jlon day. September 23, 1929 11 1 A Folding Kodaks i m. $125 ;, 2 C Folding Kodaks 1'iom $18.50 N. M. McLEAN Boat Builder Marine Ways I l ike you out of water i ' roof where rain will trouble; build boats any " or kind at surprisingly ''' ;ir!ces. Halibut, Pleasure, Trolling Boats For Sale I licncrally have a boat to i! ;ui y requirements. Moor-" .wcos for boats' winter "Hits. Agenclos ariy en-'iif required. Repairs Why pay more when your 'I', can be done for less with " '" f accomodation? 'HONE GKEKN 429 KODAK TIME Brownies from $2.25 Vest Pocket Kodaks $5.00 No. 1 Folding Kodaks From $n.25 No. 3. A Folding Kodaks From $34.00 Cine Kodak (Movie), F. 35 Lens $100.00 Kodak Films, all sizes in stock. Developing and printing for miUluis. Daily service. Quality finish. . Jfw Pioneer Drtttjcjistx ' THIRD AVE. tr SIXTH ST. TELEPHONFS 8?,20C UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Rilling. I'ruin rilnce Kumt I ur V.tM OH til. VUI0r.l l, Saiijon lwj. IHitrdale. Alrrt Hay, etc, Tues- il,i. 3:30 p.m. Km VASMIHtll. VIl'TOKIV. Iluir-dale. Alert lis, rte.. Friday mldnltht ALICE A KM, ANYOX, STLWAIIT. Nun Klier. 1'ort hlmpion. bun-lU). :WI p.m. . t'(.::t !IM1'M)X AND WALES ISf.AMI. Ttiorfl.iy. urn I i . ,1 Aimur it M SMITH Agent lUnc Rupert. B.C. llri-iigli iik-l (old to Mctorla and Seattle .and bumaer checked f :. !ii;h Id ile-llnatlon. - ,1 ! Vacific S:d Av,' B.C. COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICES K.tlLIMIS IKO.M I'ltlNCL lUI'KKT "lo Krtrhlkin. U'r.tifcil, Juneau and Bkagwa) Sflilfinl.rr 7. 18. 2. Tu Vantouver, Ylrlnrla and Prattle Ijeptrinber 7, 11. ritlNTK-SS MAKY--nrrn lull. Mr Vanrnntrr and Victoria every Ylday 10 p m. Ateiita rr all (temblp Llnea I'rlnre Kupert. U C rhone SI 1 Canadian National Qjc Largeft Railway Sylcm in America', STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE j. j 1 Sa.i.ass from ntlNCE ItUPEKT for VAXOtibVcU, jAYIC-J 10IUA, SEATTLE, and litermliate pe!nts, ekth TblrMyj Io; ANYOX ana STEWAKT. each Wednesday, 4 p.m. For STEWART and KETCH KAN, each Saturday, 4 p.m. F.., NORTH and SOUTH Q'TEBN CHABLOTrir" 1STXDS, firlnightly. la.HbErrit THAIM LEAVE rHI.NTL r.lTERI li '.ir v EXCEPT Kl'MllY at 11:3 a m for ntlNCE (lEtlt(jR, tpUllV- . TON, UTXMI'EU. all point. EaMrrn Canada, lnltrdK(fe. J3gi AOENCT ALL OCEAN HTB.tMMIir LinMJyi f fit.v Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Prince KupcrfWh-nj) S LUMBER ?v". No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $23.00 lo No. 1 Spruce Shiplap $25.00 1 m No. 2 Spruce Shiplnp $20.00 In 10 No. 2 Spruce Shiplap $22.00 2i and 2xG, 8 to 14", S4S, No. 1 Common. . . .$25.00 2 1 and 2x6, 8 to 14", S4S, No. 2 Common. . . .$22.00 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling and Finish, Mouldings Lath. Shingles, Doors, Windows, Etc. BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED PRINCE RUPERT, IJ. C. Sawmill and Hfad Office. Seal Cove, Telephone. 361 Iietail Yard, Cow hay, Telephone 123 Coal? Coal? Tikf ailvanUKe of low prlrf lo ut In jour wlntrr mijipl.r. I.DSON Rivd C.VS()VVi:i.l.l.N(l-TOX In any qiianllllr. Alio llour, IIJJ, drain und l'fl. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 558 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C8 CarUge, Warehousing,, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Plane and I'urnitura Moving. If you want anything, try a classified ad. Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Rig 4 Taxi, tf This afternoon's train, due from the east at 3:30, was reported this morning to be on time. Mrs. Stephen announces her. return from Stewart and is,, now open for appointments at her Beauty Parlor. Phone Blue 561. E. E. Greee. assistant district forester, returned to the city on! Saturday afternoon's train from a1 trip to Terrace on official duties, M. P. McCaffery, who accompanied Hon. Dr. J. II. King as far a3 Prince Oeorge on his speaking lour oi tne central interior, re , . ii". .' . . pace Timnt : i i i i . . . . Dentist Dr. J. It. Gosse. Phone 686. -r-$C Charles P.