5 in f I: 1 1 i . 1 1 I V7 GIANTS BEATEN HIGH SCHOOL BY THE REDS WINS CLOSELY Cubs and Cardinals Remain Tied For Leadership of Nation al League AMERIGANaLEAGUE r 'STANDINGS W. -.Philadelphia J4, ew Y'ork 13 'St Louis 14 1 Detroit 1G i Cleveland 12 H t '"Chicago 10 15 Washington 8 13 Boston 7 16 8 ,052 0 .550 10 .524 1 4k ' iWa ll .389 273 '.500 :400 .381 .304 AMERICANS FARE ; BADLY IN GOLF MOORETOWN. May 16 Walter Hagen and three of his compatriota were defeated today iff the first two rounds of the , Yorkshire EwnHig New thousand guineas professional golf tourna r n n CB ns 21 Si BS B V 13 r en fill 8 1 1 1 B 1 I I a ! i ', Here she comes Down the street Looking smart And very ncatt Yes, of course hc did "Nugget"hcr shoes thlS morning I $ KIGGET" Ti mmi ePolish gTHE "NUGGET" TIN OPENS WJTH A TWIST! 'ti ' FOUGHT GAME with a terrific shot which rebounded from the crons bar. High School forwards now tried hard to scone, Armstrong, Wicks, Scott and Smurthwaite all trying shots, all of which went past or over the bar. Eventually High scored their second goal and soon after Smurthwaite carried the ball through and scored High School's Sport Chat The Jiarae of the New Empress Club will be carri.ed on the local football field for the first time tonight when Sam Currie leads 1 1 a . rt mat ml - . .. . .. ....I erly amazed at such tactics, let, a beautiful shot, beat Smith and stalled in the presidency. E. 0. ,go the ball after the umnjre had made tbe score even. High now Brown ws chosen vice-president " 1 1 1 , i ' 1 I C" ll 1 1. 1 1 ..I . . . ,cueu Jieiimann oui. 35 I BASEBALL SCORES National League Cincinnati 12. New Yortf3. SflPittsbursgh 9, Brdoklyn 4. Chicago 7, Boston 4. .St! Louis 4, Philadelphia 1. Z American League New York 1, Cleveland 7. Thiladelphia 5, Detroit 6, Washington 3, St, LSiiIs '5. tBoston 4, Chicago '8. NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDINGS ": .nM-."S'" '"('WmWlL. Pctl jicago 15 R .652' St. Louis 15 Pittsburgh 11 Boston 11 Gtoelhnatl ...4. INS ll ITiiladelphia 9 !New York; ., 7 Brooklyn . C praaeed tmd Scott shook the goal to act as secretary. Three teams will take part in the schedule which begins tomorrow. The teams are: uoncentrator, suppor ted by the Community League Ilorden and made the score 3 to 2 ,. nf .yrfo The game was now exciting and flUU UH rLAItriJ ven. Fortune fBvored High onunnt CftATD A! I s-t-oor wben Scott scored with a 1W JlHUUL fUUlDALL shot which might have been aved. Borden again pressed and For nigh School Smurthwaite. Styles only saved at the expense of gtyIe8 and py,e pUyed . ut dv''wihon PT,ly 0 3r Sm" vm now called on again to save wa' e, ,8,a "7, c,e'" """J for Borden, which h did success- P13"- i,e w,m ",cl W.tHv several time. Soon again "a" tne msl aavaniage ana Borden beseiged the High School has the knack of getting into the ft) and Smith was called upon to best positions to receive passes, rave a Tegular battery of shots, j '! swned almost miraculous that For Borden Streets Pog was the Hbh Rchool goal escnned. Ba- the best fbrward;'! Both Wood-con now led the itigh forwards cocks are good:' Katauyania was which mhwed hy Inches. Wilson aved again from Smurthwaite. left foot. If he does this great lenre by hts good play and Styles 7T ' H'f.