Prince Rupert Doily News Friday. January 26, RECOMMENDATIONS SF.ST (Continued from page 1) P"" it dues l0 t ' l rouW certain arena. ' Dr. Greene ni0V((1 , recommend!,,,,. . 1 Blackwood on J3riJfc By Eosley Blackwood J3 or UieniWti.tti against and attitude of defeatism and urged action now. He i.usgested the improbability of having skating for children for a long time to come if the Civic Centre did not come in on tlu-combined curling rink Idea. A. M. Hurst said he did not reel ' depreciation should be charged against an enterprise such as the Civic Cntr. H did not know of other aspects of civic life where such charge? ' were made. He MMUkmed specifically the city hall. Mr. Hurst mentioned that Prinze Kiip i t might not possess an Ice arena but it had a Civic Centre such as many much larger cities did not possess and that was something to be safeguarded, Crawford Moore said If thl to the questions put by Dr. Large. As far as estimates on cost of construction were concerned, he said, the committee had no authorization to obtain firm bids but had reached their conclusions through different means of figuring. In answer lo Mr. Capsticks question lie said the shares were not interest-bearing but would be lU'iM-ndenl on dividends. H. A. BieJ'U said the Civic Centre Association should not consider financing any other enterprise until it started running its present property rofit-ably. SEES DEFEATISM Dr. Greene taid he did not see how anything could be' done but build an arena. He warned to the Civic tW, ' passed. I know Mr. Muzzy very well and yet I could not begin to explain why he plays bridge us he does. At a race tract if he had a ticket on a horse and a friend offered to give him, free, a ticket on another horse in the same race, he would accept gladly. He would know that his: bridge game? Nut in a million chances of winning were in- j jtars. Look at what happened creased without But will ne in today's deal, apply this simple principle to a I' South dealer. dent Dr. R. G. Laree's report concerning the growing deticit and the general manager's ,sus-gettion that a more stable method than the Civic Centre carnival be found for raising funds. He said it would fill a great need for outdoor and semi-outdoor sports which were luck-ins in Prince Rupert. In answer to Frank Skinner's question if the report meant that all curlers would have to be members of the Civic Centre, Karl Gordon said that was the intention of the committee. William 'Long said City of Prince Hupert bonds in the amount of $30,000 would yield $1200 per year and they were sure, lie did nut feel the Civln Centre Association should gamble with its nest egg. Chairman Dr. R. G. Large gave several reasons why he questioned that the project should be approved, most of which had lo do with costs above those estimated by the committee. He summed up: "Frankly, I don't believe any committee could build an adequate building for this purpose for $00,000." Ted Capstick said there was no provision for payments to shareholders. Neely Moore spoke in answer architect with special knowledge In this field to draw plans and specifications and estimates for a five sheet combination arena. (S Tiiat the Civic Centre Association purchase up to $3".-000 ill redeemable shares in our proiwsed arena provided public purchases produced the balan '' of Um sum necessary to construct the arena. 14) That we endorse the "points of agreement" of lh Prince Rupert Curling Club as outlined In their brief. 