopped in front of a lsrre service station and interviewed the grimy foreman. "How many men can you put to work on this car?" he asked. "I have seven mechanics, but four of them knock off in half an hour. What seem to be the trouble?" "Keen your mechanics," said Dale. "I'll pay well. This Is a rush Job. I want a new top on this car." The man in the greasy overalls viewed the black,', unwrlnkled top with a puzzled lpdk. Then he opened the door and ipspected the under side of the covering. He fixed a mystified eve qn l)ih. "What's wrong with old one?" "Nothing, except that I want a new top." He leaned toward h man and cocked an eye confidentially. "I want a two-laver top," he elucidated In an undertone, "with plenty of room be tween the two layers. Better nut "That's the spirit! You will betfn some extra braces, too. It has driving along Broadwa, betweeriito be strong enough to support Herald Rquar;; ;md Fiftieth St., a weight of 170 pounds." abouj 11 o'clock tonight. In your1 The man's irease-spattered bag or your pocket you will j brow went up. He eyed Dale's prepossessingly garbed figure suspiciously, with an expression of limited understanding, then shrugged his shoulders. "And you don't want the bulge to show, I guess," he wisely surmised. "All right, gov'nor, l-itau. fix. you up but you know, it's ;ronna cost you something." "" "I expect "to pay well for a -ood job." Dale looked the man straight in the eyes. "And 1 am willing to add a premium for silence. Have it ready not later than 10 o'clock." Ho walked away and hailed, a taxi on the street corner. Thc-m.ln watched him with a qqeer rrin. "Don't know whether that bird nntB to lug a corpio or a couple hundred quarts of hooch. Nothjn' u my life, anyhow. Looks like a. well, Guess hp wont argue 'bout 'he price." He turned And shou 1 toward the interior of the gar "e: "Hey, yo.u fellers!" House in the Country After lea vim? the narasre. Dale bi'rrifd homeward to inquire of kins, whether any important 'etters or telephone messages iad arrived durine his absence 'In hummec) a little tuna and he "Kffi as ir ne expected an ex-"Hrating evening. If. all went "'!, and if he struck no ungx- ?cted snags in tho execution ol 'n carefully prepared plan, Dr " ffrtt . woulcl oat tomorrow mornin"'s breakfast behind bar " f stc.eU . " The thought was at once grat-"vinT and depressing. How wuld Adele Castle take the frash of her illusion? But shr must knoy some time, and the sooner the better. She was -, .nd even the cruelest wounds heal auicklv in vouth. Besides, it was best that she hould discover the fatal truth for herself. Only the testimony of her own eyes and ears woul' :onvince her that Paul Ain worth was a blackguard. Indirec idence. no matter how inrnres she. she would thrust aside wit: A.tosa.of her proud head. Dale dismissed the taxi out side his residence and in a fev "Boments he was interview the faithful but villainous-look sng Bilkins. The telephone hav oeen ringing all afternoon, 'Bil 41)13 announced, but no one hat left a message. Dale skimmed over a few let ers, but there was nothing oi ilijportance. He was not disappointed. In this situation, m ttewa was good news. He dismissed Bilkins and wen, ,tp the telephone. It was mon. chun likely that, some time during thp ntaVit Vto wmiM wan. bummers in a hurry, and lu wanted to be sure where ht ;ould bo found. His lips twitched humorously as he called tht number. For the Picaroon to de .iver -a dangerous criminal intc .summers' hands was indeed ah amusing thought, and it wav precisely what Dale expected ti happen. But Summers could not be rusher either at his office of ua residence, and Dale hung up, ntsnding to make another attempt later. From a drawer ii lis desk he took several quain; .rtlcles and distributed then, among his pockets. Then ht glanced at his watch and hurried out. A taxi with flag raisec .ame crUjsing along, and h nillcd it and jumped in, fallinv to perceive that an Inconspku oub individual across the streei was watching him with market interest. "Fiaggler's restaurant on Hec-or Street," he told the driver. His mind was busy while th -axl carried him to his destlna lion. He reviewed each step Ii the program he had mapped out About 10:30 the