PAGE TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Excejit Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue HF. PULLEN Managing-Editor . SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by tnali or canrier, yearly period, paid In advance $5.00 j For lesser period, paid in advance, pr month ... 501 Gy maii to all parti of Northern and Centra) British Columbia, Or four months for 1.00iS;lr,n-15WllaI,?lrd!aU8hter, E? and ZJLvL?tV.i a former resident of Terrace paid jn advance for yearly period DAILY EDITION Friday, September 6, 1929 MACDONALD AND HOOVER Discussions of world oeate and naval disarmament wnai ne says anu minKs may oe laKen as a renection oi i what the common people say and think alloyed with his! d. s. wiuttcn of Edmonton was'staa keen judgment and fine sympathy If Ramsay Macdonald pJtagof a says that ninety-five per cent of the world's peoples are acralnst Avar, that statement is Drobablv true. One could S. N. Christian. bookkeeper hardly find one better able than he to discern such things. Lpar?y St ofTiskAc? was . J Much toward the object Of World peace may be accom-jnere last week renewing acqualn-j pushed when itamsay Macdonald and Herbert Hoover get j together. Both have soen enough of the hardshin and hit-: Many Vanderhoof people were hi deflected by superficial and selfish things. Herbert, wa held on Tuesday and wed- woover has not yet shown as Kamsay Macdonald has done, i "t3ua- but the world is expectinir a oreat deal from him in this M. rlster, Mr. Dickie and Mr. Pooley are treadhtr dantrerous ?oberl .Irv,n were Tulrs nere uauLi oub "tauiufc, iwTuT. . rrom prince Rupert at the end giound. o-vnnnrl it If ic is nn no nnt part of the business of any cabinet min-itne week. of, mwi ui iiMiinoer oi parliament to palter or play with the spoils spoils :i .TlC'" system system or or admit admit tyu"ul its its l.s nprp?sirv necessity. necessity, TIip The llie wlm iifon Idea Ol nf nf 'vis ditch- ,V,tnC ing good men that should not be thrown overboard," sim- nv tn nrivn nnvfv n'nvtnra nn:;j,.:.. : j.i I .:iWM.lMM!' wj-' ...s. . 1 1 pen f air wnere mev were sue. cessful In winning many nrlzes. as A crowd went out from town SatUDdav nbht to take in- the dance at Kalum Lake. Mr. Jas. H. Smith returned on iMondav from Prince Ri'ocrt. after ! accompanying her brother-in-law. ..noun omiiii 10 ine nosDltai. She on Wednesday for the south atwl tin .fPndlcz IM past year and a half. King George and Queen Marv enlovlncr with friends In Prince Runert after his convalescence. TIIE NEWS Fldy. September NORTHERN B. C. NEWS VANDERHOOF (repair, work to be done on the I Terrace streets. Fred Maklns of Fort Fraser, Is' ' on a trip to Vancouver where he c H W(iarn 0 or tne Lakelse will aDDear before the Pensions &k?JL ?fSm ?S.. , . VO&ra. trin tn Rriihrn Of! Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Martin of Vancouver are visiting here with staged Monday night, with R. W. 10 1 Terrace D. D. Munro returned 1 home on Saturday after taking in the Prince Rupert Fair. Miss Gladys Kenney left Satnr- cay to spend the holiday with 'riends In Smithers and to attend the Tclkwa Barbecue. V W v Gonzales, Prince Rupert "bar- spent the week-end In town, and also visited Lakelse Lake. McConnell and Hawl Saturday from Prince J. P. McMillan. R. Gibson and music was furnished by a five piece orchestra. L. Smith, of the Terrace Hotel, who has spent the past Mrs. W. H. McDonald Is spend Ing a wek in Prince Rupert. Mrs. E. M. Smith and dauehter. well as most of the special nrizes , Kathleen, and Miss Louise Mat Biven in me grains, roots and mews left on Wednesday tn nwnH vegetable sections. f r Q TiArfftteAM tA .1. 