15 'hat a small, strong committee be elected from this meeting who shall have instructions to draw up final plans and proposals which shall have to bo approved by a special general meeting of the Civic Centre Association before construction commences. This commiltee should have power to add representative citizens li'uin lithe: organizations. MSCt'SSJON Opening discussion after presentation of the report, Crawford Moure said he was amazed at tlie fund of information contained in the report. He thought II. might be the answer lo Preu- North-South vulnerable. Hr. MM 8 Q JI151 H 41 i . I A Q C - 7 i Mr AIm-I Mr. !:le K B- It II K 5 4 H J 1I 7 S II Mill U tt i u ) c a J iu a Mr. Mul. S A K 141 4 H A W H U K t 1 t C - K II The bl.liiui'C SaMlIb t4 ViuM Kant I H fuss H Puni 4 NT Pux S U flu b N't' ". (,' fun. US Ail pus 1 am merely reporting (not recommending i the bidding. Many players would raise the opeuing spade bid to four on the North cards. First because (hat call paints a pretty accurate picture of the hand and second because it shuts out a possible sacrifice by the non-vulnerable opponents. But not Mr. Meek. He chose the conser-v j Live two spade bid. Mr. Muzzy made up for that. With extreme optimism he bid four no trump and partner's showed one ace. Mr. MuJ-y must have cot mixed up at this point becuust lie now bid live no trump which asks for kings and tells partner that the .side has all the uces. Mr. Meek sank down In his 0. are We have the largest and nicpt;t stock of Chinaware UK $1 ir Prince Rupert. UININLK btli (arcen 'X in chair. Home words formed on1 his lips but they were not and-, ible. lie cleared his throat and barely got our "Six clubs." Mr. Muzzy 's six spade bid closed 9 1M CUPS and SAUCERS WATER SETS TEAPOTS VASCS KNICK KNACKS GARDEN TIMING KEYED TO FINAL FROST IN SPRING the auction. Mr. Abel led the 10 of diamonds which dummy's ace won. Mr. Muzzy took two rounds of mm Unless one lives in a tropical climate, every outdoor garden task must be timed with --ef-r-l dening. Seeds of tender crops can be sown a week earlier than their plants can be set out. Talk to gardening neighbors i about their practice .and it will HANGING JOHNNY ence to a key rale, which is the average date of the last killing GORDON & ANDERSON LIMITED This &dv-rtuwut 15 m f disptiiyrti ty it it U;:. 'rnmi r I) th frost in soring. The number of davs between l.hi.t 'rlur nn1 Hint if iVm fin-l ' killing frost in fall determines the entire list of crops which can be grown. One of the first things They call me Hanging Johnny, Amiy-i-oh; They call me Hanging Johnny, So hang, boys, hang! For over a century Lamb's Navy has been the call of those who know good rum. Smooth and mellow it is matured, blended and bottled in Britain of the finest Dcmerara Rums. the amateur gardener should II M learn is the length of this frost- trumps ending on the board, lie next led a low heart and finessed the queen. "Don't have It," he roared at Mr. Abel. But Mr. Abel won the king of hearts and led a club to Mr. Dale's ace lor the setting trick, lead of a low club toward the king in the closed hand would, have made the contract. True, Mr. Muzzy couldn't tell whether Mr. Meek pointed out that the to make the club play or finesse the heart tuieen. However, he could have had both chances. He should have won the opening diamond lead with the ace, extracted trumps and then run three more rounds of diamond;, through a club from dummy on the fourth one. Then he could have entered dummy with a trump and led the lone club. If . East played the ace, the club king would permit the discard of a heart free season hi his locality, and he should k-rfeo it in mind in selecting varieties of both vego- be easy lo decide on the date to accept as safe from frost in the garden. Of course some years one may win with a long shot and get a crcp fr:;m a nearby planting o' a tender crop because of an exceptionally warm spring. The rhk of lo-ilne tender I hints is ev act ly doubled, when they are set on'. two weeks before- the frostproof date. There is nothing to be gained moreover, by taking this risk with plants which have been started Indoors, since they may be seriously injured by a haul frost which does not kill them, end always do best when the tanies ana t lowers to grow. In most localities there is a Classified Advertising is payable In advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifk wold p.