V,:- it. c w n ll ( by, March 27, 1923 THE DAILT NEWS FAGR-SEVER Man in the Moon CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND wonwn can hold the steering BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. , .-! ,is long as the water is THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ in:, but in time of storm and . it is the man that takes h. Im. Hi I. old uays mere were no o and no jx unut politicians. tinit's new clothes increase i-i-ci ..till sometimes i make uh hite ourselves. .inir pays. Ybu plow your iw t:-'ip; and reap and !l I he land in suburban :! gardening I get a .in. in to diy the ground, sow ' i d and keep out the weeds Vnd '11 do the rest. .il a little garden planted it with seeds in .the rummer I found I had e finest crop of weeds. cmaia: i was pouring out a gin il wine in the loom 'when the butler - liini'ti '.'in .tn.e and says: I'll hiv rtfts o' Viat!' " . ' i.iili "What tffftl you ki: i msjuvi' naun t offer hin any of it." n i mild h,.vc two wishes , . what would they be?" I JJ il wish for a husband." i ily imi." "Yes; I think i lie other until I saw turned out." hinl been a quarrel. "You :.!v." If n, ; 1 iked one. "Ah!" the other, "if It wasn't - -i n4& "W'd tell eifP&hat kind of a Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert '1 1 1 h Marchr 27r 1919 nnut t-e of the Board of , , : ! ui m.-i. has been appoin-into the local housing li, "e sural hujukyd ireill t iirwhe fcvr rnfythl Snth MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Litock Exchange on our r; toi l! -list board dally. Ve can give instant ser vied in buying and selling Milling Stocks on Vancouver Rthek Exchange. We ai.-io have facilities for ni ccp ing Wheat orders ,on Winnipeg SUck Exchange. Representing Miller, Court fi Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D. Johnston CoM 617 2nd Avenue Prince llupert, B.C. BOARD AND ROOM BOARD And room. 210. FOUND-rFur Daily News. High lxw FOUND Phone Green 05 necktpiece WATER NOTICE 2:28 a.m. 14:54 p.m. 8:6G a.m. 21:08 p.m. ir tui iwpier. i. u. Friday. March 29 Sunday, March 31 4:40 a.m. 17:52 p.m. 11:86 a.m. 23:11 p.m. Apply , 71 Diversion and L'tse , TAKE NOTICE that Alfred !!. Bryant, white ad4rM U 609 Bank of Nova Sootla Building. Vancouver. B.C.. will a only for a licence to take and use one thousand miners inches or 28 c. I. s. f water out of Buck Oulch Creek, which now northern and drains ino iJase Oreek about eight miles from Dease Lake. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about three-quarters of a mile from Dease Creek and wUl be used for hydraulic mining purpose upon the mine described as Ready Money Iuu fnmrts Leslie No. 103 and Creek OUtmii Daisy and May Blonsom. 1 Water to be diverted from Buck Ouloh j at a point at lower end of canyon of said I creek and "carried by dUcb and flumrt avm hntiMi tA mint of uju . This notice was not ted on the ground 1 on the zut day 01 uecemoer, ima . A copy of this not Ire and an application pursuant thereta and to the "Water Aet" will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder 1 at 'Telegraph Cretk. B.C. Oblectlona to the implication may be filed with the nMd ' Water Recorder ft with the Oomntratler of Water Rlchta, Parlkuneat Building Vlrtnrlo B.C. 11 tnlrtv davs rw the rim ap- nmrsnee of this notice In a iDaoer. local news- The date of he flror nuMloailon of this notice Is March II. 1929. ALFRED, II. BRYANT. IN IMMMIATE III the Supreme Court of IliitlMi dilum- lil In llie nuttier of the ,l ml nltl ration AH. and In the matter of the Kills I e ul Jiaji. MrNrM, defeated. TAKE, NOTICE that br order of ni "onrr p Men Voumt. Ue 21st day of December, 'AJJ. . 