rlday, September 27, 1929 Fortify Yourself Now Against Those Winter Colds With a Bottle of Ruin Hone and Cod Liver Oil A well-tried remedy for colds, toughs, bronchitis, sore throat, croup, etc. - l.s PRICE, $1.25'PEk BOTTLE' Orates ZTfie Pioneer Druggists LUMBER r' r THIRD AVE. lr SIXTH ST. " TELEPMONFS 8'f,200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED SatUnje I'rom rcinci! Kurert lor VAMOUtEk. VtCTQKI.V, Hwar.wiu uaj. Ilutrdalt. Alert lUj, He. Tut. ' day. J;lo p.m. For VAVCOttCK. VlirOKIl. Huttdal. Alert Hay. etc . i'rldar nildnKlit for AI.ICC AK,M, AN VOX. SIXtVAUT, Niut Ultrr, I'urt blinpiwrn, bun-da). 4:00 p.m. i jr roar uuo ami waies island. TnurxuT. p.m. . Ill 2nd AVrnue It M SMITH Atnt I'd nee Itu pert. B.C. Tlrouuli ticket Mld to ctorla and Seattle .and baggage checked through to Ucttlnatlou. ' . ", canadian) VACinc 3rd Ave . B. tt COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES fvtll l.MIS HtOM I'HIM K ItlTIKT T4 Ketchikan, Wtfll'rrtl,' Juneau and Sfcagwar heptemtuT J, IX. M. To Vancouver, Victoria and 8ttlf September 7, II, tt. i(INCI:mh MliV--Orrun Faiu etc.. Vanrouver and Victoria every rrldajr 10 p.m. Agrnti (r all Uteamshtp IJnea VS. C. OltrilAKD. (IKNERAL AGENT Itlnce Kbpert, It C rhone SI Ranadian National QTie Largefl Kailway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PKINCE KUPEIIT for VANCOUVER, V1C-TOK1A, SEATTLE, and intermediate point; each Thursday and Sunday, 10:00 p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART, each Wednesday, 4 p.m. For STEWART ndiKETCIHKANaekSatrdy4 pjtu For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. ! rAHSEMitn TRAINS LEAVE TKINt t. Kl .TF.KT "TrilLY EXCEPT SINDAY at li:J0 a m lor ritlNCE CIEOKOE, EDMO.N-IOX, WINNU'EO, all poluli Eastern Canada, lulled ftatr. AOENCY ALL OCEAN STE.OIMIir LINTS City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prime Hupcrl Phone 26 1x6 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 1x10 No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1x6 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $20.00 Shinlnn S22.00 l.MU 1VU. m Ujll UVV r - a 2v4 nnrl Ovfi 8 tn 14". S4S. No. 1 Common". .: .$25.00 ? 2x4 and 2x6, 8 to 14", S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath. Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED- PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Sawmill and Head Office. Seal Cove, Telephone, 3C1 Kctall Yard, Cow hay, Telephone 423 N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine Ways SEAL COVE I take you out of water under roof where rain will not trouble; build boats any size or kind at surprisingly low prices. Halibut, Pleasure, Trolling Boats ForSalc I generally have a boat to suit any requirements. Mooring spaces for boats' winter quarters. Agencies any engine required. Repairs Why pay more when your work can be done for less with better accomodation? PHONE GREEN 429 Coal? Coal? Take ailvnntase of low price tn nut In your TON' liv any quautinc'. llour, Hay, ilruln arid Iced j'riiice Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 553 1 DrttxandeP PHONE its IIESNEK UtOCK DENTIST If vnii..want.anythini,4r a. classified ad 4 a Taxi Phone 4, nig 4 Taxi, tf Dnlhv hns tolnod the stall of the nose, Cowan & Latta! stationery store. Organ recital by Ewart Lyne at First United Church on Sunday, September 2iat 9 p.m. uoiiecuon. (228' y. tii)t imnMlicmpnt taxes are 'novdifle and,, payable at the Col-lector's 'pffice, City Hall. Ten per cent penalty added after October la ., ; (228) Walter Hume, accountant at the local' pry aocK, sauea last ingui. firj ;thM?iS4ce Rupert for a trip I. VnnxnuvnV 1T urlll ftlsn Visit at VU ....www f . . . ... Kelowna with his family which is residing there ana wm oe away about two weeks. The afternoon session of the Supreme Court Assizes yesterda; was more man an ijuui u starting on account of the court stenograpner, w. e. u. jonnhuu, hsini, (alron fomtvirarllv ill Mr UCU .Vfltlfc... ,v..l.".....v Johnson was finally able to re sume nis duties. nr 3 a. McKav. nrovinrla! government alienist, was smin? Tn vtrHav at. the SuDreme Court' case of Stephen Boljkovlc charged wnn tne muraer ui Dlmitar Smilevltch. The court would not allow him to be called as a witness. . The regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Board was held last night In the hospital. Those present were! James H.