r.4GE SIX All that shower and sun can give- in fragrance mm 1 VJLTB AH m tm orange Am mm X W 111 TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' mm SEVEN-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Rich in Woods and Finish Time-honored design . . . rich woods . . . and masterful workmanship . . . recommend this beautiful suite to the most discriminating home-maker. In new French Walnut effect, the beautiful maple overlay Bed, Spring and Mattress, Chest of Drawers, full size vanity and Bench furnishes any bedroom fully. Geo. J. Dawes Furniture Store Sol Agency for Gurney Stoves and Ranges Northern Agency for The Famous "Nachman" 'Spring-Filled Mattress FEDERAL BLOCK, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. PHONE BLACK 120 Wi"'S CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRDOCK ? AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. P. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers. Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, n.C. Georg I ft 1 117 eA was Picked Up Off Coast of Alaska Yesterday a news Item from Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent of the Prince Rupert General Hospital, reported to the board at its meetine last night that, owing to various reasons, no new student nurses bad been enrolled this falL However, it was expected to start a class in , the spring and. meantime, a couple of graduate nurses would probably hare to be added to the staff. Week-End SPECIAL For Friday, -Saturday andIonday ROV.-KTRnrSCOCOA Is. CAn Per Per ttn ttn OUU ' ROWNTREFS COCOA ! Per tin HEINZ KETCHUP Large bottle JELLY POWDERS I Per pkg TOILET ROLLS 8 for PINEAPPLE 3s. 3 tins BARTLETT PEARS 2 doz. I Mcintosh red apples 3 lbs 27c 28c 6c 25c 35c 55c 25c Economy Cash & Carry 319 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, n.C. Ladies-- Will you please let us talk RINGS with you some of: these days? We don't mean In an ad. j What we request is that you step into the store and! ask to see our Ladles' rlnjs. Don't expect us to parti- j cularize here. Always glad to answer your questions and assist you in selecting. JOHNgULGER- (JEWELLERS ittiTHt STORE WITH THE CLOCN , j i TOE DAILY NEWS Friday. September 27 AT SOLEMN' HOUR OF MIDNIGHT Bring In the same brakhouse MAN WHO STABBED TO DEATH wiui ww uu DI3HTRO SMILEVICH KE- CEIVES OWN SENTENCE (Continued from page one) nonttalaBUfr shniggeA,hfasiI- Queen Charlotts Istands which had ( Qkalla in charge of Constable T. i attack. Mr J isUc W. A. Maedonald : tated tha he was not readv yet I to r"alre his ruling. He assured 1 Mr. Johnson that he would be al- owed to recall any or aU witnes-vh: subject to that rulmg. The per witness was W E. Ho'-will. postmaster gardener and on'Veeper at Dorreen. He had known accused sine last Christmas a h had reruUriv purchased goods frdm him. The' week previous accused had called as usual for groceries and mail. A few davs before, witness and aeeused Had had a conversation reeardtng the rentrrte of a shack to the me of Horwir na"e T qter accn- ad told w1tn- "Ntver mird t 'ha" not ned it row. I aha!' hav a better hack at the end oi tie wee " Accused also in-1 structed wttaem to cancel hii grocery order for the end of the next week. Saw Accused Rnnnlnc 1 On the morning of July 14 wit ness testified, be ws awakened shortly before 8 o'clock scream, seeming to come from the direction or trie station. He ran to the window and saw accused running eart along the track In hi working clothes. He was carrying a suitcase. About 100 feet rrom tne station piatiorm. accused tripped and fell as if his thoes were bothering him, He kicked the shoes o'f and went on in the same direction at an increased pace. Witness went back to his room to finish dressing and. when he came cut anin he nv ifrmrri wm r m m HEALING SOOTHING ANTISEPTIC fvhjuriestSiiiiTroiiAa raft 1 ffflHjOK MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone C57. was alto another occurant of this bunkhouse. which was one or tne large rooms of the station house comprising eating as well as sleeping quarters Matt Regar. who had left the day before with the foreman for a trip to Smithers. Atiooe of the table, accused and deceased took their meals together. Asked as to the terms of. accrued and deceased at tab! been somewhat delayed in the malls Smith of OttTr. Palls and Constable , Z?Z JsrSZ? -X-.r ditkm dition was was not not normal. normal. They They look- look .the George D. This was doubtless the George A. which was engaged seining herring off the Alaska I coast Word recelred from Ketchi-i kan says: j The captain and crew of the ! George A. were picked up off Eagle ' Rock, the boat being in a sin kin1? condition. No one was injured and the boat is only silently damaged. Washington Bay Herring Co., made a haul at Larch Bay, was loading the herring Thursday afternoon when the aft bulkhead cared in, causing the herring to slide to the stem of the boat, submerging it The seiner Kodlak. which happen-; pT.i, bv L. w. Patmore. defence counsel. "Did you Vnow of SmileYlch having two tires and a shotgun?" ased Mr. Patmore. "He only had ?. tt rifle I did no Knew of any others," replied .WCL ".UJL? " w Witness h-d iae utwie a. dui h panea ana r,.v- nn th-ent against r-ni accused arfuuNri . i ifter making several unsuccessful ; h . '.tempts at salvaging they gave up and left taking the crew with them on the Kodlak. Friday morning about 7 o'clock nrick Johnson on the Hike. Aver? Bra rick on the Betsy Ross, and Sam Anderson, all trailers of Port Alexander, discovered the George A. west of Eagle Rock off Baranof Island A little later Cast. Otto Btnd-page, who was on his way from Port Uexander to Puffin Bay on his boa-the Xfarv fl arrived at the hcu to the wrecked boat took her into Puffin Bay, where she was beached, b railed out and repaired and later taken to Port Alexander. Early Evidence led at one another like beasts." John Patrleh Dorreen section' Witness remembered the Sun-: and a countryman of accused day morning in question for "an and deccsatd who earlier in his! unpleasant accident had occurred (Tide nee had told of performing that day." The night before he Roman CaoV.ie rites over Smile-'and accused and deceased had rich Jot before he died, was still .slept in the same room. Bach oc-on the StaiC when court resumed cupied a separate bed for thn afternoon session Tester-1 Witness said they spent thelcere- day. He was bem cross-examined i nings playing cards, accused and the vicUm taking part even though they were not on speaking terms. The Arrest Corporal H In ton of the mounted police told of receiving a message 'o be on the lookout. He caught the train to Woodcock. IS miles east Ari 1 of Dorreen. got a gas speeder and Ritchie Bet accused a mile east of RH V"- M had been , f!ominS along the track. The man customarv for the section cnw to wppea ana saia. Ait njni, po- work after ho rs on Sundays on Fenian. com5, the nearbv farm of the foreman Sergeant Service, who was at -Tames Storcoff For this work Smithers at that ttme.told of go- hev iceiTd vegetables from ,n to Dorreen by freight train on Stovnoff Or.lv once had witness the day in question and finding novm of acrused working on the Wood on the floor, a pair of slip-Stomoff farm It was not com-i between the rails on the track. pulwv for section men to do men wort. hod not heard accused refus to woHc on the Stovnoff farm. Nor had he heard other member of the crew twit Eollkora for not doinc this work but the room in which the ertnt was committed had not been disturbed. Dr. Leonard Wrtnch told of hold-'ni.a posl-.