ISL. AGE FOUR XHB5 DAILY. NETT3 wnicjrni octors oj t The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert 'DAILY EDITION .3-- It see 3r more the Can Will be l Daj yawyyqWfr WQlJed, Third Avenue, IljTF mm 1. 1 1 1. .. 'SUBSCRIPTION RATES m.i j ' ,,7 ' pjlly delivery, by rnajrwhcdrrier, yearly period, paid inftdvaifto ?5V I ...... . , : .1 . 1 1 , t. t : L. vi iudbci treiiuu,4iaiu hi auvaute, per, inomn jw. . j .. 51 Jy mail to all part of Northern and Central British. Columbta, paid In adwuwtt.yeuriy period '3.00 Transient disptfiy advertising, per inch, pet insertion' ....... ; . 1.40 .Transient aaveflJJ:riig on front page, her inch . ..'.'.V. ...2.80 KLmhI readerslfWrtfe , Classified advertising, per insertion, per wprd . ... ,.,, . ....... ... .02, egai notices, each insertion, per agate line .15 Or four months for .. i.oo yBy rnafl to H irthW parts of British Columbia, the British Em- pire and United States, paid in advance, per year COO ujr mail to all other countries, per year 7.50 f . r... . it i Lujiuuti nues on qppiieauon, rr.' i -i- it ':. .. ... ... . overusing ana circulation Telephone 'J8 m Editor nun ltonoricrs' Tplpnhnnn Br. T I - - .tlattii.l.'U Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations ONE OR MOKE STEAMSHIPS' 8 altogether probable now -that there will besone w steamships biijltr the A'aska!businSLof ian Matiohal RaFlit-ays and' that fa leasF-Hne dy for , the qpening of tjie .touristseagon n,ext i will &ve a treat impetus to tile C. N. It! triiir-' I i lfct traffic" and will incidentally benefit Prince Rnnerr. OLD COUNTRY ELECTIONS (Vancouver Star) ' ' iKimi n niiv. rwan nnnnn n a i .t n ... u.. i ii . 41 icjila)arty will come out , on top when the - wwu... vuiii.iiiuuuii Bujiiiui mis ui uu ngencies nut A" nf Mohnno hoo .. 1!f:. .l 1 1 .... wo v,. xnuviw 11m nu vanmiu s uuuuMiiiieu ai)Drovai and i n- iou The Letter Box Eitdorj You i rej&ntlj NEW PROVINCE April 1, 1929 I)aIy News: , article in the Daily ews proposing the establisb- f'Tart of our lives existence in the north, this, the sooner shall we realize on our labors. . Last summer M. M. Stephens of Prince Rupert suggested this but at that time no one seemed to be much interested. There are a lot of men in the north who have the spunk and vision to see the advantage of running our own affairs and not being the hangers on for the cities in the.: south. of; the railway which it served. Mr. Brady stated that he felt in the become a great centre in the fntiit-p ripvalnnmnnt of Itrttiuh fpr anjneoDle of Prince Rupert to be :&SLANDER. J. C. BRADY (JIVES AN A COUNT OF HIS STEWART SHIP AT OTTAWA DURING SESSION UP TO EASTER TebntTnued- him page if rnk u.. i i i! i S v :a crucial crucial hour hour had had com come xv5yV,p,ui Jia8 uet-Ji uuuiy iianuicappeu lor JaCK OI; hstory of the port of Steamships tor iis coast service. The Prince Charles has to Rupert. innrt Th The lima time had hail retched iinlitica ahnuld I attain gujed and misied by a small Prince arrivnH I p0 Operated a third tourist Steamer to this port and she I he asserted, when every man and I is hardly good enough for the job. If the three new I ,on'i should step out and If steamers .should be added, the company would be well!"fiBht for the letlnv which we equipped to carry on to the best possible advantage and&trl stacles. this port was bound to cqiiTiiete Jprtfie business on equal terms. ttolumbt. "Wn knur oMitt dual Ufa of the Wonderfnl prosperity lut)UclMMit the length. and h of the Dominion but I . in i.. rriu . : i 1 . acres Of ihe -WWfU; The all-embracimr term "wnrlfl" i thrown out and the people be-i??1" ;i i . ... ..... o - iflRt s , useu aavaieaiy, lor it is as decidedly a question of interna- corae 8 ' tlonal ingrest as was -the election iri the United StatQg'j ' ' Taking Credit I tor, white it may be taken for cranted that. whiehfivArlK oikr people. Mr. Brady de- party wins, British