1. .,: ; re I (Una -01. ! ; rr NEW-YORK, Sept. 27: Al Simmon' thirty-second homer with two on in the first gave George Barnshaw a lead which he never rtUngokhed. Earnshaw got credit lor his twenty-third victory while the Athletics beat Boston. In the National League, Selph's single scoring Kafey in the last of the ninth broke a tie and gave the Cardinals a win over Pitts burgh. Yesterdays scores were: National League BreoMyn 3 Philadelphia. 12, Pittsburgh 1, St. Louis 2. American League, New York 10, Washington 3. Philadelphia 5, Boston 3. i i U V - w. ; i 1 if V PAGE FOUR Siinmons.Got His Thirty-second St. Louis Got Win Over Pittsburgh Yesterday in National''. ' League Game. Ttati afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:34. was reported this.' morning to be on time. I Lr r. . ! ' ;' Sport Chat The Anyox Badminton meet a team picked from the rest of the city ball tossers. After careful consideration this challenge has been accepted, and a game will be played this Sunday afternoon Ideal weather cannot last forever so that in all proba- v,iuu ouuy me game wui oe me tasi omenced.the season lastiweekj oner played -' this season. TIieElk large number were Irf watteri-',team IS a strong one. but a team dance, at the opening games, and; picked from "the others" is by no the. prospects of a successtui -sea- means a weak one. and should be son are bright Indeed. Badminton able to give a very good account has become very popular., as an;of themselves. Whichever team indoor game during the past few wins will only come out on, top years in the sme.ier town, and. alter a good battle, and the fans judging, from the number of play-, win again be treated to a' well ers participating this year, its played game. popularity is increasing there. ; Provision for a sports ground for Allcfe Arm, was made at the recent sale of Indian Reserve lots there. The Alice Arm Skating Rink Syndicate and the Tennis Club jointly purchased lot 8. It is a large plot of ground adjacent to the old skating rink. It will be considerably enlarged, however, Mr J- W; Strom beck has donated a piecerof ground for sport purposes. It adjoins lot & and ex- fpnrti tn thp M5t hnimriarv of the,-wharf road. The. HI k all-star team that out the skids under the Adtox ball team have issued a challenge to K E E P Frederickson to Manage Teami Hockey Players WINNIPEG. Sept. 27: Frank, Frederickson, centre ice star of the Pittsburgh National Hockey League team, and formerly a member of . the Victoria. BjC. pro-, fesatanal team in the Pacific Coast League, has accepted a. po sition a manager oi tne Pirates, HENNESSY BRANDY HANDY BiTTtE'D AT C O G N A C , F RAN C E YWH1 like the Easy-Riding Comfort of the Ford Car Ford car Is one of the THE easiest-riding cars on the road, because of its low centre of gravity, minimum unsprung weight, lloudaille hydraulic shock absorbers and the unique construction oC.its transverse springs. Furthermore, you are as comfortable in mind asdn body when yoiT drhe the Ford car, You have-ton: fidence in the performance of the car because you know something of the quality that, has been built into it. Remeber these two points when ybu select- your next car, These are combined to an. uncommon degree in the Ford. Come in and drive a. Ford car yourself through thickest traffic, up steepest hills, over roughest roads. A thirty-mlpute demonstration will convince you that, there is nothing quite like, it anywhere, in simplicity of. design, quality, price and performance. & E. PARKER, LIMITED FOHD DEALERS 3rd,Aj;e.,EasL . DOMINIONiTIKES' PIione.83 HIS OUR T IME P'A'YM ENT P IyV N IS MOST ATTR AC TI V E TOE DAILY NEWS Tommy LougBrau Knocked Out Last Night by Jhck Sharkey in. Thirdi Rojin oScHeduled 15-pundBbut Winner. PuUBig ffiinch Back Tnlo Heavy weighty Pictur.eiand Astonished Crowd of 4b,UUUY PeoplaWha Watched Match NEW YORK. Sent. 27. Jack Sharkey, the BQston. 