- BalaghaJ. teacher v, of Pianoforte, has resumed teaching. J7 . (tf) Llnzey and Davles. phone 586. Crabappies,"iir"iir5U(i,acnveTear (222) .: "t'-.H-j evening, turned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train. ' to -take charge of-a funeral at that Mfs. M. S. Whlttier, wife of the United States collector of customs at Juneau, and two daughters, were passengers going south on Doara the Princess Louise yester day afternoon for a triD to Cor 11! point. A. J. Galland of the customs department, returned tcf the city on Saturday fYternoon's train from a trip to the interior on official business. I idirvi v iiavi u Sid Webb, formerly a member '32L5t5ff1,Rtl: of the DaUy News staff here, and l?.ih,e :3fl o.m. The vessel brought a o-ood.id mwi.ni iu r.wh ! Banff vm Hot Springs Hotel at, - . . v.. Banf( a pa8senger aboard tbe Npii iPnrh. wniim nfn-- Catala last evening bound for ...... - .V.i CI - li Tlie 'Nugset" tin oreni with a twUti Men nnd women who realize that appearance counts always have well-polished shoes. Did YOU "Nuecet" your thots this morningt e tiw o - - Slice Polish 61 There were about 150 nasseneeis aboard the steamer Princess whoolnov or schoolgirl. To earn one school children mav brine in new subscribers to the Dally News. a pencu goes to eacn new one CNJl Reamer Prince John Cant. William Thomas, arrived about midnight RaturUv nlitht trom Vancouver via Queen Char. 'ntte T'and points and. after dli-eharelng a cargo of loml freight meiutiinqr coal for the drv dock -Tert tn's mornlne for the south The Prince John Is now beln op erated In tramp freighting for a iew wceics. Charles W Frderlr.V. ed"or of th Pie River Fn-vird anf' rth-r newsoiners In t,h Peae River vl. 'ev ann a former mayor of the own of Peace River, and Mrs. Frederick arrived in the cltv from Vancouver on the Catala yesterdav aiternoon and will proceed east on tomorrow mornlne's train. Mr Frederick. wJior 4s known as an ad- vneaie ' or 'a railway outlet to "rin Runert for the Peace River msincr. wui address a public meet-ne In the Cltv Hall tonleht under tne auspices or tne board of trade nm u u i ur.;u ti Catholic Bazaar, October 2 and 158 United Church Anniversary Banquet, October 7. tf Royal Purple Brldee. Whist and uance, Elks' Home, Octobr 25. Presbyterian Basaar November Moose and 22. Annual Bazaar Nov. 21 NERVES GONE CANT SLEEP? "Fruit-a-tives" restores good health Are you tired? Downcast most of tht time? Worried at trifles? Caataleep? Mr. J. O. Rln.helm, Wydnndcl, II C, writes: 'Mr finrl war comoUftlv A. I 'Mrs prMBi ikhI btalih w 'Ituin liM'. Truit-i-tivfV It a combination o( In. tcnsifitd fresh fruit juices and the most scientific medicinal ingredients. In a na tural, gentle way it Kirs Uiy liver, bowels and kidneys, Into normal, healthy action, soothes the diRcstlve tract, and calm tho troubled nerves. 25c or Nc boxes at al) druggists. . A. Richmond and little daueh. ter returned to the city on the Ca'tala last evening from a brief business trip to Vancouver. j Mrs. C. H. Clay of Anyox, who has been on a trip to Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returnlne to the -mel ter..toa.. ;. ..... I , mPPMW- accountant at Inverness fcafinery, T"",'' arrived in Jff2 the Art classes commence Wednesday -ttt"ycS. ur. September 25. McRae rfri, trti Bros Ltd. Miss Rita Johnston returned to week-end In town. the city on yesterday afternoon's , st"""t min,n" w'" 0.n train after spending the week-end fAaUll E at Inverness. nlng returning north after a busi- Frank Morris, manager of .'.the ""V","" vm.uvCr. . ehtaSBtkiS' BU1 McCallum, Mike Lemon and nignt on tne cataia ior Stewart Rm Rnpr. h9f1 L fJ ifthf .,,-,- .-,! V VAp, lllll i djtion across the harbor yesterday morning which resulted In the! first-mentioned being successful in bagging a good buck. I The annual Tax Sale of City' lots for delinquent taxes will be, held in the City Hall on Monday ! September 30, at 10 a.m. A list of tne lots to be offered can be had. Inspector JameSM. TUDDer Of ?,vc . .Voy-w-wrar, announces t t, CoUector.. o...,.- the noval Canadian Mounted Po- " 1311 op'nmF. 01 nzY Jr Ta I - lice, returned to the city on Satur-1 Jf." "Tuesday a"d.Fednesd9Tl Col- J- W. Nlcholls, comptroller day afternoon's train from a trip 01 inw MWK' '"';of the Canadian Pish it Cold Stor- o Prince Oeorge official duties. ...iJ Co.. returned jn r,t,, ctm age to the city on Corp. Cameron also returned from' T;uii??J ?,'Si25rltte Catela last evening after a 10-a trip to the interior. l?Jh"i lJJJiV dV trip to Vancouver and else- ' ' f- th.'fan.HNn 'Wntl,l TJn II-L 1" ine SOUin. TVl lTr.MMl.. tf . A tl now residing in London. Enaland.-! .AcAlT,l'ot the Vancouver Province atd where helhas a -position with one;10" on """"" recently: "Wallace Bros, intend to' oiine lajge metropolitan aaver- a Rt piair nrindip wpn Wimmn"? an immense fish .curintr in" agencies, .recently spent a v;'..t.V- "wtton on the Skeena.at. .. i "7tt.. leffbv train this mornlne for the1.."