11J a few days In Prince Rupert. rvn a fnr tn d.i... n.. . I Mrs. M. B. Knleht. nf T JiHv. V .... vtu til 1U1VU AUUtti I ' "J during the week, returning Sat- 8nlth, iJt -president of " the' Rebekah urday- Assembly of B.C.,,pald an official m' . 'Tlslt to tne ,ocal assembly "on Mr Mr. and r, Mrs. W. a. B Anderson iThpHiu and Mrs. W. H. McDonald were ay mn,n&- among me prince Rupert Fair day. who returned on Satur Miss Gladys Kenney. returned' on jnursday, after a short holl day trip to Prince Rupert. Robert Corlett returned on WedJof Frank Ekman, Stuart ' Crotrau nesday from a trip to Prince Ru-and Fred Green came pert. on one of his periodical professional visits. E. J. Moors left on Friday on trip to Prince Rupert. STEWART Mrs. A. Lents of Prince Rupert over a peri0d 0f some weeks, the month visiting with her sister In by old Umer to th iPe- Portland. Ore. returned to Ter- men 01 on ever exniouea War against war. tin mlnin? in the Manson Creek I race on Wednesday. Now that the Dawes plan has been superceded and the Young plan is not acceptable to the British, possibly the Snowden play may be the final word in reparations settlement. THE PATRONAGE EVIL The first year is over, but the battle is bv no means Wfin. SflVS thf VnnomiVPr Pfnvinpo in pnmmnntinir nn 4-Vioi country, has been spending a wek m town. He Is verv Dleased with the work that Is being done on the road toward Manson Creek. F. G. Cook. prlnclpaL Miss Margaret McDlarmld. Miss Betfv Lamb and Miss Elsie Arland are the teachers on the staff of the Vanderhoof Superior School this term. TERRACE Tolmie government with regard to patronage. In f act,' sa'Xfromncoto there is some evidence that the wolves of natronape are same her duties at the t ?thering for th,e.ovn5et' that tisK'pSa'a a unvuu i ace ouiiic mcjijr iinuiig me amazing speecn i coming year luctue ui a receiii, poaiicai picnic ai c-squmau Dy u. ti. Dickie, who represents Nanaima in the house of commons, is an indication of the trend of things. "When we get into power," he said, "yii people will be the first to be considered. We will consult the ConscTvatlve associations and make them as perfect a .machine aslthere ever has been in the country. We may have to ditch some good men, who should not be thrown overboard, but the executives of the party associations must be considered for their long years of labor whi'e the nartv has been out of nnwer." Mr. Dickie was speaking of Dominion matters, of(retirnCdJ, uut ne was eviucuuy trying 10 paciiy mose WhO "upen. had sought preferment at Victoria and been disappoint-! . 7".. , ed. Even Mr. Pooley, who was at the picnic, appears to i he'r, T iSV!h?deS?