"edncsday, March 0, 1020 i Ml j re J'.l LlhiO-J'HI i.-; seeking; i . . 3m . r w .rKinus. ifliucn loorage I. i;,. n made and important ore i t i- !;ol h:igs in that terr;-Ncjroti.i; ion have been un-,va in ometiH and are tu li.- pr'ttrreiising 1 I ii-i ulcs cmpr "I claims with values in - i.i . ie.id, zihe and 5pier. ;m !( from $3iin all :: uiie lime uyrcuies , ap-'talizea at $1 : ( ."' ' .shares issiftki, was i ed he even better than . Mi.-'i-uri. inulganiation Mines. Ltd.. liyder Lead mine, intends in- active development this w th a view to bringing the y into production as soon ii.'. An extensive pro-adueted last summer is '" have been higruy' satlfr iu finitely warranting the in- of money in further atinn. mil. n-tance 'is attached by oineo e .j . ,i i sun ate anu carnea carnea very very WKn nign have remained almost un . i i.-t: - j i nd new vns are looked crold values. Assay return ran. Know". "au H VW?1 u"" i. Ti.e large shaft should ed from $61.39 to $94.60 JterVton 01mnt' ,! ' 'i iSk. .!'.:-. 1 withih two months, in valuaa. In vUw nf thjlpi.!. Summertimes, MarjKWompan (i i .!. the property tfre'sion of the management to instal ' 'ed her father up Into the Wil li- explored, the com- a permanent plant, there is reason ''erness, where piacia, u ! ut d rectors of the Du- to believe that the strike was lakes and rushing cataracts . Ltd., lor the year con- much more important than is gen- splash at the feet of the heavily .). I". Uuthie, president; f rally realiied. .eroded mountains. Wintertimes .nM, ininaging-director; one stays in Seattle i.cuim. Heireury, . . decision wa made at the an-, NoWt a corporation U being i" m- uvii miiu i.inuai meet l nor or tn vvood-bine r j t- n-iit.u r.i..mun 4 1' nder the recent deal 'wining Co. in Vancouver recently develon the All:is Exploration Co., that, if better terms can be se- swectheart 0f aii.tal it the company was i .1 fiom $1,000,000 to ii niiiirtnl that the Consoll- I 1 im.-i- .V Sinoltinv f'.n ia. I for lor f line the :ia ! iiercuies us I,;, I., which' lies at the .i (Mi ut the (Big Missouri. property, development wdrk will be continued by the present company. Extension of time will be amiirht fnr a riavmpnt nf SKO.Ofin which becomes due on March 7 keeplns Ther is still considerate confi. 'Mge to Keep uaa AT LEAST THAT 'Should a husband Rep anything from his wife?" asks a writer; Enough for lunch and carfare, them to l avement of the Georgia we should say. Humor. J., ' ' .... mines and "the wU.v ' iu.wao w v 4. nll au- rwirl lift in HIT tO 1 1 4.JIC Ulilll"VM H "I'.isl Smithom, le gointr tK business itTKo iivie uiiu in cwiiiii time when she-can use her uoo and accounting Kn Higgins MX dence on the part of shareholders pected wealth in shape, that there are great bodies of Srnithers is more than 200 it viimd ajipeilr that the com-, rich ore on the Woodbine. Som tsist of Prince Itupeft, and ly cintfoliing the ingfive engineers gave favorably re Canadian KatioBHiTt a I a . a Lit . . rmu i u - i . POINT OF VIEW In io iiiviruev me I pons on me property, woiie onatXwntu.nv miiniifrrimiikfiatften gave an adverse rert. All the by wagon road fef thf Vttfor'a former director were disposed to roup, t: be rteed:;tbep 1iWyWC .