S-.tuiday, A'piil 27, 102D Come in for Details of the $30 ,000 Prize Picture G inn i4--J3n 1 M 1-V. V X Contest Let us tell you how easily you can1 qualify fjp'a major prize In this big Eastman Contest the greatest In the history of photography. Entry blanks and complete contest information are available at the Kodak counter now. Come to our store te fill any photographic need. We have a complete stock of cameras and dependable Kodak film. And our trustworthy Kodak finishing makes the most of every roll of film. a y:c Pioneer Dfutjcists THIRD AVE. (t SIXTH ST - TELEPHONES K't,20e NEW MODELS JUST ARRIVED All Chevrolet Models NOW ON DISPLAY Also Pontiac Sedan Kaien Garage Chevrolet Dealers r - n t c i. i m; s viuuu car oupvriwisi i ires "SERVICE RIGHT NOW SELVIG BROS. MEAT MARKET 3rd Avenue Phone 7G5 MEAT, FISH AND VEGETAHLES Specialty: "OLD COUNTRY SAUSAGES" Our make Fresh every day. Superior Quality. Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER nULKLKY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince RuDerl Feed Co. PHONE 58 LINDSAY'S Cartag e and Storage Phone 68 CarUige, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Piano ana Furniture Moving. OOD BYE xu TIRE TROUBLE Equip your er with t new set of Dominion Royil Cords of Royal Matters and bid a long farewell to tire trouble. Theae two tires can't be beat. the fineit moderate ly priced tires made. Royal Matters cott more than any other tire but theyta certainly worth It, DOMINION ROYAL CORDS AND ROYAL MASTERS S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Mionc 83 4, a Taxi Phone jfoi' Taxi. f,ft Dentist Dr. .t. It. CcW. Phone Get your spring coat at Richmond's Louvre week-end sale. Help us to raise 11000 the mortey Is urgently needed for 'the itiuicjr flume All Oddfellows and visiting Brethern will tnt in Metropole Hall, Sunday, April 28 at 7 p.m., lo attend Church service. Ojistoh, a true story of an Indian Maiden's escape from death dramatically recounted vith appropriate settings, by Mrs. F. G. Dawson. Union freighter Capt. John Muir, is due l.oints with freight cargo. The ladies it'd of the Lutheran , Church met 'ihursdav afternoon at the home of Mr.i, Myrn-'lahl, Seventh Avenue East. There was a short nrocram and after-)"tl Xc:i was served. 22 2 ram MoVtBBr"' o coitu-uifKWM JMJ-HjTiHMrrov AM H EM I- 'Udf .'!..v,.,M4iinii Jus 6 , . isvr.lftftclsr To Pliiiwitti- ClKflMnri - Sonl(ifiitlii l-MMMirr Tii llilfd llimii.il tllaiiir it 7; . .aivtit Mty M DucbcM of Richmond XHT II DucImm of fork Juat 7 Duobc of BtdfoM tl(M IM'EHEC To ( lurtm e-PwuMMtwyton Msy 7 .Kmprm of BontlKnd May It ...Umpnm M Austral AddIt U Ant rvrrrnhm or J. J. FORSTKH. S 8. " " -:! I .im Aufnt C P T: .0',,:, n '.'aMio'i.rr ToiPi - l;lu)M MONTivFAL TO I'LVMm ril-II it It. l.nllO Axraim. M.n :l. U Ja.y .. win J. Al.iui:.i. Miy 10. Junr II. July 12, August U Auraiil. May 47. June 21. July IB. August II . Auaonla. May U. June 98. Jul S, Auk. uat M. FROM NKW YORK TO M.VMOl 1 11-11 Will -I OMION Laneanrln. May 3. Carmanla, May II. Til Jt'KNHll)W N AMI 1 1 KltlMIOl Ueonla. May . Brpthla. May IS (CHI way) tci niriit-.nt imi oi tihmiti MaurentMla Jiav June 13, July 38 nquiuiim. may a, mi. June m, joiy . FROM MOmwtAt, To tu:i t'.m-MVKiti'noi.-cii.Asmm' AtlMnla. Ma a. at. Ihm aa m ! Andaula, May to. June 7. July S, Aug. a. lUUtla. May IT, Juna 14, July 11, Aug. 9, I Antonli, May 34, June 31. July is, Aug. 1 i Mouey CVdera. Draru nil Travller Cncquw at lowaat raloa Urforma-i!SS frn? '??'a agaaitu or Oompany'a Offkx. SSt llniilmrn Bt W.. Vancouvar. BP scale of Charges The following is the scale of- charges made for reading notices: mliirth Notices 50c. 0rUs of Thanks, $2. - 'Funeral Notices Si. Funeral FlowerB 10c per name..;., , . Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. For. ladies' spring hats and roaU, visit the Louvre week-end! sale. Since 1923, when the Ridlev Father Leo Ouellett 0. M. I. Vt? l T' ?40'000 has n u . . . . ' in me town, of -e Quebec hat . j. arrived in the . city to Join Unr staff of priests! m. ni( T jjA'j v; ! in this diocrae. He has not yet rhi' " 'V yo1 been definite., nllacated to a l' Ullllll WUCH, in port The annual sale in aid of the t-tHe) first '0 rifex wrek from;Rjdley wi ifprne bJ held Thurs-Yancouvw and will proceed Miti. May 2 at the Moose Hall, 3 Stewart . anil other northern p.m. Concert in the eveninir at 8 p.m. Sirs. R. Itlance, general convener. Chief Justice J. T. Brown of Kegina, chairman of the grain enquiry royal commission, and other members of the commission is-well as accompanying officials I and newspapermen sailed last on the Princess Royal for Van-' couver whre the eemmisslbn' will held it uuxti session. ' apt. n. Pnrlald, .arrived in port v-fM'-tfcWk his mJrnlng fUm VrtncMiwK Pewell'' Rfer MA i L ean "'dock Falls and will sail at 4 this afternoon for; Anyox nd ,evar,jvhence phe will re- .