- Thompson, pres ident; Ala, wm. urown, j. r. i Tinker, .R '.W. Cameron and Alex McRae, directors; Miss Jean Harrison RN., lady superintendent, and II. W. Birch, managing secretary. It was reported by Aid. W. M. Brown, chairman of the house commttt'ee, at the meeting of the hospital board last nighty that a new. air mattress had been purchased for the Institution and !was proving very satisfactory. New i linoleum naa arrivea ana wouia shortly be laid by Thomas Bal- . linger. A demonstration of electric 'Washing machines was to be held Jn order that a suitable one might be chosen. A new coal stove and boiler had been installed. A suggestion had been made that an I electric stove be Installed in the kitchen. Many applications had been received for the position of cook' and appointment would snortiy De maae. TENDERS WANTED be received by the undersigned to supply six typewriting desks to King Edward High school. Sample1 may Ue'M-'ui at high school. Tenders to be In by October 28. 1929. The lowest or any tender riot neoes.'tarUy nccepted. J. O. WILLIAMSON, Secretary. (225) TOMATOES ; Fresh hothouse. Baskets 5 QCn I lbs. net. Each Ods APPLES rj; Good for cfroklng or Eating Fancy wrapped Duchess from one of the best growers. (DQ Per bor .-V, ?A.40 REID'S SULTANA CAKES Ofip Fresh shipment. Each iOj GOLDEN CHUR 'BtnV Aft TER 3-15. lJflcks .4 fyJLV HEINZ BAKED BEANS With QCp tomato sauce. 3 tins ttJo HEINZ SWEET PICKLES QQr Jar Out QUAKER ROLLED OATS )Op Quick cooking jOv SUPREME COFFEE Fresh Cfip packed. Per tin JL LYLE'S GOLDEN SYRUP Off 2-lb. tins. Per tin it), GRAHAM WAFERS Krec in1cn'io'hstration ' t Mrs. e'lifngs of Vancouver will demonstrate the many uses of Carnation' Milk In our store on Friday and Saturday. . SPECIAL' PRICES on all brandsiorMYrfllk' for Friday i ana raiuraay oniy. $5.85 NPcr case jT 1.00 Watts' Grocery duality Kiglit Prices HIght PHONE 55 PHONE 56 TIIC DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE I wmm II Moose night. Legion 45, meeting to- Mrs. Terrlen, who has been spending the past few months In Edmonton, arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train. Called south on account of family illness, Mrs. V. D. Casley sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver en route to Los Angeles. John Dybhavn will sail by the Kauway. reiurnea uk (gnt on ; Dentist, Dr. J. R. Gosse. Phone 686. J. II. Thompson, wireless oper ator on the steamer Newlngton, went south last night. In the police court this morning John Brentzen was fined $25 or 30 days, for Intoxication. All fees fof I.O.D.E. Badminton Club must be -paid before October 7. Frank w. Alien, secty. r2Q) W. H. Tobey. C.NJI. divisional superintendent, returned to the ! r.itv on this afternoon's train from a trip to the interior as far as Jasper paric on oniciai duties. Lighthouse tender Newlnnton went on the dry dock on Wednesday of this week, for annual overhaul. The vessel will be on the pontoons for about 10 days time R R. Rose of the firms of Rose, Cowan & Latta. arrived in the Hty on the Cardena today from Van"ouver, being here on company Business. S. D. Johnston, who recently drove south through the Interior with Col. c. W. Peck V.C. and Major Gus Lyons of Victoria, re-i urnrd to the city on the Cardena today. G. A Woodland, local agent of the Imperial Oil Co.. returned to the citv on the Cardena this af ternoon from a brief trip to Swanson Bay on company busi ness. Union steamer Cardena, Sapt A