u Ilie'nl, wellW With aH the bran of the whole wheat. P.3 cixy to Rive children a warm, nourishing breakfast. All the food elements their growing bodies need, in such a deli, io. is, digestible form. Saves mother a lot of work and w-irrv. Christmas Gifts " y -t'ley's Lavender Sets Manicure Rolls ( v olates ffcurdy's Ori?-u;it and Moir's. I ,i::;k From the Brownies t ; : ,c C ine Kodak. I . .ills Novelties In Choc-1,1 i.-. F unuin Pens and Pencils. Dalcrose Toilet Soap and Toilet Sets from England. Men's Pilled Toilet Bags, Christmas Cards, Paper Tags, Seals, Dressings for parcels and Christmas trees. Baby Toilet Sets, Taney Stationery, Military Brush Sets. ALL MERCHANDISE OF BEST QUALITY AND AT A REASONABLE PRICE DEMAND JEW yfuf Pioneer Drtioeistn THIRD AVE f, SIXTH ST. -TELEPMONFS P' 6 200 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Halllnu Frwn Prince lluprrt t r v. m 01 tfcK. Vlt'lOKIA. It nan nun luj. Itutrdalr. Alrrt lla. etc.. Turf--1 - 1 :(ii p.m. V'M iHMK. l( roi;l. Ilulfdjlf. Alert Hay. tic . t'rldar midnight : III. AKM. ANYO, STt.tV.tKT, Nan lLXtr, I'ort HIiiidkoii. bun- .1 . K:IU p.m. . v aline II M. SMITH Atrnt Prince Ituprrt. II. C. ; rii.,jli iirkeU told to Victoria and r-eattl nd bugxiue tliecked 11. ii iu fltttliutlon. V, C B. To Dec. To liDi -';:ji C. Coast Steamship Services SAILINGS FROM PRINCE HUFEIlt Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway 14. 28. Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle Dec. 18, Jan. 1. Princess Mary-Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. Agents For All Steamship Lines Oi chard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian Qjf birgefl Railway Syflem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE : i ng from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VIC-I'iiillA, SEATTLE, and intermediate points, each Thursdar 1 Minday, 10:00 p.m. A" VOX, each Wednesdav at 4 p.m. I . M'KWART earh Wednesday, 4 p.m.. and Saturday, 8 p.m. I ; N i:il and SOUTH 0UEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, uutnishtly. ' '.'It TRAIN LEAVE VKINTf. Rl I'KUT VVKIM.SI)AV and RATI KI'AV t 11:30 am. for PIClNTi: 'OUI4K. LD.MONTON, VVINNll'KO. all point Eatcrn Canada, I nlted AOTNCV ALL nrEAM STEAMMHir LINrH Ticket Office C28 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 260 Rupert Brand" "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, H.C. PW)prtef6'rWr,ff,'VlsTOi 1 n business, having ar ; "if Interior on yester ""oil's train. from Rupert East 'ti'uayers' Association to certain nubile '"I financing matters will 1,1 I'd at the regular fort-filng of the city coun-'' It is understood that fa Taxi Phone 4, Rig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist, Dr. C8G. Js ,.nJ! i ll lakn be asked by AA i.T pmdhomme with regard I to sewer construction. Capt. Edward Mabbs of the Prince John, is no In command ot the steamer Prince Charles on the run between here and Vancouver, relieving Capt. Nell McLean who. In turn, Ls to take the place on the Prince Rupert of Capt. D. Donald, who Is ashore In Vancouver on vacation. J. II. Gosse, Phone A. Ronald returned to the city i on the Prince Charles Saturday evening from a trip to Vancouver.) Formerly of the- Rupert Bakery-t staff, he 1 now to- Join the Central Hotel staff. 