I hit?' August 2G, 1929 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE FIT! Cent THURSDAY. Bftl t ..WAY AND ?ts l -muma av THIS WEEK' Three Days Only Sec Hand Hills for List of Articles Please Note : This is cash and carry . No charges! Xo telephone orders. No deliveries. Sale Starts Thursday Morningat 8 o'clock s "7jc Pioneer HIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. - o "Caterpillar MEAN HETTIill, QUICKER, Sole Distributors for Ii. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & 910 STATION STREET, VANCOUVER. B.C. Brunches: Prince George, Kelowna, Nelson , , . UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED .Haillnit i'mni rrliuv I'upert Icr VAN()LtK, VK10KIA, ttanm ltd), itutrdak. Alrrt fit., urn. I .. p.m. Mr OIUU. li TOICl A. Ilulrdalr. Alert M .. t'rhUy inlIn:glil r AI.KK AH.M, A.MtJ.x, MLii.iiu, Cat :00 D.IU l .1 ft: ( MMI'-ON AMI U'AI.KN ISLAM!. Tflurti. p.m. I.J . .l .riiin.' It. M - r.lllil II . . - li iiiktl' MUtl lo tinvriM '; l.( ilr-lll:ltlol). B. C.C04ST I la Krt. tilkMi. WrnwtvM. AU(iit t. 5, . 11. VACinci To Vanromrr. VI rn mattJ Aiigii't S. 7. 10, II, IK. m. " n d n'llf 17. 21. tX. 2ft. PKINt Ess MtKV Ocmn I'1. rtr . Vanromrr ami Uctorli every Friday 10 p.m. mt for all frainhlp Un V w. r ouch 1 PrlHcr ItUDert. IJ C Canadian pic Large Kailway STEAMSHIP AND : riUNTK 1MTF.UT for and n:. rmpi1lal ixiltiU. Monday. loi ANVox at,d STKHAKT. Monday. p iM.l I rldaji. 4 p.m. oi Mx: : iTr INLET l-OKTM. .Mondijw. S p.m. 11' j: w M)i ii ti'v ii tin ii rii: isLAMim. fortiilihtlr l "K uiU i. HrdnrUat, 4 p.m. CANSLMIKM THAINM IKWK rHt.WL' KVKRI k ' ' " "VIIA Kmt.I'T CIMIAV t l:S0 a in lor PltlNCi: (iM)lt(lE, LHMON- " m.NMI'LO, all KilllU fcaIMIt .lllr.aiY Al.l, IKi;A JIM'""" .i-.r..-. Tlcki t Office, 528 Third Ave, Prime itupcrt Phone 260 f Plumber Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S4S .OimonSipo and KILN DRIED t Si.ka Spruce and Cedar Finish, Ceiling, unci SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edgcgrain Hemlock Flooring? J 1 x 3" and 4" Sitka Spruce Ceiling ' 1 x 4" and 6" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PMNCE IIUPEKT. . C. Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 361 Krtail Yard, Cow Bay, Telephone 123 News Want Ads. DmteisLs TEXEPMONrS 8200 Tractors" CHEAPER LOGGING $23 EQUIPMENT CO., LTD. . iiivrr, i-uri simoi., nun .linn ronw nvprri, it.M. riwiir .ana nuiiacr incrura STE SERVICES ; 71 Jnra Ki) m;i.nAi. aoext Thou SI National Sylcm in America TRAIN SERVICE VANfOt KR. V lr IOIH Vlr'ATTLK ThurAi). 4 p.m.; daturda, 7 p.m. luuu. iniim ruiri, - king quid Results, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Ewart Lyne, teacher of pianoforte. 5 Summit Apartments. ! Phone Black 345. (203) District Game Warden T. Van T)vk iri-lvn,l In iV,a .iftr rnm i interior on Saturday afternoon's train. ,. . Sam Jabour returned, to the city on Saturday afternoon's train from a business trip J to Prince George. ,"! Mrs. R. Dowther returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a' brief business trip to Vancouver. James Killas returned to the city recently after having spent nearly a month on a prospecting trip for placer irold un one of the tributaries of the Skeena Uiver. Miss Steina PhllliDson. sistpr of Mrs. Harry Ormistoa, arrived in the city on Saturdar afternoon train from Onland. She will attend high' school here during the coming year. Mrs. Robert ninn'nn H.-ftntVi. er, Miss Marjorle planee, who have been holidajri-fb'Mhe c.iB ui we nam-lyn, returned to' tho eTty frbm the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. F. D. Mathers, local represent Utive of the B. C. Packers, re-'urned to the city on yesterday 'fternoon's train frr.m n ririf to the Skeena IUver on com- "nv hnmnifl Claxton is the only B. C. Packers cannerv still " oneration or thn iUrppna Pftro cJoijWd' down ANNmiNl'KMF.VTS Premier" Orchestra's opening . . .1 rr-1 1 i uance. ine aance oi me season. Moose Hall, September 20. A whoopee ! Catholic Bazaar. October 2 an J STOMACH PAINS? i Get rid of them Perman- ! ently with "Fruit-a-tives." "Fruit-a-Uves" will rid you of gas, flt-uVncc, or pain aftrr eating, and make life worth living again. Mrs. Annie Glover, Ottawa, writes: A luffMvr frra