- while have caught something of the spirit of the occasion. HeA- McLeod. local agent u on hou- told of his struggles with party workers and job seekers, ! days admitted that many of those to whom he was speaking! c. vaiiee was down from Pacific were entitled to office, and asked them to have patience 1 0VCT, ih h?l,day- "e was accom-until the itslpanled by luH!l Le Ross government had straightened out some of uiner aiiairs. on re- Mrs. J. DesJardlnes and daughter. Mrs. A. E. Johnston, left the holiday in Prince Rupert. into business. Mr. Zeffertt Riley and A. Attree in charge of Is a, pioneer businessman of rranjements. There was a rainy Stewart and the departure of hlm- Iarge crowd In attendance and self and his wife Is much regretted here. A 100'pound sample of ore from the Melvln property is declared t in biewari. it is pracucauy satur-, A. H. Waddlngton of the forest-. all sides and Is Intermingled with j ry department. Prince Rupert, was galena and other silver sulphides. I a visitor here during the week. Fifty pounds of It was pounded up and yielded 27 ounces of na- W. F. Treston, who has spent J Mv silver. the summer months In Alaska, re-: turned to Terrace on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Newton T. Bur- , dick, Wellington Beaton and R. her O. Mellln made an aerial trip over Georgia River section last on Wednesday to spend a short week with Pilot W. E. Gilbert In ; the Western Canada Airways fly ing boat Pintail. Mr. and . Mrs. E. J. France have moved into the cottage next to The Joint committee from the the Terrace Theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Board of Trade and Hyder j Jas. H. Smith expect to move j Chamber of Commerce Is busy ob-. shortly into the home vacated by taming data with regard to the j Mr. and Mrs.. France, having re- j Alaska-British Columbia highway .cently. purchased' the property project. Governor Oeorge Parks of, from Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fowler of Alaska Is keenly enthusiastic about Smlthers. , i the project Mrs. J. R. Adams of Usk wa.s An American biplane, piloted by the guest of Mrs.. Jas. H. Smith Paddy Burke, circled at consider- on Wednesday. : able height over Portland Canal . 'ait Tuesday. Mrs. Denhaur and daughter, Bl- 11 r sle, who have been' on a holiday A trial ore shipment recently trip to the prairies, returned to i made from the Woodbine mine to their home In Copper City last, Trail smelter, yielded $42 Jl per week. ! ton in gold and silver values I alone, according to returns which Miss Margaret WUllscroft of have been received. There Is also Prince Rupert, who has been i 'ad, sine and copper content. holidaying at the home of Mr.i r- and Mrs. C. H. Thomas, returned' Satisfactory results continue to home on Wednesday. j be obtained from development (Work on the Independence Oold Mmlng Co.'s property. Jack Evans has purchased Harry a son was corn on Friday, to. Tehran's barber shop here. Mr Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Dyson of Ter-', nd Mrs. Cochran have left for n wl,son KmUh- who has been 111 race- holiday in CaUfomla, after which with mumonla at the home of. their Diana for th fnt., or- .,. nn nroiner. jas. H. smith, was Mr. and Mm. F r nni nH luhcii iu ine irince itunprt nn. i i n.. . . .. r" L'.A .y v..4o uiiu Oi me very Eital wno leu nere in me spring: on Saturday saturdayby hv mm Mrs. smith., RmHh worst political tenets that could nossiblv be held or nrcaeh. 1 exDectlng to uttte near , , fTi. rn w. A Ml. -- a. .1 i . , . A . ... ... ... .! rat nrv, ai n Mn MM Tri . vu, uuu ui mc same LiiaracLer is hipa rnnr j.1 T r . V . " l"c "uiiuuiK ui u uiacnine wnicn t u' iucoiiv nut ilium inin nrnpt r mnt um-qH tn n .. t-j n . . . . . t ;i i - , . . . 