Waynefleet, would draw up in front of th Castle residence. The street, hi knew, would be dimly lighted at that point. The driver woul disappear, and no one was likely to notice what became of him. About a quarter to eleven Mist Castle' would step out, take her place at the wheel, and drive tbward Herald Square. Somewhere between that point and Fitf tleth Street she would receive a noteAor an oral message telling her where to iro. All the while she would be under the closest kind of surveillance by Dr. Moffctt's agents. If any ono should attempt to follow hpr nt a discreet distance, or communi cate with her along the routo. Dr. Moffett's spies would know It. It was even possible that, nt one of the traffic stons. some nna would glance into the i n make sum thnt tha rnr ' f.4", rled no concealed passenger. f A 1'HE DAILY NEWS . Monday, Aujrw ;'2C. PICTURESQUE CONTENDERS FOR WORLD'S SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIP Between 350 and 400 g ;ase lovt-uj swimmers will pi age into the waters of Lake O .tario on W"! 28. in front of the Canadian National Exhibition (Irounds at Toronto, in the men's section of the fourth ,g thon. The course is approxi natelv 15 miles, and the cash prizes total $36.fi00, of which $25,000 goen tn " The above lay-out shows five of the men who are regarded, as likely to make the best showing. No. 1 is ' . of Toronto, winner of the first Wrigley Marathon, who has been in constant training since last summit :' No. 2 is Mendel! Burditt of Toronto, onto, who wno made maue a a splendid spienaia showing nowmg last last year, year, when wpen n6 no one one finished nnisneu Imm imm water; No. 3 te Ernst Vierkotter Upon as Young's most dangerous opponent; pponent; Marathon in 1927; No. 5 isMaurice ice 'earn that .lames U. Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell of this city, has been promote to the vlee-princlpalshlp, of the West Vancouver high school. He has been op the staff of that school for the past threo years, having formerly been on the high, school staff nt Anyox. .u-of -Germany in hi 5 coat of black grease. 11$. won, the rare two years an . No. 4 is Eddie Keating of Sew '" ork. .who beat Vierkotter in the Hume, of the American-Canadian Swimming' ttub' of tSe ttle, a pow i f low with a splendid chance to finish close to the top. ) .JIJ, Dale chuckled amusedly. The pies might look In all the ob- ious hiding places. In the hu-nan' tnass that would swirl up ;nd down Broadway at that hour hey could easily do so without' ittracting attention . to them-elves. But they would never hlnk of inspecting the top. Whoever .heard of a passenger being concealed in such .& place? Not 'en MUs Ca.tle would have an nkling .of such a thing, that u'ght haye made her self-cons--.ious and distrait, and the spies ould have been quick to notice er state of mind. As for her destination, he ould make a fairly accurate urmise a.8 to that. In his mind vas a 'picture of a house just cross the Connecticut border, heltered. by a tall picket fence nd dense clumps of trees, giving he eye .an ' impression of an ab-indoned And dilapidated estate. ' gloomy place it was, looking little' sinister at night in its ''ill and dreary aloofness. This was the house to which e had trailed the car on the light ojf; the Mummers.' Frolic, 'le had' spent the next day re lononltreing the immediate en-'irons, 'but without approaching ory close to the house itself. It seemed almost certain that his wa the house to which MIm "astle was to be directed, but he ould n)t be quite positive. Hav-'ng dispatched her on a hazar-'ous advonture, be could not amble with her safety. And so e had conceived the idea of refining with her. almost within rm's reach, from start to finish. It promised to be an eventful 'ght p the Picaroon's career. He tingled with suppressed ex-itement As he stepped from the laxl, too preoccupied to notice hat another vehicle had drawn 'to. iust n few paces to tho rear md that its sole occupant ffajfe Mm a sustained glance as he Il-'Hted. ; To Be Continued Tomorrow IIMMY MITCHEI! IS ADVANCEH ON STAFF OF WEST. VAN. HIGH SCHOOI, Wal friends will be pleased to BAMBINO LEADS HOME HITTERS KTook Inter-League Iadenhip With Two Circuit Blow Yesttrday; Yanks