Indifaftion, ronttipatiAit, drtidful Honuch patn, I tried 'Fruil'svi'. Sooo ih ill r a thing of th pl." Fruit-a-tives" acts naturally on the system. Grotty and quickly it Jtrcnffthtns the whole digestive tract. It awakens liver, bowels and kidneys, soothes thr itoruach. Get a 2Y rOc box at .your drutgfct's today. End di(eadve trouble Inlander Mess i. , v Board and room by week or month . Cheerful Comfortable PHONE 137 Auditorium Dance August 20, 27, 28, 29, from 9 to 12:30 PREMIER ORCHESTRA Good music and a good maple floor is the fonndation of a good dance. That is what you will find if you come here on the above ..dates, jjidies, 25; Gentlemen, 50c SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER .. -iXUL, , : 'utllrigV Workmnrishlp and Slylr All (I'uiirnntml iUI'lS STEAM CI.EA.MEI AND v PRESSED v Dslivvr to An Purl of tin City. Ling, the Tailor -. Pfwne 619 Dentist Dr. J. It. Gosse. Phon-686. This afternoon's ..train, due from the east at ,3,(1, was reported this morning, to be on time. Aid. A. J. Prudhomme returned to the city on Saturday af ternoon's train from Smithers. where he attended the Fall Fair. Clarence InsulahdeiV who; has been -taking an electrical engineering course in Minesota, re-tured home from the east on Saturday afternoon's train. F. Buckle, field engineer for the Granby Co., after spending a few days in the city, Bailed Saturday night aboard tne Griffiths yacht Sueja III for Alaska. Motorahip Bellinirham, Cant. J. E. Anderson, was In port Saturday afternoon from Ketchikan tischargintf five carloads of canned salmon for 'transshipment east over the Canadian, National Railways. P. M. Monckton, well known Victoria land surveyor and a former resident of Terrace, dis-embarkjri here from the Princess Alice x&Saturday afternoon. He has J'e.jpjdjjtig the summer 'engaged in mineral tmrvey work ;n the Dease and Llard River sections. L. C. Jacobs of Montreal, construction manager for the Power Corporation of Canada, returned to the city Saturday evening after a visit to the Falls River y.Hroelectric power development Mte ani will remain. Jiere for the next few ds . M: .flection rt tfc rta mm ior an early start-.mk ftti struc- tlon wotlc. UcgtTMKitf proceed to Stewart later fn the week. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Women orgirl for general fcousework. RhrneiiR 454 aftef C p.rttf t 201 "BUILD K. C Thanks Many If Everyone Mrs. Wilson's demonstration at the Exhibition, showing how to whip Pacific Milk, attracted considerable interest, brought in some new recipes ., qus that we again f ikMIM Pacific Milk re cipe so well demonstrated by ' flM. lson. We will do so gladly and you may expect to see it in Saturday's paper. PACIFIC MILK Factory nt Abbotsford, IJ.C In the office or in the home at work or at ploy neatness counts I And, by the way, did you "Nugget" your shoes this morning? "mmmn TUB NUGGET" TIN OPENS WITH A TWIST I M Mrs. George Frizzell returner! to the city on yesterday after-' noons train from a brief bust-, ness trip to Port Essington. I ! Most of the intprinr pytWhitnra - - wi.iit vvt a for the local fair are arriving in the City with their anntU afternoon's train ; from the eatft. Mrs. J. G. Steen and Mrs. P W. Anderson returned to the city on Saturday afternoon's train after, having spent a week's holiday at Smithers. Another successful danro nn. der Scandinavian auspices was held in the- Boston Hall on Crt m. aiuiuajf evening, mere was quite a large attendance. Mr, and Mrs. C P have been spending a holiday in Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Catalr. yesterday afternoon. Mrs. J. H. Macey and chilf", vho have been visiting in Vancouver, returned to the city from! :he south on the Catala vptr. lay afternoon. Mrs. F. W. Bohler and W. Rps 'hompson of Tcrrac, were mong exhibitors fnr kl tat. this week who arrived from the ntetior on yesterday afternoon's train. Ernest Love, manager nf tho Stewart and Hyder telephone service, arrived on the Prince upert Saturday evnfnir from 'he north for a brief business "'lit In the city. J. E. Miller, insnector of rn. ims, was a passenger aboard the Princess Alice Saturday arter--oon returninff to Victoria aft.r having made a trip into Ihe eieirnipn LreeK district on