1 . Z " vnvu wic lute 1 iuo. iu. oanics ana iwrs. uara- LilDeral trOVernment in Mntsn Pnlnmiia n,l tl, n U ner Of Pacific In mim nr. vewive lorce will wreck the Conservat ve Eovemment or y LtZT uncheon hostess tLlU" s a,br,dg,e on af- anv nthpr. crnvflrnmonf M,of oi i T Thursday ,vv.,miviii, tiiub m.vvvo it iu yet WUTKing, Ideas are like radio messages. They come out of the everywhere into here, but the receiver must be in tune or they cannot be picked up. Mrs. Bohler and sons returned ternoon , v,. u.,uiuaj Hum mc niiii;t: uu , A E. Goodenough of the Hanson Timber Co.. Smlthers, was In town Wednesday. certain. Browning, laspector of beer nnvrino ia n. Mr. ana Airs. Namn iert on fti. -"" muuy ana k"vi aim cmos ior me nrovm. - has titled to have an office made - for him ...... w....f.j simply because wvvuuoc lie he:me'tTm agal" toke "P here. Jjl last government, week. was a vlsltor'here helped put a party into power. It was the holding of Ideas oh n rhncn nrifl K,.iui:n e ...P. Ing connected with the E. D. Jud- son TimDer Co.'s operations. James Michael Morrlce, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James Morrlce. was christened last week in St. Mark's Church by Rev. W. B. Jennings, the god-parents being W. D. Smith and Mrs. L. T. Baker. After the christening, tea was air. jnos. Brooks are spendlng aj week at Rosswood, "kalum Lake. Farmers in .this district who did . . . ' r a-;.- not get their hay and feed in h. rcporiea consiaeraole mnrovemiinf na Alice, reiurnca on ui the patient's condition. 'Wednesday after spending a few ' . j Z idays ,n Prince Rupert. mi. uuu iviri. is. u. lft ' W. Marsh of Prince George was the district, during which tlme!a vls,t0r here during- the week. iHV ?u"5" was engaged in the pole Industry. oi ciomes and oUier articles. Sclfclrffttv : com Dr. Agncw, dentist, Is In town of Bulklcy Valley boys consisting .l.ill'idKlng. province. intersection of the high grade vein Mrs. A, miksr CAN GARDINER Mrs. Schrelbr and son, Dick, have arrived bw motor from Ootsa STOCK QUOTATIONS i.'ouitev S I) tnhnntou 'o.) B. C. Silver, 1.00. Nil. Bay view, 24. 3. Beaver Stiver, 13, 14. Big Missouri, 1.15, 1.16. Cork Province, Nil, 10. Cotton Belt. Nil, 48. George Copper, 5.35, 5.50. Georgia River, 35, 30. Gladstone. Nil. 6. Oolconda. 70, 73. Grandvlew. 33, 34. Inter. Coal St Coke. 33. 34. Kootenay Florence, 13. 14. Kootenay King. MVi. 30. Mohawk. 34. 3. Morton Woolsey Va, 5. Marmot River Oold. Nil 4, Marmot Metals, 3 ft, Nil. Noble Five. 57, 58. Oregon Copper. 20, 21. Pend Oreille. 5.00. 550. Premier. 1.73. 1.76. Reeves Macdonald. 1A6. 1.02. Rufus-Argenta, 16. 16$. Ruth-Hope. 34. 36. Silver Crest, 8, 8 V. Silversmith. 8. 10. Siocan Rambler. Nil, 15. Snowflake. 37 V4. 3d. Sunloch, 2.00, Nil. Topley Richfield. Nil. 16. Toric Mines, 70, 1.20. Wellington, 5. 6. George Enterr.rise, 20, 20 Bluebird, 84, 9. Oils Amalgamated. 15, 18. Associated. 3.00, 3.2S. Freehold, 1.75. 1.79. Mill City. Nil. 8.00. Spooner. Nil. 155. United, 1.09. 1.11. C. & E.. 6.50. 0.60. Turner Valley. 1.00, Nil. . A. P. Consolidated, 4.12, 4.15. Calmont. 4.35. 4.45. Dalhousle, 3.40, 350. Deveniah. 30, NIL Fabyan Pete. 174. 18V. . Foothills, Nil. 7.00. Home. 21.50, 31.70. Illinois-Alberta. 71, 75. Mayland. 8.80. 9X0. McDoug.-Segur, 450. 