fAGE FOUK The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMHIi Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily tfews, Limited, Third Aveue? H. F. PULLEN - '- ManagingEditor.U " ' SURSCKIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mall or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid ir advance, per month . .......... -60 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia,, paid In advance for yearly period f ?3.00 Transient Display Advertising, per ?nch,per. insertion ..... 1.4U Transient Advertising on Front Pge. per inch V'.SO Ucal Readt's, per iruertion, per line .' Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion per airate line -l" Or four month for U)" By mail to all other parts ot British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per ,ear .... $0.00 By mail to all other countries, per yeai c ??X0 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 93 Ed(or and Reporters Telephone ... 86 jtfember of Audit Bureau of Circulation? DAILY EDITION Wednesday, March G, 1929 MORE TELEPHONES USE!) COLONEL PECK ON PATRONAGE Former Prince ' Rupert ''Man's t Speech Described by Gallery r Reporter REFERS TO ELECTION Tells How Heads of Some of His Opponents Rolled In the .( ,' ' Basket !.. ' it : ? U- A In describing the speech of Colonel Peck, V.VC, in the Legislature the other day, Bruce Hutchison, writing to the Vancouver Province from the Press Gallery at Victoria said in part: First he turned his attention to the opposition. He called Mr. Manson a young Napoleon upon whose lofty brow was the troubled look of a man yearning to lead the opposition. He also called him a restive political jack-in-the-box who found it irksome to keep his seat for many min utes at a time. Colonel Peck has heard that Dr. Sutherland would shortly be translated to an im portant federal post, while In Mr: Ian Maekeniie he fentnd a The steady growth of the telephone service'resiiltinc in ! fiery Scot who was burning toi the necessity to extend the plant indicates a steady.normaljdrw hi claymore and id th growth m t ie city along permanent lines, we are maKing thBt .Colonel Peck turned progress, aunougii nut us ruum b mmiu nave Mwf uc- ;hjB attention to a former KverH- sired. i'ossiDly in tne near iuiure mere win do an ac-lment whose name he would not celeration of the rate of progress. We all think there will; mention, and gave the Houae and that is the first step toward securing it. iwhat he called a few "rough re- minders of yesterday." Before hhh AlOK 31t.iM liUliXU ft a ciasaicai discourse on polltic- The staff of the elevator is being moved south and the ai patronage, swept aside sickly bit? nlant here has ceased to function. While it mav not hypocrisy, and bolty declared be that the delegation to Calgary will secure the re-open-, that politicians would appoint to ing of the elevator this year, it is hoped to prevent any !J"UB - "re i. tu, nMmn;.: TlThey would not search for ajr luiieuuuii ui uic utMwi Mtat-ii u.c i u.. 'Jidntee in the ranks of 'tfieir tion exists as a result of its appeal to public opinion;onthe Enemies; he deeiareC,' biit ' thai prau ies anci cannot auuru to nume ltseu ouiiaiuuh iu wag not neWs to the house. Prince Rupert. ." iV ! By this tinfte; Colotl Veck w i --r-: thoroughly warmed up to the Job lArtii Mrkvt! .xtm of telling all about the govern- Muwiuiiujg lment who8e name he wouid not The re-organization of the management of the Boys' , mention. Thia government, he Band and the re-anpointment of Bandmaster Wilson roared, and waved his arms, had should result in renewed acthfity on the part of that or-.never purchased a pound of nails ganization. Prince Rupert caflnot affortl-tD lose so valu- w'thout considering the political able an asset as tho band, which has been builtjup largely as a result of the excellent work of tlieanjprnasCer. BEYOND THE LA7M ' (Edmonton MHinT irf effect of the purchase. Why, i Mr. Speaker, in his own constit uency, in twelve years, a Liberal ? , Ulxm had received $82,259 in gov- T , Jerntnerjt business and a Conser-J ., ; vauvwm oniy iuau. iven injat rTlatk)n did sot knock' tilts f ua mixta. Hit k : l,vi ,uun ! Only a direct quotation can ao Miictib i vjui u Mci a '.co non Hie ouuiovv ui u lively ucuuic ill 'T. .. . r i in i ti. , the legislature on Monday Interest centred naturally in 2 fi SS'pdffiS provisions of the bill which deprive, or appear to deprive, a philosophy. Pounding hi desk member of the pool of the right to take action in the with a mighty fist, he cried: "I . ... . ... 