PAOE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Saturday My tl i : i ii BOARD OF TRADE FAREWELL IS GIVEN ENDORSES BURNS 1 REV.WrCMAWHINNEY Combination TIMBER SALE X 6081. I LAKE TRUNK ROAD MACDONALD! Social at Telkwa at '! tl Tender" mill lip rrrrlvrd L thai Gathering Mliii-liM iir I ml-, at V M lnrn, nut later1 Which Return of Pastor linn inhiii mi the tsMul day of Jiiiip, 1 t ' r inert inu i.f the Hoard CANNED r.n llir URlKH T tlirm-B Mint I. to ,,, Asked mii ;..nit,vim r.rt i.r -prmr and iirai- of rude laid nielli il a dcrid-h-k. and l.ruu.otiii frrl or fnied and i 0li r.,re airmirst from the 5. As fit M.rmi- and llimluta, mi an area TKI.KWA, May it until mi l.iiiirntiHH Day. l.,,uii l.lmi.l. Hum Lake Cilircn Association tiliK ineaii.H nf elnlMK np the Vm.'mi iiimi..ttc Miami, l.nml District, T (' yr-ara will be allowed for rr- nskintt llw ,.r-,.vi.....l iroverii. yeiir wnrk of the I'ltlon l.hureli tn"al df iiiiiIht. inenl lo complete I lie Hums before Ilie I'iiiferenpe, a noelitl FRUIT further tarllrtitara of the f.hlrf lore,-let- l.nfce-Kndako Vlrlorla, B.C., or tin- liHtrlct fimilrr, highway. Thcro evenhiK vvua held on 'l'uenday BRIER IT I urn lluifli, B.C. wan !(iiin oMii I Ion lo llie re There. wn u (tooil ernvvd preoenl (solution, II lielnp pointed mil anil a very liileii-slliiK proKraui j dial oilier road of mure lienefil was flJoyed. Ilev. W. ('.. Mawhln Special 10 la niters wero remiudi more ley pave n splendid nddra hi 'and Unit road did nol nerve niaiiv wliirlt ltd told of Ihe work of Ilie following assortment ..,rtTWVi'ii 55 PW,P,"- J,' objwlion was over past year and or his nMlpallotm imsri jMiwcnii i.aunrh. ruletl in n I Ilie resolution of en. to the people who had done o 1 Largo Tin Crabapple. elans and speririealluiti ran br ulilalnrd in i p. v aneuuver. dorsal ion passed by a pood Ina liuicli to help. The follow luff ar- 1 Large Tin Plums. OMrlil I'un ipt. I'rlnee llufert, and the jority listfi (hen eontrllMilwl lowatils 1 Large Tin Blackberries. i iiief Iimt.Iit., tin payment nf :. nti. uliirh will lw refunded on return the evening' enlerlalnmeitl. 1 Large Tin Sliced Pineapple. Tenders will In- rnwiicd ikhhi. May Utti. ASKS GOVERNMENT TO Ileadliiii-ll. M. I'liillips. C mm Ssolo Itcv. M. I.e, SiuHliem 1 Large Tin Peaaches. ilali . : Xt lb. BUILD TERRACE BRIDGE h lender mnl lie aeetiintianted tv a Solo H. WrenitPlI, Yonpottvpr erl tried cheque for of the tendered Chorus Audieuee. 5 for amount, and In tie tli forwarded Hrpuljr In' Mlnlier an enveli,H of A I I he ii t ti k "f the Hoard of Addr?! llcv. M. Lees. For those Smokers $1 l.aiiiK 7 foul Vielnria.l.annrli. and Inaiked "Tindcra for ade, last it u Ii 1 a resolution Cltalk Tnlk - T. SMiuse. who like their tobacco 1 AOt - Canada's Best Bug . n. n. vuikm. a.-kllip the I'rov inriiil (iovcrn- Al lht i'loeof this purl of Ilie Cut Fine or who I'epuly Mtnuier cf lands menl In ear mark pari of flic prouraitt, Ilev. I.ees aaked the roll their own THE ECONOMY packaci OITV OF PRINCE RUPERT. Mint cl aside fur lirnliiei lo he audioiieo what was their pleasure HAVS CREEK BRIDGE. apnlietl lo I In? Iiridge al 'I'errare repardiusr the of Mr MACOONALD'S Eta tut Rupert Table Supply Tender will tie reiftved liv the ...... rflnrn (Also Procurable in Packages ..imi tl foe tlH' ereellon of a Tlmlmr wn imiwiii Mltwliinney. II. II. I'hilliis itiov I5&25i) Phones 211 and 212 I n rile. and MprririratUmV mat tie rvani.' Mr pointed .Hit I hat I here en, ,. r. spouse seeonueil a Tl med and flintier information olitalned at wnn already nn apiroiriat ion for motion to the rfTert thai he be ariir May Tilt. tj. Iltal purpose Mini il va tltider most cordially akHl lo leliirn. olnof: o .