fflan in the Moon How the beaten track ints in the Band of ,mi be erased. ylu have the get.' Joii t Ket'Sflp in the i ;,re not likely to get w ii rid. ' i Iways tell a man by his fuce. i -i on t!0 do not, like the lilt ,1 always tell a man iM,y in wiiieh--4-cts, dance you tejl a man iiu stick to faei. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert May 16, 1919 - U uhinson, wif of the rju ut (PafWc,,dted. In , .'ttat lisVhlgnt from i -mined in the mrnini? .ilirn W i wan rwrjed JjBr.a ev I -tove. She was ruihd .i . . Irfv train. V ' i - y . in will be hiring labor ' . i oming year, W. E. : !: i List night resigned as .1 the Prince Rupert . I.al.'ir Council. i ajiitalista hve Ukn ii the Lone Star claim ' reek, near Pacific wn d by J. M. Ilarrlng-;itk riurns. a. Product of General Motors IRIGIDAIRE is a product of the world's largest organization of clcrtriral, mechanical and chemical mginrrrs. It is backed by the vast resources of Gm eral Motors. Creat value at low price has placed more Fripidaires in use tlian all other electric refrigerators combined. Can Ie oersted from farm electric plants. Let us show you the latest model. BBI If E HOBINSON ELECTRIC U! t' ) Limited Vancouver, Victoria J. AIIEK Pt" -al Neprewntatlve FRIGID AIRE ll yt'ILT AuloraaUe Ilrfrifrrator S. D. Johnston Co.Ltd. B( presentativea for MILLER COURT & CO., Limited li our connecllons m ike prompt execu buying and selling ' ihe Vancouver, Cal-i Toronto stock ex- prices frpm these rr. posted on pur ri twice daily. Or from out-of-town i ' wire or letter, will ur prompt atten- S-D.JohnstonCo.Ltd. 510 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert, B.C ! CliSSiFIFn AnVFRTKFlWPNK - FOR UV FOR ROT IftQT & mmi I sLiais lxbj JUJL1 VII UJTLUU. 1 U1V lULfll 1. LiAJlJ I LULIUM THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE HEAD BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD, i " i more . . - Wkts.,,.v. " " ::,raSill1'a '-, , ... , . i t- 1- . "flmttu . V. WANTED - i ... i nFOR SALHm i ,- - ' -'- , I- n au .n .u ! i WANTED Four or five wideawake boys between the ages of 12 and 15 for light, pleasant, and profitable work.. For particulars, Require MeRae Bros. UiL -tv e ioitlon. Examin-Glerks, men and n, (Trade 1 and 2. will be held In Prince Rupert on July -16 and 17; No shorthand or typing required. Application forma to reach mtn 27. Age limit 18 to 8. No previous experience or high school necessary for Grade 1 positions. You can be ready f?r examination by starting to prepare at onee. We are the only Canadian School preparing for Civil Ser- vierwammrtiomrby-mattr Xpu GnADlNRr"Exeavatlng, (Concrete foundations. Nels Rokkjar'; Uo3m 9, 023 ' Third Avenue, I'hone Red 025 or Black 700. ' tf are as near to us as your letter FOB BENT Automobiles, pianos' $i' You need oftytiiillsed , .phf rwgranUs .and, sewrna, mach-help. no matter what other j 1iVaiyerJ!VsTc.Strei; Mmrses you have tken. Fees ' '. .' , tiV' tAr MU teiilniii ;.ijjI OR BENT rurnithed house- ing all subjects and texts Grade-fl, f ?20.00; Grade; 2, $2-1(00. (fSJttnly on enrolment.) We hold no attendance classes, as