1 i il A 1 i! 1 ..11 1 1 courts, anu to tnus uemanu an accounting, snouiu ne oe said in my campaign that any dissatisfied with the treatment he has received from the government employee who had mnnapement. All such comnlnints. it is stinnlntprl. mn at played polities would have short Tin oattlorl nvhi'trati'nn TMo vooti-nint imnn t110 , shift from me. That'a vhat liberty of the pool member is a new one. As the bill iaJf?": ,u ::M ! i . e l did! I dem.nded their head lcuuntuvc, nic jiuviBiuii i in me iiuluic ui it new CUI1U1- i.n hev rolled in the basket 1" tipn imposed upon all who have been members of the Pool at any time since its inception, and of particular importance to tho?e who signed the new contracts durinir the' Made House Chuckle? fj These sanguinary ejtutrnl, it turned out, removed the heads of recent campaign for members. So far as known, no stens six road foremen and one assea were taken to inform the signers before-hand that they sor, and even that did not make were to be thus dispossesed of the common right-to appeal the hoU8e hudd. Indeed, it to the courts and to secure their assent to that restriction. !chuck,tl w,th delight as Colonel How the Wheat Pool runs its busines is the business of went, " , Blvt deil ?i tlio WViont Pnnl Tim nntairlo. V,ou nr. ,.,ut, this moral buUlvery. He told Z"""T".:.CiLl :ZL"X:.11 eight men had been disnua. juu.iuci in wuwi tuiaumiu muue uv a memoer agBinK ed from the goyetmdent rock the management is to be settled. The bill is one which crusher In it because they relates solely to the internal economy of the organization, i voted for him. He told how a If the Pool members are content to be legislatively denied l iberal family had reigned over the right to seek protection by law, that is their affair. 3,1,1 sPrin l8,nd like a heredi-If any of them are not content, it is not very clear what tRry d"u,,,tv- IIe vo the UmM they can do about it, unless the legislature adds a rider a co,or!ul f"ount J 4the "V that these clause, shall beeome operative only when they i thetS are accepted by the locals. The proposal is certamlv un- in ,inri, r. nth. usual enough to justify the house in taking such precau- er islands which dot the Gulf of tion, alike m the interests of justice and the interests of 1 Georgia. Finaity he told how the Wheat PooL When a provincial legislature undertakes jMr- Manson. " attorney-general to denrive a British subieet of thr rio-bt. tn .nnnonl tn thohd come to Ganges to rescue the courts it is undertaking a somewhat large order for an institution of the kind. And, while the rule mav not work that way in the case of the Wheat Pool, any other organization which undertook to sweep away the civil rights of its members would be due to suffer a slump in SIMONDS SAWS Cross-cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 10 more timber, time and labor being equal, than anyothcr made. This guarantee has never been challenged. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED, T. MINI TIITHD ACOfcN AVtftUC. MONTRCAL. QUC. VANCOUVEW. D C TORONTO. ONT. T JOHN. N.D. 8-"-' XL a raciamis from colonel recKtei Wm .-, Mr. Manson, said Colonel reek, had come to Ganges with a provincial policeman, with a corps of spellbinders, and with hie famous magic Unttrn. But the young bloods of Gang, growing tired of the magic kfitern and looking forward to (ho danco which ws to,, follow , it, had 'ulih'd the wlttlc OKUug by blov ing the horns 01 scores of iiutomoblleH parked outaide. ; COY AND SUSCKl'TIHI.K 1 Kmployer (critically)- This let ter has a good many incomplete words, Minn Pounder. m-w aienog wen, you see, m'r. whenever I take dictation from a handnome man, I "lone my 4taVWnAvJr0p my Ti'A-Tit lilts. APPRECIATION OF LOCAL SPEAKER AT 1 VANCOUVER AFFAIR of dent of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade last year, when our Board of Trade excursion visited thai port. As pointed out by the speaker, Vancouver benefits consider ably from the halibut fisheries. through the stole of supplies, etc., Official comment.on the address and it is d"lrW't tot-Some iof dinner Nicfiol&atf tho