foreign policy, broadlv sneakinr will 'red, had claimed the credit year would pass But the contract it- cX.tfinivp anrl rlrpndfnl ronlltv tknn f si.i 4l. ir contained no clause which U :r.7u"t "iK"uuia lu ine would comnel the Wheat Pool to more than a bushel of grain the house. have bad a member of Mi nadians have taken an outstanding nlace in its doUhprn. the railway board tions. The league's direct airent in this emmt ihn ha" he done? Where V Loaarue of Nations SnpiPtv. ha nmv nn !mn,.,' ' voice heen heard in 1 ? . , . , : ui mijMtosui; IUUII1- th riuhtu nt Ihn . ...... ""- o uii; uiajiuuftUHi in me oig never fought for this wmiiiijiui ihuiv ituuus which is wing launcifea on knov lb. ; fivpnu i i Ra ,TerT ik " ";"rr 'h ctir tniiMptic ' i f d& k 'lSl -T,e' Tlmfi.i ' c blm pretenn jerra MM 1 j$t. mMm ' ""' "" inl'imanon. rtmoi til irtc fU UEl. I rfft&flflP mLwI ''' roiMn tnd '"""M quick, clcta belir. H Advertjsein "The Daily News" making C.P.R. here. What has his the fight for port? He has port. I 1 The lallwuy line from Red Pis 'to i'rince Rupert was prac tically moribund. Railway em a compromise with the number which had been in control. "It would be a good thing for this port if u dozen of these were decapitated." (Applause). Too long had the port been checked and held down. Too long had this group gone around pre buck an. Red rei Satisfied With Woik nere loay. g iiot undeggo any material change, the. complexion of the for what had beeD done moved ffcm halibut ei Bfe governmfct in power at the centre of the Empire is kill a ZrJ.Tl,J Z T .1 -TiJL. Ie hid ! m matter t i r ' 7" single tnmg EV l oniyniecessary, ior instance, . to point . to the , probableHas been done without my assis- oiiect u power of tor. Bk(li:loldiof hU- activl- I. ' i i i 1. i.. iu ir.,on nf nrnfnrnnpn nf fhn irnvernment. in iiuu uven inauu in mc nuuov. ...ww...... - . f Commons as to why the Prince spite of its Inter-Imperial state-Rupert elevator was idle, Mr.jmcnts, was for the United Brady charged thai an official States. of the Wheat Pool .had made a misleading statement when he BaJ was due to congestion on Jhp P.N.It. ' As 'result ' of ' ii Mr. Brady felt that all would j concede that he hid taken and i carried his tr Met faithfully andj well. He had given 100 per Cent of his time, to the job of member. At that he considered he had done nothing but his ice, however, the people said theii wanted some one else. some oni with mor,e integrity and fidelity' tljan , , himself, he kfcuntiyirotothenollsMav SO? MitKl"S.T" l. won trust th7y had niaced in h m. tj " - - iifi , 1 1 mm v. ifiai. ta . am . lutraiifM- . ' ' .r- - . - wever, if you try to esentativeJMiu c Cll s -jr. cannot from Ottawa. And Jk itfle Sltion tics in i6W6 With(hel agl, tation t M'trfrfl2c 'duty 'duty 're-. - onpitjrouna-interest to every other major nowQi,: , iZLlZCl ,XXWV r j i'" " hMiwinnu, mat not a inion loially. n Angio-Russian relations of the advptit tn Ijhnr arnv0rnmeni CONFERENCE AND CONCILIATION I believe another great war is inevitable within the next 10 years unless there is more active support for world agencies which are workine for Deace." ThAo tance and cooperation. Furthermore, other thing. iare coming which arc needful and necessary." A curse in the past had been that things had come to Prince Rupert for the purpose of buying votes. The Post Office had been strangled and held down Words of one of Europe's greatest statesmen and they! A f,ve yhm bd ben mad most forcibly echo the point of view of thousands of in-'whn u w wn own br the teraationaLsOenU in all parts of the world. j government Uit a new and up- Even 3flfn1f,Star:"m W - siderablejmtagonism to international action in maintain-'th The SKT elevator lay Idle as 225 iiuj neaca change is taking place and people in all parts I the elevator contract between oi tne cofntry are urging the fullest co-operation of the the Wheat Pool and the Federal I T Z A. 1 r4K A f A 1 It ... United Slites in . the world court and their unqualified ad- Governmnt "a diagrace to a herence tn the terms of the Kellogg Peace Pact i common husiness man. (A voice: "If anlther dreadful catastrophe is to benv'oided " sai(l:2"2e JP Mn ll!