-r ni..ei Lion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Nolices 50c. Cards of Thanks, limit Funeral Notices. Marriage and Emagement Announcements $2 00. SPECIAL DISPIJVY, DOUBLE PRICE date in the spring which is ac cepted as the time when tender Lamb's Navy tOK SM.E FOR SALE 1951 RIFLE BUY! Genuine Brit itmiKs VVATCU REPAIRS-f ficient service, lie Jeweler. Salislaci'u teed. ish Short Model Lee hnlield, planus, which would be injured by frost, can be safely set out. There is always the chance of an exceptional year, when a frost will occur long after the average time, and many tender things may be nipped. But some risk must always be accepted In gar- continue growing without a check. This advertisement is not published or ditplayej by (he Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. it Old Sea Shanlv f .mm m from dummy. If West had it, the heart finesse was still available OIL BURNER SPEC otove .-.eiviie and c U Kollsoll. Hrji l 3 TKNUKRS as a last resource. Mark ill. 10 shot, tlelacnaoie magazine, repeater, adapted to snorter. 2(5" barrel. "V" tvpe buck sighl; ideal for fast KhcolliiK al moving game, caieiullv checked and guaranteed, $24.15. 48 rounds ammunition with order $2.9j additional. Send $5 with order balance COD. HUNTEHS SUPPLY COMPANY HO. Sparks Street, Ottawa. (FS-H) ACI'Ol'STAVTS For every hour spn,-,j in a vege table garden, the product of wel planned work will pay high wages. Careful experiments hav3 proved that to grow vegetables rcpiiircs less time than it takes to shop for them In the market. TENDERS will lieruo nnderit'iied until r Business and Professional HEAVY NOTES EDMONTON Too much lime is wasted by students 1,1 taking notes during lectures, says Pol. George M. Dunlop, I'rdfcs-or of Psychology at th" University ol Alberta. He suy.j that unless the notes are reviewed within 24 hours students forget half the lecture. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. Income Tax speciiilist. 8. O. Kurk btone Building. Red 593. i.20m WORK WANTED i951 OFFERING OF HI-POWERED klKLES From $20 95 ui). Genuine .303 Hrillsh Kn-lield Repeaters. Other makes available soon. Excellent values. Send for iree folders, illustrated, with prices und detailed specifications. No obligation Dealers enuuines in--viled TARGET SALhrf COMPANY 1;4 MacLaren Street, Ottawa. (FS-lii FOR SALE - In Prlnr-e Rupert -Ladies' and children's wear business. Long term lease. &3U0 square feet of floor space available. Excellent opportunities for increasinu present turnover. $10.00000 will handle. Other business interests force this sale. Anplv Box VI, Princ e Kiiik-i l. B.C. 4ATION.M.I.Y KNOWN NAMES LitiK-belt Sneedcr Snovels: Cranfs: Draglines: Adams Road Graders: Littleford Ilros. Black Ton Road Maintenance Euuioinent: Owen Clamshell Bucitets and Rock Grapples; P. L. Krnitti Concrete Mixers; Jlai'k Forkhft Trucks: Nelson Bucket '.oadurs for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Ru e Portable Ceritrif tual I'umos: National DraKlnie ficraiiers and Buckets; National" All Steel Gasoline ilnists: National Portable Sawmills: National Spring begins when the sun starts north again. Days grow Winner, and indo-r plants grjw more vigorously. In a few weeks hardy plants will awaken from their winter's sleep. It is later than you think to plan your garden. ruarv 12 l!)al. on its' of the old Kiiik W. building duruis uic Julv and Aim ait, ! lo be lelt clean a"1-the surrniiiulins It 1 ne lowest oi anv I not neces-sarilv bra i:OAK!l OF TKUST'KKS. School Uisi"' Prince Rup-rt " salesman specialty sai.esm' ptirlunilv lor a perienced travcliiw to represent u.'if and specultv aitvii-pany. A'.e uieierrn. lliKh coitiuii-sioiis .':ir and cood Send all Inloiii'-t11" 22. Dadv News. SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Geo. Cook's Jeweller. Ph. 212 MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUILDINO WORK WANTED Schoolgirl requires part-time ib lmmedi-atelv. Daily News. Box 24. I2jp FOR RENT FOR RENT Suite of offices, modern in every respect, For Information apply O. P. Tinker & Co. Ltd., Besuer Block Phone 57- UI) FOR RENT Furnished double I, ' 4 2 PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Coll 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE I.IMITKD . P.ullUers & Contractors H. G. HELGERSON LTD. