f TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA PaMfe-ed Ercry Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert DaflyNews, Limited. Third ATtpua,",,;.:" ' ' " H. F. PULLBN - - - Managing-Editor DAILY EDITION SUBSCRIPTION BATES (Sty delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid In adrasea ?50O For lesser period, paid ia advance. pr month. , . .50 y man to ail - parts of Northern and Centra) British QrfinWi, SERVE B. C FIRST : STOCK QUOTATIONS (Courtesy of S. D. Johnston Co. The following quotation! were bid and asked: Beaver Silver r, Nu, 13. Big Missouri, 1X1. 1X3. Cork Pro-inee. 8, 8V4. .1 uiuoB oeiW Nil; '40. Duthie Mines, 53, M. ' Oeprge Copper. 55, 50. Cotconda. 81. 82. Ormandview. 9Vi. 30. Intern. Coal it Coke, 32fc. 33H, s KOotenay Florenee. 12. lm. Kootenay King, 28, ' 29. L. & L.. li, Nil. Mohawk, 3, Nil. Morton Woolsey. 3V4, Nil. Marmot River Gold. 2W, Nil. Oregon Copper, 27, 28. Pend Oreille. 450, 4.60. Pioneer Oold, NU. 1.25. Premier. 1 76. 1.78. Porter-Idaho. 36, Nil. Reeves Macdonald, 17, 1.B0. Rufus-Argenta. 16, 19. Ruth-Hope. 35, 37 ft. 6jjm Crest: 7. 7fc. saveradQ.. Nil 70. Slrvcrsmith, 7. 8. Slocan King. NU, 4. 8nowflake,.2?, 28. Bunloch, 10, 1.60. Topley Richfield, 10, ' 11 Vi. Torlc. NIL 1.00. Whitewater, 42. 43. Bluebird, 8. 8Vi. jiPrnterprlae, NU. 20. Advance. Nil, 1.75. , A, P. Consolidated. 3.90. 3.92 Calmont, 323. 34. Dalhousie, 2.60. 2.65. Devenlsh, 31. 33. Fabyan Pete, 13. 15. Home. 18.75. 19.00. lUlnoli-Alberta, 62, 6J. Mayland. 90, 10.00. KftedM"1"' U-freehoW. 1.78, 1.80. Mid West. 50. NU. Mercury. o. 93. C. St fi. Lands, CJJS. 7.00, Vulcan, Nil, 15, Regent, 47, 50, Interesting .Mailers Reform! To bV Mlsi Harrfeen and Sir. Rirrh I Fo-6winr. Hospital Convention A number of lnresii matrx JlnriwUng new developments in in- isitbcboo ana nospitaj procedure, were resorted to the bosDital board a aijui 7 mm nu mnan. 1Jur " w J.00:K-N- lady superintendent, and H. paid in advance for yearly period 3.00i'w- BlTCb- managing secretary, fol- Trandent display ,8rti,e. per Inch. per. insertion ..ZY.. lAOt VmJUosTXr Tranafeat adwntstag on f rant pare, per Inch SLSO SlapnatalaKif Local readers, per insertion, per line .25 rn Nanaimo. - i-t uiKaion, per Yarn SJ2 oi unuarmuy in we matter m manor m a-iai inaunrni tor ! sailors rrfnivi tn hm Ur . Burn. Fi-fctv sentmvr September r? 27. toM' wnereas tae local noaprtaJ had re-raaay. . IM9fcted to ssjOper day for i j pattern, at this vu iera than the iteiml Cor sach services as x-ray. SrSK ts Dm i rvtinmhi .-. earner. - . i .in i, i.. . uaiuiB v jwiwi out out for for more, Bore, waa was recerrine receiving the the or- original lO'inal rate rate. Whe-eas Whereas the the govern sorern- if found, .would bar them from en try as students. - -vAi o-lcci rtiusiva. inxs snouiliw-.ii m mmm hnth mi. n- be urged upon ilr. Lougheed Mhep he isits here next-- Mr. Sch ?T the WPPk' - . !IK Mlas Harrison Himtao thanta thanVrt The young know everything, but gradually they come to learn that they are clever if they know but one thing. CITY MANAGER PLAX (Juneau EmDire) boarfl felt that it bad done. TTTE DAILY NEWS PRESENT iPretty Wedding RFPORTi Last Evening 1 -. . i (Mill rhrictln Mrlod RwnmM I 'Pride of Matthew C Frendrr- Cast of Vancouver A pretty wedding took place last crenjng wnen ner. nr. n. sev ensoc MJL PhD. PJt.G. unite- in Barriagje Miss Christina, eldest anhtM- nt Vr and Mrs Donald McUod. 410 3th Avenue W . to Mr. MstOmw.S. preodergaA. aidest son of Mrs V. ICiler, 4512. St Catherine St, VanjajiiLr. The ceremony took, place at the Ftrst Presbyterian, ;CIaHt T pjn, the ciraich being beauttroJly decorated for the occasion. The bride who was gtvea In mar-riafe by her father, was lovely tn a gown of white georgette aod-alQcj lace Har veil of embroidered sift 1 net waa held in place with a cor-j ooet ami clusters of orange bios! she carried a shower of ophelia roses and The oueafinn nf th Kn.'lrli r A ... wiLrTl r2 1 She was attended to her ono in Rmtiar. OtlnmUo Tr " . t6 r0: beaanlottr V, . '.