-Hftr aoetate DeWitt .and B. P.feV' isrown omy ne pi He iwt board wnv ner ,nd A. T. Harrier, coualns. s Preu to go ou tne ,.,w . f johnstownf Pa. Uartl'. The new dlrtctot'ate. con- . - ... vjctoto kiwii ",Uu,5 lw r sisting HHjir.vibohaye been ac tlve in fhfct iht8tSbci that worf Le CrfateffMia. Pmspeo, M.Mlriiy tmUnrid was tor's Dretnt-lMite.te SUr, Lake-) elected as follows: S. Burke, pres- vtew ana ijpoirane claims. tne ident; II. C. Briggs. P. T. Ken- owners also hoUl about uu otner yon; E. S. Knowiton, Alexander properties In the immediate Henderson, K.C., W. A. Forrest, vicinity. A. E. Munn, with one to be elect , ! ' I in Winnipeg and another in ondon, England. It is considered kely that development of the property will be continued. Prim Elder Sister Now, dar ling, be a good girl and when you grow up people will look up to you. . FourUen.Year-Old But I don't want them to do that, I want look around at me. - Everybody's Weekly. A lit FLEET GETS TIIE 'LOW DOWN" ON 'FRISCO w- 5 - v ; i.-ih Ae,-0 Squadron fr.,m Crissey Field. San Francisco, sweeping in battle formation the Pacific coast, when the air fleet staged ial on civ during recent ae manoeuvres m attack. : . - a M .. . .- --j TIIE DAILY NEWS I' AGE FIVE " -1 ft I BABINESGET KMSAMTTT N the Mines : ews or piiri iriTY IN UDLlld I I 111 AROUND PRINCE RUPERT "fggr Seattle paper COMING! ' Friday COMING! Operations following the recent new Strike of rich The The Seattle Sea"ie Star star published published in in a a J a m pth tf 250 feet in the Topley Richfield mine have ore "eenM?su? a Pv!ctu,re ? i?8! closcl the;oroe to.be between ft and 11 feet in width. SesTin taW mie new uiuwas lucuieu wiieu uie cross-cut nau ueen run wj,0 spends every summer-in the ly 30 icet irom the shaft sunk to tap the ore at a depth Babines with her father, e.-j! f 12 ) feet lower than the old workings permitted. The Higgins of Smitherl tthe". ac-nnel i .' now being.extended to link up 'five holes sunk by companying story follows? ' foe U Amoncridrifeinto ore. H. L. Batten, M.E., of Van-' Mary Higgins and the Babines u, ,, consulting engineer, re- I comlno. Jnto their 0wn at fntlj united the lopley Uichrielcl RjVer Gold Mines, Ltd., to the east "The Sweetheart of the Ba-(l ( xj,! . sscd himself as being ,iew strike recently made on the hlrW will tell vou so if vou p( ,a,od with, the improved property that officials state that, ask her about development plans !"d i""' .'rikta, ofThli'wJ Zl " P"e of the portable unit which , her 8Ummlerland home, the K the striking of this big ore it was orignally intended to instal . n . , Q A,ntinta,na n ih u ... ... I : ..,. ' "r -i -i uii iuc wivi'cio. uiiu iii Tien ui Improvementa at the Duthie ob;ained by development, an order For 15 yearB E J- IIIins of It:.- mill whereby its capacity will h Hvpn fnr machinorv aniu Smithera, B. C, and Seattle has ill be increased from 75 to 100 able for a stationery nlant. The worked at his silver-lead-zinc. ii daily should be completed company plans to develop on a gold claims in the Victoria group, if in the next two months, ac- large scale and extend operations He and his partners, three Penn- rling to A. lianks, managing considerably. Drifting on what sylvanians, have been sold on r t.,r. Present' work under- U believed to be the southwest the Babine mining district ever iand includes drifting on" the, vein will be undertaken immedi- since, they first followed, up the Ddcr-on ana rauit riane veins, ately to determine the size and "alans" of mineral wea th Ithn-i ut to the Ashman vein and extent of the ore bodv ihU Ore rt,. ,tMr,ll thn nrnrinrinif , ompartmebt shaft to the was struck in the main tunnel at i k...ut i: a. ... . u i-.i . . . .. - . . " .. Trunin aim uuime hiiiicb, me u- Coat) ! l'l ijil'vill!. sn m wa (BgBBlWjg IfTf 1 J e Th r SEE THURSDAY'S PAPER arnciifcirs - i i i- A ! Clean Sweep Sale, of the Complete rnzzeii s Sales Agtntt : IhrolJ F Rmhit Co. Lid, Toronto o-l stock. Everything vill be on bale. D Wi maows ioaay ror iviigniy Dig rnce savings 'in k " IllillKlilliillfMl GO TO BED It will increase your vitality and resisting power and help you to avoid a possibly serious illness. SKIS m iiiT rTTf"l V