- , r.-iirtera will lie ...nuldered liy Ilie i Itv ,,iod H. alilit llienld Would he This inollon ini'l willi the heart U'll ehuich Ml IK II. I IrlHIUKHiailJ mi I IM" I!!sllir 111 lh Jtlil in nt fall. leel from nil iMMf.arv ItyUw. acreplanre presenl. port - will In' i.l .11 .1 II.. .i'liu TriiiUTj. fiiilorMd "TriHlfr ntr and in his .remarks Mr. .MhwIiiii ' WESTH0LME Hl ldaTC ' tlltlall 1m aitMill.aal U.It tl Ihf I'ltl f. Ilie THEATRf Clean Up and '.hrk on tir lMrtr- i Uy Hih. will Up Wiild'n in ri-Kunl t Ilif ney thankfd lhe fHitiKretrnlion lllfll llteil .-..llr.a.jl ivi'A. leiidrrn eliunm iimi r..a in rita, r-ui!iti.M iwa rt ny a t ,.:iv.13 .tinjiHr) i.f llif wnrk. mid Itoped lhal ConfeiTiire vvonl Tonight Only, Saturday, 7 and 9 r IJh- aniMiini nf bid. (pe fit In (.end him bark here T!w nirlit Id rij4rl any r all trmhr SALVATION ARY Paint Up Now - n-nvd by Hw ' My I'tMiwii.n tnaiiRHT, I Burdock Blood Bitters next fiTsljliieiits The year.Ladies"ami Aid the then entertain ered re- IS TAGGING TODAY 'Lorna Doonej ment closed Willi everyone iiiiif- Annual Self Denial Appeal Is In iiiif "Hen a Jolly lJo.., fellow Martln-Senour, Buy Your Relieved Her of Proa re is Proceeds for 100', Pure 1'aint. Missionary and Social A Delightful Version of R. D. Blackmore't Farnsai t Alabastlne, BALLOON DANCE WAS Work Enacted by Headaches Sanitary Wall Finish. Kyanlze, Shoes SUCCESSFUL AFFAIR l'be uunua Saltation Ainu inli lleadaetie In be Madge Bellamy Yarn Slain. teww habitual with S.'lf llcntal Appeal lux il.iv i. in Neu-Tone, 'many people, and mhimi, if any. are Midmn Seventy Five Couples Attended today. 'Ilie t. free frwn II, aurrerint continually, aim prorresM appeal a I'IhI Wall Finish. From A Practical Man. Event In Elks Home Given llomiiuoit wnle and Ilie ob HHleiinr why tbey era get no rel:ef. hup and Distinguished Personnel, Vllrallte, )j lo all casea at hraMbe tl tretlinem By Grotto Athletic Club jective for tins city i e(oo. Ho-money l.on;: Life Enamels. lalMiuld be dl reeled to rke reiuoval jf the Tin- S ,!,'-! II' ' i I ill f'n to'O 1 You K'd tlir benefit of :i In be used for rni..uinry . Barretts ew.rawoved the !..-n VV ho .1- ..l.ill V Special, V. Sevenly-five allended i Mi" -ouples J'rnclical Man Kxpcrience and xoeial work. t'entiiioioii for bradadirl Varnish. will vanlh. ... , Willi red L1" . .1 .. ut. Hi: Sltiitnle h" ,"'0",, Alll,'," ell' wlicn hiiyiug blmcs hore. , j If ra impoealble lo nod . bei.r wwdr' llohliiiK the ta? day was iciveu by for tieadaetwa of every deacrlpUoti thai ;balloon daiiri! in the Klk' Home Mayor XpwIiwi prior to the I have fitir Mh made to pas.. SPECIAL 2 REEL COMEDY "DANGER. Kaicn Hardware can rqoai b. ii. t).. arinur a li dv oo,lal nilil ami the uuair wan UK of Ihe recent resolution ..' my own order by one of the every organ of the ayataoi. 'i very enjoyable und Micceimful. Hie roltnril prolilbilillK Intt lav. FOX NEWS GAZETTE. herd manufacturer!! in Oan-iida Mr. Iwueln lllteborourti, te Me C08 Third Ave. and carries Kenile St.. Sarntl, Ont.. write: "Having Musie wa pioMile.i by Art llun-son's It i ill char of I lo Sahation Evening Performance 50c and 25c P.O. Box 1648. Tel. 3. every pair a Orclieelra. 