-r" ' cti;uuci want a roau ownea orcmc ana wnne georg AJaska which , will help bring tourist to that city . Doubt-. Sent paid the local hosoftai r ZLtitFJZIUJ fe il ? hP the government atj, t ZSL?" " e" VCtoria Wll nrvt Hp rwpvaH trv. mn W zrZ; ,u The araom was sannarted hr Wit. Writ ' "C "W"C3 U4 ! jMiiu, ... broth of the'brtde.. r -J niMiin wwuv luauuini 17 Al . aiwf niinatl y - 11 ... . , Tlh.li --.- .w. 7". ' mr ""V 4i.ti.ir . iupen people fWortanens Comnena-on I nun mibj iwie a ruau coming to mem. Alter waiune Da- 00010 1101 u i . should arise. The K Hoi 1 i - . viij ing , QBuon 111 going m ruier mio cms maiiv df : nb 1 1 1 m.i i r fK M mcm and a half miles of provincial roads leading out of thp nitv matter to bring about adjustments Z?zLr aTSt sSalJJr J!rt? it is time something substantial was done . This certairil v I u ,Il?te .... 1 Ma- of a bride, w ShOUkl tmvwlo nnv tnnric4 -a A l1,- mrnuanea uw uie guwnea in oia rose net crepe. With Then there is another road that is more important than any tourist road . It is the one to connect the Peace River country with the central oart of British Pnlumhia Ac -fl.;" .u t'tu ,CUr V.A1 it. l0.111 I . .7. ine P"V- 'erie. enes nan hadbee oeen disclosed dlaclosedmeonec in railway and the Peace vfll then become really a part of laoXpri: British Columbia, to which province it belongs W wnreby aoet nurses from After the two most important highways ire built mil nFJSu be time enough to consider the matter of a north and south !I5Uof 5or tnbulo- inatrec- tmnk road that unll rnnnt AlocVo ol!V f.bemg paid. as well . . . nu mc wjuiics mm as ux same auowances tney re-- - which is being asked for by the American people . ta n hospitals vbat t.L.,. Newspaper vwena r.r We want to nlea. m,r Ampriean -;Ai, ... J Z? vanoor , . MwgHuuiij, uul wc umnai ana iranquuie uosutuui BOard 1IHllMI llf th 1 mimtmm UU, differ nrp -. 1 -iT! S!'-t.. - JVHwic ao tMMMHHI fMHUi k- matter of indigent pauenU coming pictare hatch to match. The to city or municipality hospitals ' bridal party recetred under an arch from unorganised districts was be- of '-"t.t and beOs A three-tog taken an with a riew to obtain- tiered wadding cake centred the ing some relief ; bride table. . i Later ia the evening Mr. and Mrs. j eonnec- -1- nu-oergw leit ior a neoey- ince and tfte result IS that the Edmonton r.i Cities get the! "on treaUnent of the to- to Vancouver and other hanafit nf tha Pannn D ... T : i-l 1 V , aan aiwl Iniw tmtiM. Th. U -DOthern eltw Thr hrl-i in.ailn ii must net neglect our own people in any effort to Dlea 1 erp nav x-Tto prospeccre stu- 4--M - s a 4 1 a 9 a 1 - - T ft IdMlI nUKM TAP nit-trt1 Lrrf mrhLah wiem. as we nave said before. First things first. Give Prince Rupert proper highway transportation and Peace KtVPr trip unu n.rl than InnV -f.. AI1 rru: i i i 1 The The for going away a navy Mae georgette ensambJe. with hat to BMtch and grey .mertcan wambat eoat, the gift of the groom. Numeroui frinwta iin m. gra tula ting the new aaarrW couple . ! And thas captained, the doc trine i of the party is that the pabHe eon ARITHMETIC AFTER DARK with advantage operate co-HnbH. ! railways ind other means of wealth Rufus was proudly sporting a production, bat when it comes to new thlrt'Wben friend asked: ma-tag both ends of a newspaper "How miar vrd du it tv i meet thai iob Uac hn-nnri tk raake a shirt Lkc c.ai an. Rnfna?" renins of Hon Phllin SnnnUn ml- i ii . n i. , . . . "Well, "Weil, tub," sub," renUed replied Rufoa. "Ah M- wuiw uuj, M xur v "s"1- tue mini ss . time, iitiU ae- got tWO two Shirt shirts like liko rfta dts mfn oufn iested a proposal submitted to them tn nrmnrlnn tlio twri mAnvn i mt a . a i a i i . , u uk manager and commission plan of government for the old mayor and city council system . The movement for a re- torn to the old system was led by former mayor ef Cleveland and former governor of Ohio, Harry L. Davis, an ajtute political leader of the old school. The campaign wa a hot one throughout, and charges of graft and waste were freely made against City Manager Hopkins and the other municipal officials . The Cleveland Plain Dealer led the fight for the retention of the manager-commission plan and the defense of Manager