Hews of the Mines Lrcal Pc. ibiiilics of Portland Canal; Pushing Work on T cr at Alice Arm; Homcguard Group . ,ro : AK0UN1) PRINCE RUPERT knowing Up Wcll ad Canal is m my opinionclestiried. to be the in.-rock miffing camp that Omened has ever ares A. N. McDonald, well known Portland r man, whqhas been staking some good look-! -K.ir the Mugro group for George S. Cochrane ho has an option on that property. "I have years and seen the camp de-i, producer,, and I want to tell been'- - ;4gement has two shift working, goin.g, nijtht ana day. And in- Cation to the outsiders should be -the twt thftt lbe men who are working in the mine are the one wr.,0 Bre borrowing money to buy 1 ock.. It is rumored that the devel-: CoimolMattsrl hv ,urht k tr, id tiif - for" the. past 10 prospect to a i ountry ha . i.-d yet. There are r-.-rc thjjUI rival .,.,n ff they have L velopmest work : i,.. a dozen Shipping summer. LoU of " arried on , lh,1 .,. been real Kvery round of . tint off makes it district. On the v lire inatalHng a ; nil as oon as that . i Mil- Potter Idnho , ore. There ha ,! wofkdoMi.ai, i rid the ore U al' and ready for hlp the neriifttioniotp- the IMf Jdisspur'. .;. -rty that will! I , , ffi ' Arle"ittr thf . ever found I" They are in M A have been for . rv foot they drive that they have It seems funny r "pavement miner' r .pcrty. The man- J4 i-ifc ulea and Forty-Nine properties, ' oth otlkjininp their present hold-On the Premier things are ookinir well. They have three eari' ore blocked out, and, when ' mifi(rPTiT admit that they 've that much in sight, it's a "tab-that Utey.atrve ore for at aat 10 years more." Tjtcwirnrtg torchon he Tiger ane al A He Ahi, Which Lt being ,veioped hy the Utility Mining ' Finsmce Co. with E. C. Pickett, owner, this week tak "a chM"pe of the work will be In-Teased shortly, the company hav-'ig ample funds at its disposal for coming summer's operations, "re has now been proven on ' ree leve's iMid a tunnel on the "uirth h being driven. A compressor plaTrt. which was taken in . ine llomeguard property nt ' AMfn Afm la a1in,..tR.. II "..i. rfor development work by the ml-'i'' A tftfrririg mesjatfe will be sent h'ffusie Mining; Co. of Victoria. ' out' bn Sutufday, May .18; by the Juk now an ore ledrfe' which is children of' Wales' calling for known to carry good values in greater efforts for peace in all gold, silver and zinc is being de- Parts of the world. May 18 com-veloied by means of open cuts rnemorwtes the date of the opening and the ore has been traced a dl- flf tn f'r8t peace conference at tanfe of 200 feet up the hill. It Te Hague in 1899. It is now is of good commercial grade, hav- known in a number of countries ;ing a width of 3 to 5 feet. Some Goodwill Day. fine sample of ore have been re-' Tn'3 wi" be theeighth succes-cently taken out of varfou scuts-:"v Mr the children's tnessuge nnd sent out for assaying. 'The"'''' o" nt out through the ef-ledge is locrrted in close proximity forts of the Welsh national coun-j the Dolly Varden Railway and of the League of Nations I Independent of big copper Union. showing; from which the chief Lt.-Col. ('. P. Meredith, gen-values Mil probably be obtained ral ecretry of the League of when the property is more fully Nations Society of Canada, is ar- developed. Following present i preliminary work. It rs planned to thoroughly explore the property his summer by means of radiore orosneetteg. Under the general uperintendency of Angus Mc-Leod. the Dalhousie Co. has carried on operations throughout the nast winter and will carry out nore extensive work during the lummeftio prove up, tonmige. The Tidewater MolyWeoum Property, located down the fnlct 'bout four miles from Alice Arm! ' befng developed by a small crew of men who are doing