&A,y lz prominL United States senator LS nation instne world, our own included, must winraf wD La rnuL people thfit conference and conciliation can easilv find a Bt less than 10,000,000 bushel n indent i 11 uwy are given nme to operate. I 1 v'" i unauians 10 wnom me late war was an even more in- . . entering the fought, to public op-! The result was1 that vaiious public bodies hadj got togwer and had passed a 1 TOQlutiojl asking the federal j government to use every means possible to negotiate a treaty re-' moving the duty on Pacific Coast halibut entering the United States and permitting that equipment and repairs for the halibut fleet be duty free. He (Mr. Brady) had also suggested that a br'ef be prepared for submission to Washington outlining !ka K tatnvir nf tit. J - HfcTWef. Mt Bttfdy felt that' there was nothing to fear for this port was esMgitial to the movement of AmeriftRn halibut. 'The American fisffesrmen themselves admitted tiit the .industry would be ruimfl should tHIs port be cloed Uf them. Thf difference oi price paid for halibut ati. I'rince Rupert as compared .with that at Ketchikan was the flshr ermen's profit. ' Charges Daily News. Mr. Brady charged the Dally News with deliberately reading Into the report of his speech at Ottawa that he had advocated tU closing of the port to Am-erlcan fishing vessels. "They did that with a sinister object. I want to tell the Dally News that If they falsify every statement I make they -will not for any lenggi of time mislead the public o& Prince Runert. . The hjbest thing, that paper can do is ployeas and their families were!-10 reme"Wr mat H Has a sac-suffering for lack of work. Such:1.61' """Hatton In regard to the a conditiqn of affair was a dl- J,cu,,on of l,ublic questions grace to the government It was the C.P.R. and C.N.R. which had taken "uh the concerning the welfare of the people of Prince Rupert. Mr. Brady aIo charged the Dally matter of ,aa Hi)lt toahe Peace ws wii lack of courage In River. TheiC.N.1Lll;bad .done Office nnihimr until it was fnf.Ai (ru MUMUI"' ........ ,.n tri vu II W nau aavocaicd a new and adequate bu dinir be. fore the lease was signed but If Prince Rur.nrt rmnnU t.t had laid down and said nothing gethcr and fought and held the af" the, ,ea8e WBS negotiated, government to Its responslblll-',, Jow ,on? arc we 0,nK to ties, this city might get some In- "e down, and cringe. I say that terest that had been denied it the, Bpir,t of that ,8 ,n the last five or six years. rrf?ct accor,, w,th he l,0,lcy of the Liberal party of Canada Misleading Stulement day." . ,.Im.regara-tathfnauhie that, JIrRrady chargetf lW all the Mr. Brady warned mat me public of Prince Rupert should be careful In the matter of fish traps, flit: advisability of.(-w break on the C.'P.r.. ' Was thatjwnS't'o be investigated byj,aj not all the more reason why mission. '".,;.: ' Pi'Inn Pnnort all mi m crMtlncri ( Get Toifi'ther' c 110 m- wheat? A delegation had gone "If only we Had got together. fnfyt 6f a new province for the j to Ottawa and all it had obtain-1 worked together and stood to-nbrth cheated a great deal of in- ed was the statement that a nor-jgether, we would have made terest here. Why not get, busy, mal amount of grain would I more progress long ngo," declar-with tMs at once. The sooner flow through-the port next year. 'ed' Mr. Brady. "But the moment have struggled for, the t jt ja no Use any more for the'an' onc starts anything for the benefit of this prtrtl others be girt to knock it:: .. .