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Phone 9(1 Evenings Black 899 room, in. mone Ken 8G0. If seeds are sown in a thin layer of sphagnum moss, placed on top of the soil in a seed box, the "damping-off" di;:ease will ra:-elv develop. The nw is sterile, containing no plant food "I'd no riiseise- It Is be'-eved t have an anti-blotic effect or. moulds and bacteria. If you have a sandy soil do not add clay to It, but put In all the humus you can. Humus will do for the soil everything that clay will, without reducing the porosity of the soil, which is a precious o.uality. BOY'S W'ANW A irood oBPOrlJif' . vounir lads .wiln deliverini! fan routes. Phone J at the Oallv Nf" and leave your and Phone nuniw- Kolarv Screens and Convrvors Full inlormatkm from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. BC HI I FOR SALE New chesterfield ueds: oeds coiuolele. un laint-ed chest of urawers; sewing machine: kitchen stoves: heaters; hardware; collee tables, end tables; bedroom suites; COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instruments PIANOS TUNED n RECONDITIONED 210 4th St. Ph. Black 389 A. P. GARDNER & CO CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS A. L. BELL. C.A. Resident Partner 324 Second Avenue Box 203 Phone 88 WAMKl) ROOM FOR RENT- For working I girl. Applv Daily News Box 20. (2(ip) ROOM FOR RENT. 800 Fraser I St. Phone Black 015. I23pi FOR RENT One sleeping room, j in. Phone Blue 433. (24c) ; REAL ESTATE LARGE house Four bedrooms I upstairs, four rooms down-i stairs. Fully furnished in ex- cedent taste. Ideal for room-1 inn house or large family. Rea-; sonablv priced. Terms available. For further particulars i and Information upiilv G. P. i Tinker Si Company Limited, i phone fillH. (tl) BURNETTS LONDON DRY GIN Because Burnett's is an EXTRA DRY (unswect-ent'd) Gin, you can add or leave out sweetness, when mixing drinks, ami suit every taste. brand new carpets. Axminsler, sizes 2' x 4'V; scores of other useful furniture at lowest prices. .See 1J. C. furniture. Black 324. 0 ?OR SALE 10 in. bv 6 ft. metal lathe complete, '29 Plymouth undercarriage, C tires and tubes, car motor complete, WILL EXCHANGE new home Hi yin nished, for 11,' Rupert. Box 27. SAl.L APAHTM ENT furnished retiium Willi no f.iimiV. I' 920 between 5 aim 1 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture in al its branches 204 4th SI reel. Phone 055 Itching Scalp-Loose Dandruff Try This Home Treatment For Quick Ease and Conil'orl Here is a cleiin powiu-fur pfnetnit-iiii nil Unit lirhiKH KiH-iHy t'l iill" li-om Llio ilcliinf; titrltirc and UL-iCoinfiirt. Don't (llg with llni;i-nialls, tltut only wrveB to Mpreuil thv irnuble Just ump etiital jiiiru of Moiine'K Em-eraltl Oil unci nlivt! nil. Apply (tiolly with the 1 im?erl.ipfl iHitio it Uuy iilwl shamioo evi-ry lounli Uuy. Vnti'l ftti:t thin treatment not only nooUies tlin RORIE & LAIRD ACCOUNTANTS fi AUDITORS Hesner Block Phone 3!l7 P.O. Hux 130 batterv charger as new, car radiator healer, table saw. wood lilt tie. camera with flash. WANTED TOP lie a wist host serve Burnett's. FOR SALE - Partly furnished 7-room house on three loin with fine view overlooking the harbor. Good condition, with concrete basement and hot-air lurnace. Also revenue from cabin in rear. Apply 1108 Ambrose Ave. (24p) FOR SALE 4 roonwartime Silent Glow heater, flexible shaft guitar, other Hems. After 5 pin. or Saturday. 