Johnstone, arrived In pott at 12 15 noon today from the south and sailed a couple of hours later Tor Port Simpson and wales is land. C.P.R. steamer Princess Mary. Capt S. K. Gray, Is due in port at 6 o'Jock this evening from the south and will sail at 10 pm. on her return to Vancouver and way- points. Charles Wi'so" of lake Kthlvn. who served on the Roukovac mur rter ease at the Supreme Court Ass7s yesterday, left by this mornin' train on his return to the Interior. Mn,. r-hr1. tmnrrnw nlffht on' "I uip . w.nw-! . n . me hta return "tS This cannery at Mas-1 f t! L' s K.tfin hAnfa mnniA'Wec t tne Sunrfme court As- of days in the city.' 'Wallaie C. Orchard. Eeneral as- ent here for the Canadian Pacific! the prince jtuperi irom.a trip to of Canada svftwan on company oufciueas. IX, B. Finn, directed, of the Prime... Rupert Fteheries,t,Experi-mental Station, sailed last nfeht on the Prince Rupert for a brief trip to Vancouver on official busl-ness, . A. R-,Holtby. B. and B. master of the Canadian National Railways, returned to the clyjf on yesterday afternoon's tram from a trip to the Interior on official duties. Members of the petit. Jury not terday afternoon's sitting of the supreme court Assises. James Brown, who has been a patient in the Prince Rupert General Hospital recently, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where he wlu undergo surgical treatment. ?. Mrs c. H. HrmMnson and Mttle chi'd arrived In the city from Smltherx on vesterdav afternoon's train, being here to join Dr. Han- klnson who is a wltns( at the sp salon 0 fthe Supreme Court L. .T. Shine, who has been oendllnr. a couple of dan here visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. nthmond left, on this morning's tri'n or Toronto stooolruf'Off at Aftr having snent the past fortnterht in northern waters at-tendln to heavv work on aids to navigation, the bltr llahthouse tender Estivan. Cant. Harrv Bl'ton sailed this morning at 10 o'clock for her headquarters at Victoria. G. Constable King R.C.MP. arrived in the cltv on yesterday afternoon's train from Ifawsjton. hav-inp In his custody two Indian women. Katie and Mary OreenJ whom h toor on. this morning., aboard the steamer Pr'r" P'mnrti to Okalla where they Vlll ser": prijuia terms of threa, months apJ.fdivwtrRney. ; ANNOUNCKMENTS ' '" CathoUa Basaar. October1 2 an4 .'.ijBt" r ;v Batrq I Mooseheart Ladles' whist drive and dance, Oct. 11 at 8:30 prompt. Admission 75c and 50c. I Royal Purple Bridge. Whist and .Dance, Elks' Home. October 25. Presbyterian Bazaar November Moose Annual Bazaar Nov. 21 and 22. lies here vsterdav. .left bv this morrlnst' train on, their; return to tne inwtrior. Harvey, Iiarr.egtiDoml Rith vrirv of the In km rl .Guides is in "trie. a 'citv ;ty for for few dsvn in connection with the wpr- th (vr nidation here and 's th guest, until Sunday of Bean, and Mnr .1. B. Gibson'. Fourth" AV-nue whn he will leave for Vancouver. She will review the local com pan v and discuss the work of possible exthsl6hs here. At ths "ession .of the Supreme Court Asst7M this morning. L. W. Pitmorp asked if J. W. Turner: Interior farmer, might be excused ?h fl"al lurv panel had been made, to leave by the train for his farm where crops were need- 'n.t attention. Mr. Justice W. A. engaged In the Dorreen muraer i Ma-donald granted the request case were excused until this! but other members of the petit morning at the opening of yes-1 lury are being required to report vntl' the conclusion of the case which Is in progress today. HOTEL ARRIVALS Royal John J. Glllls. Bulklev Bay; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ryan, Porcher Island- I. II Brawand and Pat Ol son C.N.R.: Mrs. C. Anderson and child. Port Simpson: Fred 0"Nell and w. hodds. Vancouver: r. Plmpson and Johnny McLeod. Ptewart; D. Nlckerson, Victory Cove. Pr'nce Rupert W. H. Oalhra'th. Port Mrs. C. II. Hanklnson. Smith- ers: P. W. Andrews. Wlnnloeat: O, Savoy