4j&avyweigR contender, scored a technical knockout tVei Tommy Loughran ifi the third round ot a sqnqduiea iuteen round bout. here las.t night. A.single punch after 27-sec-onds fighting:-knocked Lo.ughran do.wn for? the count of five, but he came up. helpless, turned his back on his op-nonent and lost the fight as he gazed. in a dazed, fashion at the people in the arena. Sharkey had a. distinct edge on the milling throughout . Sharkey, put the big punch back into the heavyweight picture, astonishing; the crowd. of 45,000 people, IJe showed the most convincing exhibition of speed and punching skiM he has shown in more than two years. If ever a man was out on his feet; it was Tommy. " Too dated to Jtnow what had happened, it. was the first K0. of Loughran'3 career and the first defeat in four ypars . Iioughran was outboxed during, the brief period of. tKe battle. i Sharkey weighed 196, against Loughran's 186U.. In a preliminary. Tom Heeney of New. Zealand deci- sioned George Hoffman, a New York youngster, in a close, slow, milling 10-roundbout. Around The World With Sport Fans (By Tb Tramp) ORANGE LODGE WHIST PARTY There were ten tables at a whist . , , . , , ! drive held last night by the Loyal Oshawa s victories at New West-: rt,n. t tk. ... - minster have samd lacrosse well j Mtt prograin to which J. A. Teng u u'u"l.,"wr VT. . contrltjuteo with a vocal sola and that Canada s national game has. M j Q Viereclc.with a recitation, not been forgotten by .J" ' Delicto us refresh ments were served. 2Ttsnlf?S5r? Llt h "f S. V. Cox. Mrs. Barber and imhn,;r Ktee winners were: Ladles" first, mm has done much to start la- . . . , r- ?- PppuJamy.' R4 British Flyweight the of rlthuDl place In country r i Itaibicth. Next jar there may bei Lhanipion rfasses In a. revival oi interest. Ualter Vernon "Scotty" Martin.' Scotland This Morn STRATH MIOLO. Flfeshlre. Scot- trial on a charge of martflatop laud, Sept. n:-Johraiy Hill. Bri-by Magistrate John R Bliki1 at ' tfsh ' ftywelght chambloaj died Brantiord. after a prellmlnw.deiyy. .here, today foBowtng the hearing of the clrcumstances'lnri t Writing of blood vessels In the romding the death of. Hardy Sll- lung. versmith, following a lacrosse V game in which Martin U alleged ; r o n to have poked him in the stom-L.lttle.DQrreefi, ach with hU stick. M Prtct Alnr - UuUr nt tH MnntriKil Canarlloiu TORONTO. SetK. 27. "Ultie UO- th National League managerial P" was dramatised at the rastar has been almost comDleted. ! Canadian National Exhibition in a only Pittsburgh remaining to come mto the fold. Lionel Conacher of the New York Americans, D up can MUMo oi Montreal Maroons ana charmingly realistic manner. De solte the constant tread of feet along the corridors of the liv stock building and the incessant Sark Stoaughnessy of the Chicago Mhrob of outf-doo. a wee lad- Blaek Hawks are the new pilots, Canacher replacing Tommy uor die, clad In suit of blue, worn out with sightseeing and excitement 5 wr.Txif sra Oardiner. the veteran defense tMn;"& vIS, tl i.V.(.. k.