1I. urrered from aeverc lleadarhea for a con-alderabla flrags whs Vrmy Hume l?xue. guarantee of back If money letiath f time I decided to try floor manager and lieo. Waugli The layuers art? Mrx. A. II unsatisfactory. lurdork Bkaid Bitten, and found that it pnvsid'il al the dour. The coin- Haync, Mr. NV..J, Mc;uieiie..n tolped lue wonderfully. It reltevid the lieadarlua, and I tiolleed a decided llu-1 inMlee in charge comprised Jack Mrw. I. Y. tUtx, Mr. M. Hon' provcnM lit In my tiealtli." UaiuplHMt, lloy (iilniour. Hod Mm. Mrlan, tial. M. K i GEO. HILL Bunlork niisKj Hlttera la a remedy that liar tie. lvl.lre Olapp, l'at Mr, 'Anyox . I.ieul. Ijpytoit in.. Sh oes! Imii been on the market for the al forty-four (iowan and llert .Morgan. It unbelt an at Mrs. (Uleman, Mr. F. ir..ek. J J. The Shoeman. Third Ave. yeara, an you da'l eiperlment wlib Srlierk won u box of chocolnlen Mis al.y ItriK-k. Mm .Vet in aotn new and untried inediene. It la rancv rrozn pp. t .N.ll Ticket Office. wliieh ratried ami .Mrs. Friclt flit up only by Tbe T. Mllburo Co.. Llm-. was Slraelian, Miss .Nellie tiurvn li lied, Toronto, Ont. wan the winner of Ilie balloon M ia IbTllice Hop. ll Helen Wlicu buying Shoes you uneiy ijanee. Sims, Mis. Mtldreil Hunt. Mis vvuiil your moneys worth, Whatman. Miss Violet Mr FORMER DISTRICT i:ulebeoii. Miss liollie Moon ami Herring L. 0. Larsen's LING Our Prices , FORESTER IS BACK Mis Annie Stmt la. j i BIRTH jualily considered, can't do THE TAILOR SHOP. Buck Irwin Arrived from South leal. Phone 649. PAINT on Venture Last Night In There was born lo Mr. and! BAIT Black or Tan Cult, from terested In Logging at Mr. Short, .d llurti-lauuliler. Lake, a i $5.60. Yariotis Woollen Fabrics in Surf Inlet ve.lerduy al the' New shipment r the famous 1 fust colors in rilock, SHOP i " " etieral llo-,ilal Trcd-ritc Welt- for the made Many old friend are today to young folks. weh-omiiip bark II. S. Mluek Ir Signs of Good Health $30.00 ton per Moved to 171 Third Ave. E. win, former diet net foreoler SHOES REPAIRED WHILE measure KtraMaf Mlti' Oirtni -fail fj'i H'fc Uri i YOU WAIT. here, who arrived from Ilie eoulh fttvl Kr-i. -.nh-.i fw.. ,mr I lay Paper-hanging, Painting on the Venture last evening. Mr Dr. Martel'i Female Pills McArthur Shoe Store SUITS and Decorating. llrvviu. who for evelul yearn CENTURY It... S.li1 S..-I T 'OUSANDS LAST MALI Lanadian hsh & Lo Id Morale lo.. m ilia., been located on Vancouver i... Ilms l, ' P.',. I'trwd lr........i K rf ste, 'rt..M.f Next C.N.Il. Office. 3rd Ave. j For Auto and Truck Owners, Island, Is now lllleielei to lite 8U.m,il ToeiH.i..K.,K-arruucker R.i, Co. i L fi -fil PRINCE RUPERT Up To The Minute. J have now un excellent loynia' IrMSIIle.S ut Surf Inlet Collie nuhl in and let ;ii Imp for puililitiK your ears. and may ilecnlc to locale there. show you our wide raite of VintiK you pood work al hlve for reasonable pi ieew. 