jJH il flGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News 1KINCE ItUPERT - UKITISII COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SimsmiPTinv patps City delivery, by mail or carrleV.yearlJ1 period, paid In advance 'jWfiD For lesser period, paitUin .advance, per month MARY ELLEN AT EDMONTON Well Known British Columbia Lady Speaks to Women of Alberta on Way to Geneva senousiv conaiderincr f ormmir a new province, iso that.they lf"r )spo wjfathVrs. bu m.'iv ho nhlp i lnnk- nftnr tlim'r nwn affairs nnrl fiiiilff tfipir. Tosy.flBejAeWrhVd a U v ji i uaua. uutu n cci Lilian co x j. jiiv. j.vuJtx i 10 i cvti v uj is forcing forward this movement, which we are glad to note is gainiflg in impetus every day. While in the past it has been spoken of lightly, today it is being seriously considered, i .JMP rw iFIGIITING FOR JTSIRIGHTS For many, years western Canada had to fight for its fllace'in theisun. Sir Richard McBride stood un in the oonference of premiers in the east and made a dramatic il demand for provincial rights for British Columbia. This Sri was folloAwlup by John Oliver, who secured better rail? way rates and a promise of the return of Peace River and b railway landiTand other concessions. Today the west is ocing recoraizeu as oi some importance ana a pan ot Canada to bf seriously considered. V The spf nof conflict is chanffpfL Now it is the north-1 fn 'rsw'irSFasKing'tnat.wiimen of the world be called in and "'""tin'' viewpoint brought to, bear on the work of the League' wellbefng, Mr. Smith contended. Economic condiUon she saidJ him, - l7 ,fiif A JH..I. ..L "'; B'B u-ni iu Willi "r and the 41 countrfe8,'fncludintr some of the fifrcest renrcse.rtH hv? the league, eger for peace, are studying the pauses of war that itl may be prevented.. "Half the difficulty we meH In life is overcome by a litt'e cdmmon uier-rfandlng" The thinf we waUt na-tionally ami 'nternaHowilly ip hoht better understand each The Franchise As one who fought for tlx fran- ern part of fntish Columbia that is strgipS 'JSg KI place in the i sin. i: It has been bled by the south until it'ia; want to see in the politic! life of almost dry arid a very little has been returned., Todayi the north is lismg. Triers is a consc'iousness among, the neoule that tfiev have the real wealth of trie province and that it is beijir used bjr the south. The timber of Queen SdXfe noVb hesitant Tr J Charlotte Islands is beini carried away and nothing left thftir fmm. ' I Mil. lII t il .1 " . , i 1 ' :r f I in n'ace. u ne minerals oi me norm are ueingiejipioitea .gi go by the south nd the fiafiqries are also beingjKariuled in a n simi'ar maifiier. Everything goes south. Even the,w canned salmon is not allowed to be shipped from Prjnce nj. Rupert. 1 WTien th4 new province is formed, all this will be si 7 changed. Prince Rupert will then get a road and Stewart If a railway ami Smitners and Prince George and all the L other places will net full returns for the money collected. pL It is time f o a change. 9 Let Mr. Sjjelly consider this and perhaps he will realize that there isrsomething coming to northern British Co-j., lumbia. Very soon it will be too late. It will need only !" another yearjnf two of the present treatment to mpko th' people of theftnorth so dotorminod that nothing will stor p.-. decisive action on their part. CPPETIT10K ENDS NEXT WEEK T- - uir' it'on northern nnd imiR "JgMvjp" l'nn,Mi8" vommma nsni' mostly mosuy ttm fii j c-ur.-u nriiwn along one line. Th builiingof a highway ajirt the formation of a new prov-inc;. While. R'ime valuabh' sugprestioiiH have been made, the hr t worl h e not been said and there is -still ,plcnty of rooni lor others. The conipetition will, and definitely on Saturday of next we, after vjbich the articlss will be judged. this country candidates for office who are worthy and know what hwpvstand for. Women should If ty hv ability public off'ce. aflr hnve irrn'jim lin in - " ' " o "I t out Into the larger home of th nation anrt help, with their omsn'"" n'-'rtanding to carry on its affairs." 