A. Holland. Massett: Mr. and Mrs. G. DMeren and J. Davidson, Inverness- M. H. Kane, Oakland, Cal.; F. Hautanen, city. Central J. S. Davie. Winnipeg: J. 0"Ncll. Vancouver: Joseph E. Ballet and Arthur White, city. Rebekah Whist Drive and Dance Twenty-one Tables at Successful Affair in MetroDoln Hall Wednesday Night A very successful whist drive and dance was held on Wednesday nieht. in the Metropolc HaUiysirie Rfilwknh Lndce. v fca .There weTe ?i. names wtarcis Kndf$rteeWlnners wreiyadtes, fimIrPvRi fhUlfpsWnsola-rTTnn. Mrs. M. Nelson, on cut with Mrs. J. M. Morrison: men's first, H. M. Hill; consolation, A. Mc-Arthur. After cards, refreshments were irved and dancing followed, ex cellent music being furnished by tho Oddfellows' Orchestra. A R. Phillips was master of ceremonies and Mrs. W. H. Sherman was convener of the com- 'te In choree. Among those as sisting were Miss E. M. Earle. Mrs.! Ben Dalgarno, Mrs. B. Church and. Mr- s V Cox an well as other ladles of the order. 1 Successful Tea and Sale Held Enjoyable Affair by United Church W.E.S. at Home of Airs. Halibut Sales ' American r .t llV J,(V! I. if. of home cooking was held by the McAfee. 132 Fourth Avenue East. Many ladles called during the af ternoon to lend the affair their patronage. Mrs. MeAfee and Mrs. W. T. Kerglny president of the Women's Missionary .Society, ireeclved the guests, and Mrs. O. V. Wilkinson was general convener, being assisted by Mrs. James Krlkevsky and Mrs. P. C. Miller. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Alfred Wilson poured and Mrs. J. S. Irvine and Mrs. D, Santerbane were in charge of the home cooking table. Mrs. W. J. Klrkpatrlck was cashier. During the afternoon there was an enjoyable musical program which included vocal solos by Mrs c. Miller and Mrs. T. Ross and violin solos by Miss Ruth Wilkin son, Mrs. A. Wilson was Rst.pn IRfinrt in Rnof.h Vtshprlps at 15.8c and 9c. , Canadian MafgallcS, 1,500. to Atlln Fisher ies at 15.6c and 10c. Nuba, J ,200, to Booth Fisheries at lo. vc and luc. TELLS ABOUT THE TALKIES Speaker at Rotary Luncheon Ex plains sytsems oi V. A.-.very. suwessful .tea-and.i.-Ttrat the em of talking pic tures being Installed here Is the Women's.. Missionary Society or Ewtric. which Is capable fJ"LS.IEv"of handling either, disc reproduc- ternoon at the home of Mrs. Geo. Hons or the movietone, or otner systems in which the sound Is rec orded on the picture, said J. G. Gerard at the Rotary Club luncheon yesterday. On the movietone the sound record takes up about -ne-elghth of an Inch along the edge and represents light varia tions. The sound Is projected to a nhoto-electrlc cell, amplified and sent around to the front of the tne-itre. The equipment being in- "tal'd here Includes methods of re producing every system, so that -ione of the pictures may be ex eluded because of lack of facilities. While the Quality of the repro duction depends to some extent on :ne operator ana instrument in tne heatre, the chief variations result from the work of the producer. whatever the film brings being re-oroduced here. Mr. Gerrard went into some de-ail in connection with the work ind answered a number of questions, and at the close was thanked by President George Bryant for his address. Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald, who Is presiding at the session of 'he Supreme Court Assizes here this week, and W, E. G. Johnson, official stenographer, will leave on Monday for Prince George, where the Assizes will be held next week. WHEN you wonder what to give the kiddies for supper, just serve them a bowl of crispy Kellogg's Corn Flakes with plenty of milk or cream. Delicious and extra easy to digest. CORN CORN FLAKES JU Th flaiii t with th Havor that can't b cepltdt JBURNETTS AtA oz. $295 - 40 ox. $435 ESTABLISHED 1770 i J " id This advertisement is not published or displayed by the yi Liquor Control Hoard or by the Gowrnment of ' BrittshColumb, ... VJ