PAGE SIX r rr t 4 SUPREME BUILDING ADVANTAGES WHEN building a new home or making over an old one, use this greatest of all wallboards. You will get these four supreme building advantages: Full ys" thickness giving greater structural strength and rigidity. Ettftr. AppHdntbttrrGogt upquicJ4y. . without muss saving time, labor and money. Fire.Proof Non-Warping Gyproc walls are fire barriers. Cannot crack, warp or shrink. Takes any Decoration Including Ala-bastine,. wallpaper, paint and panels. ai, I cm W Va 13L Mr BVB ILS n pc ua - 8 Fireproof Wallboard- For Sale by Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. There arc often good bargains in the Classified Read them. ik The Letter Bo Tilfc RlVllR KOtJf ES fiartb'r, Daily NCwsi j In our issue-of Monday, there came from the pen of Nick J. Coulter as follows That Tyee station has a rocky mud flat -l which- runs- out nearly half a j mile an$ hnt ,at RSspBerry Is-Via whic. fe d'ppoSite-Tyee, the same conditions prevail. Mr. ' Coulter, must tell' us. ho much of the river Is left or has It f dried up lately at that point? If so' why not bridge it if there is ; no river because his mud flats i practically take up the: whole 1 ; distance across. I know that ' Haysport is a short distance from I Tyee Station but why knock the' road because it doesn't run into Yt 4 iiayspurn in tfly cdse I thing the route will Be surveyed before anything is d6ne In the way of building, dA Mr: Coulter's mud flats rjabfy would be surveyed first so the crossing could be looked into. Mr. Coulter must thing the !o:u' can lie built on the railway side. It's a mass of .solid rock 'fj, THE DAILY NEWS iwalla. Why are they looking for ; passes -up among the mountains? Let the road gp where it is the cheapest and quickest The North j Vancouver ferry sems to run with the fall and rise of the 1 tide. C. F. SWANSON. SUCCESSFUL TEA AT HOME MRS: BAZETT-JONES FORTftE ANGLICAN A. Yesterday the Anglican Women's Auxiliary held a most suc- cessful and enjoyable tea at the home of Mrs. Baiett-Jones. Wal- The rpoms were tastily with sweet Deas and vellow daisies. Mrs. .Andrew, nresident. helped Mrs. BazettyJones receive-In charge of the home cooking stall were Mrs. Woodland, Mrs. Kemp,, and Mrs. Russell Smith. Mrs. Morte Craig poured. Assisting in serving were Mrs. Blott, Mrs. Cade, Mrs. West. Mrs. Cul-lin. Mrs. Parkin, Mrs. Greer, Mrs. Aspinal and Mrs. W. A. McLean. The cashier was Mrs. LePine. inarincly low Prices the rare cliarni of Loyalist o V.Aer- at-7 Vt- ..V. . m this modern rug The quaint eimpliritr of this Congoleuiu Gold Seal Hug . , . appropriately named (Uncord " . . . as inipiret by thr liooLed rug of loyalist da). Hut very iivxlern, indeed, are iu eay-lM:lean and long-Hearing (ualities. The wjft blending of Uiftlt ful tolourn the 44 Concord n adapts to rooms of many types. Uke all genuine Congoleum Hugs ... it U made wjth the new "Multicote" process that builds extra vear right through the Iieavy pattern into the flat-lying felt bae ... it gives many years of faithful service . . . costs very little . . . and carries the Cold Seal. Guarantee of M Satisfaction or . Your AIiMiey Back. a , Siies range from rugs for small rooms lu rug 9 x 15 feet, CONCOLEUM CANADA LIMITED . MONTKEAL GOLD SEAL lt COLDitAtlJ rAuwACnuacUkaufTtu 1 3 a- PIONEER OF CITY IS TO BE WEDDED Donald McLeod,. Railway C6h tructlon Official Here, to lie Married to Holly wood Widow -Btmcjaaai DPI Local friends of the groom -elect have been interested to f ; ' learn of the engagement which was annbu'oedif7 Vancouver re-j cently of Mrs. Anna G. Rebadow .of Hollywood, California, well known writer of short stories, to Donald McLeod, secretary of ( Stewart and Welch, who lived in i Prince Rupert during railway dron Apartments, .when over for iwtroction. days. -The-marriage ty dollars was added to the funds ! will' Jtake, .place shortly In Van- of the society. '. 1 Icouvef' - No- instructions had been received up to this morning from Ottawa as to the prosecution of the four American trolling boats which were seized at Goose Island ;t the end of last week by C.O.S. Malaspina and brought here. Lisle silk stripe vests and bloomers, $1.00, Wallace's. HOME VOJTAT LITTLE EXPENSE jf i ri Jj' ' "IS ' ' " '." -itF m9, V... .LtfA . X- i. .1 . ' - 'mmrmmmm. . v;, . i( y- ' ' ' '.r Select your Congoieum Hugt at your Itiwre. The voujton below will bring you a pattern bvok in full colour. - . . ' .