we consider you save time and money by" studying at home, and we get BETTER results, because there are no oral lectures, etc., to forget Send for full information at once. You will be under o obligation and no agent will call on you. The M. C. C. Civil Service School Dept. A 101 Kensington BIdg., Winnipeg; Manitoba. US - - . - I'.iI.jj - LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S Cartage, Warehousing, , and DistrlbuUnK. TAW.9J. ' Motor Service Coal, Saod and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana . Furniture Moving. Garden Field Seeds FERTILIZER BULKLEY VALLEY HAY AND GRAIN Prince Rupert Feed Co. PHONE 58 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Dally, EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City VALENTINDAIRY Telephone 657. Try a Dally News want-ad. I It will bring results. BRINGING UP I MC COT SCH itf ' FOR RENt. I. i : F. W. HART'S Office, Emad Block. 124 FOB RENT Four room flat with bath. Furnished. I'hoiie 547. tf . FOB RENT Furnished apartments and furnished shack. Apply YlussaMem Grocery. tf FOB BENT Furnished modern four room flat, Clapp Block, Apjfly Westenhaver Bros. tf keeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOB RENT Two modern houses, newly decorated; one well furnished. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East. tf 3 ii ILOST . LOST Lady's yellow gld wrist watch. Finder please phone Bed 129. Reward. ' CHiRorKAcnc CHIROPRACTIC of ELECTROTHERAPY in Ynu pan male no mitaV( in j .u.j. adopting tneae self uiuiv iitciiwus, as tneir use is now worm wiae . ... in all cases 01 aiiease. Our system of drugless therapy , . . . leave chatwe, owing to the certainty' of the methods adopted. J Consult DR. W. C. ASPINALL G and 7 Exchange OIocJc i -T- - 4 'Green: 241 Phones Black 23 ' n. Kvi.nlfifr C CHIROPRACTIC Gets results where other methods a fail. j of Consult It E. EYOLFSON CHIROPRACTOR OSS Third Avenue Office Telephone Blue 85 Residence Telephone Red 589 Established 1924 Canada's Leading Tire GOODYEAR SUPERTWiST Sokl at Vancouver Prtara and Guaranteed KAIEN GARAGE Phene 32 "Service Right Now" I Advertise your wants In the (Daily News classified columns. FATHER I WAMT TOWN - l" TW. CUCAKiao I CLAD Wfe "ib-J 1 MAgwtM rcr.-d. r tACE BACK- i ' FURNITURE " For sale. 1717 graham Avenue. 114 FOB SALE We have several choiqe hajnes pr sale, well ait-jiated. Apply ?, X, Tinker Ltd. FOB EALE-rSuap, -.ten acre, limr proved ranch, Terrace; close jn. J56 fruit trees, two room dwelling and water. Apply L. JI. Kenny, Terrace. 112 j ...r' vp, - BOARD AND ROOM BOABD And Boom $86 per month. Phone Jreeti 216. l Queen Charlotte Islands Visitors "Wnen travelling between "PbrT qemenlsanjl (un arJptteJyan. BkrcH, .. Easthppe, Hicks. 