r t ... . y . j. f !1 It pa;;e two Canadiens and Boston Likely fo Proi;e League Winners in Eastern Hockey This Season Hockey League through most of the season, New Yqrk's twn tpamc Cfiprn rinnmafl tr -firrVif if nut ?n tha cannnA tiIom olavoffs. for the Canadiens and Boston are the most likelv 1 nrnsnppts in finioVi at tha inn nf rlio h rrvrmno TVio' 17141r IMfVAlnArl 4" 1. lilt il'rt 4-ln T)nMnnwi lnni-?M 4-1 j-. . ujjia icgdiucu uicii tic uu cue liciiiexd uj ucciujiy mi? New Yorkers last night. The Rangers have only three games left to play, while Boston has five. The New York Americans lost much of their chance of SMACK ON CHIN FOR VANCOUVER HOCKEY TEAM Who Hold Cellar Position in League -ft. VICTORIA, , .March 6. Frank Patrick's Vancouver Liohs, who iead the coast hockey league by a yawning margin, took a smack on the chin here last night, when they met with a three to nil defeat at the hands of the cellar occupants, the Victoria Cubs. Hardacre, whp assumes the role LADIES' WHIST LEAGUE CLOSE the FraternaT Ulilst League, 'the Moose Ladies being ,in- the lead and St. George Ladje at the, foot Games last night" resulted, as follows: , V Orange Lldfes 2, C. Ladies 6. ' St. George Ladies 3, Moose Ladle 6. ODDFELOWS'HAD WHIST DRIVE AND I overtaking the Canadiens by tie- ing with Ottawa, leaving the' Canucks four points ahead. The! American have four games to go ! and the Canadiens five. ! Detroit practically ended the Montreals' playoff chances by beating the Maroons, with two! games left. The Maroons are three points behind the third- 1 -place Toronto Maple Leafs, who Liona Beaten by! Victoria Cubs, lave five games to go. The following are the scores: Montreal 1. Detroit 3 Individual scoring was as fol Iowsr p'Km; total, 32. iwnhers vs. uiNJt. 6 1 Bankers J. Harris, 7; C. At-5 kinson, 2; Eddie Smith, 10; F. 4 Burdette; B. Stalker; S. Smith; total. 19. I C.N.R, W. Slurray. 2; H. Skat-tebol; A. Styles, 12; W. Collisen; uB. lUmt; J. ilorten; J. Malr; Int.! 'If', UAWlt LAM MUH I Keferee, W. LamWe. . -i ' . Junior Game An enjoyable whist drivel andl Ca'nadtan 'Japanese Students-dance was held last night in the K. Nakamoto. 4; T. Katsuyama, Metropolc Hall by the Oddfellows' 4: T. Skikatani, 4; M. Sakamoto; lodRe. H. SuehIro;-S. Kanaya; R. Obata; There were 20 tables of cards 'total. 12. and. prize wineer' were: Ladies'! High School W. Johnson, 3; first, Mrs. B. J. Bacon; second. Ted Smith,; B. Sraurthwaite; B. j J. H. lj Inl?81'' Hlckey; second, H. Quick, f!r,8t' total 15acon: 8 J- levant; Roy Wicks, 2, Hr n?' .refrf bme"tfI w Referee, E. Anderson, served and dancing followed, 1 SuSrSS" SSShi At,f, SURPRISE PARTY FOR monies, j. w. McKlnley presided at tbe door, and the committee in MR. AND MRS. SCHUBERT charge consisted of Pete Solem, ... . ' ,J. E. Boddie, McLeod, Dan ,Ien, of. )o Ige tomen McLeod. Mrs. Ji fe. .rtoddl,. ,, ue,it His. Own House Mrs. S. V. Cox. CRICKET GAME IN AUSTRALIA ENDSLNDRAW for Evening j A party of 20 friends of Mr. and Mrs. Schubert Invaded their home on Second Avenue last