The Wise Man The wise man reads the classified advertisements and uses them whenever he needs to sell or buy, or rent, to find lost poods or to get a job. "Susi," a Female Gorilla, Is Making a Trip With 18 Passengers and a Crew of 40 Persons; One Woman Is Aboard FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany, May lG.-Thc Graf Zeppelin had developed motor trouble and was returning here late today. FRIEDRICHSHAFEN, Germany, May 16. The dirigible Graf Zeppelin raced westward today above southwestenvEurope on its second trip across the Atlantic to America. Before it lay a variable course above Gibraltar, probably the Azores and Bermuda, to Lakehurst, New Jersey, which the dirigible's master, Dr. Hugo Eckoner, does not expect to reach before Saturday night or .Sunday morning. Aboard the ship on leaving were a crew of 40, passengers to the number of 18 and a female gorilla named Vusi." The only woman passenger was Mrs. Mary Pir roe, wife of the New York 'utilities broker. Among the men was Captain Sir George Hubert Wilkins, Arctic explorer. , The bier shin carried 4500 nounds of freifrht. The Graf "Was' released forits-Vbyage al 5.5Hhis morning, which by eastern standard time would be 11 :57 last r.ight FISH PACKER BENNETT URGES GOES ASHORE NO SHARES TAX Bert Tingley Argent In Precarious Position on Roe Spit Following Stranding on Monday ... I T.v: t sh packer Argent, belong-i Bert Tingley of Maesett, Is i a rxpueed ami precarious poa-in the sand on Rose Spit. iv ?r he piled up on the peak 'ht high tWe on Monday morn-The vessel is hot serouIy i. : as yet, but will be In 3i i' should a storm arise be-' -r? he is freed. The Pacific '--ire Co. has the tow boat Vvna and crew at the scene t"; siting to refloat the vessel. 'l ' Argent rs 50 feet long and red with a 30 h.p. Vivian !c she is well known In this por. INCOME TAXES ARE COMING IN WELL IS REPORTED AT OTTAWA OTTAWA, May 16: The de- Urtacnt of national revenues re- cr,vC' more than $51,000,000 In ifiror.o taxe collections between Al''ri I and Mav 15 this year h i , an increase of more than T . '30 000 over a corresponding f' ' year. ''OT10H is hereby given '"at t,he Automobllo Asso-Automobile Owners "rt all others interested in mobile truffle' are' re-wr-'tcd to submit any sug-W ions they may have as to aaM.ttbH alterations In the rre Traffic Bylaw. The said suggestions to be filed 'th the City Clerk on or be-'we Monday, May 27. K. F. JONES, City Clerk. OTTAWA. May 16. Hon. R. B. Bennett moved in the house of commons today to strike out that provtoion of the budget which provides for taxation on the transfer of shares. Mr. Bennett recalled that the exiethw tax on the transfer of shares had come into force in 1920 and was in effect a war measure. Vnw that th mtalater of finance had Indicated that he had a substantia surplus, continuation and increase of the tar was unjust, ituniitth)p and tinfa'.r. The Do minion obtained income from pro vincial companies ana mis tax should be left wholly available to the provinces. VANCOUVER HOTEL MANPASSES AWAY Thomas Whalen, One of Regent Owner. Succumbs In Portland After Three Months' Illness VANCOUVER, May 16. Thomas Whalen. one of the owner of the Regent Hotel bere and jwet president of the Britkh Columbia Hotel Men's Association, died at ivrtinml rtniron. last night. He had been 111 for three of four months. HALIBUT HELD OVER Tkra u-a no sale of halibut at the local fish exchange this morning, the fares of four boats being held over until tomorrow. These were the American Arctic and Pierce with catches of 28,-' 000 and 9,000 pounds respectively and the Canadian Cajw Spear and Inef H. with 7.000 and 10,000 pounds. . j MtiriTnv WHEAT I l a sa w - VANCOUVER, Jiy nrle of wheat here today was ,1.12fc. " predicts HAii.wAve CLKVKLAND. gut tiolsoned victim succumbtacr ' one by one during the night, the death toW from yesterday's disastrous explosion and fire at the Cleveland Clinic Hospital had reached 12S tod y. About two score of the bedridden survivors lay waiting for deelh. "Physician , stated thet the gns attacked the red corpuscles of the blood, bring-! ing death almost