Friday- September 6, 1929 No. 1 A Folding Kodaks , From. $12.25 No. 2 C Folding Kodaks From $18.50 KODAK TIME . Brownies from $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks From $11.25 No. 3 A Folding Kodaks ' From $34.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), F. 3.5 Lens $100.00 Kodak Films, all sizes in stock. Developing and printing for amateurs. Dally service. Quality finish. Qrmes M. Zfic Pioneer Drugeisls THIRD AVE. V SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONFS 82 u 200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Malllnjca From rrlncc Hupert lor VAN('Ol'ER. VICTOHIA, SManwi, my. ilutnlale, Alrrt liar, etc, Tuesday, 3:30 p.m. lor V.sNCOl KH. VICTORIA, lluledule, Alrrt liar. etc.. Friday midnight tur ALICE AILM, AN VOX, SItWAHT. Nous Hlver. l'urt Stmou, bun day, 8:oo p.m. rt HOST HlMP!ON AND M'.ttF" INLAND. Tnursdar, u rn. 1-1 tnd Avenue It M SMITH Ajeut I'rliirr Ilupert, B.C. Tl rvutli tickets sold to Victoria and Crnttlr. .and baggage thetked through t destination. 1 CANADIAN, PACIFIC kSSIUMT Ird Ate B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES HAIMNfiS IKOM PKIM'E III I'KKT To Ketchikan, Wrnngrll, Junrau and S';u((a !rntrmber 7, 18. '!. To Yamoutrr, Victoria and Seattle frptrmher 7. II. it. I'HINCLHI MAKY Orran Fall, etr., Vancouver and Victoria every Friday to p.m. Agents far all Htramhlp Line H C ORCIIAKD. IIENEIIAL AOENY Prlnce Ittnrt. II C rhone 31 Canadian National Q7id Largeft Kailway Sjtftem in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE Jivlllnc from PRINCK ItUPEKT for VANrol'VF.K VIcroillA. HKATTLh. and Intermediate points, Monday. Thurkdays, 4 p.m.; Safnrdajs, 7 p.m. lor ANVO.X and STEWART, Monday. 8 p.m.: Friday. I p.m. Far .MA3XKTT IMXT I'OltTH. Mondays. 8 p.m. lor HOI Til (JIEEN CIIAKI.OTTE 1SLAMI3. fortnightly lor PKAUWAY, MdneUa)s, 4 p.m. I'ASSIIMltlt TICAINS I.EAtE rHIM't ttlTl.UT DAILY EXCEPT StNDAY at 11:30 a m for PKlNCi; (IIOIKIE, EDMONTON. HINMI'KU. all polnla Eastern Canada. I'nlted Mates. AOKNCY ALL OCEAN HTF..tMHIF LINKS City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prime Hupert Phone 200 LUMBER Thoroughly seasoned Shiplap, S4S Dimension and Boards. KILN DRIED :eand and Cedar Cedar Finish Finish, Sitka Spruce Ceiling, and Kustio. SPECIALTIES 1 x 4" Edgegrain Hemlock Flooring 1 x 3" and 4" Sitka Spruco Ceiling 1 x 4" and G" Cedar Rustic BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, R. C. Head Office, Seal Cove, Telephone, 3G1 Ketall Ynd, Cow Kay, Telephone 423 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PHINCE KUPEKT, B.C. Daily lews Want Ads. bring quick Results Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ross and Wilson Smith of Terrace, who has been a patient in the Prince Rupert deneral Hospital, suffering with pneumonia, is now making satisfactory progress toward recovery. Albert & McCaffery, Limited. Phone 116 and 117. Two scows , of Nanaimo-YVellington lump coal i arrived today. We are now pre-j pared to supply you with your winter's coal. tf Union steamer Cardena, Capt. A. Johnstone, arrived In port at Haying been delayed by fog. while' comm up the coast. CN R. stenHcr "Prince . Jtupert, Capt. D. Donald, arrived In port at 1 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver, Powell River an Qean Palls and will sail at 4 pjn. for Anyox and Stewart whence the will return here at 6 o'clock tomorrow evening and sail south at - 6. ANNOUNCEMENTS i wi i s i a. e t Backache ! Bladder Trouble i Sleepless Nights! "Fruit-a-tives" Attacks the Cause Braces the System r THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Dig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist Dr. J. R. 686. Gosse. Phone children of Prince Rupert are the! Charles P.'Balagnd, teacher of quests of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Cam- Pianoforte, has resumed teaching, eron Cumberland Victoria ,(tf) Colonist. Miss Eva Morgan sailed yester- day afternoon1 on the Prince F. D. Rice B.C.L.S. returned to Charles for Vancouver, the city on yesterday afternoon's train fronv a brief trip to the Ecstall River on Power Corporation of Canada business. Miss Mary Dowther returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this afternoon from Vancouver; A, charge against Dido Qurvich of disorderly conduct was with drawn in city police court yester day afternoon. Albert & McCaffery Limited. Phone 11C and -117. Try our oot less stove coal. We guarantee satisfaction. Miss E. I. Johnson of the local staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, left on this afternoon's train to spend a holiday at Jasper Trevor Johnston, who has beeniarK. spending the past two months at J Hopkins Landing, near Vancou-: . R. Gilbert ver. In charae of a Y.M.C.A. camo. has been on of Terrace, who trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince , arrived on the Prince Rupert this Rupert this afternoon. afternoon from the south, on his way to the interior. being CP. R. steamer Princess Mary.j 5:30 this morning from the south Capt. S. K. Gray, Is due In port at and sailed at 7 ajn. for Wales' 7 o'clock this evening from the Island, Port Simpson . and the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on Skeena River whence she will re-: her return to Vancouver and way- turn here this evening and sail; ports. south at midnight. Mrs. M. A. Burbank, who spent the summer vacation in Prince George, and has been visiting for the past few weeks at Maple Creek. Sask.. with a sister, returned to the city on yesterday after noon's train, accompanied by her' John McHugh, fisheries department, engineer, sailed yesterday afternoon by the Prince Charlw WnaPB Via nrllt kUa.J . 1 1 John W. Allen, engineer for the Dominion erlea, sailed by the Prince Charles yesterday-afternoon-urn his return to Vancouver after having spent a few days here on official duties. A. J. Tasker, father of Tommy Tasker of the Power Corporation, arrived In the city this afternoon on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver. Mrs. Tasker and family soon and will in the city. take "up residence . : , vt" I two C.PJc. Skagway liners will aance. ne aance or me season. be ln port The Prlncesa .Moose I all, September 20. A ' Louise, Inaugurating the fall 10-i whoopee day 5Chedule. Is due ln the mom. ! I lng northbound, and In the after i vainouc iMtsaar,. uciour i. ai noon me rrincess unanotte, on 13. 158 the final tourist voyage of the I j summer, will call southbound. Presbyterian Bazaar November After their marriage tomorrow afternoon by Rev. Alfred Wilson oi rirst united Church, s. C. Thomson, well known local business man, and his bride-elect, Mrs A. B. Limey, also well known and popular, will sail tomorrow eve nlng on the Prince Rupert for a noneymoon trip to Vancouver and elsewhere ln the south. If you suffer from back-pains, wakeful TOO LATE viij TO 1U UUnsair CLASSIFY I nlghU. Improper bladder and bowtl action resulting from kidney trouble, try "Fruit- . a-tivea". Thii wonderful medicine made of Intended fresh fruit juices and the finest medicinal ingredients restores normal action naturally . . . and quickly. Find relief yourself. It has helped thousands 1 Get "Fruit-a-tlvcs" to-day at your , druggist's. onNnoitorT vRr rf?' onis"i7's VI TV" rues riMus iciiMtl 4 m M I) H k SCItlll sou auas en r WANTED