Hopkins' administration. It declared emphatically tkat "beyond question Cleveland taw had under the manager plan the most economical, i bojne&jUce, efficient and satisfactdrygovernment in ! wy yrs H The verdict of the people sustained the x nun -eawrs position. The people generally will be glad that the people of ClevelaflaTiave determined to give the manager-commission form of government a thorough test . It is important to other large cities that a city of a million inhabitants should try out a system that has worked well in smaller towns. If it is a success in Cleveland, it might serve to improve municipal government in other large cities. Chicago and Philadelphia, for instance, might get good government some day. Ideas are always dangerous. Many have suffered for them, while others iave been s6 obsessed with them that they have made others suffer. Fails and Taken as Private Enterprise 'Edmonton BuUeeto) The BdUah Labor party defines the limitations or Its falttt is so- tK. kTi "- of turning OTer its news-ItuSStZ" Jft M gS tojtfjateeenhip and eon- jbeen of much rsloe to her to go. p0 w yard las nteht." Successful far- Diiiy News "Clasfified" adrer raing. Hslng brings results. COAL! T1 SliSiB?SrSwT5BH . jjMBH ?,CiPKfiIB 0Bc rSSSMB Sf aLjHiV SrUiBrUHP vVt ' 1 ' nkfll &m nif gair u Mi mHvlHaBS&nteBs,2B t Tiri iillKl This Pile of Coal is in Albert & McCaffery's Phone 116 and 117 Yard Prince Rupert whv put upwith dull rooms CORING, colour, bright- Tone up your floors with Demi ton Inlaid Linoleum. Enjoy its beauty la every room. A. host of designs to cboos frpnj . . . each with the added loveliness of the soft-lustre Domolsc Finish. Dominion Inlaid Linoleum is permanent Its ceteurs go right through to the (tout burlap back. Light mopping or brush-Ug keeps it spotless. No poap or cleansing powdtrs necessary. An occasional poHsbtng enriches snd meUows it Quitk snd tuy to lay. Moderately priced. Other Beautiful Dominion Floors Dominion Printed Linoleum and Dominion Linoleum Rugs (Uut need no fastening) afford exceptional dtcorative scope. Loag. wearing; easy to clean; low in price. Beau tiful designs (or every room. At yov dealer's now. FrMa- . Dmlmfm Mtllltiklp M DOMINIOM I M L A I D LINOLEUM fcW Wm Hl, At House Fumithlnt ond.DepartmentttUStoreHEvttyvhere i a " sai pm.u.Mw - . . - sa sr aim j-sm The soap I recommend is Palmolive" says Albert Leblane of Nice XWWWw H BSk: 9B "Lknow of Ho other soap uhich meets all the requirements of complexion, care, acting at once as a cleanser ami a valuable and soothing emollient.'' Nica irr SIS TimUMMW Famous Beauty Specialist oi the fashionable Hotel Negrcsco at Nice, on the French Riviera, frequented by many of. the world's smartest women. ir'l maw my "TJRRONEOUS Idcsi on complexion an," tc cording to Albert LeWsnc, of Nice, "are ver? hard to correct. I am still occasionally asked: "Srull I use soap on my face?" My answer is always s decided aflirmitive. It is quite wrong to ruppose the skin can be thorouchly cleansed By other methods . . . and the soap 1 recommend is Palmolivd'' So says Monsieur LebLinc, Head of the Hotel Ncgresco Beau Salon. Monsieur LcbUnc studied the art of cosmetics ia Paris and practiced his profession there until 1912. He then came to Nice, where he his gaineJ an excellent reputation in this smart Riviera resort AU tb experts agree Lebliric is Joined, by an international group of authorities on skin care, all of whom advocate , Palinolivc as the best way to keep the skin health folly hdtint, glowing with uodei-tbe-surfice color and. life. Do this, they say: massage Palmolive lather tenderly into the skin for two minutes. Rinse, first' with warm water, then with cold. Arid you're reidy for: make-up I Enjoy it for the bath J wei sioce it costs no mnrcthin rtrillfttnr fun 1nr nnr kir aASUTC you of in superiorities. Use it tonight! Think of, ill 17.002 leading beauty experts all over Amtrica-ln bS cMs small fou-j, smart resortSi-ad4se the nrtce-doUy turn of PahnoUveSoapi S'a tingle product ever ha4 such tremendous professional endortem"1" If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office