IrresitiWy nearer as ft worked. Six phyeicisne ' towt their lives, in adtlitfon to a number of nurses. ! Several Iist Lives, at Cleveland ' When Explosion Took Place In illospilal TORONTO, May 16: The.Mail and Empire publlihes the follow- Ins list of Canadians killed WILL I)EVKmi Pl.AV .... .. . . . . . or FOR PAdnc duyLOT Z ine V" ; OTTAWA, May 16. All Dead C.N.R. branch lines for Dr. Hrry Aridtson, Winnipeg, its three year extension jiro- Dr. John Phillips, graduate to gram were approved by the the Toronto University and an in- railways committee of the tcrnationajly known physician. Senate on Wednesday. y Senator Robertson of Ot- Injured tawa, who presided as chir- Wallace Dune-sn of Toronto, Dr. man, predicted that the two J- c- Andersoni graduate of the great railways would cer- Toronl University, Dr. Perry tainly develop a plan for glv- Mct'ultaugh, Vanqpuver, Dr. Rob ing the Peace River an out let to the Pacific. Death t Tell Mounts Hoxpltal Disaster ONE HUNDRED TWENTY DEAD ert Hugh MeDonJW, graduate of Toronto University. ' WINNIPEG, May 16: Among those who perished in the explo-nion and tlrifX the Cleveland Clinic on Wednesday was Dr. Harry Andison awed 31, graduate of the University of; Manitoba, and the son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Andison ,o'f this eitv. f He-.wai a membewiVthe"' medical In Cleveland staff. He had beena member of the .Royal Jubilee' Hosnital. - Vic -? toria, after graduating. Mav Ifi WtiV, I TORONTO STOCKS (Courteey of S.' D.' Johnston Co.) Associated Oil, 4.75. , Hudson Bay, 18.00. .s Nickel, '62.50. - ' Mandy, 1.15. Newbec, 58. Noranda, 55.25. Sudbury Basin, 8.95. Sherritt-Gordon, 8.00. Teck Hughes, 9.00. Norman Watt Dismissed by Minister of Finance for Political Activity Hon.' W. C. Shelly, minister of finance, called at the Court House yesterday afternoon and personally notified the government agent, Norman A. Watt, of his dismissal from the provincial government service, effective June 1, on the alleged grounds of having been active in politics. Mr. Watt, who served three years overseas and was badly wounded at Cambrai, became government agent here on October 1, 1921. Apart from the bald statement that the grounds for his dismissal as alleged were wholly untrue, Mr. Watt declined last night, in conversation with a representative of The Daily News, to further discuss the subject. It is announced that a group of local Conservatives will meet Mr. Shelly on his return here this evening and will try to induce him to reconsider his ARTICLES ON PEACE RIVER HJVDI 3 "u The Peco River is very mucii In the public eye today. In order to keep Prince Rupert people fully Informed In regard to the situation there, we have arranged for a series of six articles by a man who has just made a tour of the district. The first of these will be published on Saturday and the others at convenient Intervals. These articles will give an Idea of the way In which the district is developing and naturally will lead to a more determined effort to secure direct railway connection for frlnce Rupert, the logical outlet to the sea. Boston Grill LARGE CABARET Speci Dinner Thursdays wid Saturday Dancing Ewy Katurdaj Nljlit, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Mire t Accommodations or Private Part it NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PIIONE 457 Vol, XX , No. 113. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1929 TRAN ANIC FLI IS OFF IE? SHELLY LET OUT LOCAL GO VERNMENT AGENT Dirigible Graf Zeppelin Attempts Atlantic Crossing with Passengers and Freight CANADIANS IN SAD. TRAGEDY' Convict Heroes Receive Cup for Bravery, Rescuing Horses ( onyirt 0-:6(i5 receiving a cup given by the S.P.C.A. to thirty inmates of Eastern penitentiary who risked their lives to save 15 horses in a peiitentiary fire. STOCK QUOTATIONS Salmon Experts See Good Catch ttiourtesyDoHnstqnGoj)- Approximately. 