-., . . J A 11 OIUV. t " IK lib fJVI ' V41BU4 , .fM9tJ VS 0 S - uau 10 nave hi xne exwnw 01 a , ;rr v ,, .... naad r ctCkT rlrfnr oftor t 4l hi A 1 1 comer. A beautiful corner wa "" THE DAILY NEWS Thursday. May 16. l929 WETHERED AND COLLET MEET Final in British Women's Golf Open Coming Tomorrow T-T-.M .. i, . i i MVraeivaireei i earn fliaKe inings his proteges-against the ThlstleffHiibT Jf WrTtftf" c.Atinn.l fav NEW YORK, May Iff: The Hot for Football League jn the second game of the season lf rfHuf .Mntl States. tolicaeihgJieds.iijftHiJi wlthn Leader, but. Loses The Thistles, virtually outclassed? Jpyce" tethered, foremost ithe last remains of tj twi):game'j' ' , . the Regiment in the first game $,jgjf$h dy1 player, will meet to- series urtth the Giatotfc.yeajria$ Cfne of the' most' fiercely con- of the season last Monday eve- inorroXv 1h :' 36hole final for the The Cubs and Cnrdilials jvmnin- i.Jw,I ,.n.. ... I. ninir hut it will hi snrmtMno"'ijf tj-,iJ .nmon'i .lf nhamninn- 1 " " - " - - - - - - - r. n nwitiiiiD . .-I icmcu ' .. - J(UillK tt4 J pjtljiru IU iwai I gun etf tied for leadership by scoring . school football was fought out on a case-of "when Scot meets Scot" Uhip. In the semi-finals Miss victories. The Yankees contented the AcroDolfs hill on Wednesday tonight and the Empress boys Collet defeated Doris Park, Scot- themselves with Loll 'Gehrig's evening, when Borden, althoutrh seem to be confident that ihev 'and. four and three, and Miss gjghth homer ajClefaland poW.weaKened by the absence of its will make a better -showing ag-i Wethjued. flefeaded Edith Leitch Jd George Pipgrns Jfaiujy thxpc Wguw ffQalkfieper.and left back, ainst the 'Thistles; who'-are acj other) Yankee (piterjJofjShaiite played, a,-oasijig.. -and spirited parently goinjf 'to be-stiff dM twisted the champions into knots ;,tne frem-utart tafirfish against tenders for" everything thatXll with smart southpaw shoots. the School, but suffered de- golag . the 80ccer iine this sflm-i Ehiladelpba heads the fea' h the narrow margin of one uhampjons my TMt js Mt bentu y) by half a game, but St. Louis is K.aJ ' , ., 4 . . , , New Empress Club vhose foot rvonly one full game from the top ! "J ball eleven looks like a strong! PAYNE TAKES' NEWMARKOT. May 16: C. G. Lorne rne's Posterity won the Payne stakes for thre vear olds over iJ J,'6 w,thKDffre.,t :High and in the firstTew -hould be a good ,.'th, ,agt mJle a half of the H Harry Heilmann butted him- minuteg of the game Smurthwaite nd, no doobt. a large crowd of Cesarewiti:hcpUre today. Niche self in o insensibility against a I an sy goal for High fans wI aseend' Acropolis Hlllcame seCond' OT'ertester, third. ball held m the iron paw of Mic- watch Scheo! Following the kick-off, Ten horse8 ran key Cochrane in the, ninth at De- the Borden forwards, led byFong, . . M. etroit, but conscious or uncons- menaced the High School goal. A Baseball got away to a good cious, sprawled across the plate free kick awarded to Borden just start at Anyox with a well at- EUri VM T APT F with a winning run. The score be- outside the penalty area was tended toeeting' bn the former. L I ll LHlVUL ,. ... vmiu wnen (ucarane, prop- ia Ken py a. mooocock, wno, wnn vice-prewaent, a. rynne was in and managed by W. Henderson;1 KIks. under 'the tutelage of Mike Miss Evelyn Large, dahghter of Chenowskl, and the Mine, guid- Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Large, and a ed by C. Swanson.Two umpires phpil of Borden Street School, third