1 VIPD rw W Y a W? sv.ih . ji- i s , Oil? -Mr.; a The Daily News l'KINCG RUPKRT BRITISH COLUMBL rubUihed Kver Tec lasaer period. Br mail ta all par said ;n ad van Traaaiaat Advartt Local KaaK.', Barfed AdveHl? Iftataooa, except Saadar, by Prince-Rupert KT blcuttetl, Third Avveu. 'W lUlCSCMrTlON KATKS Z'J , arrr, yaarty periai. paM In adahcrv$5.0a tin avaace rtr mantfe -5o ertrt sad Central British ColumUa, jearty wM IS.00 ia. pr lack per lafrartton 9M0 itntjf'aa Praat Papa, per iach V S ftr Itae ittrtk. px word lxA NMkM. eaci taeert! per ante Hue J5 Or tNr aoatht fr J 1.00 8jr mail to all cthar parti ot British Oalaafcta. the British Ratpire ami Ufeited States, paid ia adv-ace per fur $6.00 Bj anil to ail otMr cnkmi. par y ifvi CatUatt Rat aa AapdeaUaa AdrerUVtaff and Ctrcwtatlan telephone- 9$ Bitar am! Hcpwters TatMfe - - SS i!ember af Audit Hwnd f CTrcuition 1IA1LY EDITION Wednesday. March 27. 1929 LLOYD GKOKGK POLICIES . Canadian jtmk hxe bwn much interested in Umldq- :- uMUf ii rvcii imuriTi uuatra nil iw DULSianninF iwi. nouncement tf Lloyd George of a new policy of develoo- ij 1 . t 11. 1 . ? .i - - f - " . .. . V, Vlll I WVU structive prngram yet put forward by a British statesman during the past few lean years during which production has been at a low ebb. The policy seems to have evoked tni anil Kc Kmittrtt n it iKa on'tinicm ,-t PM&n.!Av and the statement from Ramsay Maedonaki that Labor also will have a constructive policy. The policy was given to 00 Liberal candidates in a pre-Vampaign gathering and was receive by them as a battle-cry for the elections which would pel? them in their straggle to sustain their position as ode of the great parties of the kingdom. Mr. Kunciman ann Sir Herbert Samuel spoke in support of it. H statement exactly as made by the former war premier foBows: I . ... V ?1 Ati W a pared to sivda fupW-tiijna eat. This it wn imiHuetant. 1 have con-cdered ever. Ih MINISTER WILL REMAIN LONGER Who lvon Jones woros 01 it. mat OTWrMniMfii lUttnTwjOTPpn airw r. a very wards whicJfrht cWuroei and I Ws&Jftv IVA- and r. After going ifcto 1 the the matter wrr Mrvfulhv- with MiUmic enk tasks in the interests of the nation." 1 HIT AND Jty'N DRIYBR kelson Kew s T. I- Church. ne of Toiunto nemlMs in tK I'5" riwtT ottvT nrtui: r i MftANttD law UnU) x m - - 1 ' "ah - - s .yain' ' 'TV"! f sv Miahly it Until July 1 REV. T. IYON JONGS Unre a: :'tv::a. sioa fc-r the receitxa cj Caaoria. : learnt .T. lvwa Joaea has had Knika h- t tinwK. rtAc- nmMKsli at iVtm -kt.k tlB th oar ia Cms. at hte 3 After most acooptably flllinv the pulpit of First Frsbytriau Church in thl ift for Ok months of Ithfrfry and March, Rev. T. iTOniffones. M.A. lOxoo), llaatt heoa-nhwaalid by aW ses sion and board of managers re-aardtnir hia willinjrness to ac cent a call a mi mater to the congregation. Though not at present meeting with sufficient encouragement from Mr. Jones ta proceed further in this respect. It is gratifying to the session, board of managvr and .-ongrttitiuiv to be able to took forward to a few more month 01 hia abio. tr. uwnt-ful prvs.-hing. and? the opportunity of more intimately btviu-ijV acquainted ar th ono h has t P-y rvr.u:r. Church sat trxwtax. i r the Chrlsti of lie m4Jf. havTQrwlinolZ JffitTt V'.'".: witlt experts I am prepared to nudce this states aaia pce Rar r. as sta' lf the nation entfttSe IiMraf Kr V thet -ilth.t th. are reathSmh sriU& of aft MWT-Sn rVmfKEniAu. iel awdiateh; into operation, work of a kind which is not mvmg. a tb dre and hi iw wi cmwMu iw wr anrwoo w uif ,w w caarra saiicectiT ar- . The work put in hand will reduce the terrible t nmtt :he former ac- llgwres of the workirss in the course of a single rear to rtjB 1 iL MeActim. t Mr. normal proportions, and will, when completed, enrich the JT !, 5d i5if i c" nvak m the business of the worht These plans wul not m r.t, a mmir add one penny to the national or local taxation. j t'ed writer tk f ity. "It will not recuire a great and sustained effort to re- r papers