evening, took possession and organized a whist drive with five! tables. Winners of the prizes! were : j I Ladies' first. Mrs. HnudKn. v.iiiu, i-.vi.uuu, mis. woe naicn- ,. ford: third. Mrs. J. THE DAILY NEWS- Wednesday. Mard. 8 Wo; BLIZZARD HITS 'POQLEYTAKK rmixui iwrxiu BALK MflTH N. Y. Americans 1, Ottawa Chicago 2. Pittffburffh 3 N. . Rangers 1, Boston 2, BASKETBALL LAST NIGHT of substitute .goalie with the- league, turned fin a phenomnal Two Intermediate and One Junior l0??"' ' . , ! League Games Are Played The Lions weakened in the absence of, Jackson, their net, r.n infljl,f a t minder, and by-Phillips and Oumv.. JX?Zt i , a " p'a'ed mings, never gave Hip trying, but gm" e". inf failed to score. .. , baeftb" "xtuffs at the 'Exhibition Hall. The Naval Re I serve beat the Eagles 32 to 22 and the Bankers won J9 to 14 over the C.N.R. in the Intermediate League. The Canadian Japanese Students beat High School 12 tn 8 in the Junior League. There Single Point separates Each Team in sPite o the fact that interest k With Mpose In Lead has waned in the hoop gamt ; 5 . . JfiU-tL. owing! to the possibility of Senior A single " point now separate! League activities being diseon- ... t A 1 I-j; 1. acn team in-iniauies seen on uiunuru. i Golf Players at Victoria Mr. Alex Rose, well known U. Scores for the first innings were: Moose Lodge and most of the vis- Ralth Rovers at Hamilton 5 to 1 Victoria 572, England-303. , liters were members of 1tJi!iwdlviHln game. Bay Course as the phiying i it-Id. she succtwabed to tbe iklll of Mrs. Hew Paterson. winner of the B. W. Beatty trophy donated Mrs. Hew Paterson. Mr. E- W. Todd, who was a ' ' i T- n . . I i .... V . . . i r ... a. . . ... . T. L. Swun. Victoria Golf Club, winner of the men's championship in the first annual Empress Hotel mid-winter golf tournament at Victoria, holding the E. V. Hetty cup whleh he must defend In 1030. Inset, Mrs. Norah Patterson, V ictoria, winner ,of the ladies' championship, whose name is also engraved on th trophy. MELBOURNE, March 6. Men's first, Joe Ratchford; CPflTTirjUJ rilD rARIU Endinar a came In which thov second A P nj.nr.. iwi-.i w uwl llJll LUr uA I r. were in danger of being beaten B. McCallum. i pi AVm VCCTCDnAV for the first time, the present Following the games refresh-! ILHILU ILMLKUAl touring English cricket team yes- ments were served by the visiting' "" terday secured a draw In their ladies whiA were much enjoyed GLASGOW March C St match against Victoria after bat- and this was followed by dancimr Mirren defeated AhPrH.n i tuL ting all day and securing 308 runs and community singing. A most fourth round of the Scottish cup lows: TIE RE-PLAYS iui me iu ui lu.iv ciUujuuie evening was spent. game at Paisley veaterdnv A in i itkii i ,,, . . Jardine knocked out 115 runs. ! Mr. Schubert is dictator f ih. iuZuL a!?.,.3 to..3: L l56,l" Vatiderew 2, BlackLurn Huddersfield 2. West Brom- Wich 1. f I 1 bport Lhat ! : . fi inr jwir uui u iuvihk eiiiLnuce tor leasx nwa nis own. BILLIARD STANDINGS J. Hillman (CS) M. McLachlan (G) Ben Self (GT) Jlfi W. Mitchell (GT) . jlfi W. Bailey (CS) Mil u. -sMJTJJsttJ n " In the sixth round of the English IE. Fenelon (GT) football cup teday resulted as fol- i First Dlviiioiv TEAM STANDINGS., l'l j Ttl Eagles E. Dinirwall. 