4 ...,;.) E. L. Bowler, one oT the f (eld 1 engineers here for the Consolidated Mining & Smelting no. wl'l, leaving next week for his homn I in Vancouver where he will spend, a few months on vacation. j Clarence Martin of Massett. who has been on a two weeks' trip to! Van-onver arrived In the city from the south on the Prince; '""harles Saturday evening, sailing the same night on the Prince I John for the Islands. Gordon Watt arrived in the city on the Prince Charles Saturday evening from Vancouver, being hnre to supervise Installation of flooring on the steamer Prince William which is being reconditioned at the dry dock here for local service. Douglas Lay. resident mining engineer for the northeastern mineral survey district with head-ouarters In Hazelton, arrived in the city on the Prince Charles (Saturday evening after a two weeks' trip to Victoria on official duties and proceeded to the interior by train. In the course of an article' published recently In the Vancouver Sun on the Crippled Children's Hospital at Vancouver appears a picture of a little Japanese boy from this district named Albert whose condition makes It necessary for him to lie strapped on his back In bed all the time. He goes to school in his bed which Is placed near a classroom In the hospital. IIU1LI) II. CV Ownership Creates Interest ii tut ie The fact that the ownership is wholly in British Columbia makes Pacific Milk particularly intimate as an .Uuimiry.M ttu -province. The fact that the owners are the farmers who produce it makes Its care at the point of production a concern of vital interest. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, H.C. Christmas iiggeslsoiis CLARK'S MINCEMEAT j 6-lb. palls 4-lb. tins BULK Per lb CALIFORNIA SOFT SHELL ALMONDS Per lb CALIFORNIA MONDS , 3 lbs S1.00 i CLARK'S MINCEMEAT Cft0 I Jars. 21-of. 3UI 8MrRES8 MINCEMKAT- 75c 20c 35c SOFT SHELL AL- $2.00 SOFT SHELL WALNUTS rjlZn 2 lbs. for 5 04 MANCHURIAN WALNUTS fffto 3 lbs. for DUC FRESH ROASTED PEA- Cftv NUTS 3 lbs. for dlSK, MIXED NUTS Per lb 25c Headquarters for Xmas Toys arid Xmas Stockings FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETACLE& ARRIVING EVERY BOAT i Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited j 417-423 5th Avenue East PHONE 18 AND 81 j P. O. Box 575. TOE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE -i.',. y wmiw OFF TO SCHOOL WITH A JUMP READY FOR STUDY OR PLAY Local Items KEPT HIM FROM WORKER A MONTH AT A TIME Never had a Sick Day Since Taking "Fruit-a-tiyes" , M. THOMAS GRAHAM Of the thousands and thousands of men and women who have been restored to perfect health by "Fruit-a-tlves," none ore more grateful than Mr. Thou. Graham, 638 Masson St., Oshawa. "I am GO yers old and was treated for years for a trouble between the bowels and the bladder, which kept me home from work for a month at a tune: until I started to take "Fniit-ft-livcs." Since then, I have worked steadily for four rears and have never had a sick day." Try this wonoVrful medicine; made from fruit juices combined with the finest medicinal ingredients. 25c. and 50c. a box t dealers everywhere. F. L. Racey, superintendent of the Power Corporation of Canada's local construction operations, returned to the city on the Catala last evening from a ten day trip to Vancouver. E. C. Mannlnr. assistant chief forester for the province, sailed by the Prince Charles ia nignt on his return to his headquarters In Victoria after a tour of this district on Inspection duties. Mr. and Mrs. Dlttmah. who lived In Prince Hupert In the ear ly days, are celebrating the golden armlversnry of their wedding In Vancouver today. They now reside In the southern city. A successful Scandinavian dance was held Saturday night In the Moose Hall Quite a large crowd being In attendance, excellent I piano, accordion and violin music wa dlsp:nsed by Hanson ti Far- siaa. Mr. and Mrs R. F. Perry return ed to the city on the Catala last evening from a trto to California. They were accompanied north by their daughter, Mrs. Rohey of California, .who will visit, with them here. . . , A. H. O. Freeman tie of Wirmlnea inspector of fife Insurance for the western region of the Canadian National Railways, sailed last night on the Prince Charles for Vancouver