-l. Mr. Bray challenged any Liberal to say that one voice had been raised in that quarter to advocate the port of Prince Rupert. He asked particularly what the local director of the C.N.R. had done. He felt that it was venting public opinion and dis-:up to this government to stand cussion. -by its own creatfon. Today the "Why? Because they have got j government had failed to ac-their litUe plums and care notjcompUsh what it should have about you or your dqstjny." jdone for this port. "But why '- "Rut the truth will iircvall n l i .ir. lirnay oxprewea me belief that! if the., Conservative party had been in pqwer, one of its main shjets would be to develop Canadian iwrts. This port had beejv created, under most phenomenal and promising circumstances but what had been the result? I W W W Vi7 ""X 1 . Mi ;m. No longer need you pay prohibitive prices for distinctive floors. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum offers an ideal combination of rare beauty and practical utility . . . for a very modest outlay. . It is the easiest of floors to dean and keep clean, polishes beautifully with a minimum of effort and presents, always, a richly dignified appearance. Friday, April 5, 1923 can't we fight for it? Why can't i As a member of the Prince we back those who are working Rupert Board of Trade himself, for it? What have we to fear? Mr. Brady declared that some of What we "need today is a new its members looked after their snirit in the hearts of the people 'own interests very well but what of this city." As fur as he had the Board ever done as a personally was concerned, Mr. public body? He did not think Brady, said ha. was working not it had stood by this port and asW party fepreIaltwK'but .'iw-ldtrltt ikiS)lffljL '"',H? elt that Ihtf, representative' ot the pfripleJU ns tyslgfffanC : and paltry And he was proud to do so. Anyit,hat a man hid to seek credit hdnori that might come his way for what ho dfd: lie did not dc-wer: but honors for the people sire to do so for he believed the of this riding. people knew. ' "And If the people Mr. Brady had told how ha know- when one works' assiduous, had wortfed for public works In or them, I have no fear that the 'tiding. He had laid the they will "pay Just tribute for matter of the differential . a remcea renuemwncn me time gram cargoes '.fie government. squarely Wtftee n w uo It was lip t , . yot-Itelaliation rhe government cither to put In the matter of the halibut lights in Hecate Straits or a tariff, Mr. Brady felt that Prince radio direction finding station on Rupert or the Canadian fisher- Langara Island. Now this was men did not seek retaliation, to be done. Also there was to be Thy asked only for their rights. direction finder at Green Isl- Questions were invited at the nd and a radiophone on DIgby conclusion of Mr. Brady's ad-Island. "In the name of all dress but none were offered, that is good, why didn't some- There were selections before ody try to steal that from me?" the meeting opened by Trof. (Laughter.) , Pryce's Juvenile Orchestra. Send for a copy of the Nabob Picture 'foL JL 0 FiittI. If. ... ..... 1. w r. w4 AO' lv ... color and chance, ?f&1 eC K your are good to of win lone of the hundred, of c.ih l"ce XeVVo0 Prizes .1 w 1 terp-J MT KlJfl 1 77m DotuoUw t Finish This wonderful bequer finish is applied to all Do-mrnlon Inlild Unoleum adding a lovely toft lustre to an alrsady beautiful floor, dtainproof, wear-proof, pollihei with scarce an effort. Also available in tin for application to your preMnf Dominion floors. In a wide range of interesting designs for every room in the house. Odourless; quick and easy to lay and the pattern cannot wear off. Other Hcuutifiil Dominion Floors Wider choice than ever is , offered in Dominion Linoleum Rugs and Dominion Printed Linoleum, long - wearing, beautiful, easy to clean . . priced even lower than you exnect . . .1 - . emier makes floor for any room. AT JIOUSU riJRNIHIIINfJ AND DKI'AimiBNTAL STnm "In Prince Rupert" MOKhS