of-'icial duties. R. G. Mel 1 in, mining engineer :n charire of the : Georgia , River :old M'nes Ltd. operations, was paasepger aboard the Catala last evening returning to Stew- rt after a trip to Vancouver. With quite a number of tourist passengers on board. C.P.P.. teamer Princess 1u1.ia. On rthur Slater, arrived In port at '0:30 this morning from Vancou- r ard sn'Ied rt l p.m. for Skag-'ay whnce she will call here oi-thbound on Saturday after-oon. J. E. Umbach. surveyor gen-nil for the Province of British Columbia, who has been on a rio into the Skeerra River di. trict and other part of Nqrlh-rn Rritish Columbia, disembar-' pd from the Princess Alice Sa turday afternoon and r,rrxeedd the interior on this mornimr's train. C.N.R. steamer Prince Gforee. "-nt. Hr-v NeHrn. from Skat?. way, and the Prince Charles, t. NpH McTan. from Van. couver, both arrh-ed In port on "me. at 10-30 this morning. The eor"e wMI aa'l at 4 o'clock this fternoon for Ocean .Falls, Pow- -11 River and Vancouver and tho nrince Charles at 8 p.m. for tewart, Anyox and Massett In t. A Man's Appearance Has more to do with his success today than it ever had. Anything that contributes to his look of well-to-doness is justified yes, necessary! Is there anything you now of that advertises success more than A NICK RING? Certainly nothing a man wears is more in evidence. Let us place our ring stock before you. JOHtfgULGEI! 'V. i (Jewellers iTIIE STORE WITH THE CLOCK aLaLaT rLaLl A. E. WARREN whose appointment as Vice-President of the Western Region of the Can adian National Railways was an nounced by Sir Henry Thornton o August j. Mrs. J. C. Drady ad son will bail this evening on the Prince ; Charles to make the round trip1 to Stewart, Anyox and Massett Inlet. Rev. George II. Raley, principal of Coqualeetza Institute, Sardis, arrived from the south on the Catala yesterday afternoon, lie is making the trip around to the Naas River on the vessel from which he will disembark here tomorrow morning to attend the exhibition at which he will be in charge of an exhibit from Coqualeetza Institute. B. C. Packers fish packer II. II. 2, which left here Thursday morning last for South Bay, Skidegate Inlet, returned to port! Saturday night. The vessel got no further than White Rocks, near where she lay hove to for two days, awaiting in vain for thn waflthfir in mwloratn In nr. der that she might' make the' crossing of Hecate Straits. On Imiinl th n. II ; inronHin returp to the islands warwte'MW dauJe aAnd Third A. Roberts of Queen ChirlX F' Av- City. He will now take paiskge on ths Prince John tonight. Union steamer Catala, Capt A E. Dickson, arrive dearly at 3 -SO yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and wayports ,and avanen ai.en ai o o p.m. p.m. ior ior Anyox, nyo oiew- stew- rt rnd northern points Whence "MV. " Stl IVUI SJ HVS C tVltSl I'MT j morning ana sail soutn at 3:30- p.m. i-assengers coming -north on the Catala included: Mrs. R. Dowther. W .0. Warren. T. J. Fitch. G. Rosenburg, Rev. G. II. Raley, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Kemp, Ucv. A E. Burgett, Mrs. worth i Went-jtUrday afternoon and sailed this nd family. Mrs. J. ILimorni,,,. hv th Prln Tnt.o Jlacey and John Postgate. for,on hls return to Wrangell. Prince Rupert; Mrs. Gray, T. A., .... Forde. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Mus- There were 124 passengers on ,r' e,Ml." , 0 NeU1- board the steamer Princess Miss Blair, n Miss Duckering, Mrs. LoURe whlch caUed thlg morning puckering, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. boun(J from Vancouver to Skag-Manning and family and Mrs. way. The following disembarked Karen, for Anyox; H. Hiorten, here: Mrs. C. G. Anderson. Miss ... n.,, Ure mfg. Christopherson and H. Strom, for Arrandale; Mrs. J. C. Dean, for Port Simpson; R. G. Mellln and T. S. Davie, for Stewart, and Miss Anttouen. J. W. Whltewell and G. W. Jones, round trip. nr., - MnM mere were w passengers go-, ing south aboard the steamer; Princess Alice which was in port Saturday afternoon southbound from Skagway to Vancouver. Twenty-six disembarked here as follows: Miss Mary Pederseon, Ketchikan student; Arnold Thor-stensen, Ketchikan fisherman; Richard W. Hardcastle, Ketchl kan student; George