'LOCAL MINISTERS TO KING GEORGE St. Regis 8PRING AND SUMMER 1923. Phone Green 126. ATTEND CONFERENCE 821 Second Avenue. Cafe (ii I'jsI Offir. Corner. P.O. Box 446. ! METHODIST CHURCH CAFE si. ! First Class Rev. Mr. Hacker Will be Away CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Prince Rupert's Leading Furnished Rooms to Rent. Restaurant. Announcement! Two Weeks Congregational I'lll-es llea.olliil.l.. HOSIERY Stove WOOD Meeting Tomorrow Even-I Phone Blue 471. A Bakery Unsurpassed. M;ni l.ikeo ovei the Ing Second Ave. Third Avenue. In;.in, .,1 the I'aetfie (lai'l -I. We liave Just received 1 Id., we are now in i Ilev. I. (i. Hacker, pastor of FOR LADIES, GENTLEMEN AND CHILDREN- . .. tar load of up river wood, I n -1 1 1 1 1 to liamlle every is. jtlie Mettnulisl Church here, lj We in i l. ido ' ll u'lv l W ear ' I guaranteed seasoned und sei iplioii nf curtate work in. satlinu h.morrow nivht on Hi-ll'rince Vear and idwaj- bif the ncvve.i ,od I .I! dry. Nze cut to order. eln.liiiK fiirinlure ttrtd piano tieoi'iie fr .New Weitinni-jeter HOTEL HUDSON color-. H I- our hii-iue.. to that Dr. E. S. TAIT removal., ele. I'alrous uie timi lio-ierv In Also Kindling In Sacks. a.-i.i.'.l o elfieielil tierviee when- be will attend the an 773 Sjymour St. -alisl.o in match mum -h' iiiiial rm initial ctiufereoce of tin THE LINES WE CARRY. ii. .'Ii In .ii,i Ii. - ,,f our bii.i- .church and Uo Ilie dlelrni X. u H'.d-oii Hay Ktor . The line, For call we c.irrv uei. iv.-'l L....v. DENTIST. I'rices, n '. 1 1 1. . Oilier replHsen litive VANCOUVER, B.C. from oiir owt: c viertein e Holeproof, Monarch, Ptnft Helgerson Block, jot Ilie ili.litl't VfllO wiH utleinl in. C We.ieiyaril, MansKcr. anil tu-e LINDSAY'S ,. rvayser. i are the f l.e-t m .o PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. HydeTransfer lude Iir. spuer. of J'orl I,ale ninliiv. Ilruiidoti ada. Every Pair Is Quaranteed Office Hours, 9 to 6. Mis. J. II. YoUliK, of 'IVrruee. ami Moose Jaw. HOLEPROOF HOSIERY FOR $1.85. Phone 686. Phone C80. Cartage and Storage an.I Itcv. V. . I'lnrce. of for) Modern-Flreproof.Central A redm lion ha- taken (lie l. Open Tuesday, Thursday and St'ivi. e and Quality our I .--in.tun ''m lunl IWo men . We Appiecliiti? Your place in 214 Fourth Street. and von cut gel the -taudard -ilk line V :: Saturday Evenings. Motto. Iio.ieil will aatstl for Hie eoulli on Hn-uics. Phone 68. Thiilsihiv mylit. r. Kpeucer !i One juice all over Canada. We cm jp.c south ill liny in lor it a prof from $1.25 to $4.75. ' li" lolltf'I'I'OM llltflll o . ,., , llJhll'ilf lllllkv W i lllt.ll. I. I....1 I.l I uesill ). Mi . Ha. ker will l? lione for lw. lit liiii-f- -iiwft... ....I a ii,,,,,,a. mil i riUVIVI Uevai.Pki I rwnlna r rf fRESH MILK DAILY gOSTOfsI DENTISTRY ueeks. I lie vliajri'll aet'Vlce or EPSON COAL CHILDREN'S SOCKS. l mm May I.l in lh itusririliaf Will lie in "in .lock of Chililren'M tfm k- i- h Our Government Tested cbinae of lilOavdiaii liiil. I; Kive von iiii color vou may it si. for r Herd of (iu ruse Dairy GRILL liamint wliu Hl' arraiiKiiiit a slripetd Uiji oii may reiiiilrc. -l 'al to releiua!. W'e i .tfi now Supply our rows. prutfnMU BETTER MILK. SEASONABLE SEASONABLE SALADS.FRUITS. Dr.J.Maguire Moll,,.,. Jny, lii Ho; evcuiiiu FAMOUS EDSON COAL Jabour Bros.. Ltd BETTER SERVICE. SEASONABLE MEATS. a'(. Ma.liu will pleach, liu May in any quantity. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith ilock. Iir. . T. rv(rK"i will pne a. ,-'!. :iieerftii Kerwcc. STANDARD DAIRY OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. Office Hourst 9 to 9. inhlresH in t)i iiMirmn- und in Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 640. Cor. 3rd 'lie I'. II. I.ll.ey. Til'' H Phon Black 51. 3rd Ave. Phons 457. Phone 575 Lady Assistant. I'vemiiir, AinlIIIJK llijlliliei- ill our Hlfir 'Ilie Phone 58. annual ennire.ili.iii,i 1-1. l iJ -'lid. U iieeiii,c ,, iu(. cltureli vil' be In 'a