-aertm on the body of the victim. He described the On the Sunday morning of the ; tvoon- -n the body and said the HU'ne aU th? crew but accused I iuia died from loss of blood and wer cutting hav for 8tornotf. shock. Witns told of Boljkovac and Afte. another Ukrainian had told Smllevieh goin alone to Pacific meeting accused. Mrs. Staynoff a distance of tlx mites, on the da-1 'old hw she was lying in bed later oreviou to the killtnc They h- than usual that moraine, tt being gone then fn connection with 1 3undav. She could baar everything "ome checks, he be'ieved. On tet that went on in the building She return, accused had brought sots n:.d heard the men walking around nwerien wih him. Witness 1mm1 , t h;'. corning, but nothing more un-not hri tMt accused intended I til rhe was startled bv a scream at to ouit his Job At the ronc'usHMi of Patrich's enera1 testimony. A. M John-wn K.C.. crown counsel. enquird tf His Lordshln was prepared to make his ruling on a Question htch had srtn previonstv as o !he admlwabititv of SmiWkh's :tat4mnt unmedfatelv previous to ritri b!aming Boljkovac for the about quarter to eight Then she beard a speaking sound as if the man was pleading. She rushed down and saw Meta holding his stomach with hjs hands. She aided the injured man and five minutes later saw the accused going up the track with a suitcase and a pair of boots. Shown the knife she recognized tt as the property of Mela. SCALE OF CHAitGRS The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 16c wr nan!.,; f Ms rr fare and RairaKefMflt 1 announcement S2 SWeek-End Specials 8WIFT S PICNIC HAM ! 5Vj-lb. average. p-f Offi Each ?15D! SWIFT8 PREMIUM CON ahced, b still running alone the track nearjLIBBVC CORN BBBF- a curve about half-a -mile awav. 1 Witness then proceeded to the station. ! Cro-a-exam'ned by Mr. Patmore. iHorwtll said he bad heard accused was to be transferred from Dorreen It was not accused he iharl heard It from, though. I John Poznluk. another member i of the Dorreen section crew, who ;had been there for less than a rr.omn Of lore tne Killing, told ot 2 tins horseshoe Hs. 2 tins BA HALLOWI DATES 2 Dm. QUAKER BEAN8 WITH POHK-aa. 2 tins UBBVS CRUSHED PINB- APPLB8 Is. Tin NABOB PUMPKIN 2s. 2 tins ROYAL CITY RED PLUM8 2s. Tin BROOKFTELD CREAM ERY BUTTER 8 lbs. MALKIN'8 BEST HONEY 4-lb. tin 2 tins NABOB APRICOT JAM 4-lb. tin PRESERVINO PEACHES Crate ITALIAN PRUNBS- Crate ,..... RIPE TOMATOES Basket SUNKI8T ORANGES Medium size. 5 doz 53c BRENTWOOD PEAS Sieve tJC0 5. 2 tins i5DC SALMON 45c 25c 25c! 25c 25c 15c S1.40, 75c! BLUE MOUNTAIN PINEAPPLES Sliced 2s. Or 60c: $1.60! si.ioj 35c 95c Alberta Market P, GAMUI. Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 II v i m iiitrs ssssj as.EE s, T. 1 1 1 1 im ii Oithepfianlc Csr As tin Victor Talking Machine Co. FRI. AND SAT Two Shows 7 and 9 p m GliEAT DOUBLE BILL The Fine Comedy "Honeymoon Flame" And a Splendid Racetrack Story "Silks and Saddles" ALSO, "OSWALD" Admission, 15c & 50c; Sat. Matinee, 2:30, Admission, 10c & ;k ictor Records Baby Oh Where Can You Be? ForTrot Rudy Vallfe and Ills 22034 Connecticut Yankees Vocal Johnny Martin 22M Rudr vo Miss You Fex Tret Rudy Vallee and Hit Connecticut Yankees 2M Maybe I Who Knows ? Voa.1 Gene Austin Lovable and Sweet from the motion picture "Strtrt Girt" Tot Trot Cus Arnheim and Ilia Orchestra Vocal Miller and Farrtll My Song of The Nile from the motion picture "Drag" Walts The Troubadours 22073 Vocal The Melody Three 22028 Am I Blue ? from the motion picture "On uflh the Show" Fox Trot Nat Shilkre t and The 22004 22033 Fox Trot diaries Dornbcrjjcr'; . 22031 and Ills Orchestra Victor Orchestra Nt Shukat AU the latest Red Seal record by famout Victor ArtitU . 2:954 2rs Ill gSSCJ K( of Canada, ORTHOPHONIC VICTROLAS AND RECORDS McRae Bros, s VEll VICTOR ADIO UEC'EIVEIuS COAL! MINE HEAD LUMP-Per ton SI 5.50 MINE HEAD Edd Per ton --50 PEMBINA EGGr-Per ton . . . . . . sl-'-l)0 SPECIAL PRICES FOR WINTER'S SUPPL Y HYDE TRANSFER 171 THIRD AVENUE EAST rilONE 580 HEATED STORAGE BAGGAGE COAL SBE2&S3 If you lose anything, try a classified ad.