Faulkner, i Bickleton, Washington teacher; Miss Isabelle Lockwood. Ketchl-1 kan hairdresser; Mrs. Petra Sun- derland, Ketchikan; Arthur Moe, Stanwood. Wash, student; Wilfrid Uabcock, Vancouver fisherman, and Mrs. Babcock; P. M. Monckton, VlctoVria surveyor; Mrs. Florence Erstad. Juneau; Thomas A. Perry, Telegraph Creek merchant: Lars Todal, I Stanwood, Wash trapper; Ro-1 C. T. Lawrey of the Union Oil Co., was a passenger 'arriving in the city aboard the Prince ' hai les this .morning from George Mitchell, who has been on a brief holiday trip south, returned to the city -from Van" pouvnr on tho Prince Charles th s morning. There were 210 passengers on board the steamer Prince George on her arrival this .morning from Skagway. Disembarking here ironi the vessel were 17 local p: Hungers and 25 tourists. Hoard of Trade 'luncheon to Sir Henry Thornton K. II. E President Canadian National Railways, on Wednesday, 1 o'-i clock in Commodore Cafe. Tickets $1.00. Please attend. . . 193 R. S. Daglelsh, shipbuilder of Newcastle-on-Tyne, Eng., and json, T. W. Dagleish, were pas-sengers going north aboard the Princess Louise this morning to make the round trip to Skagway. James Lamb, manager of Cas-siar Cannery, and Mrs. Lamb, will arrive In the city from the Skeena River on this afternoon's train and sail tomorrow afternoon on tho Catala for Vancouver. Norman L. Freeman, loeal representative of the International Fisheries Commission, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning after a week's trip to Juneau and Ketchikan on official duties. A. B. and B. show, which will offer its guiles to the holiday makers at the local fair this week, arrived from the interior in two special cars attached to yesterday afternoon's regular 'rain from the east '' P- tE' Wilson K.C of Prince wu-- vn v upK toT. .the past week with his inuej returned to the Interior on this morning's train. ; Miss Gertrude Kelson, who has been making the round trip to-Skagway, Is a passenger aboard the :Princ George today return-: ingjto hcr hume fn Victoria. She ( j JJ?ed Un wJlh h Lg. j(K -n1 Mrs. 0. II. Nel- fiOtl Jamc W; Prftehett, 'publisher of the Wrangell, Sentinel newspaper, was a week-end visitor in the city. He arrived from the north nn thn Pr(ncna Allin Kit. m. Anderson, J. Duns, A. Moss, W. S. Wilson, A. Cordes and W. A Bennett. Ex-Mayor Louis D. Taylor of. Vancouver was a passenger on board the Princess Louise this morninir hnnrtd fnr n trfn tn " - -- -.-i- Dawson. He expects to remain a cnnl(. of wk nr , in. th north and will later proceed to Eastern Canada to spend tho winter. A. St. Clair Brindle, Vancouver mining engineer, representing the Tritss- Woods, Interests, arrived in the city on Saturday afternoon's train after a trio in to the Owen Lake district to examine mineral properties, and proceeded south ihe same eve- ning on the Prince llupert Provincial Constable 'William Smith of Anyox sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver, having in his custody Clarence J. Scott-Hall 6f Smithers, who will serve three months at Okalla for fnlse pre- C.N.R. steamer Prince John, Capt. E. Mabbs, which Is due this evening from Vancouver, will make a special call south- bert M. Gatehouse, Montreal ' tences, and Ray Herman of Port clerk; Arne Aalmo. Stanwood, ' Essington, whqhas been sent Wash, trapper; John Fprset. i down for three-iionths foisup-Ketchlkan fisherman; Viniam , plylnj liquop$p fffdlans. Canon, Seattle miner?1 Norris 1 1 1 Langlow, Ketchikan fisherman;! Otto Nystedt. Ketchikan fisher- man; Paul Mount, Los Angeles ' ptream gauger; George Thomas,; Portland mechanic; Gus Sever-! bound at Wales Island to pick son. Anarortes, Wash, laborer; up a large group of cannery era-I.y1e 11. Chrlstensen. Ketchikan ' poyees who will be taken to La-fisherman; D. Stanley. "Senttlf roon Bay cannery on Moresby canneryman; Joshua ITmtwfc. Island. Members of the Sunny-snrveyor general. Victoria, arid side canerv crew will also go to Lotoy K. Bourne, Snttlo cnn-Suth Bay, Skidogato Inlet on ncryman. , the same boat. ) ' '.1m, I '"fT ,.M JB "! I ACS "i... t.: !ii il l ' i . . . ; is!; li'i ;(;; A ' It. t . 11v !:;n :;!; t i : in ir-11 ' 1 4 t t ): :! ' i 1 i ( ' .i ' jut i ., i Ii: ' U 1 ;.) :; -( -iii