lunch- thelrablems be'mofef clearly' .n-j eon of the foreignflrade bureau of - ders bod and closer co-operation! .u irnin'nrY,m,f hVflrfn re. with our northern ports will be; cently appeared in the bulletin is- increasingly necessary as time sued by that organization as fol- goes on." lows : . i . ' - "It was gratifyingto see such a good attendance aour last luncheon, when we.werejfavored with a highly interwtingjadHress by John W. Nicholls, comptToller of the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. at Prince Rupert. In the limited time at his disposal he presented in a very pleasing manner some facts well worth knowing concerning the halibut trade, and we are much indebted to him for obliging us during his holiday here. Mr. Nicholls was presl- Wash Away That Itch With a Penetrating Antiteptic Now jou fan stop burning Itrblnjr aalo tor. rnro. ApHr toe ptire raollng lltiultl ti.D.D. ITCHING 8TOI-S INSTANTLY. Toe hMllnf elements penetrate tbe akin and tooth the Irritated tlaauea. Enema, plmplea, ulrera, rariie, all forma of akin trouble qnlralr r'.eld to thla famona antiteptic. A Sac bottk jrorea 111 merit or rour drtiratat ilraa your tanner back. U.D.D. flwi ktalt. aMli-D.D.lW). w. . Mcct rciiEON, imtoaisT. OKMES LTD. H Wednesday, March j,, i ""TSiSSS- "" ' wxsrcirs vW. viaa? I ft J A rroaucuon increase liwxyzo u M R if Kk MVl W WW H the world FROM the cold, deep waters of the seven thousand miles of British Columbia's Pacific Coast, comes a harvest of fish that the palate of all mankind enjoys! For over twenty years our Province has been a leading factor in Canada's fishing industry. Progress continues unabated ... the markets to the ends of the earth demanding ever increasing quantities. The past ten years have seen this Industry grow from 14 million to 27 million dollars . . . an Increase of 89. Our annual catch totals nearly half the entire Canadian production, and "KlnfJ Salmon," our marine silver mine accounts for at least 15 million dollars a year. Tho distribution from our Provincial hatcheries of millions of salmon eggs to renew the harvest that goes Into the nets; the Treaty between Canada and the United States for the protection of the Pacific Halibut (March, 1923) providing a close season from November 16th y to February 15th; modernized canneries, 83 In number, and sane Federal Fishing Laws, carefully administered, are the foundation of an Industry that will continue to grow. Thri fame of British Columbia's Whaling Fisheries Is of long standing, and has matrrlnllv Increased tho value of tho products fronMthis Industry. The yearly cntch, now about 400, is laKcncjociwcen onejsiauon on Vancouver i Island and two stations on the Queen Charlotte Islands. Much as has been done to develop and conserve our fishing Industry, there still remains n great deal to be accomplished. The vastness of our waters and tho extent and ruggedncss of our coast make organized protection and administration extremely costly. Dut the safeguarding of our fisheries Is a matter which now commands tho earnest attention of our government, who realize the Importance of conserving this basic Industry. As the oldest Industry of our Dominion, fishing has been one of the largest revenue . producers, and It is significant that Canada's youngest Province, In less than twenty years, should secure a leading position In the world market. This aggressive search for foreign buMncss has been an asset which undoubtedly has created one. of tho most amazing records of our basic Industries. Well may we bo proud . of our Fisheries t ' i- " Read that tntieunumtnts Ami undrrlini your frneinu't tjvpcii . . . tup intm out and und them to fritndi: If yu detirt extra totiet of thtte announcements a vole to Ihit newspaper will brini them. Advertise your Province! HmsH ColIj'Ms Progress C. 1929 YD E TRANSFER PHONE 580 ' tVr- : - : if-- J" 1SEW SHIPMENT JUST ARRIVED Mine Head Alberta Lump $13.50 Mine Head Alberta Sootlcss Large Egg .$12.50 Mine Head Sootless Egg $12.00 Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Also all other classes of coal. DRY BIRCH, JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double load ' $6.50 Large sack 50c B jx wood cuttings, large load . . . $3.50 Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage Day and Night Service 1.19 Second Avenue