4 City, biretears'andjrucki frSmi YOUNG HUOTHEBS Skidegate, B.C. Paints, Wallpaper, Etc. SILVERSIDES, BROS. Wallpapers, Paiofs, Glaaa Anjd Art SuppUa P. O. BOX 120 . PHONE 22 "OOVEUNMENT M-IQIOB ACT" Netlce of ADpHoaUon tor OonMnt to Truwfer oT Beer Uoeooe. Notice la bereby given on tee eventb day of June nt. bt under- aigned utteoda to apply to the uouor Control Board for consent to transfer Beer Licence Number 1358 and )esued respect of premises being pu-,oi a building known aa Tourist hatij rtt aerlbed as Lou 1 and a, - . itrlet Lot 349 Map 87 1J r,ini",,5 ?" s Pfof - t lac of British Colu oolbacrini nd 'Aufct !Ucn. to jqo ?oid:m aU. fi 'errace, aniun' votumnia, uii aoh: day "r2 Tr- ' 'I App(eVBjrd transfers, - " - ACT " . . Vvilv'nf lMf.i7is t.kAtw r I tfclr-'Wvdifcg 'Ts':n'rfet .'fJjm?cf Rop.rt.&d Rupsrtptd. situate situate sout-yett soutlvirert ateva of idaad. Tslt ;otlo) that The he ( Opnalan nsh- Ing 0anpiD."(JrartecJ.cf VaneaarXir. B . occupation.' a Corporation lacorpor- rd under the laws of the Province ol nrltlah Cotiimhln. Irtrrda to aopry for lease joS Uv foltowlnc r;ecrljiel landf CJosaeMBfliac a s post "ijtf ii ao an unnamed point on the asuth-veat aldr Wales Island. oproaKe Proctor Is-ilaawla: tbeqe northertr SchsUva; Uiemy jwm-trr SO ehal ns: thent aoutiietto fi wia)at tnenee ertatarlv 30 cj)SlM ataaw he tOmte lire to Che pbisjt of erun- MSiremmt. and eonuiniat 10 acres lam THI CANADIAN FISHTNO CO.. WTJ. Per W. w. Trotter. Agent Dated April Sfrtn. 129 tatter Box Collections AIL PM Oraham S AUln Ave. .. . 9.00 7J0 1st Ae. ti 8th Bt. 9M 7JS 6th At. 4c Pulten 8t 9J0 7.40 Sth Ae. St Thompson St. IS 7.4S Utb Ave. & 8hertrook .. 9 20 7.80 Uth Ar Oonrad 923 fit Sth Are. Ac.Haya Oov Arsafl 0 8.00 6th Ave. 4i Hays Oev Circle is COS 8th Am. ft Gotten St 8.00 7.00 I Sth Ar. a Green 8V (Htptl). 40 5;,iw ,6th Ave. Si MeBrlde 8t. . .... 0.48 Pror. nort Building ....... 9A0 8Jdi Pro. Uof.. Wharr 9M 8.25. OXP. Wharf 10.00 930 .OTP 8ton 10.08 11J5 Ind Are. & 2nd Bt. . 10.10 8.40, trd Ah, ft rulton St. 10.18 8 45 j 3rd Am. ft 8th St. . . 10.20 150 . i i TOlGlTTHAT guaranteeir .just phone .UiacK May is-ai. .-tjyf.-i .ri ..V'-r?r.r.iVii Mar 30 as. win eau. UAunuiu .. f . S ti iu'k 4itrrirvi?pr I ' nr -4iaaa 4k imiiuCf iiuiiilil.jiil FederaUllock n--. . T. ... r . r . am appraiser, Oash Jpr all SQods tods and, furnlturer Emad v 124 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, May 16 High 72 a.m. 17.6 ft. 20:47 p.m.- 17.9 ft. Iw 1:20 a.m. 9.4 ft. Xfypfim.$& ft High . riSlV.rri. 17.2 ft AfL. ID r! a tl.k.SVA Mil. lO.U 11 Low 218 a.m. 8.7 ft 15:07 pjn. 6.0 ft. Saturday.Iajv High 9:Whf. 17.3 ft. 2247 m. 19.2 ft 7,4, ft 1C:UI p.m. G2 ft Sunday, May 19 High 10:51 a.m. 17.7 ft. 28:06 p.m. 20.0 ft. IW 4:51 a.m. 62 ft. lfcSl p.m. 6.5 ft. OP AM' r ANTY OFTMG, Dl AMOM D t AKK UOOiC- , .i , i ii i . mi ii. . m i " Try " I THEVHOLETHINO I . I I V - J 9 WORTH ABOUT II Ii i t.i m a a a, i a ii i m I sr v a v i :'J BEAUTY OPERATOR MISS MARY MACFIE Experienced operator, modern methods in all lines of beauty culture and hair dressing. Make appointment by phoning Bed m SALVAGE ANI TOWING 'If it's on or under the water we do if PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fly Eflufnned for Divlnr and iGneral Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all descrpl- tioM for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire. Bargains in Gas Engines. " " AGENTS FOR r.Jtlksntyne bnglnes. Northern B. C. Distributors