11; F. HofAl iA.ta, ZST ki . '' Terminals . 4 MRM -IKiT Dingwall, 3; F. Moore. 2; a 'held reeUv at -the Oak Br a'mtual RmwTTfai.l mM-wfn. - ?. 4 f" 1104 "&mith: Smith: WaltPr Walter Jnhr,.n Johnson, 9. 2; B. n r- Course i. in vu.j. .7 ' 'v: uinaaian lxgkm ..4 1687 1134 Virtoria. Mrs. Pater- ter golf tournament "IU'ra ' w18'. son defeated Miss Marion Wilson. Victoria recentlv. Naval Reserve Georre Howe. ,4. L. Pierce, 25; G. Dyer, 3; J. W ------ (Peterson; G. Bagshaw; C. Nel- W Moose 7 C. N. R. 6 Orange 5 St. George 4 INDIVIDUAL AVEKAGFLS i W. a WUilscroft G) 2 GOO 260 Dr. J. A. West (CL) . 1 247 247 W. H. Leg (GT) . 10 471 247 J. Hamilton OT) . . ' 71 28 C. P. Balagno (GT) 10 2877 238 G. P. Tinker (CL) . -9 2141 238 M. Andrews (CL) . 0 2119 235 A. Donald (G) 10 211 SS4 M. McLachlan (G) .2 464 232 F. G. Pyje (CL) .. 6 1373 22tf W. J. Nelson (GT) . 10 2281 228 J. Andrews (CL) . . 10 2242 224 Col. McMordie (CL) . G 1811 210 Ben Self (GT) 2 486 218 Alex Murray (CL) . 9 1942 21C Bert Morgan (G) .. 4 882 218 F. Williams (GTJ ,. 2 426 218 F. Stephens. (GT 10 2122 212 E. Fenelon (GT) ... 2 428 212 A. A. Easson G) .. 10 2109 211 D. Brown (G) 10 2102 210 W. Mitchell (GT) . 7 1409s 210 J. Beesley (G) 2 888 198 IV. II. Jarman (OT) . 2 345 178 J. Bulger (GT) .... I 188 186 C. L. Youngman (CT) 1 103 108 (Second Division) G. T. Av. Grotto 4 8557 8BU Cold Storage 4 8592 898 Grand Terminals .... 4 8872 848 Individual Averages V. Williams (GT) . '4 800 200 J. May (CS 2 400 200 A. Macdonald (CS) .4 d 1170 195 W. E. WUilscroft (G) 9 1702 lfiO J. Campbell (CS) . g 1515 189 J. Boesley (G) 7 1312 187 0 1817 182 0 1889 184 919 184 910 182 10 1811 181 S. I). Macdonald (G) 9 15T8 173 C. Baptie (CS) .... 10 1R02 iRn John Bulger (GT) . 10 1714 171 G. Howe (G) iO 1709 171 5 880 170 W, H. Jarman (GT) 10 1578 157 C. Youngman (GT) 10 1532 153 J.Dougherty (G) ... 3 459 153 Bert Morgan (G) .... 2 301 ir,i 11. it ry jfi! - it eiuner lunamuiis i.enerniiy VICTORIA fo ASSASSINATED education. ' ' I : H -Hr-H i STOCK QUOTATIONS 'Courteay S. , I JijhWton Ox) The fllewing "qustatlo tatloni, bid and asked: Bayview, W. 5. L.Big MJrLJ.7Jw,1.7J. . Duthe Mines. 50. 51. Big Missouri, 1.74. Falcon Bridge, 12.90. Nickel, 01.50. Mandy, 1.55. Sudbury, 10.75. Rherrltt-Gordon, 9.20. J. Walker GTJ , -B8M88"Harrfrivea, 2.20.' A Atlin Cloudy, ,a!m, 1 'viy i Uncomfortable This Morning Foblcrw1lhHi m . . " Mr With Considerable Snowfall ... i i Frnm 7-ftfl tliU As the last aisappointea uoo " y, . Flamingo:' 8hortJy before noon . Pr and hiss died down at Park Wednesday night. 