goal. Borden now had the will control the games, best of the play and pressed hard, and M. Thompson. A A lovely run by Fong was stopped been appointed srrou just in the nick of time by Pyle ' the Community League, and Styles, who were defending i - - well for High School. The whistle blew for half time with , J)ISPJJTFS TO the score 3 to 1 in favor of High. ; , Second Half j BUAjUJ UP ' .''flSR'M. The second half was desperately ; j fought by-Borden trying to turn;rIia M 'i .. xiiM in rn. the defeat of the first half into' Rl,flllinn of pr?nnuert victory . ijorueu iiictjmtu iruiu; t,t..j:4j- jtane oegmning ana oococx ana arid Geo. Wfnklemah 'consented QUEEN OF MAY Miss Ghnborg Pearson and Miss J. Cody was chosen Qheen of the May for was conducted yesterday aiter-noon in the office of Mayor S. P. McMordie. Mlas Gunberg Pear- from each wJlpol. The other nom inees were MUs Credwyn Mor- gan of Borden Street G. A. Central scnooi, 'mour and Dr. Joseph Goaee, rep- resenting the Elks' Lodge. hoteurIvals . Prince Rupert Hon. W. C. Shelly and E. D. Johnson, Victoria; Mr. and Mrt. T. W. McPherson, William F. Jones and A. L. McNaughton, Vancouver; F. Sanbrook rnd Mrs. M. DenhoJme, Ocean Falla; B. Martin, C.N.R. Savoy Sh'f Vh ment, leaving Leo Dlegel and Joein ". nioe run- b,ut he shot past, i exceptionally yflod at tMeki He iBarton apd Simon McKay. Kin- lu?" ine on,y 8Umv,nK vl MKay, Oreejit Americans. .vaccner a unuai was a biiuiik vl V,1Ie' Up- 11 VIxm vTiiuiiifor ifiMn. ti yitWi- taird drive". Next Wicks. Aar i,- ,MnV '' N,n. )n.WUii nn Kv minVin ai -...i -i for 1 1 fim . niABti a beautiful hot l ,t-J ,.,UU r i 'J "in.tiiR a "iv-i wi IJUH Wl . . tf . ... . ..... IUUBl uitttitc Aiun.ni; niiii 110 Qhe home hole . Lundie. Saanicnton: 'J. idaced in front of High School ,anu not wa11 unu ine,r "PPG"- .Moorenouse ;al and Fong kicked it through cnts ?et It and k'ck it. The team ! lett, city. and M. Menu- for Borden, making the score 4 to now comotmng wen ano may, , w '. still in favor of High School, j confidently be expected to play as .An error was made In yester Prom now onto full time Borden high standard of football. j day's paper in announcing that' pressed and tried desperately to) IE. A. Ireland, Third Avenue op- rcore the equalizing goal, but , it is much to be regretted that tlcian, had left for Vancouver, lime was against them and the full j football enthusiasts and more ' time whittle blew leaving High friends of the players do not find White flannelette, 35 Inch, 4 School the winners by 4 goals i jt convehient to attend the games, yds. for $1.00. Wallace's. to 3. The teams were : j Borden Street Wilson, Vacrher, latsuyaraa, Hardy, Ihto, N.ik4-moto,' C. Smith, J. Woodcock, Rnnr. A. Woodcock. Kapaya. iHlfc'h School FJ. Smith, Pyle. Ftvles, Morrison, Franks, Forbes. Wiks, SeotA, Smurthwaite Arm-ctrojig, Bacon. Referee Jack Campbell. it. THISTLE LINE-UP The Thistle line-up for tonight's Gllhuly Cup- football fixture against the New .Empress flub will be as follows: Lambie; Ilaig and Erskine; G. Mitchell, Bnptje and A. Macdpnald; A. Mitchell, J. Campbell, W. Mitch-ell, T. Bussantch and D, Jack, PROMINENT FIGURES IN SPORT Written Especially for the Dally News by the Sports Edltov ALHEItT EDWARD GOODEIUIA3I it' ti. Wv ana(liah Yachtsman T XTJirniDprrimTird-Goodit-aam of Toronto is as well known as a yachtsman as he is military man and