1 "In Canada," she continued, "we have seoured much in the interests j of women and children, home and country we never -anticipated got-t'ng in the shoTt time women hnyo been enfranchised. Weorgahircd without thought of party politics. Women should learn to appreciate the Influence bestowed on. them and express their convictions, through the bnllofr. With intense pride the spenkir pointed to the place which Canada holds in th'elaufij the' .frtlhg76f" , comfoTt, hhppfness and security which Canadians enjoy and the big things expected of us because of this 'affluent position. "We have to serve not only our own country, but nations legged." CANADIAN -JjUa.PLlVv., . if. vt v m w .v k. II E i I. F 1 (I s? ra'ii lis Canadinn grpmtensarK5ter i refinwl flake, ite product of oncentration of disseminated The mines and mills are . sit-tl in the Perth, Bancroft and ilabogie districts In Ontario, ad In tho Buckingham, Giicnttta NEWS OF NORTHERN B.C. VANDEKHOOF The Vanderhoof Choral Society . I 1 I I a a i . FDMONTDV Mnv 1 R "U'p proviueu a musical ireai in ic- canTrfSrd to do. without prWty , citul last Fjiday night in the Bias's and china, but ve cannot af Town Hall at Fort' I raser. There nlniteH We were orchestral and choral num- paid in advance for yearly, period 1. 3.00 in Canada are able to see our bers and soloists included Mrs. Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1.40, children educated. Wehiusttake R. C. McCorkell, R. .II. Wprlock, Transient advertising on frpnt page, per inch ....... 2.80, up the case of the less fortunateiR. Telford, Mrs. Qeorge Ogston, l.ni.j.1 rnailpr. tr inKArtion. nir Iin 25 nations and help them to a highr Mrs. A. B. Laird, Mrs. M. J. Grif- Classified advertising, per insertion, per word Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line Or four months fox, ,15 'the weaker. That Is what r hop?, Gregg, S, W, Cocker, J. Patter-1.00 t takers hand in at the, Geneva son A stG.W. Brain and R. II. Jiaiy .uen Bj mail to all other nark of British Columbia, the British Em- conicrence. ,,ireice- ,J8;' irs.i f P plre and United Stated paid .in advance, per year ...... 6.00 SmIth- foer A. I -1 othertries,,per year 7.50 jftiJjJH, 11' DAILY EDITION LC Thursday, May 16, 1929 ATTENTION, MR. SHELLY! The Minister of Finance has doubtless expressed to a number of local people appreciation of the appearance of Prince Rupert and the progress that has been made here. If he has not done so, he is different jfrom pth . politi cians, we nope tnattne local people wnom tie met nave .02 i plane. Greater natrons must help; fjn and Mrs. Stephen Holmes, J. for Van- vfsitor fn Ed- as speaking as representative chosen by the Dominion government to represent Canada at the international labor conference at Geneva, when she was speaker at a tea at which the Women's Liberal Association. were hostesses at the palm room of the Macdonald. Hearing British Columbia's first woman legislator tell with characteristic humor of how she sue-' ceeded in getting on the statute books of her province laws gov- told him that the roads on which we drive have all '&en. .,. .,.., fnr jonjonf' fk made at our own expense, the provincial government hav-! mothers, vocational training for ing ContriDUiea not one cent towara uieir ronsirucuon young men ana women, equal pay ilbore:' Mrs. Warren-B: Johnson was. accompanists Over two hundred persons attended the entertainment. The United Church Ladies' Aid Society met yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jk ll. Ellis. Canadian Girls in Training had charge of a cpecial Mothers' Day service in the local United Church on Sunday evening. R. 11. Good ridge of Maps was the ipeaker. There were also special services in -the morning. At a ft and Upkeep. There is a road, the first section of a very for equal work, minimum wage for . hoof Chordl Society: last week, the wc. ,c-112 : i 4. u:i i - i. u i, r. women workers, soldiers' reestab-! president. John W. Paterson. pre- ill ig'vay,cumuuuStu w.c uy, , w.c . w.c ,x v i8hment and many otheP ntotmtt , ' ted the leader; lL Moore. Mrs. ments were also made to the rink amounting to. $80. The Vanderhoof creamery is now being, operated in full Bwfpgl. y 1'. liurns o, l-iu. jyn ice cfeam freezer has been installed 'f uncial government nas-ouut. it is cne Qniyfiujeaains uer.autuence left with little with siive- moiTnt ebonv riavid 'r out 01 me city ana it enus at or near uauoway nanius, i doubt s lo her ability to renre- mi aa ,,. f am,rp.ainn from an where a bridge was to have been built .this year, but on which there is no action yet visible. ..,.... Mr. Shelly should know that this city has been in ex istence for over twenty years, although it has not been mt, sent vanaaa in, the beague of tNa-i nn(i esteem. Hons land make . hr infliiem-p - -- -. -"i I ... M Dick Moore, son of Government Rev. David Donaldson and E A. Mitchell left last Sunday by motor for Vancouver where they . arc attending the United Church conference. coast. PRINCE