Coo'.idge Propellers Phone, Day or Night, 561 P. O. Box 1561 FURNITURE ' -f EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME Plnijig Sviliww ChettwOtld Suite. Beds, Springs and Mattresses, Ranges, Linoleum, Blinds. Curtain Rods. MACKENZIE FURNITURE Phone 775 AUCTIONEER i .' PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy. Bell or ex- DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Prince STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS for Vaneonm Sundiyt u. Prince Rupert . . .10 p.m. Tuesdays - CkttU 330 Dm. TKimlinMb. Prlixv Oeoree 10 DD. '"1'" FHdaw -si. - Print eM. Racal 10 UJn. May IS as trinocw unuie p.m. Msy 2Sss Princess Louise p i r'rom Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala 4 p.m. Wednesday as. Pr. Pr. peorfte Oeorae 10 SO moay ss. Princes Kojai . 4 DJS Frtday ts. Cardena a.m. Saturdayas. Prince Rupert 10 SO p.m. May 11 ss. Princess Louis a.m. May 21 Prtacaas Louise a.m. Tor Vaas RW Sunday at. Cats la . 8 p.m From Nans River- Tuesday as. Catsia 1130 a.m. for Stewart. Premier. Anjox and Allcr Arm-Sunday as. Oatala .8 p.m Wednesdsr as. Pr. Oeoriie ...4 p.m. Saturday ss. Prince Bupert. . . 4 p.m. j sunday-aa. Prince Rupert 7:S0 p.m. kind or furniture: Tua4ay-as Cauoa wiij any saa sava v a, uaaabws ;, wsaatuFh-, .sC-iV. '.j .... , - f rmsiyiuiu goous, musical in -TV,iv. Ji.. bi.l pplng. Worjcmanship ' rroin Stewart, Premier, Anvox and AIU 1 for (urrn Cliariotte lstand May 4 ss. Prince Charlsa 8 p.m May 18 a. Piloce (arlea 8 p.m V V I 1 mVL. I r a , a. B. I I tr I I a ft. V I I I'ruin Juu charlotte Islands- May i rrmcc unaaea a.jn rmxe cnanes a m Prince Charles a.m May 11 as. Princess Louise a m ' May 22 as. Princess Louise ....a.m From Alaska May 5 ss Princess Alice . .p.m. .p.m. .p.m Tklajr IS as. PjOneeas Urals May- SS as. PrtnccM LMtse For Port Klrapoon and Wales Hand Frldaya- ss. (XMens. a m f'ruui purl Mnilwun and Wales Uland rtdaa- -ss. Carde&a pjo. Sundays 730 p.m, .1MUrB 11 30 am Ttramdsys 730 p.m. Ta Naas lUter Polots uiHUiyi 1 pm Uora Naas Ulver Points i iUMOjra II 10 sin. (Juren Chariotus May 4 and 18 7 p.m. tutu ((uren Charlotte May 3. 18 awl 80 a.m. lo OaKka IDInt May ll and 22 a.m. ruin Alaska Pulnts May 8. 16 and 28 p.m. ru l"ort SlmpwMi and Vales Inland Prtdayi a.m. futn Port Simpson and Wales Inland Fridays p.m. A Daily News nnsr results. EMBARRASSING MOMENTS By ao- WHooPtt KKPT THE. REAL NCCK UACE am ,&r4TME. A PHOK4T OR MATHS. Dlr4TY ! IT-U Cold Storage Co., Ltd Rupert. B.C. MAIL SCHEDULE tr the East Uondsya, Wednesdays, Saturdays, mall '.stones , 1030 am. irroui (lie Uaitt aw rials fr, Aiesdays and Thursdays. Mall due 830 p.m. V Vaiiuter via train Wednesdays and Saturdays. Sundays ,...9 pm. Tuesdays 230 p.m. Thursdays B p.m. PWdaya u p.m. C P R Msy t, is and 20 p.m. row Vsmwuttr Sundays 4 p.m. Wednesdays 1030 a.m. Fridays a.m. Saturdays 1030 a.m. C P. a. May 11 ad 22 ..a.m. ur Mritart. Itauilrr, Au)o and Alice Mio Sundays f pm Wadnasdaya 8 p. m. Saturdays .J p.m. .'rao Stewart. Premier. Aayoz and Alloa Arm 9 1st. IkiI riaiun Strvtt, In . Onmi hnu.. nM nwrfc want-ad will George McManus