liquor manufacturer. He was born at Toronto on June 2, 1861, and, followed his father to. be managing director of Gooderham and Worts. He has had a long' mflitdfy cifeer with the Tenth Royal Grenadier uMnij. or Toronto, "rising from rank to rank to that of officer commanding. Besides being Interested In many big businesses, he has always taken a keen Interest In education and philanthropy. Yachting he has followed as a recreation and has owned many famous boats. I WINNERS IN LADIES' CYCLE RACE IN ENGLAND Miss E. Armstrong, winner, and Miss Bennett, runner-up, in the ladle race was a feature of the Marlborough A.C.'i Eastti- .AtiWtyee. mtetJ t Htrnisllrni. Evelyn Zalerri Will Be HANPF AND MIIQIPAI Maids of Honor at Elks' Flag Day PROGRAM ENJOYED BY . Pynn has the Elks' Flag Day proceedings jPrin n'Tt rT' C,ub en; i, n iw i t ,u,i vLhu joyed a dance and program of mirsicul numbers i After their regular monthly business meeting, members of the ill lUC iiinn Home last night. I There were about CO persons ; resent and music was furnished ; T, 'T, cno' I by the Premier orchestra. A . A. and i,,, Miss Evelyn Zarelli of An- U-onn0n was master of :eremonies. nunciation School were drawn! The program hicluded solos by .s maids or honor, there were six names to draw from, tvA MJs, Cathie Eastman of Booth got away, only to be checked by ert Football Association last night , Memorial chQOl and Mlsa Dor Vaeeher and Katsuvama. who It was decided to change the con- jothy Larsen of Annuriiatlon were playing splendid games at stitution where all appeals on. jn-1 Schopl. . . ' back. Katauyama's clean and fringementa aridfllt protests will '.Th$e nresentyit t)ie drawing, strong kicks saved Borden many in futdre gp' autonfctiWrfly to the 'lesde'si the mayor who officiated, a time. The Borden pressure board of control' for adjustment, iwete Miss S. A. Mills, principal iarotih'd High School's goal now instead of being referred as at of Ilorden Street School ; MIm 'EL resurrea in a series or corners, present iiTsi.xoineaawciaiiuii any fiercer principal of liooth wWh were well Hken by Smith, then to 'the board of control if - Memorial ,Shopl; Sister Superior AtTat. from a well placed corner.' necessary- 0f Annunciation, School, and W. K. Wllirecroft,' Capt. W. P. Ar- J. S. (iite6a,i Margaret Pnlmfcr mersley, and a LOCAL ?Wim CLUB Mtchei ana li .mum liucy ru quartet by J . A. MitMbell, Alex and lls Molly Cross were in charge of the serving of deticious STOCK QUOTATIONS (Continued From Page 1) A. P. Consolidated. Nil. 4.80. t'almmit. 5.1 s. 5 i. Palhoiisie. 4.00, D.OO. whlth Drsh,,17, 128. Fabyon Pete, 10, 11. Hoeae, 22A0, 22.60. fUi.ioavAlberta. Nil, 1 82. Maytand, lf.00, 13J25. McUoug.-Segur, Nil, 6 :t5 MeLeod, COO, 5.26. Vw MeDoug.-Segur. Nil, :t ft, Royalite, Nil, 170.00. Vakan, Nil, 2J5. Harxai. 2-00, 2.05 Freehold, 1.76, 1.80 Lnited, Nil. 13.60. Hoys' nummer unicii ut Wallace's. ' i't -HA., U .-Ft, V, ' " ' r- lf U G G E D MILE aOcr mile, month after month year after ycarwOut in every kind of weather, over every kind or road, taking- the rough with the smooth and making' no fuss about it,. SI LVERJOWNS the quality li lamca lor absolute dependability wherever tires arc uscd..Gm yet , ;f they cost no more Goodrich uooarich S. llvcrtown CORD WWTIRBS Standard JM Extr HCvy ' J2; . . i De Luxe K. A CHOICH OF tllllEB TYEE? IN THIS VBRLDrFASouS TIRB S T