19J8; I was appointed li"Ulletrator of the, estate of Dae Mc Neill, deceased, and nil names bavin claims arjslnst the said estate are hcrebv required to furnish same, properly veri fied, to me on or before the 9th day of AdeU. AD. 199B. and all nartlea In debted to the estate are repaired ' to pay Wis Rmouirt of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. Vw... ,.. W I TuaAvitn-.: Kwart, one of the rnem- the firm which has taken t ! local sawmill, arrived i,i ti e south yesterday and an-ik . . th.it the plant will be i ever and placed in opera hi May 1. Other members i in- new company are A. E. Mu nn. N. Lougheetl and G. G. il, : ; I 1,1 I II . James MtfitfVrY. Prince Rupert. B.C. i; M m r; il, i. il. iiiompsoTramiT - H1NCE RUPERT TIDES Wednesi day, March 27 21.7 ft. 20.2 ft. 3.1 ft. 4.9 ft. . Thursday March 28 High 2:59 a.m. 21.4 ft 15:32 p.m. 19.1 ft. Uw 9:32 a.m. 3,0 ft. 21 ;33 p.m, 6.3 ft. M the first of a wilW'yM, riffoh 3130,,7 ft. .. in dinars lat rilfhyln,.;, , t&Mfc J7.8 ft lHlleW SllHw, Ml UfJULffAw 'y'TlnWrnT ix, ft. inn get' ii n .11' w. ivtrr-ws., k'rjWa j !Jftvm. 7.7 ttj ui ccrei ,i.,n. .1 iillil ,F rtrisic smasdlsv nd ferK 1 1 ii. ' . ' ! ' CN.R. 1KAINS .V Low High M : -.t tyi. Wdnal asd Bsturdaya tw m ii to . m I rtlllt I It r nidiiyi. TTwadsys and Tbursdajra at S iu p. Ill Satufdiy.sMarch 30 Oils 0S.1t.rn. m. 19.7 ft. ....if .Af . .' . . . . 1Q:48 a.m. m ft '6.7 ft. 0.2 ft. 18.5 ft. 15.1 ft 7.0 ft. 10.6 ft. Try a classified ad. In the News and get RESULTS 1 .FdR RENT HOUSES For rent. F. W. FOR RENT Automobiles, pianos' phonographs and sewing machines. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT Modern four, roomed flat with bath. Bank Mock. Apply Westenhaver Eros. tf. FOR RENT Seven witli bath, near $20.00 a 'month. 20G. room house Auditorium. Phone 7C or tf. FOR RENT Furnished modern nous. . Harbor ,vlew. Monarch rang, .JM.OO, Apply 215 Fourth Avenue .Eatt. , FOR nBNT-Modern FIat,"3 bod 'iftyvrnui ' 1 ftin rivirn fltnlliC dining I UUIII0 I a li f Was room, kitchen and bath. 180. or 015. FURNITURE Phone 72 FOR RENT Building containing! large workshop on ground floor j with 7 room modern flat above! at 177 Third Avenue East.' Apply Hyde Transfer. tf Mackenzie Furniture, Phone 775 EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Chesterfield Suites, Dining Suites, walnut and oak Beds, Springs and Mattreaces, Curtain Rods and Blinds. PRINCE MART. change nge or RUPERT AUCTION We buy,' sell or ex- any any rana lanu or or lurniturei struments, machinery; etc. Gen-i eral repairs, crating, packing i and MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. Telephone 657. PNEUMONIA Call a physician, "smsrgsncjr" tr Than bsrin trsstmsnt with XICKS VAPO.RUB QHf SI WWiM Jmrt VJ BRINGIGUP FATHER FOR SALE Hart, j FOR SALE Four roomed house 94! and two lots. Apply 1040,- 10th jFOIt RENTr Five room furnish- Avenue E. tf. I ed flat. Mussallem Grocery, tf. HOUSEHOLD Furniture for sale. N. W. Pringle, C4G .Fourth Ave East.Phone Greea 150. tf 333 FOR SALE Four II.P. Imperial! FOR SALE Philco radio, Console model, batteryless six tube set. Snap for ch. Will consider terms. Prince