140,0C;.Cases The following quotation were frir ioid and aiked: i .w wnvwm iuw una UCa&UU Bay view, 3&, 4. Big Missouri, I JO, 1.34. Cork Province, lSH, 13. Cotton Belt, Nil, 521 Dunwell, Nil, 28',. ' Diithie, 56, M. George Copper,' C.00, 6,75; Georgia River, 80, 85. Goltonda, 1.58, 1.60. Grand view, 4iya, 42. ; Independence,, 8, 9. Indian, 3Vs, 5. Inter. Coal & Coke, 41, 43. Kootenay Florence, li, 14Vi. Kootenay King, 40, 41. . Lucky Jim, 18, 14.k Mohawk, 4Va, 5. Morton Woolejr,.6. G, Marmot River Gold, 5, 5. Marmot MetrfsiM, Afe Naenal Stivlrf 15, J8. Noble Five, 59Vi, CO. iWd Orejlle, 6.15, .036. PioneerNil, 1.50. Premier. 1.70. 1.72. Porter-Idahp, 4S, 50. -Reeves Macdonald,'1.75, 118$, RufusArKenta, 9ff, 21. Ruth-llwjw, 84 85. Silver Crest, 7, 74. Silvarado, 70, 86. Silversmith, Nil, 17. Slocan King, 4, Nil. Slocan Rambler, Nil, 16. Snowflake, 59, GO. Shnloch, 2.10, Nil. Terminus, 6, 5Vg. Topley Ricbfieid, 80, Si. Toric, Nil, 150. Wellington. 11, 18. Whitewater, 76, 77. Woodbine, 7Vi, 8. " v Oils Calgary, Dallas. 2.65, NIL ,' " ' ' ' ' Federal; 38, NR. ' Mercury, 1.65, Nil. Mill City. 9.45, Nllr Okalta, New, 4.70, Nil ' Regent, 76, Nil. ' Srtooifcr,' S.86, Nil. Turner Valley U0, Nil. Richfield, 1.45, Nil. Advance, 14.50,4.85. (Continued on iwge two.) MANITOBA PIONEER DIES WINNIPEG, May 16: William Elliott McCara K.C.. aged 70, I VICTORIA May leH&JV. A. Clemens andDr.Lupy , Clemens, experts in fis,h(inefernatters, ina ienot-t to JlqnJ S. L. Howe,, commissioner1 of fisheries fdr the proving of British Columbia, state that they expect a good sockeye rurt' pn the Skeeha River this year Hsir calciilatioiis are based on information in regard to seeding, and on previous ! u-i7cx icntc, ivmi eApecuaiion Demgsec at i4U,uuu cases. ; The Naas expectation is poor, the catch there having ; Deem noticeably declining or re-. cent years. The report on these two r.vers follows: "The run of 1929 will be derived from the seedlings of 1924 and ; 2926. In 1924 the pack consisted of 146,747 cases, and the samplings , of fish taken in that year snowed i that the five-year-old fish made up '75 per cent of the run. The re-jpoPvS from the spawning bed in-, spec lions art both Lakelse and Ba-bin Lakes stated that large numbers of sockeye reached the streams, and in general the runs twere exceptionally good The prospect of a torge return of five-)ear-od fish in 1929 should therefore be good. ' 'In 1926 the pack amounted to 70,784 cases and the run was made up of 53 per cent of four-: year-old fish. The spawning j beds were reported m having been very well seeded. In view of these facts it would seem that a large run, possibly producing a pack in the neighborhood of 140,000 caees, may be expected." Naas River Drs. Clemens make no forecast for the erratic Naas River. Tvbay call attention to the fact that tlie 1928 pack of sockeye wtos the smallest on record only 5540 cases and state that: ''Although the certainty of an unmistakable decline in the run of sockeye to the Naas has impressed itself during tho past few years, up to the present time it has not been necessary to face the possibility f eomplete failure in the near future. While predictions and exiwctancy in the Naas run are in general unreliable, one cannot conceive of any condition which could produce in 1933 anything but an exceedingly small run. registrar general of Manitoba, ' "Unless the taking of sockeye In pioneer of the provinee, dtfd last j the Naas River is prohibited in tho night. . jycar 19M, we can look for nothing jit!" but complete anlhilatton of the i run which occurs inhe five-year cycle, 1923-1928-1933-1938." VANCOUVER TO HAVE AIRPORT Voted Down Expenditure: New City Hall and Durrani Bridge Yesterday on VANCOUVER, May 16: Bylaws calling for an expenditure-f fc5.560.000 vrerfe voted on favorably by the raleiwtyers yester day. Bylaws providing for art expenditure of $4,926,000 were defeated. The Burrard Bridge "and City Hall bylaws were defeated while the airport expenditures were en- lorsed. , BURIED .TQDAY, , The funarai of tlie late Jerry Mulvihill of Stewart took place quietly this afternoon from the chapel of the 11.0. Undertakers ' to Falrvlew Cemetery. 1 Rev. Father J .IlahVmond 0. M. I. Scottish Humor Imported direct from the Aberdeen Joke Factory ANSWERED AT LAST "Aberdeen arid twal miles ayont and where are ye?" The answer is: "Well out of