rct: , madk deem this pledge, bta some of us sitting at this Ufcfe tavern14 ! coerir. aurreeded m uttinp thrauHi w TMtr wA MHl ra Asably r " I I mm V Hfl cf V. xraatb- mi n.,!.KL c.n k. .w Yt aie4 ia Oxfard track in demandine exemplan punishment for "hif and Pkw CoiW, uhi run automootie timers. ::th kotht u Sone of his other prMsals for punishment of offend- yr mi ilnwrs noe1 rAamuuli. h -: thr k.miL4 K m... i " - . v..v-Mr. HV IUCIVJ 1 or ute unver wno tnmres ai person awa. M. A laree a aacrt Said' THE 'DAILY tfEW3 Bftajay, 3IaKfe 27, 1929 -1 : I aal luMdbk.!WaW . n w "etaa, a ta "acta, a boohl chirh at at faaad favor a j haah n tht Presbrteriaai harrh af Wakav . . U v a a a aaa aaai naa aaatarates ia Walam, oa WeaaV. the other Eac-HaK ha hath af tkh he art Fraai his a wnnnai runt ai a aaw at'.a t t-i t a vhiri W ' i'i;,r-. yara.ccM :r .;aK-rU Claras L rv alffattloa aatawea aataiaer aai, aaapie. and to the rrf f the ; latter f his tlerlaa t. aau. frat t Caaaaa. Ssxs l meatiaa : i KMV of hi aeeaJy ear the Jpf.vk'. his Kyf AawoArd i Chniia liv ,f rr f tax pce arard af hia BaiaMrr It cxuaeadiaa turn t th IW !r' Oarch s Cj-a. Rex I" v lrte. MoVra? r f i'.""i! AftacsS't J Pr-teri ChKr .sf WJe. vy: "It a : fry: m -v ; iaat ta FaroMr c In Paris, 'VlNGENT-i ; Internationally Known Beauty Authority BBamWl t 1 PJ J BPmBiiammmmm' - .jalta J fmmmmm f kuia at jmjrt ft tm SUytl inihiia rfi 1 r Ape- tk lMiaWrf rWm J mtf TUtmSmjr ai angWr ayrifcy jt at r r. mm atcx9 11k a)jWM v Vue . Majar af ly Pi ali rate TarortA. vi "V .dm- 1 1 Carta the the fcs; aoa aahly r-wtraiaed ry es i-rnf taarai-to for a te:-a M - - eart ae I haae ai 1 11 imi trif the cad as-: are aaaat MARSON NAfilED FOR HIGH POST M taa Kovau Pais TT'HE ooMunmeaa of V JL rcpotc aox oolr to the 1 terior bat to mc great skO. m aniattf Yiaceoc Ma of h date k jjvea m i ' ft' C advocates this one: basic skin treatment Parisian specialist advises his patrons how to keep the skin beautiful by a simple treatment based on soap of palm and olive oils "VfT. tee find, has Ims f do uilh the deterioration " the complexion than have the improper methods of skin rare freqaently employed at home. -Therefore, tee urge all our clients to trash the face daily with one soap and only one ... the soap matte of oils of palm and otite." Vimnt. mtfmrjj smthtrrj n UttlJ lud iist imsrt lillU nnmt U4tmf ftm mWMJmimmt mLi Mm Cmr Jin Frm. ktmac at nflLOw lav BfSMmt MM ihiiaawi, aad tamrnVMoaWdk. mrW Pti mmmmmm PpaaBaaBw . 'nWaapwvma ar' pilrimmgWl-- om. Ac cue of the sknL wThcfe it po real reaoo,' jays Viaosnt, "why a vftaaaia ia cwkik life, or rren of adSrameed jots, should moc mall the durra of a dtu, Unnaaiaj, staa." , We urge all our dioatt 10 wash with the ?feciM iwp.hieni- iag oils of palm and olives . . aaw wiudi we advOCMe the ase f r c'x- 1 -b-rti fr iiafj 1 1 imi uaajl mil eSofdaahmo-esoap.- , What these oih d fr itin Keosaky foe the okay rfiamainon of a0 fNcka,'dte, ro iad a-age- k ssi by VaKcac To 6ce the wh aT boiii 10 km the tconrc htm. the color hiah uoavaiad thooties aO ow the world s&tc 00 00c basic uemcsK. Ia Loaafaa. Miiiitr cofaoa, beamy advinr 10 Royaltj; k Bed, Ease Bock. MiaVaV Earape's iliiiinaaiiti 1 exfen; la VEeaaat. Pwd. in Pads. Qraaatri aod aU the 04 kdag iahd-rks . . . cmy oac says: vash for beaaty with PahBotrrr Saip. Tr i-minute treatment prescribtd tab ap a saaoodi lather of FahmcaWr Saaa, m& m ths iaao the skia. lemkaalaio eohi Af 1 iiaiana, tm ice-water ante a ni iliii FilaiuiiiL ia mavcadoaa pneiakrai. it aoaW om cftbci soaas ia rVaace-aaai for of ifl at 46 cawjaeies bes& iZilZ2rM-r I r-A tfa- fBN inmn ai mih - s ar-a 7 m bv 2 1 Of Kercrt. TTa:.:j freaa Va taaa. Mr C pear tri ataae taat Wiibaai Maaaaa. frwaai ax thv raaha af taraaer V I. .V ice this ridaar tsnal partaea aad has aa K wv:.- ; ma Kas as arTATi Baiaiiaw af ra.v.. Tt!j!jT aaa. i: rM. nn feaeraJ ' 1 a. X. I Mwil has aaw 1 V VI I mi it- nr tt ' hath aahV Dsffi : ta. a a aairt 5 aaac - Jhdly Nws Want Ads. brinj qmckjlesults.