- Kon lh i.ih. balloon lay half relaxed on the ''" "C" TIT bag of samolea and treasures. ..""'"" .iiVT. Horses In neJghboring stalls wiu R1UK UK dwuu miuw .. th.ir lmwtliw nf ron while Smythe of Toronto and Dave QUI. Ottawa, have been retained. Smythe, Conacher and Munro are natives of Toronto. whUe Hart and Rosa hall from Montreal. Gill from. Ottawa. Shaughnessy from Chicago, Adams from Fort William and Pat-icfc from Vancouver. L O. Z). . Badminton, Annual Meeti a J. Norrlneton Elected President: Last Night. With F. W. Allen Secretary-Treasurer The IX) J Badminton Club had in enthusiastic annual meeting last night when of floe-rs for the Forthcoming season were eieciea as follows: President o. J. Nornngton. Vice-president J. A; Teng. Searetarvrtreasurer P. W. Allen Executive Mrs. Robert Blance, i0f the accident and taking accus Mnc C. H. Blkins- artd Mrs. J; H.led into custody. The road was dry Horton. an m good shape. Sergeant Ser- The club will start its season's ! vice said. Where the accident oc- nlav rm October 1. The member curred was a stralaht stretch nro- ship is full and no further appll-j rr bably 200 feet long and from 15 1,. i a ... u. t.. -in j. r . . ... . cations can be entertained Teams Chosen For Tomorrow's Football flnesient. and the merry throne passed on. but lay under the asleep." "Little. Bo-Peep1 haystack fast MUCH DRINKING PRECEDED DEATH DRIVE NEAR SMITH- ERS WHEN TWO MEN WERE KILLED IN JUNE LAST. (Continued Irom page one). he realized that it was Illegal for him to give liquor to a minor. Mr. Patmore said he was prepared to produce the birth certificate showing accused was but 18 years ola at tne tune or the accident. The first witness at the morn Ing session today was J. A. Rutherford BCX.S. oi Smithers whose drawing of the scene of the ac cldent was put in as an exhibit Sergeant W. J. Service, provln cial police, also gave evidence. He toia ox oeing called to the scene w id lex ojut. iite uiiiccr uc- ; scribed tire marks which he said showed the car had gone about J 42 feet on the extreme outer edge ! Of the road and'' then for about 1 16 feet had gradually gone off. r5l.--v'f..':i f -.L-!ie--S!?2terwM functioning! me nu nii, itH(Hi. mvpcrij oul tne emergency aid ! A t " riot seem to be In good order. The foUowir teams have been JS&SiL Sant rvl" teama In tfie Junior league game i Xt l o'clock court adjourned for tomorrow at 1:30 at Acropolis, luncheon and resumed at 2:15 this H,Lden: B. ft. Morgan. H. Fish-1 6,tern00 er J Currle, W. Wllllscroft. E. Al liston, "J. Campbell. E. Brochu, L. Wilson, A. Hardy, T. Dungate and R Fona. SDftres: C. Woodsk J. Wall i nKIU and Shrubtull. SAM TRETHEWAY DIED; ACCIDENT Booth: E. Lindsethj O. Blake, D.1 KAMLOOPS. Sept. 27 -5am Oomez, E. Eby. A. Walters. T. Tretheway. weU known mining and Makamoto, A. Ivarson, a. La,w- lumber man. formerly of Abbots-rmm i. rrnmn. W. McLean and ford, Is dead as the result of the J. Colussl, Spares! P HU1( P, truck he was driving upsetting on! Stcgavlg and J. Kelsey. Sunday He was 63 years of age Sw .. .. "BLACK & WHITE' HMMMtas acuiLii WHISKY DISTILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND "ALWAYS RIGHT " Jure Skcm Cs. 13 CllMO 4 iMtM IM ..i.iHl m BUCHANAN LMUCUIt . w ihiwhvu vfi n i I ' 1 .1 , : I f . ... . . ..... I liquor uoatroi ioant or by the Uovenin.. British Colombia. OldE ma ICotmtz Ale Sfieciat VOU will like the tang and flavor of these specially brewed ALES. They are of the highest quality and conv pare most favorably with the finest imported English ales. Order case today. The bests none too good for yoa Sold at all Government vendors. Free deliver BiURTON TYPE ALE AND AT T-V lAT T-V TTTI 17 . A 1 V I This advertisement Is not published or displsyoJ iy th Liquor Control Board or by the Governm : ' British Columbia. ...J - ! Hs rnt a mr touichV mm Best Procurable' taxes UIE 0KJCJNAL) Pure Scotch Whisty 'richest in finest highland malt 0l k S4 GlfMti Hm40uM, SmiIhJ '" i nmiin in i M Liquor Coillrol norfrii or 'tiy the 'feoVerntnaut oi -WtlslrOolnmbla A