4.C0. McLeod, 350, 3.76. New McDoug.-SBiir. Nil. 1.40. Royallte, 135.00. 140.00. Regent. 47. Nil. Hargal, 1.80. 1.81. Sterling Pacific. 2.00, 2.02. Dallas. 2.60, 2.85. Mercury. 1.02. Nil. Mr. HOTEL ARRIVALS served at the home T ' Mr. and Mrs. 1 of Mr and ana;Judson. th, . Mrs. Morrlc. Terrace; A. J. Foster. NEW HAZELTON Joe Seymour of Hagwllget was Trlnce Rupert W. P. Bennett and W. C. Vancouver; E. D. Mrs. Flnter. Miss Ball, Miss, fore the recent rains are nnw h,. sett: Mr. nnri itr. ing much trouble In cettlntr u Premier. cut and dried. There has been a serious epidemic of black measles at Klt-wanga and several deaths have rcsuuea rrom the SiMITHKUS Ed A committee, consisting of II. M. HOLD OFFICE? Lake to vUlt'Mh' Mrs. Schrelber's Political 'Jiypi sister, Mrs. Roy Guss. They were .... i i u.. 1 n.tu. and Nina Hunter who returned to asuiOXudy Prince Rupert after having spent ... the summer vacation at Ootsa Us Labln Slate h So Far rwt. After several attempts spread Lake. -'" amtt D. Balllle R.N. of Prince . u, , ' . R The ioBiuvuic ib now in Talrntcn T A. u,llr MP Will Willi U1C AUU1I1 VC1U UU U1C 1VIUU11- "UUHW iWO anncn W tunic UIl ... ,. . Miss Marjorie Sutherland, the party leader in holtl n new teacher for Hazelton Public Pwr. School, arrived at the week-end The Gardiner kowtiuvp. MM A -l. . . . . . . .. . "i nwicrun. me lensiature with at the end of the week for Van- j Mitchell Newman of Haselton oT8?xtTth0rLl Tec t bUUVCl VII 1 UUhC w lien v " K, A nv.... W. ,1 Kllii where they will nil for London,. Eng., where Mr. Zffertt expects' Tin- r trves have twenty-ton, Independent labfls on T:, resnaining five sen is ,ire by those who at prtst-n' , themselves Pro-u-s.-,-.. who, If the proposal ,f t? M son, president of the s Progressive Associa'joi. js . ed, will officially i selves aa members nf i Ws- MlAtUV ul IfctTj 1'VI waa- - niri Sinn I r I U nyfvA . . J. D. Moore, government agent spend the next two weeks. i tain Boy property has been reach- the nursing staff of the Hazelton fh " ePec,,i thai fion ;J.5?5JLha?21?p2fittS5. .' . ed and shows a width of some 30 Hospital. ffI.UTi W Mesdames Adams and Roberts feet of good mlnlng ore, accord-! . KaZ raUte aefaob for - third term ; 1-udiic scnpoi ror roe mira lerm. H missm nnrham. Whitlow and . . i a. -..u .'wnetner p-. Premier Dr. and Mrs. Lineham and fam- Hon Mnnrtnv nleht lly of Vancouver have been visit- ... tag at Stuart Lake. I . . . , Mlin iVAlOO nilVC A- W v Reld at the hieh school, the oth- carload of horses. . . - A aance, unuer kiie aiupicn ui the Terrace Board of Trade, was terneas of war and both are humanitarian enough .not tolSSSJf fSftKff. which; Mrs. h . the property. Under the convenershlp of Mrs. - . ! ro OI VlClona, aua iviisa ruuuui; . xx. iuuuit a succiwiui tug uajr nave ascended to a higher plane since participation in0fijJLt TO I dancV in the Rnd MUs Qwyerof pnnce Rupert. WM held Monday in aid of the them Of the Birtish premier, Et Hon. J. Ramsay Macdon-! Community HaU on Tuesday eve-,d "to Stewart General Hospital aid. There is much that is good and Kindly m this man and incre M a iaiKC uc" staff. Miss Gwyer win assist Miss that in now anlncr nn tht mnlnr ""'ICO ; t, 3 O. G:,,... or the Liberal );irty ul'lt,' road from here o Smlthers will . ,n nr:m , ,:a be greatly Improved. ,toe put twenty-three y,:u r b. . ,f. 1. ilUUClMJIl. t'lIVirvviv. I'AV sKatenewan Farmers pi.ui a- soclation." I Til. IKm. . ,. Independents and Pi ,rrv., Imustefed under the ii .ii, ,:. Dr. Anderson have i: v; j their intention to vn , p; Oardlner and parfv Hr 'at the earliest possibii1 tn :: t: Premier Oardinci .u 'own vote, Will have ,i in r- ; (four over the Con.srrv ,-; j relation to the whuie ii.