assessment vork. The property Is owned by W. Rrungy ami Willhim Mc-rlane snd fs eetimated V eon-'in one of the best molybdonum deposits on the continent. ?4- M Friday ant Saturday Only -ft f last fajl, la to bo installed as soon as possible and development work will then be speeded up. Aa soon aa the ore body fs encountered in No. 4 tunnel, which la expected at a depth of 800 feet, the blocking out of ore will be carried on by raises and drifts. Ill 1111 I II M w TJIE DAILY NEWS 1U miWChoice ofAnv Hat in with every Purchesc FELT MISERABLE ALL THE TIME i Headaches and Tiredness Ended ! by "FRUrr-A-TlVES" Soma pcopta suffer for years with : llcadacocsj without ever trying to find i out what is the CAUSE of the pain. They get all run-down, and seem to think this weak, depressed feeling is the result of the headaches. As a matter of fact, chronic Headaches are the result of poisoned blood, due to faulty action of the bowels, kidneys and skin. '"Fruit-a-tives" stops head-aches because it regulates the bowels, kidneys and skin frees the body of waste matter which poisons the blood and thus keeps the blood pure and' ' rich. : I. As Mrs. Michael Coulis of Killaloe, Ont., writes "I used to feel tired out and run-down and had aerere Headaches. Af'er using 'Fruit-a-tives' the headaches and tiredness quickly disappeared and for two years now I have been in the best of health." And youT Do you suffer? Mrs. Coulis shows you the way to get well take "Fruit-a-tives.' 25c. and fiOc a box at dealers everywhere. determine, here and now, to help t, with all our power, to go for ward with its great task of peace on earth and good will among men." PRODUCTION OF ASBESTOS Canadian asbestos, which is of the chrysolite or 6erpentine variety, k practically all obtained from the Eastern Townships, Quebec. Colored broadcloth, 3 yds. for $1.00. Wallace's. the St on of Ladies' Coats, Dresses, or Ensembles over the value of $19.50 FOR TWO DAYS ONLY V ;,lf: . THIRD PEACE MESSAGE 1 FROM CHILDREN! Hrondcast Is Arranged For Saturday of This Week From I T till-r . ranging for the broadcast of the message over the radio Saturday , to all parts of the Dominion. The children's meaeage which will We heH 'n every part of the world is as follows: "We, boys and girls of Wales, from onr mountains and valleys, -ur villnge and towns, greet with a cheer the boys an4.g!rl of every, our.ry under the sun. Our hearts re thr'IM by the wonderful re-nonse to onr yearly message and e chersh.th,e imuiy'new links of friendship which-we have formed. Will you millions of you. loin with is today Iii thinking with gratitude of those men and women of every race and peonle who are working ho hard to bufld a finer, better world? Next year, ii 1930. 'p Lengi'e of Nnt'one; will celebrate its tenth birthday. Let us AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. FOR TWO I)AY ONLYr ' This little booklet "The New Art of in Interior Decoration" i youri tor the aiking. From your dealer or write direct to the company at Montreal. pPAMPRAMHENPEPSOM Gordon s If you want anything, ..m ipi PAGE FIVE 1 "Tliis used to be such a dull corner, . . . Permalak certainty does brighten up the house." Color is so cheering in a room the new colors Permalak colors. A spot of one of the beautiful Permalak reds or yellows in a living room, a glint of orange in the hall, or a soft restful Permalak green in the bedroom. There is a wide range of colors, every one of them rich and lustrous. You'll enjoy using them. So easy to apply. And they dry in no time. rushingJafQLinr Color Hardware try a classified ad. i .i. ' KtlAd - Il'l I i I II 'Mi M 'I. 'lfll,llt t-:. .. irrir !i:l'!(1fV t ttt'irj i rr it i . -nil i jbllj .Wei!'.) S li'-n tillu riK i . . . i i ... -iiiUt Mil l!lttt I .it'! .