afUf having , spent a icw ub ui nit; tjiy. ' i Elks' Christmas dance Wednesday : Smalle's Orchestra. ) . .1 : ANNOUNCEMENTS Oddlellows Whist I Dance December 10. Drive" and Cheer Fund December 11. Pythian Sister's te& ut Mrs. Shcnlon's, 530 Eighth Avenue jweet. Tnursaay, December 12. Moose whist drive and dance Friday, December 13. ! See the Christmas Pagent , "urmgera or uuts" Arraucan cath edral Kail, December 10 at 8 pjn. Baotist Christmas Tree, December 20. ! Canadian Legion B E SI Qhrist-raas Tree December 21. i Moose Christmas Tree, December 22. J i i t Ladies' Auxiliary St. Andrew's Society Hogmanay dance December 31. Moose Hall. Moose Charity Ball January 10. A.W. Edge Co. Northern British Columbia's Largest Paint, Glass and Wallpaper Supply House Clearance Sale 'V of Wallpaper TOTAL STOCK OFFERED AT 25 per cent Discount A. Prince sailed last night on the Prince Charles for a trip to Vancouver. Twelve dwees was reentered by the official thermometer at1 Haysport at eight o'clock and 14 at Port Simpson. j Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Brummitt of i Terrace are visitors In the city, having arrived irnm mc tin tenor on yesterday . af trrnoott's 1 train. J Ben Agar. Terrace automobile dealer, arrived in the city from n interior on yesterday alter- noon's visit. train for a brief business! A. Maruire. well known A'ice Arm mining man, was a passen-i?rr aboard ths Catala last evening returning north after a trip to Vancouver. Hugh MrOutre. well known Stewart min'ne man was a pas-enger aboard t.h "atala last eve- nine returning north after a business trip to Vansouver. Jamen Boyd artlig lnDector of fl'-heriea for District No. 2 returned t the city on the Catala ast pvn'ne 'wn a trio to Vancouver on official business. Dr. and Mrs O. A. Roberts sailed bv the Prince John Saturday night on their return to Queen Charlotte City after having spent two or three days In the city. H L. Batten, well kno 1 con-nilttne mining engineer, arrived 'n the city on the Cata'a last evening from Van-ouver and pro- -ceded bv train this morning to me interior. Frank Moore. C.N.R. fuel ln-per tor at Vancouver and formerly 'oeated here, made a brief visit to Pacific yesterday before salllmr 'ast night on the Prince Charles Tor the south. Jo Brown returned to the cltv on the Prince Charles Raturda4 afternoon, having travelled via Vancouver on his way back after a two month' trip to his native home In Scotland. Mrs. Oiler Besner has tVen up esH'nce In Montreal while her nanahter. M'sa Aenes Roberce akes a course In Convent there V -Vr da'-rbtpr Mi Elianne ov. is taWne instruction In aviation. A A. Pameron chief fuel of the nanadian National uvnv for British Columbia -k' n'rht on the Prince fhsr'ss for Vancouver after "H in the cit.v to attend the dl-MBVin1 operating meeting here ast week. Rev W B. Jennings returned to h dtv on yesterday afternoon's rMn'I'rn'ri a trip to Port Riwtns:- .n where he conducted Anglican oh' r".h services yesterday morn-'nv He an Mr. Jennings will be '"av'o.P' within the next few days or Ontario on a vacation trip. W. F. Irwin, well known Vancouver stock broker; A. O. Lang-'ry. mining engineer, and Capt. Tam Anderson arrived In the lty from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train and sailed 'ast night by the Prince Charles tor Vancouver. They have been on a visit of lnsoection to the Bablne Vonanw m'nlng property during the past week. Cant. J. D. Thurber and Capt David Ritchie sailed last night on the Prince ' Charles for Seattle where, on behalf of the Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association. they will confer with the Pucet Sound Halibut Vessel Owners' As sociation, with a view to sending a petition to Washington. D. C. asking for removal or modification of the tariff on halibut. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel 120 Rooms Rooms 50c and up SWANSON and BESNER Proprietors Central II. II. Wallace. G. E. Watt. W. J. ! Morle'y and R. Forster. Vancouver. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy Peter Leighton, Metlakatla; J. Bergman and A. Morrison, city; H. Carlson and Erik Kvlck, Oona .ilver. SUITS! SUITS! ! ,11 ' maiik to nnnrrr ' i ' " ... X : Halts : putting, Wcirk'niahship anil StyVt j All Guaranteed I-5UITS STRAM CLEANED ANL j PRESSED tte Deliver to Any Port of th City. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 Don't Trifle with Bronchitis There are few "colds in tbo head" that do not extend into the bronchial tuijes and they often develop into bronchial congestion or bronchitis. Matty case' become serious and last for weeks and there is always a tendency for bronchitis to become ihiou'c and return again and again. For tburcaon you cannot adordlo neglect any cold and should take quick Mr. and Mrs! Arthur Brooks lank who have been on a month's holiday trip as far as California,! returned to the city on the catala 'ast evening, George Murray was fined $25, with option of, thirty days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McCly-mont in city police court this morning for drunkenness. Mrs. A. T?S6ler arrived in the lty on yest?riay afternoon's "rain from Terrace and sailed ast night on the Prince Charles or Vancouver where she will em-ark on December 11 aboard the orangi for Australia. action ot the first indication that the eolef is entering the bronchial tubes. Dr. Chase' Syrup of Linseed anil Turpentine is at once the most prompt and most effective irifathient ydu"can " secure. , , , Dr. Chfise's Syrup has long since proven its exceptional medicinal valuo and should not bo confused with ordinary cough mixtures. DR. CHASE'S SYHUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE Local noise Is minimised In the, Tames 3. Edklns of Lockeport Brunswick Radio. Hear It before has been appointed deputy mining you buy. MacLaren's Music House. ! recorder for Queen Charlotte Is- (tfi i lands. Wanted Experienced orderly- Douglas R. Learoyd of Anyox Is handyman for Prince Rupert Gen- gazetted as deputy coroner to act eral Hospital. Apply immediately luunnij the Illness or absence of Refreshments, cold punch and real hot music by Smalle's Orchestra at the Elks' home Wednesday for the Xmas Cheer Fund. Harry Onr.aett Is no v recovering from the effects of blood poison ing in his left hand which has aid him up for the past three weeks. (237) I tne coroner, liuoert a. uarapecu. A. J. Lancaster of Prince Rupert '-a- been appointed commissioner under (he evidence Act for as long1 as he remain-, in the employ of the Provincial Government. The B.C. Gazette contains announcement of the Incorporation of the United Fishermen's Co-operative Association with head office at Vancouver. The current Gazette announces the appointment of Gordon Cum- mingu Mortimer as Indian Agent at hazelton and the rescinding of the appointment of Ed. Hyde as registrar under the Marriage Act for Indians only. For their third offences on charges of drunkenness, Tom Han-con and Tom Woodhouse were each sentenced to two months' imprisonment, without option of fine, by Magistrate McClymont In city police court this morning. Hanson had, been interdicted. A D.ily Newt 'rlnir rnlt". want-ad will 8Sthat has enjoyed rsT finfst To I J5 a world wide lONPRYgj j Wjfyf popularity for 180 j f years. c I I ' s s ...a...... HTaHIWte n JPSEPH f JOHN V1CKERS H CO lOVDOl 1730 tNCUKD This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Ol'EUATING G. T. 1. 20,000-TON FLOATING DRYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK , PHONES 43 AND 385