Young lady with some knowledge of the shoe business, gooa references. Apply Box 221 Dally News Office. (tf) LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 69 Cartige, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving. Coal? Coal? Take nrtvnntute ot ' low price to put In jour winter supply, U)SO. and C.SSM)Y-VK1.I.IX(. TON' In any quantities. AIo 1'lnur. May, drain and I'erd. Prince Rupert Fed Co PtyONES 58 AJSp 553 The case of Emil Wicks, charged with assault, was further adjourned until tomorrow on coming up in city police court this morning. George McAfee, manager of the Big. Bljjmber.. C(w resumed. .to the city on the Prince Rupert this afternoon from a brief business trip to Ocean Falls. Rev. and Mrs. J. 8. Brayfield of Anyox, who have been on a trip to Wlnn'jeg, are passengers aboard the Prince Rupert this afternoon returning to the smelter town. Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMaster and1 family of Anyox, who have been spending a vacation in the south, are passengers aboard the Prince Rupert this afternoon returning from Vancouver to the smelter town. SPECIALS CORNED BEEF Helmet brand. Is. 2 tins 45c PICKLED PIGS FEET OH OA 3 bottles t?Ji.UU BRAND'S A-l SAUCE 3 bottles COCKTAIL OYSTERS 2 tins DUTCH MAID MAYONNAISE -oz. bottle DUTCH MAID DRESSING 3- SALAD oz. bot. SWANSDOWN CAKE FLOUR Per pkg. ... 85c 45c 35c 35c 40c on his return to Vancouver aftcriLUX TOILET SOAP QfTr Per Per doz doz. vwv efwiuuig a icw uuyo ui me ciiy on official business. Bob and Terry Onne sailed y ea ch lid r en. Thev were met up the ; iema aiiernoon on uie Prince LUX line by Mr. Burbank. , Charles for Vancouver Island, j 3 pkg. BRAID'S BEST BLUE LABEL TEA AND ONE CUP AND QAn SAUCER Per lb. $1.65. $2.15. 2Vfe-lb. tint, each M .in 35c ...""' ... 4 pKOS RINSO. rezular'SOc: 1 Airs urme ana otner members of, wun. MiMi the family are going south later. Total value O'fl Off ofcviai v www. superintendent STROH'S MALT SYRUP Bohem-i 'are expected to arrive some time Fish-! ian, hop flavored. A A We are sole' agerits'for this line. The real malt to suit your taste. Mussallem GroceiVCo. ' ' LIm'ted 117-423 5th Ave. E. Thones 18&84 P O. Box 575 Daily News "Classified" tlninir brings results. adver- Victor Orthsyrfionlc Ceorg Olsen) What Records My Song of The Nile from the motion picture "Drag" . . . Vocal The Melody Three 32028 Breakaway from the "Fox Movietone Follle" Fox Trot George Olsen and 21961 Ills Music Heigh Ho! Everybody, Heigh Ho! Fox Trot Rudy Vallee and Ills Connecticut Yankees 22029 A High Silk Hat and Vocal Baby Oh Where int. ft la BcnroUack Victor Talking Machine Co. ORTHOrilONIC VICTHOLAS AND RECORDS a Bud Vallta A Walking Cane Frank Crumlt 22021 Can You Be? Fox Trot Rudy Vallee and His 22034 Connecticut Yankees Vocal Johnny Marvin 22039 Louise from the" motion picture "Innocent of Part" Vocal Maurice Chevalier 21918 Fox Trot Ben Pollack and Ills 21941 Park Central Orchestra Piano Solo Harry Thomas 216544 All, the latest Red Seal records bg famous, Victor Artists ' " ' " Iw McRae Bros. S T A R T A bowlful of Kellogg's Corn Flakes at breakfast. With milk or cream, fruits or honey added. Golden flakes of toasted corn. Rich with flavor. Crunchy with crisp-ness. It's a treat 12,000,000 people wel come every day. 3i-- VICTOR RADIO RECEIVERS Kallof g Corn Flakes ar Jaltefees) for lunch anj dinner as 'wall aa breakfast. Aa MaaJ tnat for lh children's suppar. So easy la direst. Always extra crisp. With the flavor that can't he copied. Sold by all grocers. Served by hotels; cafeterias, en diner. Made by KellortJaLenden, Ontario. Oven. ' freth In the ref.and.Teen package. CORN FLAKES ... m 'i "ir ii i