-efling at nv Arthur Button of Powell River, who will meet Robert Irvine of UuK.ciiy t the Capitol Theatre this tnis afternoon auernoon in in the the d district final i njJwln JeJiffror cal CoiUAU rom the south Inn oa-the-Princa fh Ylrin. Uupert T?nnort this morn- Mqntcaim ing and will return to the paper town on the same vessel tomor row night. ANNOUNCEMENTS Prince Rupert Singers Concert, Capitol Theatre, April 29. Elks' bridge, whist and dance, Tuesday, April 30 in Elks' Home. The Annual Bazaar In aid of the Ridloy Home will be held on Thursday, May 2. Fair Board Hayseed Dance, Mny 0. Tremier Orchestra Ncjvelty Dance in Moose Hall, May 10. Last of the season. Tickets, 75c land 60c, from members or Sic Cutcheon's Drug Store. Moose Annual Picnic at Digby June 30. Could Not Sleep Heart Would Start ,iSf,hx ! PumPin8 and Pounding TO ()t'i:BMTiv I vi hpooi I Mrs. Fred p. Averill, 13J-12th Ave.. Uoonla. May 5: Seythla, May 10. Calvary, Alta., writes: "I waa bothered 1 ltritnn f utr "iwh with my heart I could not AnlnUK Llnh tlffv- 1 wou,d wken p 1 th wnlJ. ,od my heart would lUrt n?n ! ROM NKW vww vnnr ORK I pumping and pounding. To i omm)mikiihv 'Mi OLAsiimv A neighbor lady told ma to try ANCHOR DONALDSON so I started tAlting them and I ran truthfully say I am a different woman. AI- , togatLer I only took two boxes." , Prii-e Mo a lot at all druggist and dealers, or mailed direct on recvint of ' price ly The, T. Milburn Co., Ltd, lorouui, uuu Norwegian dance in the Met-ropole Hall-tonight at 8:30. c-cordian music. Admission, gentle men 75c, 'ladles 25?. Everyb'odyl welcomei' K ,i . i.iit. u'''. , 1 1 . : The Iithtc jXftagiie. of St nan. mere were devotional -ex- 'reises 'arid a' short, program. Donations'of fancy." work, children's clothing, i plants, candy, toys, home Cooking, sejpnd hand articles and merchandise for the Ridley Home bazaar will be glad-y received. (. 'HiiU T ' at i ' Bishop E. M. Bunoz O. M. I. left on this morning's train tot Terrace . where , he twill', conduct confirmation services tomorrow. He expects to return to the city on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. B. Dornberg arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver and entrained for Hatelton where Mr. Dornberg Is In. charge of operations at the Silver Cup mine. Miss Frances Cross arrived home on the Prince Rupert this Sale! at Wallace Block, at 2.30 Monday of the Cruickshank High-Class Fu -nature, including Piano FOR DETAILS, SEE LOCAL READER AD. The Ridley Home represents a yearly expenditure of over SC000 I In the town. i.'i Pi!.- 1 t Ml . Ifave you , vsjted Richmond's Louvre? The' week-end sale will save you money. j Mrs. R. T. Anderson of Seal Cove left this morning for Edmonton fbf al short visit. IT II This Is your last chance for tickets for the Prince Rupert Singer's concert on Monday. A few seats still available for the Prince Rupert Singer's concert on Monday. Get them at Orme's Ltd. flhurch $emW 3xrmi PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preacher, Rev. T,. Ivon Jones, M.A. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sermon subject, "The Wbnderous Touch of Christ." Sunday school at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Subject, "The Great Publip Question." Anthem by the choir. RUPERT EAST UNITED CHURCH Rev. T. H. McAllister, Minister Eleven a.m., Sabbath school and Baptismal service.; Presentation of Cradle Roll Certificates. Evening service at 7:80. Communion. Reception of new members. Special music. Everybody welcome. '' ' FIRST UNITED CHURCH,-, Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B.A.; Deaconess, Miss E. Elliott ' Morriing Svorship at 11 o'clock. Subject, "The Purpose cf the Church." Sunday school at 12 : 15. Evening seryke at 70. Song service. Subject. "The Song of Liberation' Solo, "One Sweetly Solemn "fhonght," by Hawthorne Dunn. Anthem, "A Wake) Put On Strength." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 245 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the' Mother Church, thevFiret Church of Christ, Scientist, In Boston. Mass. Sunday morning service nt 11 o'clock. Subject, "Probation After Death." Testimony meeting on Wednesday erenfng at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited. H. J. Bradbury arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Victoria, being! nara An Ki litf n vat t kahm.! .!.. t . i i Aiii- UA11.Z n p:v.h - .... - yn rA-iwru.tjsr 1 1 , ' m r : ; ; i . 1 : r? I TJT Td tr". Ha. v IT Local and rersooal News in Brief .... ., . , i . m t , A 1 I I 1 . Jll tit n a rJ Auctio Tom Hansen, for drunkenness. was fined $25, with option of thirty days' imprisonment, by ..... ... vuuii- ii-ju iuagittraxe .ucuiymont in with the seineboats which, are-1 nll pnnrt tt,u mnrninn city i r 2 I t beinir built at thn Inp.il ilrr iWV ' I for the Island Pacltini; (X i G. E. Bancroft, consulting en- iry otore ai me muiey norae do- " ..v... .....v iaar will be held In the pro-Cath- manager, Canadian National Rail edrnl Hall on Tuesdav. Anrll 80. WW western region, with head- Prince Rupert this morning in the course of a western tour and twill make the round trip to An- tKA.. r ... .L. II ri ; in"., . ..- me .warmoi inver Peter Black jr. arrived in the '"old. Nort'.ie-r. Lixht and other Jcity on the Prince Rupert this ' tetvrt r.inin;; properties, is a morning from her st'rfdies at the rnlng rrotti vanmiver where "nssnnrer : .,.mni the Prince University of British Columbia he ia attending the University of ".upert today going nortji from and will spend the summer holi- British Columbia and will spend Vancouver. dav her with h'pp narpnts Mr Mr the summer here, attached to the ,.. MiM r. " A Doroth' Ptmore '15 .r3""1"' sUff of the local fisheries ex- , WM ...u ... ... -perimenUl h9 her sUtion. , ,. , !rts at the University of British Shower A tea In aid of A. the Coun-1 imm, ojj k from 3 to 6 o'clock. Donatione Q"rtera in. Winnipeg, arrived in .. - .. ........ r.. k. t.m v.n,... nn tva iainer, u . laimore. suitaoic ior me uouniry score w"' '"" will be gratefully received. THE CRUICKSHANK GOODS. I have engaged A. I,. Henderson to conduct the auction sale on Monday at 2:30 in the Wallace Block. Fulton Street entrance. Open for Inspection from 10 a.m. F. W. Hart. on Prince Rupert this morning from vnncouver and will spend the summer vacation here with her MIXING GRAIN When the question came up jyox and Stewart, accompanied by vesterday morning it was ascer- Mrs. Mandera and J. M. Horn of tained that some mixing is en-Vancouver, general freight agent, gaged In at the Alberta Pool terminal, within the grade. The Provincial Constable Thomas average of the grain being the A. Caram, formerly a member of standard set by the Inspection the district detachment here and Dept. on out-going cargos, it w:is now stationed at Fort St. John a difficult matter to mix and Miss Patricia Gwyer, who has tne Peace River district, ar- come up to the average with re- hopn tnkinir n vear's extra edu r,ve1 ine cllv on tne.rrince gara to tne mixing or the grades. .,,.. n..,..in Kupert tnis morning from van- Air. .MClver made it clear, thisl graduation last year from the opver, whe,re ria went on escort class or mixing is by no means University of British Columbia, duy- and w"1 9Pend a few day8 treneral and only done on speci- nrriu.j frnm Vanonnvor n ih nere oeiore proceeuing to nis pose nc inscructions. or because or. Prince Rupert this morning and ,n the north- inece4Slty. will spend the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Gwyer, Graham Avenue. Charges under the city parking bylaw were preferred in city police court this morning against Dr. W. T. Kergin. H. B. Stiles laud Eddie Clapp, dismissal with a warning being made in each case. Parking cars too close to 'corners, building lines and hydrants were charged. A similar charge against John Bulzak will .be heard on Monday. The William Hooth Centenary SELF DENIAL CAMPAIGN MAY 1 TO MAY 15 In Aid of Our Missionary and Home Work WHEN CALLED UPON, PLEASE (JIVE LIBERALLY