- W ronl";..r,k Stttn. - ,.. i - - . . 4 I I T . ... .... . : t Creator of Jiggs and Maggie Interviewed by Famous Woman nnrl Tzjc Attnni Hie PUA. "iiu mio liuui mo LIIUfUttt (.uiiori .-oi: nririi iiowian.1. me nruiunl ullrwt of mmn bh ! tninRm h Intrnlrw .Ml KuMland ruundi out lirr M-rlrn lir ":iii.,, v,n, . ' murtil, (irurtr Mt.Mana. rrratur of "lulnrluc I'p I'ullii-i "Just a moment, Mr. McManusl" I nleadcd. ci-- ine genial ueorge Dy me coat-lapel, as he wu. d .;.:r. Jigifs out of his studio. "Tell me something ' V :ere you get the idea for that Jiggs person?" Mr. McManus blinked for a momenta-then surrer..:-- and sat down. "Jiggs isn't in idea," he answered. 'Ho a a : reality. Just a pencil-portrait of the downti ldw Ar. lieaiyiusband! You II meet him ob'- airnosi any sxreei conw wneij tirea business men:fe gatliere tol?etrier afraid to 1' home I" i ".MISTER McManus."rI I maid I ever hurt you?!' " i nee "Who? Met" exclaimed! the cfealflr of Jiggs and Ma'ggll in- Inoeenlly. "What forf i 1 i or showing up poor, ivak I womankind and unkind the! theUlituntSdag- irirHr and a I' l, ' n cruel light of Jf a. gle," I explained. ' . f UP?" f .MUi IlowlanaSfiiwnJ Mrf J"- j u -xwed for the -' .iCiManus. aesn i your eons Wehce ever hurt you for exposist;. Wbr, timid, tremblftlR Train kin under the iruise of th. eanfttll' bdrii.o1omont''' ; ' ' r . . "Oh, that's different T I pre tested easily. "The men dMerv it) And they love tn read about themselves. They'd rather, have say satirical thing about them than nothing " " at aft; Theyl I way, I've been a benefactor to my sex. V. said Mr McManus. (eddies? That patient creature of all work, who brings home .the corned-beef and cabbage, walks Lthe baby, mows the lawn .and keeps his savings, his conseipnee and his opinions In his wife's, name?" Qh, no" I assured him ariiy. was referring to that Molds Uy lUlM and W4of it back on M "I see," rejoin.'.: M Ironically. MY' u ? , dub who goes 1 -. . the subway. Mx- i ly tm, like o - Sew. wr. .eat driwi.t; irtjf, Misx II' i I ahook my hea.: j"Mr. Jiggs 'Mt.' emphatic a I Iv irodden, woman ) i.ushand in wr.i r a wfttftll ex i .r. -and his wif. - i . arm!" "You r d f simply must be Moticad. A man future, Mr. Mi M;.: &sn't deny his little foiblea h y- "Thare- are- ' brairs about them. ResiIea. In a! those sweet. "Ii bands. Then" a)' more good, old f beating wivm. i . with-an airof modeat depreaation. opaner nl tn: MhW bput me--ted,nMr .ex7 have replaced th-. iiiowaoeyou twnt jntj;averai:e i uroom. purged man wouig; g 001 or .Munwnw. i the house, evenings, If I dl& notjnt lieorge. "T! sit up nights workinjr up ( new of Jiggsea and M allb!ifor hlmT If all the nllbla 1 wtput of rolling Jlygs has invented were laid end jyww, amounted 1 to end " "Whatever it "They would make on I good ' 'fct aim pted sn' : femlniit nrifument!" I hrak In. 1 attrir 80 t-mnnv . But, honestly now, do you be lieve that the average man mar- rfe in order to have a home and then spends the rest of his of golf balls a' IailbtlB8 your model for the si would be the fig ' life trying to get away frm it? rampant, holding Is the comic strip husband really one hand and a representative of the Great Am-'other." I said; f- erlean Husband?" "Exactly!'' tic "The Great American whotT",a grimfy. "W'h queried Mr. McManus, chuckling gracefully on a r "Are you referring, to that ipor ! "Snake hands. worm who supplies the silk ior: putting out m Afnthor'a xtocklnir and Dauchlfrr's l a smile. Ak iltrlnir iko mrtl f ng tW' works like a dog? at torsi' il. J r r v V - 1 It' ... 1 to ecaie the w 1 , j r(ghC r telling M? , lO CUICI1 lliciii - ..jL.... 1- J I . alll" Ami then we rrf dtlier with the t ' nmlerstandln t,' v" the office for a couple of hours a , day in order that his wife ' if.ivntf FROM Imay jive like a Pomeranian I Anc . - r.1 plays goir the rest of the time Iq , jt ! .order to forget that he hag il Few people rLr''' .'nh wtfel The generous soul , whoTVF firlificial shk v. ands.,ove his pay envelope to cose process is r- ear Tittle wife every Satur- wood bres.