Rupert Auction Mart. tf to vigorous cockfrels da men With record of over 200 eggs. $2.00 per sitting of fifteen. Gus Wertrom, Prince George, B.C. FOR SALE One line shaft 18 feet long and 1 Inches thick. One 20 inch Hanger; Four 11 inch hangers. Two lnrge Iron Pulleys, speed 15 to 12 inch. 8Vfe Inch belt. Two line shafts 8 feet long, Hi Inch thick. Three Iron Pulleys, three speeds 12 inch to 8 inch. Two Wooden PuHeyav Apply Dall .Newa. lor , t WANTED iurnuure.,,ANTEDCom . . fot household goods, musical in-f ', u..w v irl.J Mr I CUtiai HVM"V"vtan, I lsr sT f C. II. Orme. tf shipping. - WorkmanshiplGRAr)iNf- ExeafartifUT-timiBrnte guaranteed. Just phone Black! foundations. Nels Rokkiah gu an? we. win caii, . vjcwivyry DAW$S, Federal Ulock. LINDSAY'S Cartage s. and Storage Phone 68 Cart'ige, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving. ,.oonv-fl-v(aThiril,uv PETS ! Wt are imported ofScanaries, (parrots, foreign wrda,Pgoldfish, I monkeys, dogs, cats ana rabbits. I If you want a pet of any kind, write us and we will ship on approval. Money refunded if not ! satisfied. "V PET SHOP Largest Store of its kind in Canada . 573 Broadway We, Wneouvcr LETtEK hOX CUU.rCTIONH Orshani & Atlla Are 1st A. It 8th St. , 8th Ave. & Pulton St 11th Ave. gt Sherbrooks AH. 900 M fr..9.io 11th Ar- Oonrad Si. . . . Sth Ave. ft Hsys orfey.. 1th Are. & Hsyt Cot Olrjt nth Ave. & Cottrn 3t .' 5th A. Orn St. (Hptl). ' 8th At, as UcDrld 8t Ptot. lor. Building , Prov, Ujyt. Wharf .: O.T.P. Wharf OTP Station 60 AM I SO 035 8.00 40 ii 9M B.S8 10.00 10.05 - HM and Are. & lad St 10.10 3rd Ave. St Fulton St. 10.18 trd At, it th Bt. 10.20 PJ. I im 7.4Q I 7.l f mi ! 7.4 SOP 80S 7.0I' 8.10 8.18 8.30 8.38; 8 JO l 8.40 ; 8.4S 80 . BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFiC ' Experienced operator, modern j methods In all lin" rf beauty culture and hair drerMnjr. . Make appointment by phoning SALVAGE AND TOWING marine gun euBiuc. nu.v , Apply on board "Lion," Cow "Jf it's on or under the water xve Bay Floats. 73 1 do It." FOR SALE Well established business, two cars and best stand in town. Snap. 275 for particulars. PACIFIC SALVACE CO. I LIMITED i Phone Mll,v rcquipiwn Tor uiving anu 73 'leiiernl Sal .-;;gp Work. - " Routs and Scows of all descrip tions for Charter. !'.ow Bouts jnd Canoi!H for hire. Rargains im Ons Fngines. AGENTS FOR Vac Rlerck. Kasthope. Hicks & 1 1 1 , i.' : .. FOR SALE-Hatch!ng eggs from r"' l' ' , 1 Barred Rock and White Leg-' - - Z? 'Z ' , ... . ,. ., , . 1 Cooltdge " PrpIlera 1 horn Hens with Individual trap- . iii, , , kra a m . onn ocn . i Phone,' Day or Night. 564 , 111 una ) Ktii. iiittmte- ai lmtaajHai -ilift . tott CIIIROritACTJC RELIEVE HEADACHES? CERTAINLY This' distressing malady ii very prevalent at this time f the year, and as a rule is a symptom of a deeper trouble, such as affections of the eyes, liver, kidneys. stomatTi, etc. It may be also flue to the after ef fects of influent. Consult the Chiropractor in all ases. Relief guaranteed. Consult Till. W. C. ASPINALL 6 and 7 ExWnEe Block Green: 241 Phones Blnrk: Open Evenings 21 RESULTS COUVrSf Pain in the side. i9)jteiiUon, Hns on Stomach, Hesdnes40er . vousncsfc-Tnspmnia, Cirtarrhs adj llheumitJui are completely re-1 lieved bjrior new form of ditet-j in nnil afftinut trpntrritnt. Read orfr National UMH in the Liberty Magsxlne everyveek, then consult DR. EYOLPSON Phone Blue 85, or Red Open