85,000 eTed Tf Ing e tt i ; T , j j .. much, mucn resemb xesemuiea ed a a goo gooa pnteiigniers, ouservee ay woyer, pixi. sports writer of the Vancouver, It was clear and cold last night iStar. This battle of the Ever- and the therms meter went down iglades, with all its preliminary ; to 20 above zero during the eve-bombardment, ballyhoo and hooey, turned out just as most people " knew it would a contest be- the third round with 'Dempsey, Tunney, or even the green, crude fighter "Knw Max Max SchmeliBK. snraeiiRg. The ine AHM ArQ,i.. u-;i-- v..lti S. irolf writer, who was a com- ri..k.- ij:.. '-. ...u. hardest worked man implicated IT ft H T f W TV W W. V W tweec a couple of aeedfid raters, If A W ill VrK I AH neither of whom would get pant. vv v " legislature in Z 10n " the Mrs. 'Helen MeGil 7ff iuven i ...l. Ke the morning appointed, in which he "fiev" Prince Rupert house, to expres.s its , ( S ' which very u rle were not adfl, oia .Mam- ficials in ians, suiierinK lrum ire unu en- i.,. , rr . ... . - ., ul iHe ffft,,... nuuit LHizzaru. was a iniCK o-.MU. mere ment records i . . . in nui, were ready to announce toifnowfal, TJly obtain and , br, k ter , d the world that the nwvyweignt whkh cauged d ,fU and d ,co" w:f T9 I situation is no nearer ;i solution travelling around generally un- regarding BUch Ithan when Gene Tufcney donned a t "s comfortable. About an inch or made - ere (the high hat and decided to use 80 0f Bnow fe anj tne ground .his fist on obnoxious newspaper Wa well covered. At noon the MFVin T 'persons who tried to photograph wind wa veering around to the II H XI J A A XlUt l VV A t R jhim Instead of on low repuUive aoutheaat and rain wa In pros- 'lviTli ffnlV ISRELIGIOUS i Preparations to Open Cathedral, j of Sonora Under I'mlama. I Hon Made Yesterday The rehjnou qur-st,.,,, aipcaN lor the first time .vrda, ia .omiectiou with t h , ' Sow mirin lu'.,.... ; w' in the contest Lou Magnolia, Sonjl Vamamotlo, Elected to in Mexico. Inoiitor lnT i V, 7-' was Governor F . 1. tk reeent Fmnres, h p w r i ' n 1 1?! f" " H&? , t 7 e who struggled and .took of? about Japanese Parliament by Ubor. (of Sohora issued a n,.,, f, , lL ,.' ' " " " 10 pounds in an effort to Keep: oaoiiea io ueain . ,aim ng religious t'rcoaom i .j ' . u 1- l.jheJd held i j at at Victoria ictona. usmv the Oak winter golf tournament, when i. , . .-It nMH ,... . i iivimmuii nan iiiauu .! rC''JVn a sufficient lenitth of time to Kt Tr.wA !W. r. j,,:lhe Catholic cathedrsln of F. (In In a a few few punches. Bunches. I Hi? 1 ! "FT!" lu"cu, tUi since 1026 Wadef nd deputf who worked; t,MVV lronn pro- .f;(ir ! , , . , ."T777" . h'8 Wfly through high school in unriA fm u;, , , ; ' . : I picked Stribllng to win, not Vancouver. B.C.. by doing odd Z V ' " because I thought him a great job. and later became a univer- ZlSS ' fighter, but because I expected sity professor, was assassinated ' the affair to be so close that, an nn Tna.H.v i,v ruuitlnnU ..4.. - - - f wi Mr&ru n 4 vavviwiiiot n the fight was staged in Dixie, the 3bjectd to his radical activities, referee would give the decision Sonji Yaraamotto, 40 lust year,! to the Southerner as a polite was elected to parliament from gesture to the people of the south. Kyoto by the labor and peasants Prince Rupert Sn .n ?M From all accouuts that could Prty. Calling on him, a man easterly wind; tempo aurp ,', Jiave beB done without doing "med Furoda stated him to llaaeiton Cloudy . . ulir. 26. Sharpy a great - I tcjuatice. deatn . 