GEORGE 1 Word has been received here that Arnold Putnam, formerly accountant intho local branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, will be married on June 12 to Miss Dora Kirk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Kirk of New Work will shortly be commenc ed to give the new Alexander, mill access to the city. A bigj , slough will be crossed by a ! t..t.i : rehearsal'df.the Vander- bo vehicular and railway traf Al Johnson erklni and. Mrs. Have returned exttnde'd visit to. the i i. .t. . . .. ... PRODUCED IN CANADA Thursday, May 16, 1929 Smooth, Creamy, Custards Doubly rich In cream, Carnation Milk adds creaminess to any dish. "Homogenlred" to break up the cream Into finest particles, it makes the moit velvety custards, soups, sauces, puddings, candies and let creams. You'll agree It's won-derful. Wtltt lot Mtry Bltle Cool Book CiiuiIm Milk ptodiKtf C. tJiu4 1J4 Abbn Sum. Vudui, B.C. "from Conteated Cows on th. labA mtant EVAPORATED MILK of hith.,t polity r-. . j '' 1 Hotel on fhird Avenue. The The police have received wev- . , ... ... , comnlaints of bov and that all that time the e fourth in the f.r.t year girls riding bicycle on the -de-;fctMe8 incorporated long. During govern- swk.a where young chiidr!er' walks Ot thp ground fIoor with ments which have been in power, Liberal and Conserva tive, have built between five and six miles ot highway. I6wns.speak.ne in of! particular Agent j D Moore of Port Fraj. work for a few cents n day in made, to supplement the wnges of ' holaiship, . - - . l. 1 - "2 n wpk Aarnpn hv t nir ntranti ! examinations at the . University of British Columbia and won a have absolutely, no other motor road on which to drive U.-jfo, mftw: jy.r.Thet yms a wr$Vjpt $16.32 The nrovinciitl governments have built an average of alwortw of our mot serious a rrsujt of the operation of quarter Of a mile each year SO far. These Were the Mc-jhought and consideration and 'he Vanderhoof skating rink dur- bride govenunent, the Brewster government, the Oliver ith? ch nation ean give, ring the past winter, improve-gonment Im Ithc McLean mWtu .'gS ,1"; '. " Prince Rupei in the past, great ffiiiKtro djcpecCed inHlhe., 'ceT&r itfgs abont for th future. Prirffce Rupert peopIrdnjecqRning desperate and : countries where .auh --appi are determined tney are gom$ .iVfTtVint rnarl. pven if condiUohs exist I they have to Cum into rebels in order to obtain it. ' ! i-Mn4iJ 5i,"psy ? t.i. si 1.1 u- ...t- . i.uft "PL-n.. i Natiariij are gffflmng mo remaps u wuuiu ue wi&gieir. oneiiy kuuw inut .er thdhave hd. the people oi northern and central British Columbia are iSipd cilaters an. and a warning has been i-i oi..w1 4t.n n.t.. V... ' wcu tiiab iiie iriaviitt; must uvi 24 new hotel rooms upstairs. discontinued. I A highly successful dance was Louis Zlmmaro has given ;th fitfe m PrMsy- alffht by ths contract to A. P. Andersen for Prince George Amateur Athletic the construction of a 28 by G4 Association. Illuminated decora-brick addition to the Columbus t;ons made a new feature. The marriage will take place here next week of Mrs. Joe Fon-tain, daughter of Mrs. William CUrk, to Joe Doncaster. CANADA RANKS THIRD Csasdi ranks third in impor '-nice aa a source of metals of the platinum group, alter Russia ; ml Colombia. II' fL 4 II II GuartccXtHcfinZ m irlfr Ark vTA I IS flavoured i i y jm mm. 1 Alway Alway s iviost ue lcions v.4ir Until you have tried Quaker Com Flakes, you have missed the perfect corn flakes. We guarantee they are the best flavoured you have ever tasted. Read the guarantee on the seal on tvery package. It is made by the world's largest cereal millers.famousforhalf a century as the millers of Quaker Oats. Served with .cream or milk, or with fruit.- fresh 'Or cooked. Quaker Corti Flakes make a delicious, wholesome dish. Easy to serve for breakfast, lunch or supper, after school or as a bite before going to bed. Because triple-sealed and wax-wrapped, the sturdy Quaker package keeps ou all mblstUre and preserves all the crispness and fine flavour. And besides--packages contain coupons with which you can secure high quality silverware and other household pnd'per 5unw articles you need. uaker Cor M,A D E ..B Y THE M IX L BJiS X . J ' fwnot agree that NF& ffwT, this is the best f flavoured corn flakes wl vi ( you ever used.write Ma i (all us and we will qladly u r )lk rem' you the cost M j Vw of the package Blij a, HThe QuakerOaS M yvCo m pa nyjfirj Tliis moncy.back offer on every package Fiaks O E ,Q U A K E R OATS 5