1417 , Piggolt Place. (24p) FOR SALE Immediate delivery, Qualify machine tools, lathes, planers, drill presses, etc. Also guaranteed general machinery. . Box 23. Daily News. (23p) FOR SALE 1047 Chev sedan. Good tires, body and motor. Cheat) for cash. Phone HI m QUALITY REPAIRS For Dowtiirodden Heels and Worn- Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave PRICES I'AUJ steel, brass coin Honest grading, ment made. j t Metals I.KI..2M I' couver. B. C. 0357. WANTED TO RKNT' room accoinniiK ;"" ,. ilv of three adoll- of cilv. Write " News. WANTEDWorkine ? t. ...I. in r' ELECTROLUX Sales and Service R.W.COLLINS Phone Blue 970 nox 1G20 For genuine parts and service phone or write above nouse lunv furnished. App itching unu torture but helw promote more rupld tieullni! -loosw lloutlue, ditndrul'f becomes a tiling of the past. Brain clears up una hiild begins to thicken. Vou can obtain Emcruld Oil in the original bottle wherever clru&i are soUl- (11) WALLACE PHARMACY New Cosh in on Furs! Some Prices Higher Get Your Furs in Quick! Tremendous continued demand makes possible Higher Prices for the urgently wanted Furs .... The Prices "SIIUBERT" now offers, we believe are HIGHER than are available anywhere. For nromot shipments will nay AS HIC.H AS 80c for No. 1 SQUIRREL: MUSKRAT and WEASEL $4.00: MINK (Wild Dark Interior) .tGOOO; BEAVER and OTTER $45.00: MARTEN (Interior Dark Heavy) $85.00; FISHER $100.00. Top prices guaranteed for ALL British Columbia Furs. It. will pay you to get all your Furs lit OUICK. whl'e these tremendously HIGH prices are avad-i.blc. Don't be content with any-old-price offered locuT'y Ship to "SIIUBERT" VANCOUVER (No export permits required) and see how MUCH MORE you can get. Hurry"! Oct a shipment away TODAY! Dept. 194. A. B. SIIUBERT CO.. Winnipeg. Ship lo VANCOUVER, h 970. (Ui I FDR SAT tf10.4l Vniumnrri l.ia- 'M'!"5 j I mileage. 1430 lilh, 'eve- i-iemiu Ave. Detween o and 0 p.m. (27;-i I PERSONAL IF YOU are contemplating get- ting a furnace we suggest now I is the time as steel stipplv I verv short and prices ex-; peeled to rise sharplv. Thorn I Sheet Metal. Black 884. (tfl noti.irwoi n . room in private H111" i minis (23p) D.ulv News. HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS rrtJT--F SCOTT McLAREN CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT James Block 008 3rd Ave. W. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 347 P.O. Box 374 WAN I'CD IU ,i, house by vouni! 410. davtinie FOR SALE-15-fool V-botfomed skiff and 5'ii-h n. Evinrude outboard. Phone Black CU.r. (23.p) FOR SALE Firewood and kindling. Kaien Transfer. Red i)B2. WANTED - 2 or Sf TASTY, freshly baked pies with biscuits and buns are now being sold at I he Hlinei t Rnkm-., I 1,1 FRAMES! FRAMES! Como in and choose one for that Christmas Photo. We carry a large line of I'p-To-nate Mouldings apt. Phone kcu Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS T..ITIJ Next time buy BURNETT' I Phone 643 for orders ti ll DKitS & I o- uupi PLUMBING and H E' Hneet, menu "; (M2) CASH for scrap cast bra.Hs, copper batteries and - radiators. Phone 543 call 029 Cth W., City. (tf( FOR RALE Electric rangette, I eood condition, 1424 Piguott i Place. - (2p) Agent VANCOUVER DAILY PROVINCE Phone Black 787 311 Second Ave. W. PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P.O. Box 1670 WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing 320 Third Ave. W. J This advertisement In not published or displayed by the Liquor Control and Sons. . JODERNPiiinlineaJ "I . ing foence Phone Black 215. ?, noon hour P.O. f ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD for working man. Phone Black 000. (ID NORTHLAND Dairy milk delivered 24e per nuart. Why pay more? Phone 18 for daily deliver" service. (M-29) uoiirti or by the Government ol nrlilKh Columbia. MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINO Phone Blue 818. P.O. Box 520 330 Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B C. Train Schedule For Hie East-Mondays. Wednesday and Fridays. 8 p.m. From Hie East Tuesday's Thursdays and Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. Use "99"AEEu?YiDY ISILSH OOHS " I -n