Dr. Alexander I'llONE s?s isEiivtn IILOCK II j DENTIST Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN ."rii.cc Ruoert Feed Co. PHONE 58 Out of Town Readers ! fc&03 The Daily News Shopper will Jrjfk EyvS. gladly make purchases for our HvfBi WASWVy leaders who live at a distance vwOa SMwX f ram a shoppins centre. ikiwXx fflfflfPuf his service na teen appre- MjWwS jsnyAjpQV dated, particularly by the women xikTCira WMrrTt t tne district. There is no added kvo cost and attention is personal. kNSI JUST WRITE TO THE DAILY IpVOd SrNJ NEWS SHOPPER yTEk UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Ballll.ti tor i.iMuiuit. iuiukia, Tue4r. SJO p.m. irora frinrr It u pert. SWIOMID IU). !UtFl(. ror VANCOUVER, VICTORIA. Kutdalf, Alert Ifci), ett, ltM.1T mldnnlit tor ALIO AKM, ANOX. STfcVAKt WALU IM.VNU, l-lltl t,IMI' NAAS HIVEK, Sundaj S pra. IU tna Avenue. U. M. l?MiTII. Azenu frinre Ku)ert. U . Thrauth tlfkrU old .0 Vlituru rand fealtle. and bazcaze eherk'u ttirouztt to tiratlnatlor llCAKADlAHi B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketehlluin, Mraniell, Juneau and SU) an i nwiirr, lititiru aim ceuiiie leb. 0. it: Mareh 9. 20. l eoruary . March IS, ii. ritl.M'K.HH ItOY.VL I'M Hutrdalt. Uitl lletla llrlla. (Xeaii lalK Naiuia. Alert Hay, Campbell River. Vamiuiier and MrturU, every IrliM)', 10 run. .g-itt fur all ttleaiiuililii l.lne. full InrurmatWn from W. ( . OHCnAlth. tll.M.HAI. (ii:m Ciriier 4th Street aid 3rd Atenue. I"tIimt Rupert, ll.C. I'ti'ine 31. Canadian National Q7jc Largefl Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Hulling from I'ltlMi: ItlXF.UT Inr VANCdl KH, VICTORIA. MUTTI.i:. und Intermrdlate polnta. each KltlliAV. S:uo a.m. lor MTKWART and ANYO.V, each HI.DMlSDAY. lO.on p.m. . lor NORTH AMI fOUTII (jCKN CIIAIUOTl E lKLANUfc, IWtnljIilly. rASSENOKR TRAINS I.KAVK PRINCE Itt THCT lattli MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and HATUJIDAV at ll:M a.m. (or I'lllM'E (lEOROK, EDMONTON, WINNII'EO, all -olnl Utiaierii CanacU, t'nltrd States. AGENCY' AM. OCEAN HTRAMSIIll LINES City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Hupert Phone 2Gn I Alert IM), etc ) Advertise in "The Daily News" screen fare will find in it all that wun fioii. Al Snail and his orchestra 8nu" lu "H - h '7'- Westholme: Syd iiomance. auvcmuic, usI":,oc a Your vacation starts the moment your Anchor-Donaldson Master-at-Arms salutes you at the gangplank. This Is the front door of Scotland ; you can already feel that very gracious atmosphere which you will find again in the fine old homes of kotland. And dignified, .quiet, yet friendly service. Sail Anchor-Donaldson I Book 'through The Cunard Sltam Ship Co., Limited, 622 IlasH$f Si. W., Vancouver (Tel. Seymour 3645-0), or any steamship agent. k WmUv Siting tram Montreal Jb " (arvf Quebec i to I mind, JJ Scotland and England In N conjunction witn Cunard ANCHOR-DONALDSOH vs LINE "s- SVA-21 Cabin, Tourist Third Cabin and Third Oat. SOAP SPECIALS $ COMBINATIONS $ NO. 11 box Feln-Naptha, 3 cakes Foot Soap, all for . .$1.00 NO. 23 bars P. & G. Naptha. 3 bars Ivor' Soap, 1 pkg. Jif, 1 pkg. Sunlight Soap All for NO. 3 I nkK. Lux, 8 bars .$i.oo Pearl1 Naptha Soap, 1 bar Klondyke Soap, all for $1.00 NO. 42 oans Old Dutch Cleanser, 1 pkg. Princess Soap Flakes (large), 2 pkg. Lux, 4 pkts. Iteckitt's Illue, all for ... .$1.00 NO. 5 3 pkg. Lux, 3 cakes Palm-olive, 3 cakes Life Buoy Soap, H cakes Foot Soap, all for $KO0 Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited C17-423 Cth Ave. E. Phones 18&84 P. 0. l!ox 575. SUITS! SUITS!! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship nnd All Guaranteed Style SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to Any City. Part of thf Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 if his money m Chaplin Balfour in in this somewhat remarkable story " and it is as full of action as an 44 t egg is of meat. Junior Coghlan, , .. the screen s best juvenile lead, is the star, with George .Duryea, lovely Virginia Bradford and big supporting cast. There is also a good comedy and gazette. A fine program of synchronized s DROWNING WAS DEATH CAUSE music has been arranged. - . JS Coroner's Inouest Into Demise of - William Gamula Concluded j Yesterday Afternoon ; That the late William Gamula, whose body was found floating in the harbor last week, came to' his death by drowning some time between 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and 11 a.m. Wednesday following injuries sustained between the same hours in some manner untcnown Borden. Sank. Dissatisfaction at had visited all stores where deceased might have gone to purchase clotl.ir.g and also the restaurants but. as far as could br learned, be Wad" not been seen on the evening of February 26. The waterfront hrd aho been fruitlessly combed with a view to picking up (ieceaied's cap. The lart tii. e he hal been seen alive, as far as could be learned, was on 'Tuesday evening at 5:30. 1 George Gamula, recalled, testi-! fied that deceased had complained of suffering from headache. He i had said that he had had influenza ! on the farm a month and a half ago. He was of a quiet disposition and was not quarrelsome. 1 In reviewing the evidence, Coroner Watt referred to the fact that cuts and' bruises on the face had come up much more plainly after the application of embalming fluid by the undertaker. The nature of the injuries might suggest that they had been brought about by the body (rasing some object such as a banweled pile in falling. The jury took Cbout 15 ml notes to arrive at its verdict. Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE MILK MILK' Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. newest picture, directed i Carey he story from 1 It ( u THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, Man PAGE EIGHT I I'M Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY 7 AND 9. P M. JUNIOR COGIILAN (The Screen's Leading Juvenile Star), in CCfo fi "B 1 71 ft M I D m an 1VI lancea ivionev With GEORGE DURYEA, LOVELY VIRGINIA BRADFORD AND BIG CAST. .Alack Sennett Comedy "SMITH'S BABY'S BIRTHDAY " 'SPORTLIGHT TOPICS OF THE DAY ORCHESTRAL SELECTION "MADAME SHERRY." FINE PROGRAM OF SYNCHRONIZED MUSIC ADMISSION, 35c AND 10c. COMING SOON SYD CHAPLIN AND BETTY BALFOUR (the English Mary Pickford), in "SKIRTS." AT WESTHOLME ' "Marked Money," the mid-wee attraction at the Westholme, is a fine colorful story of daring youth. Lovers of first-class WEEK AT THEATRES Wednesday and Thursday . Capitol: "The Awakening" , with Vllfnf Bankey. , FrfdajTVnd Saturday ' Capitolr "The Water Hole" '"LUXURIANT FILM TONIGHT AT CAPITOL Vilma Hanky in "The Awakening" Is Glorious Picture Entertainment The thrill of hard-riding Uhlans, the world-famous calvary troops that were Germany's pride before the War; comedy in quaint rustic; inns; twilight courting in sleepy country lanes; stern drama in a shell-torn convent; a wild ride for liberty through a storm of shrapnel and bullet. These are among the high spots of Vilma Banky's first starring picture. "The Awakening," which comes to the Capitol Theatre tonight and Thursday. 1 Miss Banky appears as Marie, lovely, quiet, modest, whose virtues are the village boast. Into the ordered goodness of her life, a storm appears in the person! ol Captain the Count Karl von Hagan, with his troop of Uhlans on the spring manoeuvres. In the little Alsatian hamlet, indignation mounts iu the hearts of and that the circumstances did me peasants as iney see atarie not suggest feul play was the ver- courted, and won, by this phil-dict of the Jury which investigated anderer Karl, whom they know the demise of the Ukrainian fsrm is seeking only-conquest. "The laborer, who had recently eom to Awakening." tells how their, the city from the prairies. The great romance almost grew to verdict came at the conclusion of equally great tragedy, and of thej the inquest yesterday afternoon advent of the War that brought! 