??0 Freeman and John L, who ho has ha." wn been snend spending nThe.'n the'mt JJS, Interior r,n to tS . examine 2i.hw5LipiXf mining .V.TlJ'JSLJJ ternatlonal week in the city, left on ths L ,n the .nel8hborhood morning's train for Smlthers ieiCTa- whence she will proceed In her m,"TZT7 rrv,, C,j.,,, car frith party of friends to Van- Ze,ll S1 ncanoi?Jrttv couver. Miss Cunningham expects S,1" eJZ Hi t thl to the e" "e 'n1hld. ah spend winter in the south Boston Ha" and another at the and may go to Seattle. Union steamer ratala. Cant. A v. Dickson, arrived in port at 5:45 'a!t evenlne from the south and aaueci at. 8 nm. for Anvox Stew- well known Alice Arm nrns- pectors, .arrived in the city on the Princess loulse yesterday after- Metrooole Hall. Fair crowds were in attendance at both. Accordion music was featured at both art and other northern points hV Vh .tin ni Th,? ninC whence she will return here to- &L0,.H? l17"'"!1 morrow morning and n oh "' ,7;,i .u"7v,r:L Id-nMfWl with the UJmn n TiVn ti- 1 6 to to 5 5 o o'clock clock yesterday yesterday afterno afternoon "i law. nicnt on the Catala Fisheries Commission. reiurnea to tne city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon fr-,. h-if trip to Ketchikan on official duties. " tv nirch managing secretary of the Prince Rnoert, General Hos-ntti' returned to the cltv on the Catala last evening after havine attended the recent convention of the RHtixh Coiumhia Hospitals Association in Nanaimo. Evrvone irsnt a Pedlnnlnt Tt. rer r Y r1 staff Si'" of, the best pencU obtainable but it n-v -v nurchased. Bovs nnd Mr' ttendln' school can obtain 'hern ret.ting new subscriDtlons th" Dii' r News. Some are get-th-ra already. Others can do he same. uuumc wiucii was in yor'. in"i -i .7. iPect01" ?- onthbond from Skagwav to Vn-1 fno2i3 returned to the cit.v to ! n,m. w-v-, n4 ln Pnnces Louise from a tri trip o' to Alice Arm. Thev fond the TuLse-'. . . , ,. , tJie AtHn dlstrlrt. on official ri.itw S h, t t?f 'f Teven left here for 1 ?ta.?P arouna pretty well staked up. aDoara ner" boat ennnictw from ffli nuiLD n. c." Guarded With Honest Care IPs? Babies must have purity. Feed them with Pacific Milk. That is nnro Tho very process of packing is a I guarantee of purity. Feed ! your child Pacific and vou give it milk in the purest form. Many fine babies are being raised on it. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, IJ.C. The new Redirjolnt pencil Is not an Eversnarp but it is lnt as good. It is made under a different nitent It is no cheap, ordinary pencu, out sometnine nnmne and uerui to everyone especially to tl me aiiKine Kiver. Six-Piece BREAKFASTWJtES Your choice of five different styles and finishes, including antique walnut, ivory and robin egg blue and natural and brown. CCA A A The six pieces ?DvUU Our special 8-piece, antique, oak dining room suite. This suite is of massive construction throughout and sold regularly at $225.00. C-f nf A A For this week is only V -i i vU Barries Home Furnishings "Furniture of Distinction" CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPKKATIM; (J. T. I. 20.000-TOiN FLOATING dkydock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTIMC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK ' PHONES 43 AND 385 nrm: " flrii'ij 1 ith'.ii i ' Miss Frederica Evans Hit., newj A. C. Macmlllan of Vancouver, ady superintendent of the Smith- representing the Great West Life ers Hospital, several years' ago was Assurance Co., arrived In the city a member of the '.ktaff of the on the Princess Louise yesterday Prince Rupert General Hospital, afternoon following a month's trip She is a graduate of Vancouver to the Yukon Territory and Atlin General Hospital and for the last district and sailed last evening on few years has been nursing in the the Catala for Stewart where he Peace River district I will spend the coming week. 'iio.n; .,J!"l.,"l,,!lJaaBaBB " .IF 1 .Ei Ei 1 1 Boys and Girls This Genuine REDIPOINT Pencil im Just for bringing us ono new subscription. That's all! You will have pleasure in using this fino pencil. . i,j;i There are still a few peoplo in Prince Ruport whp. do not subscribe for The Daily News to be delivered to them every day. Boys and girls who secure their subscriptions for us will receive a pencil. A, Redipoint Pencil Freel THE DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert British Columbia