and Athletjet Lose Again NEW YORK, Aug. 2C: Babe Cuth gained the Major league home rup leadership on Sunday with his thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth circuit clouts of the season off Pitcher Stewart but the St Louis Browns scored their fourth consecutive win over the Yankees. Philadelphia Athletics got only four hits off Alphonse Thomas and tht Chicago White Sox nade it three out of four with a hree to nil victory. The Detroit Tiger won Jhe final game of a series over the Vashington Senators. The Boston Red Sox concluded Ht'r western trip by dividing a double header with Cleveland Indians for a record of 12 wins In 18 starts since leaving homo. Sweeltlna carried the Phillies' to victory with a shut-out over Brooklyn Kobjna In tlje National League. Week-end scores: Saturday flames American League Boston 5-2, Cleveland 2-C. Philadelphia 5, Chicago 2. Washington 9. Detroit C. New York 0, St. Uula 4. National League Pittsburgh 8-C, New York W-7. Cincinnati R-0. Brooklyn ?-8. Chicago 9. Philadelphia C. St. Louis 3, Boston 1. Sunday Score National League Chicago 3-10, Cincinnati 6-1. Philadelphia 4, Brooklyn 0. St. Louis 4, Boston 0. 1 American League Washington 7, Detroit 8. Philadelphia Q. Chicago 3. Boston 4-5. ClevcJaml 5-3. New York 2, St. Louis 3. Bin LEAGUE STANDINGS National League W. L. Tel. Chicago SO 37 .634 Pittsburgh 67 49 .G78 New York .65 55 .542 St. Louis 60 59 .hot Brooklyn 64 65 .454 ClnetnnilU 52 69 .430 Philadelphia 49 69 .415 Boston v. -r 48 72 .400 Sport j,Chat 0, For .the frst.lme in the his tory of swrt in the central interior, "TtrAW and SmHhers baseball huHkhifl'TA'k on tha diamond durhg--th"reeont Flower Show at j Hasten. T,he result was a well earned Victory for the Terraca boys' wild obtained an early lead and ran out winners on the long end of a 12 to 10 score. Kenney and Nelson comprised the Terrace battery with Goodaere and Devoin for Smithers. Sid Wlnsby of Hazel-ton was an efficient umpire. Soon after setting a new National League record for gamoa won at 3TB victories, ti rover Cleveland Alexander, haro of the 11926 world aeries, Is in the bad graces of the St. louie C rdma! management facing at' least suspension for breaking training rules. The 12-year-old pitcher who broke the record of "nig Six" Christy Mathewaon, was aent home from New York last week by Bill MeKechnle, Bed Bird manager, after Alexander disregarded the manager's warning that hia next escape would be his last. It was Alexander's refusal to be disciplined that enabled the Cards to obtain the famous hurler during tho 1926 season from the Cubs. MODEL YACHT CLUB FORMED Charles Taylor Elected President nnd W. Sandison Secrefnry Saturday Night Ivocal yacht model owners, meet Ing on Saturday evening in Ihe Ca nadian Legion rooms, decld organize under the name! of n WW uanauian National Model iftcn Club, which will be a branch of the local Canadian National Railways Recreation Club. Charles Taylor was elected president nnd W. Sandlaon secre. tary. Donald Ross was named delegate to the Canadian National Recreation Club, It was decided meantime to have only one class of boat four feat six Inches long scratch ntyl with beam of notmore than Qne-ttyrd of the lengilrl A;,: V.. r Local Ite ' .1. speiv'ing t' 'l;fpr:'.i tuVned hnie Charles th; rv MdicHl physician w.i-. the Prim-'" J iag on ru t ..i ' couver for ' ii' who had 1 1 ii.i-If on the w.i.v Arthur H. ' tha local bva-Montreal an.i motored n-i oh a holid.ty t city f vol: Plrnce Ckiii ' ! I t..: n 1 fr-- La." f r- ' v f..' A ' - r " Mrs. Jnnv; v ': ter. Miss IV,, M. "tt, are p.-. 1 Prince Ch i'T. to their hnw " Charlotte Man,' -de th.- i',.,1 Li '"'1' . : In. nil !n"l- ' - '"' "irlved ii ' . 'Oeorge th - r " 1 -t '" iag spent the w' .' " north. Mr O tan 10 spenu " Mr. n1 M: tuned to h'; , . , : , - - - 7 . . m- . 1 ' 1 . . '. '.'IT'."'" , ... unit ' Mm. Smith v f"f;L Marine L..r M v, Mr A -"" this city. Mr. and M - Olct ... t.M..i-, ..n.l M"'. .Misses r.ianii.: - . berge will s?ZZv noon on tnc y ver. Jirs. ".- iccompnnico ' ,ntft While Mr. Be '' w" 1 s Winnipeg . KxVlf IHTION son" The draw J: "smes which win ue.)(ii week In entire N(1 1 N U. U as follows Biological Stutjv -M " M a. .I Scott haro plros.