1 Sraitfeen Cloudy, cdm. 23 The Associated Press score she i amamotto. seai to Canada 1b j WEATHER REPORT Hums hake t lear. iilm, 1 leave Sfeariiey Sive ruanda,. Strib- -7, worked as a diah washer ad! VaaserbW-Cloml) . ,!m 16. ifinir jng for and one eveJL Rut Whe,. ,n oniff'W B art UWWoift-Wiml, m. h rr itiDc eoBsidera that six warttinirM w from the referee ,unt againatj jtribling in the score, thjt, which , lis according to the Nlw York' 'ayatem, it is poMlble (that on j fighting alone. the Georgian at! WTiltHiortee Snowing. V wind. Carmaeks Snowing. N. W wJnJ, 10 below. l Sfewart River -fl.-j.h- K, W wind. 10 below. !JawsonCIar. MwjonOIar. N N. W W wioi 25 wemf f vSlsV-rCIear. N. W tbelow. George Copper, 8.50, 8.60. Georgia River, 45, 43. Golconda, 1.06. 1.08. Grandview, 59, fiO, Indeftendence, 10, lOVi. Indian Mines, 5, 7. Intern. Coal & Ceke, 37, 38. Kootenay Florence, 194, 21. L. & L, 4'i, 5. Lucky Jim, 17. 18. Mohawk, 0. Nil. Morton Wpoisey. 4Vi. 4, Marmot River Gold, 8V, 8, Marmot Metals, 8, 6. Nat. Sil. G. S., 17, 18'V Noble Five, WA, 07. Oregon Copper. 71 V, 72. PeBd Oreille, 12.50, ll75. Premier. IM, 1.97. Porter-Idaho. 50. CO. Reeves MacdonaltL SJ0. 3.00. Rufus-Argenta, 89. 40. Ruth-Hope. 45, Nil. Silver Crest, 9, 9'. Silverado Cons., 1.02, K05. Silversmith. 9, 15. Slocan King, Nil, 10, Slocan Rambler, 1C, 2d. Snowflake. 31 Vt, XL. Sunloch, S.0Q, Nil. Terminus. 9. Nil. Topley Klchfidd. 40, 41. Wellington, Nil, 14. Whitewater. 1.05. UG. "yoodb1ne,. 5fc, C. , OiU A. P. Consolidated, 2.27. 2J0. Dalhousle Oil, 2.90, Nil. Devenish Pet. .Ltd., 98, 1.00. Fabyon Pete, Nil, 14. Home Oil, 16.00, lG.2. Mayland Oil, 5.85, Nil. McLeod, 4J55, 4.75. Enstern Blocks Sherritt-Gordon, 9.2ff,. Nil. Noranda. C1.00, Nil. TORONTO STOCKS wird, 2 KOMO PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK Wednesday, March t 5:00 Kiddles' Ti 50 Stock and lend c;jot 6:46 i.'ews Flashc 0:00 Concert Orcb-?ara tenor. fiJBO Pal moll ve II ur 7t80 Gold Strand rrogran. 8'tOO Roads to R nunoe 840 Longines ()r..t. lis 8:80 Imperial ( amly panjr's "Alice in f'ani Und." 9:00 Concert (m '. --n " Male Quartet. 10t00 LiUIe Sxtnphory Male Quartet. lliOO Conert Onhtn wn- tone.- yl0 News Flu.-h' -ll.-45-Flfth Ave Theatre Or- TrurHday, March 7 5(00 Kiddles' Proi-ram 5sR0 Stock and tond W"' tlons, CMS News Flashes 6:00 Seiberl ing T an? onUnrt- tal Broadcast. CsSO-Rtmnish Or !u-.n tepan'Sfl prano. 7t30 Standard sl,no,',r7 8:80-Longine8 Co f ted T 8:80 KHQ, Spokane; Cre rtnnH and MWe" Joint with KGW. Portland. 9:30-NoveUy Tno wn soprano. . r.., 10:00 Associated u y fli-nV. Hun1 Joillt hW' kane KGW, Portland. ll:00-AIaska School Prof"'"- 11:15 Novelty ino. .ll:30-.News Floriw :-U.i45-Fifth Avenue Tn Organ. Friday, Mrrh 8 P:00-Land O Health. (i 5:15-"The Harmonists. 530-,Stock and bond t(ons. 6:45 News Flashes. G:00--WWRley Review 6:30 Philco Hour. -