1 before Coroner Norman A. Watt. tnem together. ! j Sergeant 1. P. M. Hannah and rroducer Samuel Goldwyn' ! George Gamula were recalled to of the fMt thj(t hf ,4j the witness stand at yesterday Btinth mrch for a Btory Slrtt. afternoons session. session. Sergeant . mi. nanfcv'. fl.t tr.i Hannah read translations of four unposted letters which had been found in deceased clothing. , Three of the letters were to a brother and one to a friend, all at ring picture was well in "The Awakening." rewarded I Not only! did he find, the story, but from! England, he brought back Wal ter Byron, a young hnglishman conditions here, as far as finding " " " iwnuricn picmre., a work waa concerned, was express- eadinp man to Miss Hanky, ed In Uie letter.-, as well as an Lotjls Wolhelm, hailed as the intention of returning tot Sa- most magnificent of the screen's akatchewan. In one of the letters character players, following his deceased nreil tliat the necesry ,uccess in "The Tempest" and raorey be nent'him to return to the "The Racket," has the last of the 1 prairies, as ni had left the most three great roles in Miss Banky's , di deposit in a bank. i Srireiti!t i:t Hannah Hannah stated tnat tn Victor Fleming Wilson adapted the original of "ranees Marion. A festure of th's picture Is the .ae of Irving Berlin's newest song success, "Marie," in the musical r:omp n'ment. Mr. Berlin vrotc the song to honor Miss Banky and her role in "The Awakening." Week-End Specials YAKIMA GEM POTATO E8 We recommend them as one of the best on the market. Per sack $2.66 Per half sack $1. 40 GOLD CROSS PLUM JAM U. Tin 48c JAP RICK No, 1. 6HrS. ...45c B. 4 K. FINE OATMEAL 10- Ib. sack 75c Fishermen's. ir MASTEii MECHANIC Slrrts and Pants The best mtde, and we can supply, you at 30 per cent less! 25c RED PLUMS 2s. C tins . . . .95c GOLD CROSS PURE JAM 13-01. jars. Strawberry or Raspberry, 2 jars 45c 11LUK MOUNTAIN PINEAPPLES 2s. 6 tins 70c KDAM FULL CREAM CHEESE laV. 45c NEW ZEALAND UUTTER S lbs , $1.40 EVAPORATED PRUNK6-a0-30. lb 20c EVAPORATED PEAI 2 lbs 45c ZEBRA LIQUID STOVE POLISH Bottle 15c POLIFLOR WAX Mb. tin 55c JOHNSTON'S LIQUID WAX Pint bottle, , ...75c GOOD SIZE NAVEL ORANGES 5 doz 95c Alberta Market P. 0AMUL Fifth Street. Proprietor Phone 208 CLASS! COLOR! COMFORT! WARMTH! Tonight and Thur 35c and 5c VILMA BANKY in "THE AWAKENING" You will see your own romance re-born in the iiiv. . life of this innocent peasant beauty .and her gay nt t ;, , , of many loves. It will thrill you 1 Captivate you! See it und thrill to the joy of glorious entertainment NEWS COMEDY AND ON THE STAGE CAPITOLIAN "BILL BEAUMONT," POPULAR CELLIST a) "Serenade." (b) "Pale Moon" (by requt-: COM I NG "SUHMA RIN E " You sec our used paip pn the rpad everywhere. And they arc always runnTrijf, and 'running strong. :.r used car Imrgtalhs are real Ijarpains'for the ro; n that they arc thoroughly checked and insnectt J ! fore they arc sold. ; '; 'i THE POlftOWiNG USED CAR HARCi.W' s NOW AVAILABLE Fbu'SPECTION 1927 Dodge Sedan, leather uphol&tory . . . .?"". ' 192GE8ex Coach . .. 1 , " TJ28 Model A Tudor Demonstrator . . " : 927 Ford Tudor, good equipment . " 1927 Ford Covered Light Delivery . 1923 Dodge Covered Delivery 3"-"" S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORI) DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone .v. J2 m DEMAND "Rupert Brand" l9 lppers 'THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily hy n i n i n ill n. lanadian nsn & loiu storage to., uu. FURS IMnc. K.petl. D.C. Bring Your to Goldbloom He pays the hlsheflt prices. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 PnrJ'iir- WArehOlt""'1?' JJlstrlbutlnir. Teni or Motor Servii u Coal, Sand and Crsvel We Specialize In VM Furniture Iov"'i anil