Evenings 589 RED'S Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We ell oklnds of Qal Any kind of Wood in any quatitjtty CEMENT SAND C, RAVEL Our price, weight and measures ore right. So il our Servicu Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Phono: Red 317. i-L,SC lOOft1, THl-3 NlO TIMS. OF RAR TO BE N ITAUV- VWV.THtRB. THOUWND RtAWNM ArA T eH5 SHOULD WE.MA0N MOMtt- I CAUL. HER OP AND COMVIMCt Htft THATT I Over Two Hundred Trains Daily ' ' ''y The (I'M cmrl pauengcr train shed at Windsor Station, Montreal. Thelarzest in Canada and enmnarlnir ven fivinhiv niinnnf i the largest in the United States, the Montreal Terriaala oft be Ca radian ' . ;iP.q? Railway tr?tlc; 15 dwitcWrand aeimorardi.. over 3Urprirate individual' sidings and three Tnterchsnge tracks with other railways, makinz a i rV ui iracK. ad average w iza passenger and 100 i freight trains are handled daily, the number varying at different seasons. Nearly 8,000 freight and passenger cars are moved every day. 61 transfer and yard engines are in service 24 hours of the day and frequently additional locomotives are required. Between 3200 and 3500 men are employed constantly. i , Jhere are two large passenger yards, Glen Yard at Westmount. and Place Viger, of which the former is the larger and more Important lince it takes care of all incoming and outgoing trains to and from the Windsor street itation. An average of 90 trains enter and leave the Windsor station and an average of 40 Place Viger Station daily which means that 65 outgoing trains at least, have to be switched daily, their caw made ready, inspected, watered, iced and cleaned in preparation for their journey. Freight traffic is more difficult to handle than passenger. Of the 15 switching and delivery .yards, Sortin, Outremont and HocheJaga are. the largest Incoming trains are taken in the receiving vara; outgoing1 In the classification yard and cars held for orders repairs in the hold! and repair yard, ii An important feature of freight traffic is the prompt placing pf all loaded cars onto the various private sidinis, public team tracks and ' freight shed tracks throughout the citvrfajhat the various conaieneesl can taice delivery of their shipments alfoti as possible after arrival Irii the receiving yards. Prompt placing ofjerapty cars for loading is another Important feature, as is also prompt movement of cars loaded in the dt jl for shipment elsewhere. Dirring the navigation season an average of 400 cars loaded with package freight for export is always waiting to ba uuuwicu, i miner, umiug inn train movement season, mere la alwsw an average of L000 cars of grairtpn hand. i t.t- Heavy traffic means constant attention to Insure maximum oil safetr.. Tbemalnlinatraeks arslaid with 100-lb. rail and roMr-h.lL.r"' Nearhr 200.000 newnies and OO'ctobs, tons of raiU were laid in tfc main un ana yara wscks auring ISZJ withont causing a minute's dels m iravuic i oere.ar iour enfuie nouses on tne Terrmoals, each wit siaus lor irom z to no enginea.andron tbe average 186 trains are di patched every 24 boors for bSgeng and freight trains. There are i tne terminals Zb DuUdingt, izsiindfes ana culverts and many huadre wt w wu, muu iia ri;uv-tll-way4 ac J f gpAjRINO MbMRNTS , est Lrvctt ervs Advertise in "The Daily News" By George MclYlanus THERCTUUCAU. r A.K1 AMDUUAMCl L$k C HW.Uu I l.alur. ir,.., Inr., J.ji i 3 'Jv? ' "' "hu rrl ill II j