-'i,c v :.; be In a minority uf - i:. t.j .represents a big turn vi- : n , standing In the ;.t v when the Liberals numb-i' . ' three. , Cabinet Ready It Is understood th r V- ilv.T-son has'hls' cabine- . !i prepared la readlnr -i, honor call upon him i' t tlon Is considered. h ' V : Major M. A. MacPhcr t Kr I of the Reglna Cuius, i -1 f bers, who has been !t , t. : -(tkned for the post i . ' general. t If, and when. Dr And. : his colleagues are must return to th-ir : 'constituencies for f during this recess the i i will probably stand ui n : Mr. Oardlner hus d. course in retalninti n...-. legislature should 'ground that he Ik! " group and that thr J.-f.-. i" ;the proper arena fur ' 'strength. In addition 'that deferred elections v-ling In two far norths, endea He a la f'rns- i; berland and the . i i could not be consul.' ed until these return - -ayi ' of tnese ridings nt iM o 1 candidates. I On the other hand l"1 Ar demanded immedlaf! i -.the Gardiner govonini : v 'few days after thr nr..:., tlon. In a formal pc " lllelitenant-govenior members of the thr itrrourja. he stated Jment should be dism -rground that It did no' ( 'rMifWnpp of the m.ii-1'' 'members-elect. ,, In, replying to pt';;i Lieutenant - Govrnn-i Kf-' stated that he had ronM:"' " monton; R. L. Day, Battle Creek prem,er Oardlnor m i Mich.; F. R. Wilson, Inverness ' wlth hlm tnat ns (largest group he was Central Puce nlf 'aie in l; a ...i.i.h. innnnnfii: ..n.i L' ' -C.t jjiUAiiuain; ito Hon. A. J. fitollwoi-thv N' w " 5l- :;.f if' I! '.V vi IDf ! tit ,f 'II' A A l r I . .i i . .. I i i , . n.. Yi imnnr IHIPI- Awreen canin and stealing a suit i H'si "1 Robert, nnri .,..- tlmat thdt he would " . vM,iit.a iiuiiLrr. ill v ...... ... ... F. E. Shiel, Vancouver. the date were fixed lot &.i" John Ruskln. who headed last 7. T i I vear'i clui it r. trt.n.i. . ... . "oyai . . . if ... School fhnniTT. has II "7"a1- ay watson, Port Simpson; h. Larthquahc in new been appointed tench- II. Brawand and M E Olson 4 ' I J Vrv Cosl f er of the New Haselton school for C.N.R.; E. Strombcrg fiZ" the the comlne coming year. vear. . ..n. ..... Stewart; "w'1.. Q Vi - " A-..Ml-tne? Ross and) ii. nvsue, cuy. a WELLINGTON, N.Z wh , m f(By the Canadian W' l . and Mrs. Blanchard. Mas- waste - lane i sect ,o.i.m uf Nr"'1 P. HackCtt. Hackett, iRr,d Inrirl wilt wm nut cost thii tho diitulnlo!! '' land's minister of hc w;"w the first aUthenUc sUi-w the damage done whm he u) ir' Mathews, H. F. Noel and L. B. ed the house of reprr nt.. .. ..,.. ... . i - i "nyox. wno nave soeni me nea ,L il. ..... .. .v P Tuesday irtcr a h .oent mner vacat,on at 11111 Fa. contracts have been let for the Terrace, left for home on Friday. Sl'llUtlV'" . ,.nc. . . I . IT i me matter of road conditions in E. Miner, inspn"" (M thU district with Hon. Ncls Loug-itoms. arrived In the t heed, min'ster of public works. Prince Rupert this aft':''"""" w when he visits hero in the near, Victoria, being on u v-future. Hazelton on official du ics.